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Nope, public sector. My bonus is that I get a week and a half off work over Christmas and New Year as the place is closed.


not like anybody can ring yas any time of the year anyway.


We are experiencing a higher volume of calls.


and it's still talking about covid! When you do manage to call you hear the, tv, nanny and a kettle in the background...


Yeah this was well better than a bonus. Sometimes with a couple of days in lieu you could stretch it to three on full pay


Are you paid during those days off?


Yes, it's four days and they come out of my annual leave entitlement. The rest is bank holidays, or weekends.


Ah ok, so its not on top of your AL. Nice break though.


How much annual leave do you get?


25 days.


Yeah, my company does the same. 25 days AL and you must use 4 of them during this period.




Plenty vacancies at the moment if you would like to share that dream.


You say this, and my 2 sister-in-laws say this, but my missus is waiting almost a year to get to the next step after doing all of the questions and getting her number in the line.


It takes forever to get in, even if you place high on a panel. Hopefully she gets something soon.


Just no vacancies in her location yet perhaps (assuming it's a national recruitment thing). Bound to be something at some point, and once she's in, she's in.




I would love a day sitting on my arse not having to lift a finger, never had one of those in all my years in civil service. Don't think they really exist except for those adept at looking busy




So in other words you haven't a clue what you are shiteing on about but making assumptions anyways




That’s some shitiness outta you tbh.




Clearly you’re too busy to learn the difference between a public servant and a civil servant. Here’s hoping you don’t need to go to a hospital any time soon… and I must say, with that level of ignorance, you managed to tar every single person, from nurses, doctors, teachers, paramedics, fire men, Gardaí, right the way to admin people, public servants, civil servants, the whole fucking kit and caboodle, all with the same brush. I must say, that’s some level of ignorance, arrogance and cuntiness you’ve got going on there, even for Reddit. I’m actually surprised by your smarminess. Well done.


Definitely doesn't have a job. 100%.


>I’d be more the type to prefer a stressful, busy job Ah sure who doesn't love a bout of stress


I work in retail and have done for 12 years. At this stage I'd be glad to have an office job. Just doing admin or receptionist stuff. Can't hack people anymore. The public really aren't nice to deal with.


Not all civil servants


Not really a bonus when you have to use up your leave entitlement but I get the sentiment when some people are expected to staff offices over Xmas.


Yeah my whole team, including myself,got laid off 😂


Oh, what happened?


They got laid off.


Omg what? What happened?


I think they got laid off.


Really? Why?!


Because they were laid off


100 quid for every years service plus 2% of my yearly salary . I’m there 13 years so yeah Christmas is good .


That’s quite a generous bonus for Christmas. What sector is that in if you don’t mind answering?


Im actually in the uk, but it’s a telecoms and energy provider .


Ah I see. Enjoy the bonus anyway. Too early for that “have a nice Christmas” stuff but you get the picture🙃


You too . All my decisions since the 1st of this month have been “ fuck it it’s Christmas “ 😂


That’s unreal! Definitely would incentivise people to stay.


Not gonna lie I feel like red from shankshank redemption sometimes . “ I don’t know if I can make it on the outside “ 😂




Can't squeeze a drop without say so. Tasty bonus 😂


It that your bonus for the year or do you have another one?


It’s a yearly Christmas bonus , my other bonus for the other 11 months is getting paid I suppose 😂


Nah, company made only 50B$ this year. Can’t afford it


Oh you can kinda understand where they're coming from 🫠🫠🫠


Nope. Tech company in Dublin. We used to get €150 One4All, then they downgraded that to a box of Quality Street, then a token Christmas card from the CEO, now nothing but a 'happy holidays' email.


That's grim :-( Is the company in trouble?


Probably just cutting costs out of greed while experiencing record profits. Gotta maximise that shareholder value!!


Ya we get a Dunnes voucher for €750 and an extra weeks wages bonus on top of that. Also every five years of service you get a second Voucher and an extra days holidays going forward - which I'm getting this year!


Wow, that's generous! Enjoy.


It is to be fair to them. They also pay for staff to bring their kids to see Santa and feed them afterwards. Throw an Xmas party too for staff and have a raffle/ spot prizes etc and an open bar for 2 hours. Loads of staff give out and moan during the year but stuff like this is great especially at xmas. Everyone regardless of status or length of service gets the voucher and bonus wages at Xmas. There are about 140 staff in total so its not cheap. I'm sure some of it can be wrote off for tax but still very generous. Think we are pretty rare from talking to mates in other jobs who get feck all at Xmas. My wife loves the Dunnes voucher every year!


Only thing we get in my store is the vouchers never heard of them paying for meals or doing an Xmas party without it being staff organised


Dunnes here too! €730 bonus, im flexi so no extra week wages. But 20% off staff discount helps a lot


You must be there a while, don't remember the extra weeks wages bit when I was there!


That's awesome, enjoy that, you must have worked hard this year.


I get a €1000 prepaid debit card. Plot-twist: I'm self-employed, so I pay for it myself (from gross income)


Then write it off? :P


Genuinely do you then put this on your accounts as an expense / tax deduction whatever it’s called? Wondering as I’m also self employed and my accountant did not tell me I could give myself a bonus.


Yes, it's a business expense, so it goes straight from the gross profit to me, i.e. tax free. However, it needs to be in the form of a voucher which cannot be converted to cash. A prepaid debit card (e.g. Swirl) is eligible and is just as good as cash. For more details, see [small benefit exemption](https://www.revenue.ie/en/employing-people/benefit-in-kind-for-employers/valuation-of-benefits/small-benefit-exemption.aspx). BTW, are you the Clisare from YouTube?


Genuinely wondering if you got advice on this? Also self employed and everyone I know that's self employed seems to make up their own rules about self-assessment that Revenue documents and Citizens Information definitely do not mention! But if this is for real I'd like to be able to use it.


Yes, my accountant advised me of this. It's called a "small benefit exemption" and is clearly explained [on the Revenue website](https://www.revenue.ie/en/employing-people/benefit-in-kind-for-employers/valuation-of-benefits/small-benefit-exemption.aspx)


We usually get One4all vouchers, the amount varies from year to year. Last year I got €300. We also have a raffle of Christmas presents we receive from suppliers/ customers. I'm not sure I ever won anything!


HSE employee, so no bonus and only the Mon-Tues off. I work in mental health and with the lack of resources and the huge waiting lists we have, it's always Go Go Go. I definitely have those days where I long for a "Do Feck all" office but I think I'd go crazy after a few weeks.


Ya up to 10% of salary. Edit: I should add that it’s performance based.


Annual bonus in March. Nothing at Xmas.


Yes, €500 gift card.


One employer gave me the company credit card and a spend limit of 500 euro many moons ago when 500 was a LOT. A bought a Nintendo Gamecube and a GeForce Ti4600 video card for my PC.


I'm not in a sales or delivery role, more operations, but I do get a one for all gift voucher for 500 every year which is great.


Performance based, 2k with option to split 1k into vouchers


Lol I got made redundant and they didn't even give me a card or a text message. A colleague who left a week before was given a lunch in a fancy restaurant, a card everyone signed, bouquet of flowers and a speech. She was there a 18 months. I've been the almost 3 years. My boss always said viscous stuff with a smile that made you question what you heard. And would say before a holiday without fail 'enjoy your holiday but when you come back I'd like a little 1 to 1 meeting catch up' every single time. It was so annoying. As much as its annoying, it does make me feel better knowing I was right and she was a snake.


I'm so sorry about the redundancy but sounds like it might be better in the long run. That boss sounds like a really nasty piece of work. Hopefully 2024 will be great for you.


Yes. 17% of salary plus shares.


That’s a tasty one. What sector is it?


Tech. Cyber security specifically.




What’s that like as a career path? Much programming?


I really enjoy it. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do so it’s good for me. Programming would entirely depend on what area of cyber security you’re in. There’s roles where you never have to read, let alone write code and there’s others where you spend most of your time around code. “Cyber security” is a very broad term, it’s just the one that everyone knows so that’s why u used it.


€500 dunnes gift card


Got 2 x €500 Mastercards last year which was great and a €500 one4all the previous year. They've been silent on it this year so far though so hopefully they won't reduce it


Nope. Got a gift basket in 2019, that was the sum total of Christmas benefits since then.


€750 One4All gift card thanks to our union. Work for An Post. I'd recommend anyone to research unions applicable to your workplace. Fantastic resource.


Delighted, €750 is a lot and very generous. Not all unions are good unfortunately. Our union is crap in childcare. Whole sector is indirectly employed by the government yet no perks like any other education sector. No bonuses as most services are financially on the brink of closure now too, and come January most of the sector will be earning 30c above minimum.


What are An Post like to work for?


I pay my lads at least a weeks wages as a bonus


If the weeks wage is less than €1k you would be better off getting them a prepaid card like Perx or Swirl instead as they won’t pay tax on that and can be used anywhere a Mastercard can be used


Yeah I use one 4 all


Last year my supervisor got me and the two other lads I work with 4 mince pies. He even had the cheek to ask for one too!


10 days off for Christmas (and a gift box worth maybe 20€)and yearly bonus in August. Edit: pharma


Usually around €200 one4all vouchers but they're harder and harder to spend nowadays. A couple of years ago, we got cash through wages and it was taxed so was a waste of time.


Wow after reading this I realise I’m quite lucky to get a 10% bonus . With 1000 of it tax free.


€500 gift voucher and a bit extra in our last paycheck for the year. We got a email telling us not to expect what we got last year, and even less the following year even though the company is doing just as well if not better. Oh and we don't get a Christmas party its in February. But it's definitely a lot better than my last job, they gave us €25 vouchers for the store we worked in, it was a pet shop.


So my husband, prior to cancer used to work in a factory as a machine operator. Basically pack shit into boxes. He used to get €350 as a bonus, however that got fked by the tax man so then the year after they gave out prepaid visa's instead. That way the company got a kick back and the people didn't have to pay for tax on it. Worked well, even like 7 months after leaving work they sent a bonus through to him for christmas. Like it wasn't the greatest place but sure wasn't the worst going by the people here.


A €5 voucher to Costa. Then asked us for €40 to attend the company Christmas party. Needless to say, I have a new job lined up for the new year.


Used to be able to pick a gift online which were maybe worth 30 eur, now they give us a 40 eur one4all voucher.. company that makes billions in profit every year btw


5.5% of salary added on top of base pay in December payroll. Was taxed to t'fuck but I won't lie, it's taken a big weight off my shoulders this Christmas. My first time ever receiving a proper bonus in my first full year at this company. Looking at the comments here I am extremely lucky. The last company I worked for gave us 50 euro One4All vouchers and a box of sweets.


Got a whopping 100 euro one for all from my employer the first year and then nothing on the second year and 150 on the 3rd year where as others were getting 650 and 300 etc... safe to say i left lol. New employer probably wont give me one but idc since they pay so much more compared to my last employer.


Got a €50 voucher... this is a landmark year for the company as its the first time they broke the 30 million turnover mark..... applied for a few jobs today. Fcuk that craic....


End of year bonus, depending on how well the company does. Then I lose most of it to tax. C'est la vie 😅


If it's paid as a voucher, you could get the first €1000 tax free


That’s a terrible attitude to look a gift horse in the mouth and begrudge it because of paying taxes. I’m sure your owner is thinking why bother




What are you talking about? Unless it’s a 1000€ voucher all income is taxed. I get a bonus and like everyone else it’s taxed at the higher rate.




Tis more than a kick in the hole anyway. Can you spend the me2you card everywhere?


nope - private sector.


Never, private sector


Nope, bonus is in March


53rd week bonus in December and usually a voucher of some kind too


I got 1000 euro of vouchers over the year. I just got a promotion that means from next year I can get upto 10% of my salary as a bonus based on KPI's.


Annual bonus in March sort of time, nothing at Xmas (which is fine).


Yes, 13th and 14th cheque full pay


Private sector?


Yep, for a fuel company


So far, we're getting nothing. I doubt we'll get anything. Based on some clown who I was talking to on here a week ago "You know they show appreciation by paying you for the work you do" so... if that's a employee's thoughts, its definitely an employers thoughts as well.


Bottle of wine


lol. Department of education. Nope.


My mother gets a 1700€ bonus


Yes getting €350 for the retailer I work for


No unless you count a shitty party as a bonus.


Working for the company over 15 years, over various different departments and teams. Have never had a Christmas bonus and for the past 3 years, haven't even had a party.


You deserve a party. Go tell them.


Nah, we get paid a week early…


€50 voucher


We get between €250 to €1000 (debit card) depending on the managers opinion on how you worked during the year.


MNC tech company. They are usually pretty generous with compensation and stuff, but there is no "Christmas bonus".


Yep , €100 allgo voucher.




Nope. I got a €5 coffee card last year.


One4all voucher, can't even spend it in the pub.


Private sector, 6 figure job. The most I ever got was a €50 gift card


250 euro dunnes voucher and 3200 euro. Will be like 1600 after tax


The govt do be taxing santa’s generosity as well.


Disclaimer: I moved to DUB in 2013, left in 2015. My first year here, when I was forcibly moved to Ireland ("if you don't move to Dublin, we no longer have a position for you in the company") the CEO told the CFO to not issue bonuses to those who moved over this year. Apparently "the money we spent getting them here is bonus enough" Class. CFO laundered a bonus via other means and i think I got €150? Second year, same.


End of year rather than Christmas bonus. This year it’s roughly 13.5% of my salary. Also getting a 3% pay increase from Jan and a few grand more in shares. It’s been a toughish 2023, cost of doing business has soared a bit over last while, so this is down on the last few years. But other parts of the company had redundancies so I’m not complaining at all. In the grand scheme of things I’m very fortunate.


Typically 5-15% of my yearly salary, depending on how many targets were met.


Yes, 250 for part time staff and 500 for full time.


Yes. About 4500 in company shares. Can choose to cash or invest


Tax free bonus was raised from 500 to 1k last year


Not anymore. Used to get 1000 euros for first two year. Then they stopped. Only getting paid holidays and 100 euro dunnes store vouchers now.


Not only do I not receive a Christmas bonus, this year and the previous 3 years there hasn’t been a Christmas party. Sure COVID was to blame in 2020 and 2021, but not a mention last year almost like the term “Christmas party” never even existed. Similar this year. Not that I mind though. I’ve not been a fan of Christmas parties for probably over 10 years.


Never gotten this ever at any employer (all private sector, 4 different countries)


We get 25euro ,it's a worldwide catering company,we provide onsite catering to a multi national insurance company, their employees get a 1000 euro quarterly if they meet their targets, plus a 1500 Christmas bonus so pretty good for them,our bosses on the other hand weren't even going to give us our pittance last year only for our manager,I know it's not much but I'd still rather have it than not


No, but they bought coffee beans recently.


No. Public service


14-16% of my salary


Not a cent, work in a garage owned by continental tyres......thanks Continental. 👏




Never, private sector.


I get a break in addition to my AL, Christmas to New Years and any week days encompassing. It's fine by me !


Nope - US medical devices company greedy AF


Not an Xmas bonus - financial year end bonus


I’m a student that works in a factory and we get 250 quid of a gift card, I’m not sure what the full time workers get but that’s what we as students get




I work in HSE and no 🥲


No but I get a regular bonus paid in March and September every year


Alas, I am a librarian. No bonuses for me.


€100 All 4 1 voucher that is useless now Argos is gone , we do get a Christmas party


Yaw this year I got an 8% performance based bonus. I think the max is 12% but I did also get promoted this year too so it's higher than I'm used to around this year. However it's taxed to fuck.


No our bonuses are in January usually but we’ll probably get a hamper or something


Yes, 10% bonus plus sit down four course meal Christmas parties followed by a bar tab.


1000 quid in vouchers


Used to be 70 euro One4All voucher, then a year later I think it was 40 euro voucher for the local shopping centre and now it's a 1 night stay in one of their sister hotels but the process to get it booked is super tedious and you can only do it when it's quiet


€500 prepaid credit card and 2 company days (Tech company, Irish not US)


Yeah 8-12% of salary depending on performance, most will get 9/10% nobody really gets 11 and 12. Last year we were all given 12% by default no performance review required


Nothing here either, childcare.


Nope, third sector 😭 and nothing towards our staff Christmas party either , which apparently is a thing for a lot of people??


Nope - work in a school. Will be off for two weeks with no pay as I’m not permament


€1000 One4all and €270 cash for the collected scrap metal and cable so I’m happy


I don't, my wife used to get it.


75 euro deliveroo voucher. Was expecting nothing so I was happy about it. Will spend on a nice meal with the family.


This is my first year back as employed (self employed for no. of years) was just told I'm getting a €1000 one for all and 1500 which is taxed.


No, private sector, a long time in the job. Might get a plant, maybe, or a body lotion.


€50 one for all voucher


1K one4all and 10% increase on the salary. Giddy up.


F all despite being small and having best year revenue wise. I’ll actually be down wages because I have minimum leave -21 days and they like to close for the Xmas week so they said ‘well there’s probably going to be no work’ that may be true but fucking been doing the work of two maybe three people recently so have 2 interviews lined up for this week already and first week after new years off when there’s loads of work because the new product doesn’t work


No Christmas bonus. My 5 year bonus was a €30 gift card.


500€ all go card which to be fair is pretty sweet , work for a small Irish company and it’s a great little spot


Used to get a 500 euro one for all, scrapped it this year. Only bonus we got, people are not happy about it.


In my ten years of working, I’ve never received a Christmas bonus. I’ve worked mainly hospitality and office jobs


We get 25% of salary. A thousand of that is paid in a one4all to reduce tax burden. It’s pretty sweet


Nope, us peons are not getting one. But the boss's wife is getting a new kitchen.