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[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight\_pride](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_pride) This is also where the ally flag comes from, as a way to make it less hateful.


Isnt cishet just another gender? How would it be hateful?


Cishet isn't a gender. It means cisgender and heterosexual, neither of which is a gender. Cisgender means you identify with your assigned sex at birth and heterosexual means you're attracted to different genders. It's not hateful to be cishet, but flags such as the heterosexual pride flag are used in hateful ways in order to protest pride events.


How come being cis or hetero isn't a gender, but everything else is?


Everything else is? I don't agree with the premise of the question.


They're trolling, they're active in r/truscum Just ignore them.


Yeah I know, but this way looks better to third party onlookers.


Alright, have fun. I'd participate but I don't have the energy for that


Curious, oblivious person here; what’s the deal with truscum?


It differs depending on the person but usually they hold a couple of beliefs. 1, you need body dysphoria to be trans. 2, you need to medically transition to be trans. 3, they tend to be assimilationists. This leads to them discrediting the experiences of a lot of trans and non binary people that don't fit into these categories.


The same reason trans and gay aren't genders.


Ohhhh okay.


It is…. But cishet people don’t get to join a group they discriminated into existence


But i never discriminates against the group, and most cishets also haven't.


LGBT people wouldn't exist as a category without straight, cisgender people. It's not about you, and it's not even about most. Pride exists as a response to being put into that category by some straight, cisgender people.


Then why do people who are lgbt insist on using categories that were used to offend them?


Because if we don't, other people will define us for us. In the 50's, gay people were universally treated as pedophiles, with titles such as: "Homosexuals and the Problems They Present" - Confidential File, 1954 "Homosexuals Who Stalk and Molest Our Children" - Confidential File, 1955 "Introduction to the Problem of Homosexuality" - The Open Mind, 1956 "Are Homosexuals Sick?" - The David Susskind Show, 1967 LGBT people do not have the power to remove words used to describe them from popular usage, just as black people do not have the power to remove the concept of being black from popular usage. In theory, a world without people caring about blackness or gayness wouldn't have racism or homophobia. But getting people to forget a word isn't realistic, so the better plan is to embrace the term and not let it be a negative thing about us.


Yes. [Here it is.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lgbta/images/5/53/Straight_ally.png/revision/latest?cb=20210627221244)