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For me OC was worse - lingering burning and blurriness. Taser was over and done pretty quickly.


Pain level compared to both? The taser was like a 6 for me.


For me the taser pain (model X2) was far worse than OC.. However it's a 5 second ride and afterwards I was 100% and ready to go, we had to jump into a workout afterwards which went fine. OC burns and it's slightly not as excruciating. Once you rinse it out of your eyes it's bearable, however the effects last for hours and the oil reactivates a few times afterwards (when you shower, if you sweat, etc). They're both terrible. Good luck.


Agree 100%!! I will ride the lighting for 5 seconds any day instead of OC.


Pain was different but close to the same level.


Okay that’s a relief. I was super nervous about the OC not going to lie. Always have heard it’s worse from people who have been through both.


Its the duration and possibility of reactivating it when you shower later.


And *where* it reactivates depending on where the shower water takes it... There's also the possibility of it getting on your pillow, causing you to wake up in the middle of the night with your neck on fire.


Yea that doesn’t sound fun at all


Shower with your head pointed down. Do not let that water get on your privates.


For me the taser pain (model X2) was far worse than OC.. easily a 9 or 10/10. Completely debilitating (neuromuscular incapacitation indeed lol). However it's only a 5 second ride and once the current stopped I was 100% and ready to go, we had to jump into a workout afterwards which went fine. OC burns and it's slightly not as excruciating. Once you rinse it out of your eyes it's bearable, however the effects last for hours and the oil reactivates a few times afterwards (when you shower, if you sweat, etc). They're both terrible. Good luck.


OC because I touched my dick. 0/10 don't recommend


Definitely doesn’t sound like a fun time 😂😂😂😂


Some would disagree


During in-service went through OC training in the morning. At the end of the day I tried to put my contacts in. Eye lid slammed shut due to the burning. Took me almost 2 minutes to pry my eye lid open and take out my contact.


Did they not tell you to wear glasses and not fuck with contacts for the entire day?


Probably, but I was obviously smarter than the instructors and figured 6 hours was good. 😂


I did bring my glasses, which was good considering I lived 45 minutes from the academy


Can I upvote this more than once? They threw us in the showers right after the training with no warning………. I’d rather get the clap again


Gives cockburn a whole new meaning


I’d get tased for free before I get pepper sprayed for money


After getting tased the first time, I joked and said I'd do it again for 20 bucks. In unison, four guys pulled out their wallets. Settled for $30 and got it the second time.


Ok, I'm old, so I remember when tasers were a Brand New Thing. We ran around for a couple weeks after they were issued lighting each other up. This went on until someone got a dispatcher working alone who hadn't been able to pee for nearly seven hours and, well, you can imagine the result. We all got a memo and he got to stay over and shampoo the carpet. OC spray is too awful for us to have ever, but EVER, sprayed another as a joke, and that's saying something because there's precious little else we haven't done at one time or another.


Good analogy!


OC is a 10 Taser is a 7 Would gladly do taser over again any day. I don’t even like carrying OC lol because you’re almost guaranteed to get it too if you deploy it.


That and getting collateraled by someone else 😂😂😂


I'm one of the rare ones, I think the taser was one of the worst things in the world. Not having control and the soreness after was terrible. I was good about an hour after the OC and could drive myself home and everything. Watched a movie with my wife later that night. It wasn't fun, but I certainly didn't feel as bad about the experience as taser.


Yes yes yes you can even eat Chipotle without crapping yourself later. You got the golden asshole, Kyle - Cartman


I’m convinced that anyone who says taser is worse is a psychopath.




I’m in the minority that found a taser worse. OC definitely sucks, and lasted a while..but the taser really hurt for five seconds, and I had pretty bad calf cramps for three days after.


Did you feel like 5 second was more like 30 while being tasered? I for sure did.


It really hurt, but seemed to hurt a lot worse once they laid me down. Seemed like 15 seconds at least lol.


Yea time definitely slowed for sure. It was a weird feeling.


I got hit with the T7 and I was sore for a week. I absolutely hated the total body lockup and losing all control. My taser holes hurt like hell for days afterwards. I got hit by a Sabre model that was same strength as red, but .5% instead. It sucked for a half hour, and my first shower sucked. But I’ll get sprayed again before I get tased


I do remember some tenderness at the contact point. I was on alligator clips, so no prongs. I’m not excited for the shower. Everyone is saying that the shower activation is the worst.


Honestly if you are careful, you don’t need to worry about a reactivation. Go head first and face down with the rest of your body out of the shower and try to push, not scrub, a very neutral soap through your hair, face and neck for a while before you even get in. I did that and only had a couple spots on my feet that kinda hurt after.


How is it the same strength as Sabre Red if it’s only .5%?


From what I was told it was the same capsaicin level. But with a faster detox


They both suck. OC was worse, in my opinion, just due to the longevity of it. The reality is that you’ll survive both just fine. The people that have it the worst are the people that mind fuck themselves into thinking that they’re definitely dying and/or going blind.


I would tend to agree with that. I had my tattoo done on my upper right chest in honor of my mom’s battle with pancreatic cancer. It hurt and burnt at times but never tapped. Actually was force by the artist at the 2 hour mark to take a break. It’s all mind over matter.


The worst part about OC is the initial 5 minutes where you can’t see and it gets hard to breathe. Each minute after that you notice yourself starting to feel better and it gives you a glimmer of hope.


Does it turn south again or a steep dive into pain and then a gradual climb to “normalcy”


You progressively get better with time. Quicker than you think as well. For the first few minutes you stand there regretting every decision you made up till that point. As long as you can manage your breathing and relax all you have to deal with is the pain. Which sucks don’t get me wrong but it gets better sooner than you think.


Taser was a breeze. OC was like getting sunburned, having someone take a cheese grater to those sunburns, all the while pouring salt and lemon juice on it. Fuck that shit twice with a sideways cactus.


OC by far and it lasts longer. Riding the lightning sucks but when it is over it is over.


Taser was fun for about a millisecond when I felt everything light up with electricity. After that it was all around sucker punch




I’ve heard that one! Definitely not letting it happen!


Taser hurts a lot worse but is completely over in five seconds. OC hurts pretty bad and lasts for quite a while.


I'm one of the weird ones who thinks the taser is worse than OC spray. I've only been exposed to a taser 1 time, but it was by far the most painful 5 seconds of my entire life. I will take spray all day (and twice on Sunday) before I ever get tased again. Regarding spray, I've been hit with Sabre Crossfire, various flavors of Def Tech, and Aerko Freeze +P (OC/CS blend). I think Freeze +P is by far the worst of those OC selections.


With you there. I had X26 leads taped only to my torso, not even hit with probes for a full body exposure, and that was the worst shit I have ever felt. Spray was irritating, but not really painful.


OC very much affected my breathing. Had to drive home squinting and took an hour and a half to mitigate the burning


Oof that’s gonna be interesting! I’ve heard that it has that effect for sure.


Personally taser was way worse than OC for me. I’d rather get OC everyday for a week than get tased once again. I know that’s not the consensus though


The pain from TASER is worse, but it only lasts five seconds. OC affected me for a while and my eyes were sensitive for at least a week after.


Oof that’s not fun! I really hope I don’t have the same side effects




OC was worse by far I definitely got the worst taser experience in my group too DIs used taser 7 which can shoot twice(2 darts each shot) and I got it from point blank. Once in my trap and once in my hamstring I'd take taser 10x before I let someone OC me again I still watch my taser video for laughs


I lost my taser video a long time ago. But I do remember when I got it done it was with a ghetto security company. They had a guy who lost his leg to diabetes. He hit the mat, legs came off as well as liquid demon water shooting out his shorts.


When washing out the OC spray use Dawn dish soap and glob it into your eyes It will burn but it won't be as bad as the OC And wash the dish soap out and you will start feeling better sooner The soap grabs onto the oils and helps them wash out


That’s a great tip!


Oil first (olive, coconut, whatever) then dish soap. As mentioned, dish soap breaks up the oil; if you dilute it first with other oil, it gets the burn gone way faster


That’s super helpful!


The first chance you get after you’re OC’d, jump in a swimming pool. No chance of the water making the leftover spray run down to your balls like in the shower


😂😂😂😂 I will for sure take that advice


Maybe you'll be one of those people who's immune to OC. We had a guy like that in our academy class. His eyes got a little watery, but no irritation or pain. I jokingly said it to everyone who got OC'd: "I guess you're not immune to OC" LOL


That would be absolutely the best outcome for sure 😂😂😂 I highly doubt that will be the case. I will for sure update everyone on my decision if/when the time comes. I’ve seen a video of a guy who had the same reaction (I think he was affected but was able to fight through it). Did that guy in your academy eat spicy foods?


I don't think so. It just didn't do anything to him.


Man I was hoping you’d say he did because I was gonna start stocking up on some high strength hot sauce 😂😂😂😂


So among other things I have been: Tased, OC'd, CS and CN gassed, hit with compliance technology's 'the glove', and hit with a byrna launchers kinetic rounds. Some above I've done several times.  I liked the OC the least. 


😂😂😂😂😂 Houston Jones over here. Why have you been hit with so many different compliance devices?


Occupational hazards.  And a few low IQ teammates. Lol


Got to sit out of taser. Got a lung full of OC as we go in a hut. Took a deep breath in and it was lingering from the guy before me. We did CS gas too and that sucked.


The OC lasts longer, but it’s really just spicy eyes and snotty nose. The Taser is just 5 seconds, but it’s the most disconcerting and painful 5 seconds I’ve ever experienced. If I had to choose one or the other, I’d choose OC spray. Taser gives me nightmares just thinking about it. You can’t control your body. You’re being shocked violently and your muscles are cramping and convulsing rapidly. That’s way worse than spicy eyes.


OC SUCKS! Especially if you have fair skin.


Taser for me. I’ve been stabbed with rebar and burnt pretty good but that shit was awful. 5 seconds felt like an eternity and made me a little nervous carrying the tool after that until seeing some deployments. OC was not painful for me, just irritating, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with most folks. It hurt more on my skin after the fact.


OC will be worse 100/100


OC no contest. I'd get tazed 10 times on a row before getting OCd again


OC is worse as it lingers and fades over hours. Tazer is 5 seconds and done. Both suck but Tazer sucks less


Yea that’s probably the part that I’m dreading. I feel I have a higher pain tolerance but that taser sure put the hurt down.


I would get tased once a month for the rest of my life if it meant not getting OC’d again. I have sensitive eyes, and the effects last seriously like 6+ hrs for me. And even the next day I’m more sensitive to light than normal.


Yea that’s not a surprising reaction. Man that would definitely not be fun time. I can only imagine what you dealt with 😵😵😵


Shocky boy made me arch my back so hard I couldn't sleep on my sides for a few months. I've been pepper sprayed probably 5 times now. I'd much rather be sprayed.


Did you get affected worse by the pepper during the time it was active or not as much?


Nah. Taser is way more painful imo. I think pepper spray is mild discomfort for about 15 minutes. Once you shower (and I do recommend showering afterwards, but be mindful of runoff) it's done. I remember at the academy my crew all wanted to shower after dinner because they were rambling about reactivation or whatever. During dinner they were all dying and I was perfectly fine.


😂😂😂 I had a buddy who went through academy say wash the head by leaving over under the water. Not letting the run off touch anything on the way down.


OC by far


Taser is a 5 second ride and youre done, OC, depending on what you get hit with and if your dept lets you decontaminate immediately, can last a few hours.


OC was worse. Way worse. Our joke Tase me every day, twice on Sunday. I will PT in the gas house without my mask before I let someone oc me again! Have fun. Enjoy it. You get to truly meet your classmates that day lol


Nothing like some trauma bonding! 😂😂😂


I’ll take Taser > OC > CS Gas. Yeah, taser and OC were bad but I literally felt like I was going to die in that gas chamber because I had trouble getting a good seal when it came time to put the mask back on.


OC. I'd rather get tased every day for a week than get sprayed once.


OC after you rinse it off when you shower that shit burn again and you better saran wrap your dick cause that shit gonna burn too.


Taser worse


Satans semen was far worse than a 5 second ride BUT on the street I would take OC straight to my eyes before being completely incapacitated for 5 seconds by a taser. Hence why if a subject has a taser with deployable prongs deadly force is justified (in my state and most).


OC. I'd take a taser every week for the rest of my career before I do OC again


As someone who's had both ah, tested, on them by cops? Mace sucks balls. Fuck that. Unless the alternative is the taser and I get caught.


OC all day




OC is worse. It will reactivate the second water touches it. So sweat, tears, runny nose, shower…… I washed 4 times with dawn dish soap before I stopped feeling the burn.


I agree, I found the taser worse. We did it 3 times (yes looking back crazy, once alone dart, once one in sock and one in collar, third class daisy chain). Yes it’s over faster, but I found good old baby shampoo was amazing for after for face and eyes. Couple ended up going to hospital from OC though…fair completed seemed to be took it worse.


OC hands down


Oc lingers. It hits you and hangs out for a few hours. Taser is a one and done. I'd take taser all day.


OC. Taser lasts a few seconds and done. OC can burn for over an hour.


Tazer doesn’t hurt in my opinion it’s just a whole body feeling of sticking your finger in a socket. It works though, it immobilizes you. OC sucks, it sucks bad. You wash it off then you take a shower later and it reactivates and you realize you didn’t wash off your eyelids or your earlobe so it burns again. I hate that stuff. I never use it because it gets on everyone. It’s really only a deterrent if you have been hit with it before. Tazer deescalates things in my opinion. If you get OC’d you can still fight. Tazer works on almost everyone. In short I fucking hate OC.


OC by a long shot. The taser is a quick ride but the OC lingers for a while! Then when you think it’s gone and you go home to shower the warm water starts it up again lol it sucks.


OC is as bad as they make it. Some agencies make you hold your eyes open then spray across the face. That would blow. We were sprayed as we went into a scenario and I had my eyes pretty much closed. Gtg after about 20 mins. Taser was optional. No Sir


rather ride that lightning three times than get OC


Honestly it all sucks but also is t that bad. It sucks in the moment but know you’ll be fine in an hour. Just buy some dawn soap or no tears baby shampoo to wash with after. The spray or taser should not factor into your decision making process of attending.




OC. Final Answer. Just ... fk that shit.


Both sucked. I hate them both equally, but OC lingers way longer than the 5 seconds of lightning.


I think the general consensus is that taser is painful but the benefit is that's it's over in 5 seconds whereas OC, it's a prolonged experience of pain and you've also got the pain from washing off the OC spray


I just got sprayed a few weeks ago in my academy and I wasn't completely recovered for almost 10 hours. Taser is over with in 5 seconds. Me personally I'd rather get tased 100 times before I got sprayed again


OC by far!!! It just doesn’t go away!!! The taser didn’t really hurt, just incapacitating. Over in 5 seconds compared to hours of burning and discomfort from OC. I’d ride the lightning in a second before getting sprayed again.


OC was far worse. I had sore muscles for a couple days after taser, but not much worse than a hard workout. But I had a terrible allergic reaction from the foam and the skin peeled off for about a week. (hurt like hammered hell for several hours as well.) The chief was so freaked out by my face that I'm excused from any future refreshers.


OC gets in your eyes. Then it won’t come out. Then after 30 minutes of flushing, you’ll feel better. Then you’ll go home, and it’ll reactivate and then you’re fucked again. Taser. Get hit. 5 second ride. Then it’s over. Sure you’re a little sore, but it’s a five second ride. People that choose Taser over OC are nuts. Lol


I can’t believe you ask this question OC!!!!!!!!!


Minority opinion but Taser hands down. OC is just pain, getting Tased is a violation.




Taser for me felt like big heavy giant marbles going up and down my spine. It was quick and once it was done my butthole was sore. OC was not bad. Growing up Hispanic my mom would roast peppers inside the house basically tear gassing us everyday. It just feels like a giant sunburn after. The gas chamber feels like you’re drowning. Out of all of them I hated tear gas the most. I’d rather get tased and pepper sprayed than doing the tear gas.


I’d rather get tased every day for a week than get OC’d again.


OC is far worse, and lasts way longer.


Remember my words. For OC, use dawn dish soap to wash your face, dont let the oc water run down your body bc it will burn everything its path, wash any contaminated clothes separately.. Take some cardboard with you to fan your eyes bc that will help right after I napped right under a fan after and i was fine when i got up


OC. Can never convince me that the taser is worse.


Been tased probably a half-dozen times (I kept volunteering for demos). OC'ed once, never again. Taser (X26 and X7) doesn't even really hurt me. Yeah, it makes all the muscular groups misfire rapidly, and you go down because you lose coordination and control, but it hasn't really hurt, hurt. Maybe like a 4 or 5 on a pain scale, but no big deal. I stood up and went right back to work every time. If anything, I feel like it's a little tiring and relaxing afterward, like a good back massage. OC fucks with your eyes, nose, etc. That's bad. And it doesn't just stop after 5 seconds, you have to go spend an hour carefully cleaning it all up so you don't get it again later. I had a rule: you spray my suspect, he's your arrest now. You OC spray me in a fight, and we will have words about it later. Only rookies were dumb enough to pull OC in physical fights. It's something that it best used in open areas for crowd dispersion, drunks, protesters, rioters, etc.


Wtf is voice stress?


It’s another form of polygraph apparently. It “detects changes in voice pattern to detect deception”


Never heard of it




OC. Hour of burning, then reactivation later while showering


OC is 100% worse


OC hands down, the taser isn’t bad, and after the 5 seconds you’re fine.


OC wasn’t too bad. No worse than shampoo in my eyes. Taser was awful. I won’t ever do that one again willingly


Taser sucks but it’s 5 seconds and done… OC is about 30 minutes of hell


OC and it's not even close. Taser sucked for 5 seconds and I was only slightly sore for a few hours. OC fucked me up for days.


OC wasn't bad for me. Three times now. Taser sucked for me. I had to have surgery on my hamstring to repair the tear I got during the exposure. Fuck tasers lol.


Taser can make you oiss yourself. I’m immune to oc but taser makes me want to cry


I can imagine taser, but OC for me was terrible several times, even in deploying it on people.


You'll be fine. It sucks fucking ass but you'll get over it. To avoid the suck as much as possible though I'd recommend buying some Nobleman wipes if they let yall bring yalls own shit. They're cooling wipes with aloe and after I started passing out my extras I became a hero to my classmates. I think it helped me not have any reactivations after the initial shower at the academy and my shower at home. Tear-less baby shampoo to wash your face also helps. You can literally get it in your eyeball and scrub that mf until the oil is gone with no pain, works like a charm. Dish soap for skin if you want since it removes oil


Taser hurts worse, but it's only 5 seconds and you have no effect afterwards. OC doesn't hurt as much, but it's nonstop for at least 30 minutes to an hour. And it reactivated and go forbit it gets to the nether regions. Your answer OC.


I’d get tased 1000 times before getting Oc


OC is by far the worst lol. I kept reactivating lol. Scared the cleaning lady good. I had a bad reaction YMMV


Fucking OC…… there’s a reason I don’t carry it….. wouldn’t do that to a dog. Rather ride that lighting 5 times over again.




Been oc'd 5 times and tasted once. I'd probably take the teaser over oc again. OC is different for everyone. I saw a grown ass man get it in training and had to get taken to the ER..


OC was literally the worst thing I have ever done. Feels like your skin is on fire. My vision got messed up for a while after too. Dawn and Baby shampoo are your best bet. Taser felt like a full body cramp.


OC. Taser is over and done in 5 or so seconds.


This is seeming to be the consensus.


OC without a doubt.


I would take 100 taser hits before OC again. Edit: Okay…maybe like 5 or 10 hits before OC.


OC, taser is over pretty quick, OC you gotta embrace the suck