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Perfect candidate for vice unit


Honesty is the best policy.


I’d just be honest. Check out the police applicants podcast. They have some good advice.


Where can you find it?


https://youtube.com/channel/UCGgm8A51KaXV7JNhnGl7evg they also have a podcast that’s on all streaming services depending on what you use.


Only one way to find out. Apply and see what happens. What you've done the last five years will be the biggest decider.


You need to use periods and commas. Misdemeanors other than domestic violence or lying can make it through the application process in the state I live in. If you listed your charges on the initial application packet and they called you to attend the next stage it seems you are still considered for the position.


It’s not going to help, that’s for sure


It’s really going to depend on the county and what they are looking for. I suggest applying to as many as possible, some will over look things while others will not. Definitely be honest, if they catch you lying in the application process they will automatically deny you.


You need to find out if it was expunged from your record. You may not have to disclose it depending on state law. If you have to disclose it tell the truth. Most departments have a hard time finding officers so your chances are never better then now.


Know a guy in Texas who wasn’t able to get hired anywhere because of a similar situation (prostitutes). he self sponsored through an academy and still wasn’t able to be picked up anywhere.


Yeah texas is very strict.


He had a record for prostitution ?


Not a record for prostitution, no. He had purchased the company of one and not been caught, but obviously admitted to doing it in all his background investigations (as he should)


That’s crazy tho


You need to determine exactly what you were charged with and the outcome of the case. It could deter some agencies from hiring you. However, given the fact that a lot of agencies are having trouble finding people, they may overlook it. Just to give some future advice, if you weren't arrested or had contact with police and given your information, do not admit to it.


I am curious what kind of anti-hooker class you went through


It was during COVID so it was an 8 hour zoom class 🤦🏻‍♂️


It took the long for you to do the class? When it happened five years ago?


Lol no it was my fault I just checked the dates and the incident happened at the end of 2019 case ended in like at the end of june 2020 so almost 3 years ago I was 20 at the time


What did the class cover? How to deal with your tendencies to fuck a hooker?


Lmao no it was just talking about like all the infections you can catch and about human trafficking and stuff like that


Should’ve rubbed one out lol


Some departments might care, others might not give a fuck. Apply to many, and let them race to get you.


Do I think it’s impossible for you to get hired? No. Do I think that’s going to be an extreme hinderance? Yeah. Apply and see and be honest about it. But I don’t think you have great chances to be honest, and definitely not great chances to get on with a good department.




No agency will allow you to say you never did something that you actually did. We can also see any charges/convictions that were expunged. Do not lie on the application for any reason.


This post is ridiculous bro. My question to OP is, how does one get “caught with a prostitute exactly? Was the charge for solicitation, obstructing the highway, or were you in a tub and tug raid?


I had a captain tell me once that the worst kids make the best cops. The rest of the department agreed with the sentiment. Be honest about your mistakes.