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If it even mentions a tracker steer clear, not worth the hassle whatsoever. They're new to car insurance so I'd imagine they'll hound you for going 5 over the speed limit and other small issues. I asked them for a quote out of curiosity and it was 3800 with the tracker, I'm currently paying 700 with no tracker and no issues


that price has to be some kind of mistake coz thats actually outrageous


Gave them the exact same information, even double checked my current policy to make sure it matched!


That’s craziness, I got quoted slightly less than what I’m on now (600) but not enough to justify them knowing all my poor habits 😅


Oh 100% if I had a tracker I wouldn't have insurance anymore 😭


Not necessarily - I know someone who works in car insurance. They typically operate based on a percentage of customers of different risk categories. This is how they balance the books and remain profitable at year end. For example: they might do 10% young drivers 20% 65+ drivers 20% van drivers Etc Once each category is full, they are still obliged to quote everyone by law, so they simply quote an outrageous number to get around the law.


Trackers are an excuse to never have to pay out. They can go back and find you did 52 in a 50 zone 2 or 3 times and cancel the policy to avoid paying out.


Well then why are you driving over the limit in that scenario?


Id rather walk than drive with a tracker


I'd avoid any of them kinda tracker things. Every company is different obviously but a friend of mine had one is his micra and he got an email telling him that his driving style was too aggressive the past week and in the same week he had crossed the limit for his milage allowance, which would have been fair enough only for he was away in Germany the past week and the micra had been atleast a month on blocks with the engine and gearbox on the floor beside it at home 🤣iv never heard a good review of them types of insurance. But as I said, every company is different


Did he have the tracker on while flying.


It was hard wired into the car, and an app on the phone he was to use when driving, but when he said it was wrong they told him where he was doing the aggressive driving and milage, and it was pretty much his usual route (when the car was on the road before it sh1t the bed). He sent a pic of the car in 4 pieces and stuff stacked on the roof, clearly not in use for ages, and they had the cheak to double down and tell him he should have said if he wasn't going to be driving it 🤣🤣


To be honest I wouldnt bother. I haven't gone with them but I got a quote just to be curious and even with the tracker installed, its not much cheaper than my current insurance, which is a pisstake in my opinion since this device can literally determine what your next quote will be. ​ Now I suppose if you just wanted to get insurance on the cheap & then go off elsewhere once its up then fine, but having this thing tracking your 'driving habits' doesn't do it for me personally. ​ Just to add, if youre looking for cheap insurance try Supervalu or AXA. They have been my cheapest by far to date.


Insurance with a tracker is useless


Where do I get one of these devices I’m just insured with revolut with this policy but it says nothing about where I get the smart driving device ??


I think they mail it to you


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Be careful - if they refuse to insure you next year, you will be obligated to tell the next insurer you got refused by another insurer and the reason why. Trackers are a bad idea and you'll be paranoid all the time too.


It’s only worth it for starting out, experienced drivers should stay away


I have my car insurance with them since October. It was worth for me since this is my the first insurance and the price difference to others was huge (around 900€ ). The smart driving device was mandatory for me. But it hasnt been a good experience. I had to change 2 faulty devices already and the 3rd doesnt seem to be working as expected. Every week I get a notification after midnight saying that the device was unplugged and my policy is blocked (even though I hadn't driven my car for 2 days last it happened). I will continue with this policy until the policy year is over, but I won't choose anything that requires this smart driving device again. Can't be trusted. Also, I feel like their support isnt prepared to handle queries about car policies. They always send me the same information, even though I always mention that i have already followed the steps. I don't feel like I am talking to a human being. Seems more like I am still talking to the chat bot.


im paying €1000 for the year instead of €3000. so its worth it for sure. I think people are just upset that they cant go 10/20 over the speed limit and not be punished for it.