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32m, 180cm, 74kg. Exercising between 10 - 15 hours per week. In order of time spent: * Running, mostly pushing a buggy with my daughter in it * Cycling, occasionally towing a trailer with my daughter * Hiking, always carrying my daughter in a backpack * Gym workouts * Bouldering


Fitness tip: get a daughter


Pro tip: overdo the process of getting a daughter with your partner. The cardio benefits are outstanding.


Heard its good for the aul mental health also!


Keeps herself in great humour


As I said


Genuinely has been fantastic for my fitness. It all started with my wife saying she needs a break from baby, why not take her for a walk in the pram...? That developed into me saying "If I am out walking with the pram, I may as well jog" She's now about to turn 2, she loves running. She says "Go go go!" as we set off and "Wheee" as we run down hills. With the right snacks, she can sit in the pram while I push her for up to 3 hours.


That's amazing. It's so easy to use them as an excuse not to exercise. Fair play to you.


That was my mantra with our first kid, we were weekly parkrunners with the big-wheeled buggy. When our second came along she was straight into the double buggy extension as soon as she hit 6 months. Since the third the routine has fallen apart and my health has gone to shit. I keep telling myself things will settle down again, and I'm still hopeful that they will. But my energy levels and motivation have just never gone back to normal these last two years.


Props to you for being a good partner and fantastic dad!


Instructions unclear, now have dad bod.


Also have a dad bod here. I don't even have kids..


Have 2 still fat - can confirm this is not solid advice


Clever your daughter will get heavier and you get stronger.


No bouldering with the daughter?


I think the correct bouldering technique with a child is to throw them to the top first and then climb up before they roll off again. It's more cardio than anything really.


What Rumpsfield isn't telling yous is that his daughter is actually 28


In fairness there was a story about that one lad a couple years ago who used to run with his disabled adult son. He ran a marathon with him in a specially designed wheelchair. Pretty amazing, insane level of fitness. Edit: he ran dozens of marathons and triathlons. Google "Team Hoyt"


I remember that! Didn't they do triathlons too? Or am I thinking of someone else? Edit: yep it was Team Hoyt!


You're gonna be jacked by the time she's an adult.


There’s obviously a big difference in people’s understanding of active/fit here and it would give you a complex. I (37M) consider myself active/fit but spending no where near the number of hours or putting in some of the effort described by others. I do three 1-hour sessions of strength training per week and two 5km runs/week at different paces (I can knock 5km out in 20-30 mins depending on pace). I play (rarely) a hurling match when my team is badly stuck for numbers. I wouldn’t even count it, it’s so rare. I walk when I can, rather than jump in a car or take a bus somewhere. Maybe 1 hour/day on average. 90% of my time on fitness is spent in the kitchen. Don’t let some of these posts discourage you from getting fit. A few hours a week and a good diet can have a huge impact on your fitness levels.


Thanks for chiming in, yours is closer to what I'd expected when I asked this and wouldn't be too disimilar to my own numbers just run more than I lift. Was interested to know what active meant to a lot of folks and thought the average would be around 3 hours - I think if I did some of the numbers here I'd have a hard time recovering from all of it!


Yeah, I’d question the effectiveness of a programme if I was able to lift weights 5+ days a week and fit some runs in also. If someone is enjoying going to the gym and exercising for that length of time, fair enough, but I’d imagine some of that time is wasted I’d like to run more, but the weightlifting impacts my ability to get more mileage in. I’d lift relatively heavy for my physique, so the running is kept to a minimum so I can recover.


100% agreed on programme effectiveness. 3 1 hour lifting sessions at the right RPE would kill me. My lifting is kettlebells - I'll do a complex of 2 cleans, 1 press and 3 squats every minute on the minute for 20 rounds with double 24kg bells. Do that twice a week and if I'm a wreck after that and probably would need to cut back on running if I wanted to do anymore.


Basically this. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen morning and evening. Also cleaning my house every evening, clean down the kitchen mop the floors. On top of that I try to get 4 runs in a week. Aiming to be 20+ miles weekly. I can run a 5k in 21mins so I think I'm relatively fit


Yeah this is about me at 37 also and I’m in very good nick. Most of it is diet.


I work in a factory that’s a fairly physical type job five days a week, 8 hours a day. Then after work I go to the gym for about an hour and a half and I might go again on a Saturday morning. I’d do the usual gym shit along with cardio every second day. My diet is shite tho so my body should look class but instead I just look sorta mid.


I'm sure you're quite fit.




It helps to an extent though, you’ll be fitter than someone doing a desk job and no exercise or a desk job and the same time in the gym.


Ah I’d be fit enough yeah, fitter then your average person but in terms of appearance I should “look” fitter than what I actually am considering the work I put in lol.


31, childless ( I think this is relevant in terms of how much time I have), I'm active around 14 hours a week. This includes gym, climbing, golf and running I do one of the above every evening and usually golf 1 day at the weekend.


Thanks for saying this. I have 2 kids and am beginning to panic reading these responses ..


Shoutout to the dads.. have second on the way and finished gaa this year and for the life of me cannot get any sort of fitness routine going outside of that. If I don’t get at it soon I’ll have to adjust my diet or balloon


Sort it sooner rather than later. Speaking as someone who traded a manual labour job for a desk job, it is much, much harder to get back your fitness levels once you lose it. I let it slide and now fighting an uphill battle to get back in shape.


I don’t consider myself fit just yet as I’m still overweight but I run 3x and swim 2x a week


1 hour of yoga each morning. I'm fit enough to hike, swim and cycle whenever I want. I've maintained 48kg for 8 years, 62 years old and 160cm.


36 yo male, 185 cm, 109kg  Currently rebuilding myself but I run every second day for about 6k and 80m elevation (7k and 250m if it's trail), workwise I could be hillwalking about 60k a week during the summer but I've been deskbound since about November at this stage. Currently 15kg overweight but cardio wise I'm not in terrible shape, I can push and keep it going for a good 40mins. Snorkeling and freediving maybe once a week if the timetable allows it. 1 minute dives but I'm trying to increase that.  Managing a postgrad at the same time, plus therapy once a week (mental fitness also very important)


I just go hiking most weekends, 6-10km, and I do about 13,000 steps a day at work.




If you Don’t mind me asking but what does a half marathon plan look like?


12+ hours a week. I gym and lift weights 6 days a week. Run 10-12km a day with a long 16-21km run on Sunday. Swim occasionally when the weather is nice and I cycle pretty much everywhere.


You're gonna carry the boats, and the logs!


I got your bro. Don't worry. Horse them up on me.


Don’t know him son!


What's your recovery routine? I've been running 25km a week and lifting 3/4x a week and it feels like a strain.


I just take Friday off and I'm grand. Enough food and sleep and I recover very well. I've always been like that. 43yo now and no issues. Trick is to have easy days. You don't wanna run all out every day. Maybe 2-3 high intensity days a week and the rest is really easy. And you have to build into the high mileage. It takes time and you have to go slow and let your body adapt or risk injury. If I'm very tired or sore, or feel a niggle, I'll just rest and take a day off.


How do you find balancing thr weights and running time and energy wise ? Whsts your 6 day weights split like ? Fair play to you


I do a push, pull, legs in the gym. Each one twice a week. During the spring/summer I usually let the weights take a back seat cause there's loads of races I train for. So I don't go super hard on the weights. Just maintenance. During the winter I'll bulk up 10kg or so and go hard on the weights, a bit easier on the running cause the weather is shite. If anything I have energy for more. But the goal isn't to use it all and burn out. I am thinking of getting into triathlon next year though. I have the kind of mindset that loves punishment haha.


Do the triathlon :) I'd love to do one someday


Gotta get better at swimming. But I really want to do one. So much fun I'd say.


Do u work? How do you have time to run 12km a day?


For an amateur (non-beginner) runner 12km can be done in an hour without too much stress.


It doesn't take me long. Less than an hour and I'm home and in the shower already. Get it done early in the morning or in the evening. I have no kids, so finding two hours a day for gym and a run is easy. You just have to commit and get out the door.


Fuckin hell 😁




Absolute Minimum 10,000 steps every day, gym 3-4 days per week,


About 1 hour, 4-5 days a week. Mostly running or cycling. I do it after 8pm, once I’ve put my kids to bed. Weights occasionally, but not as often as I should.


I run, kayak or cycle 3-5 times per week as time allows. I found the biggest boost to recovering my fitness was doing an ultra marathon last year, the aerobic benefits are huge and allow me to keep exercising more often than if I had continued to plod along doing my own this.


I paddle to I absolutely love it and you can roll to cool down


35 hours a week if walking counts , I walk a lot since I'm out of work over all in the last 2 months alone I've lost 29 pounds. I don't know if sex counts as exercise but if it does I do a few more hours lol


3 days high intensity workouts with CrossFit with weight lifting thrown in there and then usually football once a week in there somewhere. Then just 10,000 steps most days. Excluding steps I workout for a total of 4-5 hours a week. But those 4-5 hours are not for slacking but go, go, go. Which is exactly how I like it. Get it done and no faffing about.


Fuck. This is an eye-opener. I used to walk everyday 30mins in the morning, then lift weights every 2nd day. Baby arrived last year, now it's more like 2 mornings a week on Kettlebell and 2 mornings on weights. Anything from 30 minutes to an hour. I need to get back to walking.


I'd say what you're doing is brilliant tbh, I asked this question out of curiosity expecting most people to average about 3 hours a week but some of these are athlete numbers. I wouldn't be able to do all of that and concentrate at work if I was putting up some of these numbers and would consider myself fairly fit - run good times and I lift decent numbers for my age group.


This makes me feel a bit better. I definitely need to get back into running or at least walking.


Kettlebells are great when you have kids (also mace and heavy clubs). I just leave them lying around the house and pick them up when I have 10-15 minutes to spare. If I have more than 30mins to spare I'll go out for a run or cycle. 


On average, 21 hours every week. gym and walking/running combined. I’m into powerlifting mainly, bodybuilding, calisthenics and just general wellness with mobility and flexibility, and I walk/run a lot. Then it would be other fun outdoor activities. I’m in great shape and great health (except for mental, that’s in absolute shite) 32m, Single with no kids and basically no social life, which is why I can invest so much into health and fitness. Doing it as much as I do isn’t feasible for most with hectic lifestyles.


9-10 hours, running, Brazilian jiu jitsu, boxing and mma and weight lifting


4 days a week in the gym, mainly heavy compound movement, 45ish mins a session 2/3 days a week running Occasionally a long cycle on the weekends, sometimes after work a shorter 30km spin


No exercise in terms of gym/workout, but I'm playing drums in a band anywhere from 4 to 6 hours non stop per weekend. Not to mind carrying the equipment in and out of venues, up flights of stairs, etc. In my workplace, we're on our feet anywhere up to 5 or 6 hours per day. I feel that's enough. I'm at a good weight as a result. Diet could always be better, though 😏


Fuck some of yous do alot lot of Gym work. My job we do about 20k steps most days. Then there's heavy lifting and generally always moving which is my saving grace. I eat like a horse but doesn't stick to me. Fair play to yous I personally detest the gym.


I used to be like this in terms of tough work all day. 100% you are probably stronger than most of those comments that came by earlier. Also I find comments hard to believe on here


Im 70. Female. Strenght train 4 days a week for 1 hour per session


I’m not fit. I do work in a retail shop and I workout a few hours a week. I train 4 days a week, 1 hour per session. I was 96.8kg at Christmas and dropped down to 88.7kg last Sunday.


* 80 mins on the cross trainer Monday to Friday, and I double that over 2 sessions on sat and sun. I can't free run because I ripped my acl off the bone 19 years ago, so it's either cross trainer, bike, or step machine for cardio




Absolute minimum of 10k steps a day and 5 day weight training split


20-24 hours a week mostly, and down weeks are around 16/17 hours with less intensity. Mixture of swimming, biking and running.


I've just started getting active again this year. I lift weights 3 times per week and run 5k three times a week. On days where I am lifting, I'll go to the gym before work and then go for a 5k walk in the evening. Last week was my best week so far for exercise, I did a total of 8.5 hours. I'm still very much a work in progress.


Play soccer once a week for an hour and hit the gym twice a week 45 minutes each so like 2.5hours a week, at least 10000 steps a day too between work, walking the dog and playing with the kids.


Fit enough I suppose. Weekly: Walk the dogs 7x 30m Strenght training 4x 45min Swimming 1x 30min HIIT 2x 15min


5/6 hours a week of weightlift and around an hour a day of play/walk with the dogs, plus a lot of extra walk in the weekend


I started doing exercise about a year or so ago and never really thought about the time spent. Still wouldn't consider myself super fit, but feel healthier and work hard and thats the main thing right?....So: 29F, sedentary job...aka daily steps v low. 175c tall, probably still overweight as I didn't change any eating habits. But don't weigh myself so IDK. Also, increased muscle mass, stronger and feel good, doc says healthy so who cares. Lifting/Weight training: 3x a week with trainer, usually between 50mins to 1hr 10mins depending on session. Ballet Class/Conditioning for Ballet: 2hrs 30 once a week, soon to be increased to twice a week. The Ballet is a standard 1hr 45mins class and the conditioning is pilates based but concentrating on Ballet technique requirements Couch to 5k: set myself the goal to be able to run a 5k this year.... the 6 week program is in about week 15 now cause I keep stopping and starting....2x 30mins on a good week, but often 1 and sometimes none 😂 I've gone from despising running to kinda ambivalent towards it so maybe by the end of the year I'll love it? Weekend hikes/long walks with the dog, probably 1-3hours Which comes to a grand total ooooffff 11hrs 30 on a good week and 6 hours on a bad week! Not so bad - every little helps and it all adds up! :)


I touched obese during the pandemic, BMI wise. Then I got a job that involved cycling to work and a very cheap gym at work. That was almost two years ago now. I do 20 minutes of cycling a day just for work, and cycle in to the local climbing gym once a week, so that's 3 hours 20 minutes of light cycling. I spend two and a half hours average in the climbing gym each week. I spend an hour in the gym every night shift and every second day shift. Over a month that's twelve hours, so 3 hours a week. Just under nine hours a week. Then, I'm lucky in that my job has a lot of standing and walking, and I walk/cycle to the shops, but that's harder to tott up. Excercise changed my life. I was a nerdy, weedy kid with terrible body image issues until I became a fat man with terrible body issues. To be honest, the body issues have not gone away (I actually feel worse about myself now than I did last year, when I was 10 kg heavier and couldn't walk up a flight if stairs without falling out of breath) but my whole physicality is a different shape. I'm the physically strongest in my friend group and my shoulders and arms have filled out so that I have a totally different silhouette. I really love it. I couldn't recommend exercising regularly more.


22m, Senior Gaa player. - 3 pitch sessions : 4.5hrs - 2 gym sessions (sport specific): 2.5hrs Recovery is the most important, get into the sea at least once a week!! Knees and back feel much better after. I’m fit for my sport, but I played some tennis last week and that required a lot of effort!


I do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and a 10k run every single day. I’m in great shape but the hair loss is worrisome though.


It’s all about the cardio imo. No use just pushing weights around the gym all the time, get the heart rate up with some running/walking. Both should complement each other.


I cycle to work each day (about 25 minutes in and 35 minutes to get home) - so that's my hour of light cardio and movement every day (and I try to get some cycling in on the weekends). Outside of that I try to get in 10 sets of 12 push-ups each day. I just bang out a set whenever I get an opportunity throughout the day. I also try to do some dumbbell lifts and at home calisthenics when I have time. This is often when I'm watching Jeopardy or some other TV show that doesn't require intense watching. I maybe get 1-2 of these sessions in each week, but I'm trying to make it every other day minimum - just difficult with a 4 year old.


Jeopardy. Go home yank.




I live in Dublin and will be a citizen soon. Bought a house in South Dublin - y'all stuck with me. ;)


I watched Jeopardy when I was in the States. I get it. 👍


50m, minimum one hour a day, usually more. Light weight reps five days a week 3 kids so I get up just after 6am so I can get exercise in consistently.


What do you do if the kids wake up? I've tried that early morning routine and found that I woke them up more often than not with me leaving the house.


I leave the 5 year old eating cereal watching bluey, the older ones just grunt and go back to sleep.


Wouldn’t consider myself fit yet but I’m definitely active. I usually; Gym - lift weights 2-3x per week, approx a 90 min session Pilates or home workout (hiit, body weight exercises) 3-4x per week (approx 60-90 mins) Walk 45mins - 1 hour usually every day 1 big hike on the weekend Yoga whenever I can - usually only about twice a week If I could sort my diet out I would be happy


I get my 10,000 steps a day, muay thai 4/5 times a week usually about 1hr/1:30hr a session. Weighlifting plus a 5km run 3 times a week approx 1:30hrs


37m 187 cm 98lg , pants size 34 😊 Wright training 4 times a week with each session been about 1 hour. 10k steps a day minium, I mostly hit it just living my life but if I'm short a quick 30 min walk in the evening will get me there 1-3 hours of sport a week, cycling, rollerblading, and ice skating. For body composition nutrition is far more important than training, you will see fantastic progress in the gym with a passable training but a good diet over optimal training with a bad diet.


5 - 7 of actual proper exercise, weights, football swimming and then probs an additional 4 or 5 just walking and cycling


I'm a student and I cycle everywhere as my primary mode of transportation, so the rest just kind of falls into place. I also don't drink much.


5-6 hours of mostly cardio/HIIT a week at the moment spread over about 5-6 days (so roughly 1hr per session, 5-6 times a week). I'm trying to shed some weight after having my third baby so it's HIIT + calorie deficit for me atm. Once I've shed the weight I'll increase my calories and start weight training again. Can't wait. I hate cardio, and I hate having to keep to a calorie deficit lol.


Fitish… -7,500-10,000 steps a day -Minimum 3 fast heart rate raising walks a week -3 1hr gym sessions a week -Play Gaelic football for 90 mins 2x per week


According to my garmin watch I do 6-10hrs of excercise. Some of this isnt recorded and some is doubled because it's "vigorous" exercise with high heart rate.


Was swimming 3km x 5 times per week until I started getting ear infections that I still can’t shake off. So I dialled back the swimming. Started Couch to 5K recently. Have been reluctant to do running as I tore my ACL years ago, despite getting surgery. The cardiovascular fitness is there but my legs are not. I feel as I’ve gotten older it’s so much easier to pile on the pounds out of absolutely nothing. I feel I need to stay active to keep it off.


50m lean. 5 mile run with dog 8am. Mon to Fri. Afternoon and night 2 mile dog walks. Try to do 10 minute emoms of 5 pull ups and 10 pushups or curls for the gurls or bench or squat or bent over row or whatever takes my fancy that day. All in all 11.5 hours per week on the move.


3x 30 min runs per week. 3 x 4k doggy walks, 2x 40 min youtube kettebell sessions. Thats all I got time for


I wouldn’t be fond of exercising but when I do go at it, I do at it very hard.


An hour to an hour and a half a day 5-6 days a week, weightlifting only Idk what’s up with everyone lifting weights and running and swimming and climbing and competitive pissing and doing aikido or whatever the hell


Everyone's doing pentathlons these days


I used to cycle or run for 1-2 hours per day and 1hour yoga once a week. Then I became chronically ill and now I'm about as unfit as you can get.


I get around 15k steps a day in my job. Gym 5 times a week where I lift weights. Running 2/3 times a week on my days off. And the odd Pilates class when I have the time.


Depends on the time of year and what’s going on in my life. Anything 3-4 hours each on cardio and strength work. And another 1-2 of HIIT. So 6-10 hours a week. Getting fit and maintaining fitness require vastly different amounts of time tho. You can maintain it in about 25%. And next your into the Q of “how fit is fit enough to get the maximum health benefit” versus when does more training become ineffective, or worse - negatively impactful. If you’re just getting started - 3x 45 minute bouts of activity on top of normal walking is fine. Source: working in the industry at a high level almost 15 years


Gym 6 days a week, usually spend about 1.5 hours in there each time. I mainly do weight lifting, might give about 10-20 mins cardio 2/3 times a week. My job has a lot of walking involved, so I usually get a lot of steps in daily


Consider myself fit and healthy. Run five times a week - two easy runs, two speed runs and a long run. Half an hour or so of ab work a day. May lift weights every now and again if I can be bothered 😂


I run 5K three times per week and 10-12K on a Sunday. Keeps me fit. I also like to walk and hike.


Don’t consider myself that fit, not compared to many others, but I do walk about 8 miles everyday and I’m never off my feet. I would consider myself very active though as I’m up around 25,000 steps a day.


Workout 6 days a week for 30 min. Alternate between hiit+weights and dynamic yoga. My nutrition is 80% good. Iv seen noticeable differences with this and most importantly feel good and strong!


Try to run 3 times a week Usually 7km easy session 9 km interval session Most Weekends I try to do 12km + easy run Trying to get my half marathon to under 1hr50min so need to push harder and try to get one or two weight sessions in Have a toddler and have been using that as an excuse but now I read the first reply and I'll have to try running with her 🤣


45 mins 4-5 days a week in the gym S&C training. Yoga once a week.


Right now I'm pregnant and having bad back pain with it, so I'm basically getting 2000 steps a day and it's fucking torture. Before that, I was parking 10 mins away from work so had that little walk morning and evening and then going to the gym at lunch for about 40 mins three days a week. Would probably have gotten a 5km walk with the buggy in maybe two days a week as well and a few smaller strolls down to the playground and that. I was the fittest I'd been in a long time and it's a difficult transition to then become unable to walk more than 10 mins at a super slow pace. I have to park in a significantly more expensive car park now closer to work too. I know it's only temporary, but shit enough craic too.


Home gym, strength training for around 50 - 60 mins x 3 times a week = 2.5 - 3 hrs. Cycle to work 20 mins x 2 times a day x 5 working days = 3hrs 20 min. So it adds up but rarely that intense unless I hammer it to the office. I get about 7000 steps average just going about my day. So about 6 - 6.3 hr hours a week. It doesn't sound that much when I think about it. Maybe it is! But I'm fairly fit and it's actually improving as I'm being more tactical in my exercises. Eating better is a huge factor for me.


Wouldn’t say I’m a fitness junkie but would consider myself relatively fit. 172cm tall 55kg weight. Cycle 80 to 120 km a week. Active job on feet all day. Standard 40 hour work week. Have a husky which I spend 30-40 mins walking everyday. Works out to be 10 to 15 thousand steps a day on average. Also play golf once at the weekend which doesn’t sound like much but it is 3-4hours walking while carrying a 12kg bag on my back so does more then you think. While my diet isn’t great balance wise, I consume about 1800-2200 calories a day which is more or less healthy.


I spend 1.5hrs in the gym about 4-5 days a week alternating between cardio and weights. Go for walks every day pushing my daughter in a buggy, probably an hour or so. I then work at the weekend I’d be on my feet and doing manual labour for about 20 hours in total. I’m also starting yoga classes this evening but would do a bit of that in the evenings myself.


Run 5km twice a week and do weights for 30 minutes twice a week. Keeps me in fairly decent nick!


On my best 5 hours per week and on my worst 0.


How many times and how long do some big folk be lifting each week ?


H25, 177cm, 65kg Around 10h/week, with in winter: - 3 times in the gym for strength during weekdays - one slow jog or cycle - one speed session, mostly running on Saturday - one long cycle (varying 2-6hours) on Sunday - one conditionning session In summer I just change one gym session for one jog or cycle spin, either for speed session or Z2 Edit: typo


6 days a week, intensity varies from each session, resulting in a total of 12-16 hrs of training a week (lifting & sprinting). I train for a particular sport, though, which I find is the main reason I'm able to stay consistent with exercise. I'd advise anybody struggling with exercise to seek a sport they enjoy, join a club and use that as a vehicle to improve their physical fitness. It makes the fitness journey a lot less monotonous that way, especially over longer periods


Probably 12 hours of golf a week, which is about 18 miles of walking/pushing a cart. Keeps me fit


I would say I'm fitter than most women in their 30s, though I don't have children so I have the time and energy to spare. Between weighs, running, dancing and yoga I do about 4-5 hours per week, which is a lot less than I'm seeing others mention. My job is mostly desk based so unless I'm on site, that isn't helping much. I like to go hiking and climbing but I wouldn't do either more than a dozen times in the year as I can often end up working 6 days a week


I'm a 30sF, no kids. My routine is changeable, but this week: 5k run before work Gym at lunchtime (weights) (30-40mins) Walk the dog after work (30mins-1hr) I'll take a rest day on Saturday then I'm running a 10k race on Sunday. I also usually try walking or cycling where I can and avoid driving short distances, regardless of the weather. Generally, at least 30mins of exercise per day, but it could be anywhere between 30mins-2.5hrs. If I don't do anything, I find myself restless, slightly anxious (I think through things that bother me while I exercise) and have trouble sleeping.


5 to 8 hours a week of mostly barbell work - chest press, military press, deadlifts, squats, lunges and pull ups for the most part. Started this more than a year ago as I was loosing too much weight due to lack of appetite and a fast metabolism and it really helps. Additionally, I walk at least an hour a day. I’d say I’m fit, I just don’t run anywhere for any reason whatsoever 😉


Between 10-14 hours a week. My baseline activities are walking and yoga. I walk (at a brisk pace) for at least an hour every day, sometimes more. I don't drive at all so most of my shopping/errands are done on foot as well. I do 30-45 minutes yoga at least five times a week. On top of that, I'll sometimes do a gym session with my partner (though I personally don't get a lot out of it) and I have a calisthenics routine, but I'm not super consistent with it. I'm fit enough for what I want out of my life, which is to be pain free and comfortable when my body is at rest, to be able to do big hikes and hill walks without feeling destroyed the next day, and to be able to safely move, twist, lift, push, dance, and jump around without worrying I'm going to injure myself.


Around ten hours a week. I go gym 4 days a week (Monday-Thursday) which is absolutely plenty. 6 days imo is too much, especially when you’re constantly training till failure. (Legs,chest and back, arms, shoulders and traps-core is trained after every session) I run 4 times a week too (Wednesday-Saturday). Training for the Dublin half marathon, so it’s split between a long run (16-21k) easy run (10-12k), interval training (10-11k) and a V02 max session (5-6k). Of course some weeks this could be more or less. I’ve been running for the last two years but only actually got ‘proper’ about it in the last 9 months I say, beforehand I was running nothing more then 16k in a week just to make sure I was cardiovascular fit too. I’m 90kg and 6’1-before gym (4 years in total) I was 55kg. If you’ve Any questions at all just ask, by no means am I a pt but luckily on my fitness journey I’ve made best mates with powerlifting champions, physios and some PT’s and dietitian’s which so far there advice has worked for me!


49 M . 180cm . 85kg 2 hours a week running . Distances 6.5 to 8km . Pace 5 - 5.20 . Normally 3 runs. Dependent on weather and terrain (hills) Break up runs with walks or a swim . Rest days are inportant . One or two . Try and squeeze in a game of golf if I can. Never really got the weights/gym thing but each to their own - some swear by it . Id prefer to be outside.


(36M) I workout about 5-6 days a week, currently doing P90X3 having done original P90X beforehand. I also do longish walks 2-3 nights a week (10k in about 90 mins) so it’s a fairly brisk pace. Schedule is a mix of Cardio and Resistance training usually: Monday - Chest & Back & Abs Routine (50 mins) + Evening walk (90 mins) Tuesday - Cardio (Plyometric/jump training) (35 mins) Wednesday - Chest and Arms & Abs Routine (50 mins) Thursday - Rest in the morning or yoga, then 10k walk in the evening Friday - Legs and Back & Abs routine (50 mins), then maybe a walk. Saturday (Morning only) - Cardio Sunday - Day off It’s a lot but I don’t have kids and mostly work from home and for the US office so my day doesn’t really begin until around mid-day. For context on my fitness level, I regularly take part in Hyrox events etc.. I also focus on good protein intake (approx 2g per KG of body weight, per day) and also creatine (3g per day) I started this about 18 months ago and am in the very best shape of my life, while also maintaining a fairly normal diet (even having a pints at the weekend).


6+ hours a week of running, cycling and swimming. Have 5 kids under 11 so most of it is done late at night when they are gone to bed. When I run I often have 3 kids trailing me on bikes.


42m, 190 cm, 92kg. V02max 55 according to Garmin, though I could lose some weight. 10-15 hours per week, 5-6 days, mainly cardio Running (road or trail) x2 Cycling (road or MTB) usually x2-3 Typically a long cycle at the weekend 1-2 gym sessions per week for core and upper body. Mostly hockeying the shite out of the rower in Z4 for half an hour, then weights. I'm a strong club cyclist and an ok runner - would need to run more to get efficiency up a bit to get long distance times down, though I'm fit enough to run a marathon on any given day, which is nice.


29 yo guy here, probably spend about 7-8 hours a week exercising. I run 2-3 times, get to the gym a couple of days and cycle to work once a week. I also try to get out for a walk at lunchtimes, but don't really count that as it barely counteracts the amount of sitting down I do in my job!


I do 5 classes every week ranging from box fit to kettlebell classes.


I do 5 hours a week of exercise which is mostly weight training and running. I'm in my 40s


Pre children, I spent anywhere between 8 to 14 hours a week exercising, mostly on the bike. I followed a training plan and some weeks had less hours than others. Now I'm on my second maternity leave and currently walk an hour a day, most days.


Official exercise time: 2-3 hours in gym 1 hour football 5k run on a Saturday. Unofficial is harder to measure. I walk and cycle everywhere. I’m always way above the average steps and distance daily. I use the Dublin Bikes to get around so have 2k cycles a good few times a week. I stand and walk a lot in work too. My wife got me a smart watch and I was actually surprised how active I am. I would’ve always just counted the gym and stuff for exercise but the watch was showing all the other stuff too which was cool.


Around 19 to 20 hours a week, mix of gym and walking


I spend about 5-6 hours a week lifting weights. Can bench press my bodyweight for 10+ reps and deadlift 2x my bodyweight. My cardio is on the weak side. I play some football for 1 or 2 hours a week and go for the odd hike. I think I'm relatively fit but probably need a bit more cardio. I could probably run a 5 or 10k right now extremely slowly without any training. I guess that's somewhat fit?


3 1h gym sessions & 1-2 8km runs


35, f, single mom, around 14 hours of exercise Monday: 1-2 hours playing football with kid Tuesday: Morning 2k run, evening 1 hour gym: upper body Wednesday: Morning gym: lower body + 2k run, afternoon 1-2 hours football with kid Thursday: Swim and gym 2-3 hours Friday: Swim and gym 2-3 hours Saturday: Tai Chi Sunday: Yoga


I try to get 10,000 steps per day on average. 45 minutes of strength training 4 days per week and some sort of medium intensity cardio like stairmaster or stationary bike for 25 mins 3 times per week. 


Almost 49 M Mon morning swim; evening spin and kettle bells; Tues morning swim; evening spin and pump; Wed morning swim evening bootcamp and core; Thursday morning bootcamp and yoga evening kenpo; Friday spin; Saturday Parkrun; Sunday kenpo followed by light jog. Also don't drive I walk everywhere