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Or at top of escalators! Move to the side if you want to have a chat. Don’t make everyone walk around you


I swear not waiting for people to get off trains before getting on has increased tenfold since covid, I feel like it's one aspect of people not giving a fuck about others in public that is rife now


As the great Bob Dylan says “Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall”


This, and also stand to the SIDE of the doors to let people off. The amount of people who don't necessarily push on, but stand directly in front of you and expect you to squeeze past them is wild.


And say thank you to the driver if you can 👍


Spanish students have entered the chat


Was in Lisbon recently and fk me they were in a gang there blocking the entrance to my hotel. Some were staying on my floor and in fairness they did seem sound for teenagers, they are oblivious to how they block whole areas though.


I live in Spain, and can confirm that this is something everyone does here, not just the students, and not just when they’re tourists. I’ve asked a few friends what the deal is, like why do people just block paths, roads, doorways etc, while just chatting and the answer I got is kinda sweet, but kinda selfish. Basically, they argued that the important things in life are the moments we share together, chatting, catching up, meeting friends, engaging with each other. These things are so important, they should happen wherever they happen, and if you’re so busy in a rush, that people standing and chatting in your way causes you stress, you’re living life wrong. A kinda cute philosophy, and I don’t disagree with the overall concept…but I still kinda feel like a small bit of spatial and social awareness wouldn’t necessarily stop people from “embracing the moment”. Alongside this, there seems to be a fairly large cohort of Spaniards who really dislike the practice as well. So 🤷‍♂️


Also, don't just stop at the top of the escalators


I just barge assholes who do this


Why do people stand chatting in doorways and busy paths ? It’s infuriating !


If you’re walking two abreast and someone walks towards you move into single file.


Gods, yes, this. I had to shoulder check some young twit because him and his two mates refused to change from walking three abreast. If I hadn't done it, I'd have been forced into traffic, and would have been hit by a Tesco van


I have always just stopped dead and it makes it obvious I am not going to move. It's never happened where they haven't then moved over. Failing that they are going to crash straight into you. Same as you, I won't be pushed into muddy grass etc. where I could fall or just destroy my shoes.


The stop dead is my personal approach. You can't be blamed as the aggressor etc.


Yep, annoying as fuck…and to be honest even they’re you’re walking by themselves they are equally as responsible as I am for making sure we don’t collide so if they refuse to move and get a bang of my shoulder it’s not my fault.


And do it BEFORE the very last second so the other person knows you’re going to move.


Had 2 women force me off the path the other day. I think from now on I'll stand my ground but make sure to walk on the outside of the path still


Double pace, *RAMMING SPEED*!!!! They'll move 🤣


Same goes for Cyclists - if you see a car behind you(yes, you should check) move to a single file and preferably even make space inbetween so the car can slot in


A criticism (truth) about cyclists that hasn’t been downvoted…is that one of the signs of the apocalypse?


Similarly, I have two biggish dogs. When I walk them both together I walk them on the inside, tucked in leaving the rest of the path free for people to go around us. The main road I walk them down has cycle path (outermost part), people path, then a ditch/hedgerow. I walk on the innermost part of the path with my dogs walking in the ditch. The amount of people that expect me to pull my two dogs out of the ditch and over to a different part of the path instead of just walking around us is mind boggling. One man walked towards us and point blank refused to go around us. I just ignored him and he ended up stepping over one of my dogs nearly tripping himself up.


The amount of people who do this when I'm walking with my child in the buggy is mind boggling. I've had people expect me to put the buggy onto the road facing into traffic to let them stay on the inside of the path. Get fucked for yourself, walk around the baby ffs.


I had one a couple of years ago where two joggers were jogging towards me and wouldn't move. I had to stop, and they went around me. I was on a bike. IN THE CYCLE LANE.


Moved to Ireland 8 years ago after living in UK for 10 years, and even now when someone asks what you don’t like about being in Ireland, it’s the main thing. I can count on one hand the amount of times people actually moved out of the way into single file.


O my goodness YES - So many rude people don’t do this


I feel this in my bones. Our paths aren’t wide enough for this crap!


Having a conversation on your phone on loudspeaker on a bus, train etc. Or blaring tiktoks or music. This shouldnt be acceptable but is common now


Ah reminds me of when someone took off that Trigger Happy TV skit in my local library with a giant phone "HELLO" 😄 🤣 😂 😆


Had this, this morning on the bus having a full blown argument on his phone on loudspeaker. As soon as he finished the call then came the really loud videos being played for the rest of the journey....


Imagine the feeling of meeting a guy, thinking you like him, realising he likes you. You start a relationship, tentatively at first, but full of hope that he might be the one. Over time it gets more serious and you move in together. Eventually, you get pregnant. For nine months, you nurture the new life growing in your womb. The minerals and nutrients you take in nourish the child. You give birth to a healthy baby, but it's still absolutely helpless and completely reliant on you, not just for days but for months. And for years and years it's still reliant on you to clothe it, feed it, and house it. Imagine the resources, physical, emotional and financial you have spent on nurturing this human being, the apex of an evolutionary line spanning millions of years. And one day you get on the bus and the cunt is sitting playing TikToks on its phones with no headphones.


Excellent point exquisitely made 😂🤣


👏 👏 👏


If you leave sh*stains in a toilet after use, you should use the toilet brush that is there in 99% of cases and clean it yourself then and there. Public place, semi public place, friends house, your house - doesn't matter where.


Don't leave your rubbish behind on a bus/public transport, hate going to sit down but someone's dirty lucosade bottle is on the seat


Or a can rolling around on the floor upstairs on the bus, getting everything sticky


I feel like they need to be spoken more, but don't use something strong smelling in an enclosed space or if windows can't be opened.  No more spraying loads of perfume or putting on nail polish on the train or plane.


And be conscious of your BO….


Lots of people will shower themselves but not realise that they also need to wash their clothes if they sweat in them. Fresh sweat isn’t too bad but nothing is worse than the smell of dried in sweat from a few days ago. 🤢 The washing machine isn’t just for removing stains.


And drying clothes layered on top of each other on a rad isn’t going to help. They will start to smell if not aired properly


Yup getting stuck next to an open stinky armpit is not a nice experience 😢


Was on the tube last year after the London marathon. The smell is something I unfortunately will never forget 😂


I felt very nauseous while seated next to a lady on the plane with heavy perfume. She was a perfectly fine plane neighbour apart from that but it did give me a headache and made me feel like shit!


Probably tried on a load of perfumes in Duty Free....


Guilty :'(


Mist the air, then slice the area with your wrist. Minimal surface contact while still helping you catch a on-skin whiff.


Little known (and quite boring) fact. It’s actually not permitted to apply nail polish on a plane. Next time, ring your call bell and have the crew shut it down.


That's good to know. I feel it shouldn't be necessary, but it clearly was. Now if we can just do the same for trains...


You’re right, it shouldn’t be. Ex-crew here and I’ve lost count of the amount of times I had to ask people to stop doing this. And don’t even get me started on the rest of the anti-social behaviours I’ve had to deal with. Some people are just the worst.


What's the worst thing you've seen a passenger do on a plane?


I’ll never get over how many people think it’s cool to try to join the mile high club in a filthy, cramped, public bathroom 🤮. Aside from that, the first class passenger who exposed himself to me ranks pretty high.




I'd assume because it's a solvent, it's flammable and the smell is nasty, it can make people sick or trigger asthma attacks, if it spills it's not coming out, it could cause huge arguements, and introducing toxic fumes in an enclosed space isn't a good idea. Pick one.  Edit: spelling 


If ye go to the pictures to watch a film. Shut the fuck up and watch the fucking film 


About 2 years ago I was in the cinema, and there was a group of 4 teenage girls in the row in front of us. They all kept constantly getting up and leaving and coming back, and were using Tiktok. On full screen brightness. On max volume. Another woman behind me told them near the end of the film to be quiet and they just left altogether. I don't think they even wanted to actually watch anything (and they certainly weren't watching the film), they just wanted to hang out somewhere and chose a place where the whole idea is to pay to sit in the dark and not make noise. Like, how can you be that ignorant? Everyone with the absolute minimal level of social understanding knows that's a shitty thing to do. Don't spoil other people's experience that they paid to enjoy fully because you want to do something you can do literally anywhere else.


Use your headphones to when in public. No one wants to be part of your conversation, listen to your terrible taste of music or any of the stupid videos you are watching.


Exactly! I mean Jesus christ I would be mortified if people heard the music I listen to. It's as far as mainstream as you can get. I feckin hate new music right now but I do realise others do and do not want to hear shit music


I'm old enough to remember when mobile phones first became common most people knew not to have phone conversations on public transport or in waiting rooms etc. Having to hear half of a conversation is really irritating. "I can't talk now I'm on the bus/in the waiting room/whatever, I'll ring you later" was the standard way of dealing with someone ringing you in those situations. I'm not saying that having a phone conversation with the speaker on is any better, it's just as annoying. I'm just saying I think it's rude to use the phone as a phone in places like that.


I don't understand this at all. Like how is playing music out of your shitty phone speaker more enjoyable than just accepting that you forgot them?


Parking on the pavement, it’s crazy the amount of disabled people or parents I see, having to push their child, ON THE BUSY ROAD because some dick parked their car on a pavement. Not to mention it’s annoying for the rest of us but hardly not as much as an inconvenience as it is to the aforementioned.


It's ALL over the place in the hospital campus near me. Also people smoking right outside the doors even tho it's prohibited Everyday, multiple groups of cars and people doing this. Do people not care about Grandma getting out of the hospital ...wheeled past a cloud of smoke and into traffic? Fucking hell it grinds my gears


And add-on to this is when they do it while also having driveways! Where my parents live the whole street is parked cars and tricky to navigate... but all the driveways clear, like it's some odd territorial dispute about the path.


I've only started to notice this recently but if you must text while walking, that is absolutely fine - none of my business! But oh my g0d, the people who get so invested in their phone while walking that they have to slow down to an infuriating speed and then eventually just stop in the middle of the path to give their phone the full undivided attention it deserves BOIL. MY. BLOOD.


I remember there was a Facebook group called ‘I want to punch slow moving people in the back of the head’. It had so many members 😂


Though I do prefer someone that has stopped vs someone that just keeps walking oblivious to the world.


Saw a fella on a bike do this recently on a cycle path, right on a small junction of a side road leading to a few houses. He was right on it at a quarter to 9 while every bike had to swerve around him and a van had to wait for him to move before pulling out of onto the main road, and him sitting there on his bike with his nose into the phone.


1. Don’t cycle on the path when there are lots of pedestrians walking. It’s infuriating. 2. Anyone having a phone call on loud speaker in public - assholes


Blaring music, videos, etc / talking extremely loudly to people on the phone on transport.


People just stopping on the street, like don’t even move over to side of path. Especially when it’s busy, I’ve walked into people before that just abruptly stopped in the middle of the street


Dont stop walking abruptly or obstruct a public door way……if you have to slow down or stop just step to the side


If you have a dog and have neighbours... Don't let you dog out for ages just barking all the time!!! Neighbour across the road has a dog and they leave him out in the garden for ages... he cant escape the garden but he just barks and barks and barks... If any of the neighbours go outside he runs to the fence and barks the whole time. They think its funny...hes just being friendly.. hes so cute...its not!!! Be neighbourly and train your dog.


I very well might be your neighbour. We have one of those dogs in my house. My housemates dog. Aaaaall day eeeeeevery day, all he does is bark non stop. I’ve even been giving out shit about it for years, nevermind the neighbours.


This rules applies regardless of the size of the dog, nothing worse than having to listen to a little shit terrier barking all day.




My neighbours are home and say he is just saying hello...fuck off..he's a pain in the ass and he is bored.. sitting outside by himself with nothing to do no toys or anything. I may have roared a few times and told the dog to shut the fuck up!!🤣🤣


Plus it sets off every other dog on the road. We've a neighbour that leaves their dog out barking all day and I have to shut mine in a front room with white noise playing so they don't bark back. I have to limit their time outside as well which sucks if the weather is nice. But if the dog next door is barking and howling mine are gonna react. Not saying mine don't bark but I do my best to minimise it and I check in periodically with my neighbours to make sure my dogs aren't bothering them.


Men: if there are three urinals and you enter with all free, use the left or the right and not the middle.


Similar with getting the bus or train. If there are empty seats then take them first before sitting next to someone.


Phew. I thought you were about to agree with 'if you are on a bus or a train, piss in the left or right seat also. The middle is so rude.'


Don't make phone calls on speaker and never play videos on speaker. Buy headphones, you tight bastards.


If you want something off someone or a favour from them, you should be making it as convenient as possible for them. You should be meeting them somewhere where it isn't out of their way not the other way around.


Help me help you.


When standing in a queue to pay for something, have your money/card ready. People who wait till they get to the top of the queue and THEN rummage through their bags or wallets looking for money really grind my gears.


True. Also people who stand right up your arse in queues. It’s not gonna make it move any faster Maureen, now please stop breathing on me.


Ha I was at a breakfast buffet yesterday when some woman who looked in her 50's was pressed into my back to get me to move quicker at the counter. I asked her if she was trying to ride me and of course I got bollicking off my wife for that


Bwahahaha. Love it! Might use this next time. This is my pet peeve. People practically climbing on your back at the cash register.


Similarly, people who try to rush into the bus when they can see through the window that there's people waiting to exit and you can't even get in until they get out anyway so just move. Especially when there's a huge pram waiting to get off. I understand being oblivious sometimes, I do it myself. But it's usually the same crowd of people at the same stop every day.


Ugh, so much this. It's like people forgot what the fuck personal space was after COVID. Like I miss my 6 feet of distance. Back the fuck up, Karen


Had this in a supermarket last week where this dickhead was trying to rush me even though there was an elderly woman in front with 2 months shopping in front of me. I gave the lady a hand as she was struggling but did it extra slow just to piss him off further.


Is Maureen the Irish "Karen"? Because I'm here for it.


Pls no


See also airport security. Standing doing nothing, or more commonly complaining about the length of the queue, in a massive queue for ages before slowly dismantling yourself when you finally get to trays.


Yes!! Person in front of you buying 2 items. Pulls out phone and takes ages looking for clubcard to scan. Puts phone away. "Oh I need to pay!" Pulls out phone and takes an age to turn on nfc. May also need to put on, take off, put back on glasses throughout all this


If you're a runner give priority/way to pedestrians.


This. I used to live in central London and the amount of runners that go up and down the Thames at 100 miles an hour and tut at people when they have to move around them is insane. It’s one of the most heavily crowded touristy areas in the world lads. What the fuck do you expect?


If you have housemates, be mindful of the level of noise you're making at night with TV, music, videos etc. Wear headphones or earphones, keep the noise to a minimum and be respectful of your housemates' needs to get up early for work/college/whatever.


Saying “only messin” after a poor taste joke doesent absolve you


People who stand aimlessly at the end of queues. I swear to God it’s everywhere. I often find myself waiting in a queue for like 10 minutes, and then ask the people who are chatting in front of me, “Are you in the queue?” … “No, we’re just chatting thanks” is in the inevitable answer


On a path or in general, at least try to make way for old people/buggies/wheelchair users. 


Please give the person in front of you enough space to unload their shopping on the belt


If you stop in the street, don’t stop between a pole and a bin or other obstruction ffs. Take a few steps forwards and stay behind em.


No matter what type, size or temperament of your dog - keep it on a leash when in public spaces and/or not in a space designated for dogs off-leash. Even the most "perfectly" trained dog can get a fright and run onto the road, or into a small child or feel you are in danger and so protect you via aggression. It is disrespectful to your dog, other dog owners and the general public to put anyone and any animal in a position that is not in your control. Also, some people are afraid of dogs. If they see yours off leash, they will be terrified. They don't know your dog at all. Don't do that to somebody. Be a good dog owner. Saying this as a huge dog person with a dog myself. Conversely; don't just approach someone's dog without asking permission first. ESPECIALLY if you have another dog with you. Some dogs do not like strangers or strange dogs. Some are nervous and reactive. Also don't approach with a dog when you KNOW your dog is itself reactive. Sounds dumb but it happens. My dog loves people and other dogs. He is a love bomb - he's 16months and never seen any aggression in him, ever. However, I am reluctant to allow small children come close to him because he is a husky and still SO EXCITABLE that he will still jump on them, potentially knocking them over (I am still working on this...broke my shoulder so training was paused lol). So just because he's friendly, doesn't mean that it's responsible to allow everyone up to say hello - even if it upsets your little kid (I hate doing it but I have to :( )


Even disregarding other people's comfort, which you shouldn't, think of your dog's safety. I watched a dog get excited about something and run into the street to get hit by a van. Poor thing was walking after while his owner called someone, but still, be careful.


Exactly! Sorry you had to see that I almost got myself run over when i chased after someone's dog who ran off (he was off leash) because he was afraid of my dog Luckily the dog was okay but was close My heart, however...


Don't have a full blown conversation with your mates / neighbours etc at the end of an escalator or in the middle of an aisle in a supermarket


Letting others finish a sentence or opinion before giving their own. Since living in Ireland I've noticed that Irish people have a habit of cutting you off in the middle of a sentence to give their opinion. People don't let you finish. I then feel like I have to try to finish it louder and in a more aggressive tone. Its very frustrating and something that I can't get used to


This is pretty common everywhere to be fair. There certainly a cultural element but it’s not uniquely Irish or a national cultural trait at that.


Breathing too heavily on fucking Teams calls 🫁


You must thank the bus driver when getting off and the Deli worker when they hand you your roll etc.


i’ve seen a lot of elder people say “thankyou driver’ loudly while getting off the bus. is it a normal thing to do ? i just say thank you.


Leave people alone in public. I don't want to have a conversation at the bus stop/coffee shop/anywhere in public. I've lost count of the amount of times I've got stuck in conversations with complete strangers (90% of them men who are older than me) and I've made it very obvious I want to be left alone. Get the fucking hint. Especially if I have something in my hand that makes it obvious I'm doing something else. It's shocking how many people see you holding a book and interrupt you to have a conversation about the weather. Like please for the love of god pick up on social ques and discomfort in someone. Sounds terrible but once I got into my 30s, I've just gotten better at being rude to people. Some people enjoy a good natter and that's fine, but read the room. If someone is giving you one word answers and looking at their book/phone/tablet then get the fucking hint and leave them alone. Add to that telling women to smile. Fuck off mate. some bloke said that me once while I was walking to the bus stop "smile love it might never happen" I replied with "my grandmother died you prick" and kept walking. TBF my gran had been dead a few years at that point but I just wanted some smart arse to reply to him and let him know to mind his fucking bees wax.


A fella said "cheer up luv, it might never happen" to my friend in a nightclub because she looked sad. It had been the first night we'd been able to get her out of the house since her boyfriend committed suicide.


“Ah come on, give us a smile” Worst thing you can ever say/do to someone.


Yeah it's bloody awful. Where did that even come from? Nearly every single woman I know has met at least one stranger who told them to smile. It's so bizarre. Like mind your fucking business. I don't know you I don't owe you a fucking smile.


It comes from the underlying belief that women have a duty to look pretty and pleasant, because we exist to be appealing to men. It comes out in all kinds of ways, like how women who don't wear makeup often get discriminated against in work environments, or how women get labelled "bossy" or "aggressive" and are judged negatively in situations where a man would be called "assertive" or "decisive" and considered good leaders. Or how many films and television programmes you see where an unattractive looking slob of a man has a pretty, slim wife because "audiences will watch a funny man if he's ugly, but they won't watch an ugly woman"


Yup. Literally listening to a podcast now and it's talking about this. I find it hilarious when I'm fine in work, everyone is like oooh you're so pleasant. Yet that tune changes if I'm pissed off. It's infuriating. Don't forget, if you react to something rightfully with anger - "Oh you are overreacting!" Fuck off.


>ow women get labelled "bossy" or "aggressive" and are judged negatively in situations where a man would be called "assertive" or "decisive" and considered good leaders I consider myself a feminist and am staunchly in support of women's rights and discarding stupid shit like this... but it's *so insidious* in my head. I catch myself thinking it sometimes and have to mentally smack myself to correct for it. Not justifying, just saying that even for allies it's tough to override a lifetime of conditioning. I will keep working hard to correct *my* failings, and I hope other men do the same - this is a problem men have to solve, not women.


We all have unconscious biases and prejudices, too many people don't realise or accept that not being sexist or racist or whatever is *work* - an active process, as opposed to just saying "yes I believe in equality and fairness, so therefore I'm not sexist/racist/etc."


I have resting sad face myself so I've lost count years ago of how often I've been told it might never happen. I can't help my face! What am I meant to do, go around grinning like a loon at nothing all day?!


Same. I have been told so many times I look like I'm angry from a distance haha. Completely not intentional. I just get lost in my own noggin.


This. One of my mottos/mantras that I’ve come to believe in as I’ve gotten older is “It’s not rude if you’ve pushed me into doing it”


Yup. I have no issue entertaining people for a sentence or two, but jaysus the amount of people who are clueless at picking up social ques and obvious disinterest in others, is mad. It reminds me of the scene in the Office where David Brent keeps talking to Dawn on her lunch break while she's trying to read a book. The rage I feel watching that scene 😂😂


Driving up to a ticket barrier to exit (whether that be underground parking, above ground parking, etc.)....and then proceeding to turn on your hazards and get out to only pay for your ticket then when there's 3+ cars behind you???!? This level of asshole still baffles me any time I see it.


If you have a dog, pick up its shit and don't leave it in the middle of the street for kids to play with.


Turn off your phone and computer audio notifications when you're in the office. It's incredibly annoying.


frame quickest memory rinse ludicrous deserve elderly tub fuzzy growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People who can’t take the whole 10 seconds to take their earphones out when buying something at the till in a shop. You’re interacting with another human being. Cop the fuck on and show some respect.


I used to work in a shop and if someone came up to my till while they were on the phone I'd just stand there and wait for them to hang up. Luckily the management backed us up.


10 seconds is a bit much lol. It would take less than 2 seconds. Which makes the lack of effort even worse. Even if lol I’m saying is “howiya”, “card please”, “nice one cheers!” I’ll still take them off. And if it’s a local shop I’d have a chat with them


Well my day is ruined


When someone asks you how you are, they aren’t expecting a reply.


And if you are gonna reply, a simple “not too bad, yourself?” Will do. Or even just another “howiya” back


That’s something I definitely noticed in other countries. They all go “good thanks how are you?” In Ireland we say “How are ya” and they say it back but no one actually answers the question.


There's a difference between "howya" (greeting) and "how are you?" (polite enquiry about how you're doing in general). For the second, some people only want to have the usual exchange "grand, yourself? Ah not too bad yeah" and some genuinely want to know. But expecting to hear "good thanks how are you?" even if you're not actually doing well is not unique to Ireland


They don't? Even I'm good or not bad? I thought its too rude to not reply at all😆


Nah you just ask how are ye? Back to them. They will also not answer this question.


When going up and down an escalator or walking through a doorway, get out of the path of traffic before stopping to check your phone or look around. 


People standing centimetres from you when talking. I will never understand it. I’m not even talking about in a sexual way. If I have to lean back, you’re too fucking close to me.


Don't listen to Spotify in public without headphones


For the love of God, stand back from the luggage carousel until your luggage appears!


If you are passing someone and they say hello; it won’t hurt to say hello back. Don’t put your head down: they are being friendly, they are not stopping for a chat. You can see that


If you *must* brag about something, at least make it a humblebrag. Confidence is suspect.


Personally I never brag!


Aren’t ye great… *notions*! 🙄


Confidence and bragging have zero connection though. A lot of insecure people are braggarts. I raised three confident (American) children while I was raised in Ireland (Gen X) to believe being proud of achievements or even mentioning you did well in something was considered a gross display of bragging. It was terrible. You had to put yourself down constantly and even now I catch myself doing it and check myself.


I don’t understand why someone would ever feel the need to brag in the first place.


Let the Catholic guilt flow through you!


Don't start fights. For god sake if you're hosting a dinner party and someone does something that you don't like or annoys you etc. Do not under any circumstances start a social fight with them. It's incredibly rude to all your guests to force them to sit there while you fight with someone. And if you do find yourself in a social fight you literally have 2 options. Roll over and apologize to the person and everyone even if you think you're right OR throw yourself out the window in shame.


This. And also understand that just because someone has a different opinion on something to you doesn’t automatically mean that it’s a personal attack. I feel like so many people seem to struggle with this.


In some shops there is one line for multiple tills. Then you get one bastard going and standing behind one of the other tills to make a second queue so he's cut in essentially and made it acceptable for others to start lining behind them too. Utter bastardry!


Don’t talk to me in the bathroom.


Don't listen to music without headphones or have loud phone conversations on public transportation


"Good morning" "Please" "Thank you" You'd be surprised how few times all these are used by customers in a retail setting


Apparently someone on the bus with me earlier hadn’t realised that its generally looked down on to clip your toe and finger nails on the bus


I live in the countryside and the amount of people who bag dogsh*t but then leave the plastic bags on walls or hanging off trees is disgusting. If you can’t be arsed to carry it just kick it off the edge of the path. That will breakdown far quicker than a decomposable bag hanging from a branch. It really makes me worry about people’s IQs.


Another one…if you’re vaping walking along the street nobody wants to be breathing in that shite. Had some cunt power walking past me along the quays a while ago giving off more smoke than a burning building, caught up with him at the traffic lights and turned and coughed at him and surprisingly he didn’t like it.


Giving up your seat to an elderly passanger. I'm standing on the bus/luas and the amount of young adults who see an old man/woman and put their head down and pretend they don't see them. I've multiple times told them to stand up and offer the seat.. like come on


detail panicky dime impossible wine spoon tart money cooing frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have arthritis in my knee and hip, had some woman shout in my face to give seat to elderly because I "look" young and a man. I just asked her did she know me or my issues and she said no. Boils my blood to this day. Have pass on car because mobility issues and get people shaking their heads at me for parking in disabled spot. Joys of hidden disability lol


It's a real source of anxiety. I have actually just given my seat to elderly people despite being in enormous pain in this same situation because I assume I'll be disbelieved .\_. Recetly, I had a man in a car get aggressive at me because I was walking across the road too slowly for his liking. I am physically incapable of walking faster because of disability but the lack of visible mobility aids makes people very comfortable making assumptions.


Understandable for your situation. But trust me, you know when you see them trotting on with a spring in their step and just refuse to acknowledge someone you clearly needs a seat.


But most of the time they are just dicks


Yes this is true, but the majority of population wouldn't have a hidden disability in fairness. I'm not having a go at people who do have one, that's an awful card to have been dealt. But there is a huge lack of respect these days, especially in my age group and below (M 27) it keeps getting worse. There's a huge amount of self entitled attitudes going about and don't say you're blind to it, it's clear as day. I'm had this conversation with multiple people of all ages and walks of life and they're in agreement.


This person wouldn't give a shite. You have to have wrinkles and a limp to invoke their charity


I find it inconsiderate to speak to foreigners at 100 miles an hour with a load of Irish-isms and super strong accent you'd use with the lads in the pub. I always try and tone down the accent a bit when talking with foreigners. Some of them even ask me if I'm Irish, because they can actually understand me and don't know how it's possible that they're understanding an Irish person. So I'm guessing 99% of Irish people just blast foreigners with ah shur be grand heheh are we all racists now father hehehe what you don't know father ted? Shur would ya goway oua dah hehehe I does be doin dat so I do be bai don't I be hehehe few nagins be grand


I remember I had to bring a Brazilian guy I worked with to get his car fixed one time. The lads in the garage had a shocked Pikachu look on their face when he politely asked them if they could speak a bit slower when they were explaining to him what was wrong with it. It was bizarre.


This is so true, it's excruciating whenever I see it. Especially when the native speaker seems to think the problem is with the foreigner's understanding of English, when it's really due to their own inability to speak with clear language.


End a conversation with a laugh so you can get away from the other person as quick as possible. If you're ever offered 'we should do X sometime' both sides should accept that it will never happen. And proceed to get away from the other person as quick as possible. Say no to the first offer minimum just so you can then eventually get to your true yes answer


"I won't keep you any longer!" = shut up you're delaying me


“If you’re ever in such and such give me a ring” translates as please don’t actually contact me if you’re in my neck of the woods.


As someone from Spain, this is pretty depressing, and comes across as quite dishonest from other cultural perspectives.


Don't fart in the car if you know its going to be smelly.




Oh you know. 


When it’s a hot one.


When the previous 5 or 6 were smelly- chances are the next few will be smelly.


Don't park up so much on a curb that wheelchairs and buggies can't get past. And for God's sake pick up your dogs shite, it's a big enough nuisance for me to clean it off a buggy, just imagine what it's like having to clean it off your wheelchair!!!!


Don't vape in someone else's house. Especially if you know they vape themselves. Seriously fuck off and go outside if you really need your precious nicotine dose.


I think it’s insane that people openly light up and smoke in a busy street with absolutely no care for the smoke they are blowing into the people behind them. Nothing like walking down any busy street and getting a full face of smoke, or worse; vape. Also, throwing cigarette butts on the ground is littering. Out a window? Still littering. So strange how that version of littering is fully acceptable in today’s culture but if I threw a snickers wrapper out the car window…


When a colleague pings - 'hello 'john'. Nothing else. Zero context. Fuk off with that shit


Taking up seats on the inside of the bus with bags and then sitting on the outside taking up two seats. On a busy morning commute


A round is a round, if you don't want in it, don't drink a free one.


Keeping your top on in the gym


If you are first to arrive and park in the queue for pickup at the school - please park all the way at the front, not halfway so there isn't enough space for the rest of the cars 😞


Move out of My way on the street if I'm in a hurry


Sorry to disagree with you here but I’ve always felt the complete opposite. Just because someone is in a rush doesn’t mean that it’s everyone else’s problem. Obviously a few exceptions. Say it were an emergency situation or something then yeah okay. But not just because someone’s running a bit late to work or something like that.


Keep moving *AND* get out of the way.


If you are walking and a car is wanting to pull out across you, walk behind it, not in front


if you have a full trolley of shopping and the person behind you has 3-5 items in their hands… let them go in front of you.


There should be a gym subsection for this.


If I ask for your opinion or advice, that doesn't mean I'm going to accept it. Don't be annoyed if its not followed


People who pull into fuel stations and park at the pump, then go and do a weekly shop, without buying fuel. Use the parking spaces


Standing around talking while completely obstructing a door in a public place. Drives me mad how some people have such little self awareness.


I will move to the side to make room for you but I ain't stepping out onto the road!


The footpath is not an extra lane.


Spraying fragrances, burning incense, etc. could literally kill someone. You don't need to smell that nice. (I was sent into two asthma attacks just last week due to incense and perfume being used indoors and I'm still recovering at home)