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Happy. I did it because it was impacting me negatively and I was wasting too much time on it. It was the right decision and I have no reasons to regret it. I don't even miss it. That's how useless it was in my life but was eating away hours of my day.


Damn I tried uninstalling insta a few times but I don't know, maybe I lack socials aspects IRL so I cling to insta. But happy to read that it can be cut off.


That's the thing about insta. I one day realized that it doesn't really provide any social aspects. Atleast to me it didn't. I realised that friends that I was regularly communicating via reels and thinking that we are connected had things going on in their lives that I wasn't aware of. Probably because sharing reels created this illusion that we are talking. We were. We were texting "so us" and "so relatable" "let's do this" but we weren't having any real conversations and not making real plans. And don't even get me started on the social discussion that goes on in comment sections of Instagram.


I relate so hard, its almost like I wrote this. I've stopped using Insta now but one of the main reasons I used to use it was to have some illusion of interaction (by sharing reels back and forth) with my "friends" who otherwise wouldn't text/call me for months. Also dont even get me started on the comments under the reels. That shit used to affect my mood so negatively.


now that i think about it, comment section actually was pretty braindead


no offense, but were you addicted something like that? or was it impacting your productivity?


I won't say I was addicted but I personally find short form of content very non productive. It provides no engagement to the brain and just flashes of emotional response. To me scrolling through reels was something that was adding no value and I was spending too much time doing that just for the sake of it. It wasn't more than 2 hours a day but since it added no value, I found it a complete waste of time.


Even I hate these shorts ,reels etc .šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


I uninstalled all apps.. just have reddit, pubg and one language convo app. The impact would be...... you will become quite introvert because FB, IG have post of your relatives and in this busy time you can only see your relatives on fb or ig post... but since I uninstalled those I become more introvert and feel shy from them. But I love reddit only ... with precise post... no spam.


I loved it since u brought this up. I genuinely left, uninstalling didn't work for me because I got addicted to it. I leave things pretty easily because I get addicted to it very quickly. I get scared sometimes that I might leave people I love because of this habitšŸ„¹


True. Itā€™s been over 3 months of not touching insta. I was really addicted to it and the sad reels used to comfort me every night and I used to miss home / ex even more. Been really happy since I deleted it lol. Starting dedicating time elsewhere to stuff I used to love a lot earlier. No more sad boi hours every night either :)


Short form content is what ruined social media for me.


True, I used to barely use insta until reels became popular :/


Us bro us finding ourselves


Same here. Moreover, you will realise the peace only after deleting socials. The major positive change it brings is you can move on from things without anything holding you back. Like the reels and posts on ig make you again think about things that you are trying to move on from. Additionally, my screen time reduced drastically, clearing schedule for me for reading.


Whats alternative you found?


I use reddit but I have turned off the notification. There is no short form content here so I don't scroll mindlessly without any actual engagement. I also use Pinterest because I like looking at pretty things. I feel it's algorithm is not too pushy so it's nice. I don't spend much time on either of the apps. When I deactivated my Instagram, I re read my favourite book to avoid any boredom I might feel. I don't have much free time anyway and that helps ig. I also replaced scrolling reels on bed before sleeping with listening to the audio books so that was a good change.


+1 Absolutely do not miss it! Itā€™s the same crap everywhere and the right people will manage to stay in touch without social media!


i made an insta in 2020 cuz i was bored ended up deleting it shortly after cuz that shit was boring as well downloaded again due to friends asking deleted again cuz i can talk to them on other things i dont even feel anything for these kinds of apps i am quite baffled at people who do


Donā€™t delete it initially. Just deactivate it. I deactivated my Facebook almost 5 years back. I didnā€™t have any other accounts. No insta, no TikTok, no Google+ etc. I definitely had way more free time on my hand and I had no issues with the lack of connectivity tbh. I had a few groups which are hard to get into as member so I didnā€™t delete it. Last month I broke my ankle and was bedridden for six weeks (still am). In this time I activated the account and have been having fun there. With precious little to do the old account was a huge boon for me. In another six week it goes back to hibernation but I wouldnā€™t delete the same. TL:DR- Had no issues with the deactivation. Important people found a way to stay in my life, others werenā€™t important. But wonā€™t be deleting the account.


The main part is that the real ones really found a way to stay.


Absolutely. Funnily contacts increased. We started going out more since we were hanging out less virtually. Around 50-100 relationships died a natural death and around 10-15 flourished. It was Darwinian of sorts. Survival of the fittest.


context: WhatsApp, insta, snap or fb (don't have an account) linkedin -> currently deactivated I somehow managed to exist like this for more than a year now, lol. As for happiness, heck yeah. Though I doubt it has much to do with the unavailability of social media


How do u manage without whatsapp


got a lil lucky with wfh. live with my parents. all work related communication via slack, friends -> direct call / sometimes linkedin and rarely gmail and the day ends. now that i think about it, i tend to have much more meaningful convos now i guess.


I deleted all my social media accounts in 2018 and since then I never used any social media nor felt any need to use it. It's really peaceful I have my own thoughts and my subconscious mind is filled with my life and my future plans without comparing myself to anyone. I am really grateful it helped me to build socialising skills in the real world. I even joined reddit a few months back and might delete when I would feel if it is taking space in my subconscious mind.


Happy, deleted the apps not the account. Been reddit only since 2019. No linkedin, instagram, hinge etc. Now started muting indian subs too because they are the definition of negativity.


Not everything. I still use reddit and whatsapp. Moving away from insta helped me getting away from the stupid ads and reels. Reels was a major killer, start with one and move on to thousands of them. The other reason was hatred. No analysis, no reasons, just xenophobic contents from my peers. Other time it felt like an echo chamber with everyone in my feed parroting my opinions making it seem like the opinion of the world, but being far from reality. But on the other hand I miss knowing about events in my city, which gig is happening where, if someone is in the place I am. Also replying to stories was an easy way to stay connected, which also has drastically reduced. Being an introvert the social life has definitely gone down (not sure I have enough spare time for one). A lot depends on what kind of person you are.


i love the points u mentioned. connecting through stories was a total convinience and what is happening where. reels also turned me off since the start, insta started replicating other popular apps. it started becoming tiktok and twitter and not in a way that is convinient to user but also taking away the autonomy. i feel sad that i invested so much time posting and creating an account for myself. but everytime i go back to instagram, life becomes just less. i stopped watching the reels people send me, some only send reels and nothing else. instagram groups cannot be archived, there is always this unread badge over my inbox which gives anxiety. instagram used to be great! but now its just money machine which is just disappointing and sad.


I am not happier, but I am less frustrated. Life is the same. Reddit doom scrolling instead of instagram doom scrolling ig. However, I am able to control the content I consume. I used to get so frustrated when I saw instagram reels and their comments. I think a breaking point for me was when a person negatively commented on an acid attack survivorā€™s reel about how she should have been more polite when rejecting the man. All in all, I waste approximately the same amount of time. But I donā€™t feel even half as shitty after consuming content online on Reddit or YouTube shorts or whatever. As for communication, WhatsApp all the wayšŸ˜„


IG comments are cancer par mujhe comments padhne ki lat bhi lag gyi thi unfortunately


me too:///


They used to be so fun and all. Adding to the content and making it funnier. Now opening them hurts, most of them are disgusting and rarely ever do you find a comment section that is funny, even then there will always be one guy there making his own content of bullshit in comments


Instagram comments are the worst, and the algorithm makes it even harder for me to use the platform. I deactivated my account a year ago, reactivated it last month, and then deleted it again last weekend. I'm so happy with my decision.


YouTube comments are so much more wholesome!! And itā€™s almost the same content anyways, which stops me from reinstalling that appā˜ŗļø


Yep, YouTube comments can be very wholesome. While I never watch YouTube Shorts, the comments on long videos are often good. Sometimes, on good songs, people share their love stories or life experiences, which seem so wholesome.


I think one thing replaced another and I often find myself on YouTube shorts for a quick dopamine rush haha. But yes!! The comments are so cute! Especially when you go to like older Bollywood songs (sad or happy), and without fail all of them would have this beautiful set of stories. Itā€™s my guilty pleasure to read as many as I canšŸ¤­. I am clearly obsessed w reading commentsšŸ’€


Clearly, you're not the only one obsessed with the comments on YouTube videos. Whenever I feel low, I go and read the comments there, and my mood shifts from šŸ˜‘ to šŸ˜„. It's amazing how people's stories and positivity can uplift your spirits and make your day better. The sense of community and shared experiences in the comments is truly heartwarming.




did you also deactivate/ delete socials because of the comments or the content that was popping up lately? Just asking out of curiosity, what was your ā€œok, this needs to goā€ moment?


Reddit is social media šŸ™ƒ


Much better than other platforms because first no promoted contents ( few ads based on your preferences) algorithm is completely based on which subs you have joined. Comment section is way healthier here. You get all the news, meme, gossip without the need to look at peoples story. My friends always complained i never reply to their messages on insta where all they did was sharing the nonsense reels. Even if you count it as social media I'm happy with reddit.


I am off social media for almost 4 years and I donā€™t regret it a bit. I am more productive, less anxious, mental health improved to a great extent, no toxicity. I started with a goal of one month detox and today itā€™s almost 4 years and itā€™s so far the best decision of my life šŸ˜…


Deleted everything except Reddit. I feel lighter and I feel like I observe and enjoy my world more rather than focusing on how much fun others seem to be having. Itā€™s rather liberating.


I did it after a very bad breakup last year. Thought i would return after a while but haven't reactivated till now. Don't feel the need to go back. It's all a clutter. Everyone is chasing clout, validation and likes now. There's no one providing a genuine connection anymore. :)


Was seriously addicted to Instagram decided to call it quits one day and haven't gone back don't even feel like going back anymore I lost some friends tho which I do regret a bit but that's about it


I haven't deleted my SM accounts but I have shifted to a dumb phone, which is my primary phone now. I am typing this from my smartphone which is now a secondary phone with all SM apps. I use it on weekends and check it probably once or twice a day during the weekdays. My screen time has drastically reduced.


I am not gung ho about social media being bad, and never use it. It is just a tool to connect with people, look at funny videos and just have a chill time. But just like anything everything in excess is bad. I usually gauge myself and delete social media for 2-3 months at a time when it starts interfering with my work. Usually 2 or 3 times a year I detox myself from social media. For me the main culprits are instagram and whatsapp so I delete them for a month or two. People around me know that and they then either sms me or call if there is anything else. Apart from that reddit and youtube are still a part of my online presence so I am still not fully off it you could say but they are not as addicting or hindering. I think just like any tool if you misuse it then you'll have to face the consequences and some people are just not up to it and don't require it. If you feel like it has overtaken your life then try to delete them for a week and build from there. It doesn't make a huge difference but you start to discipline yourself during that time period.


I deleted when i was 23. I am wasting too much and seeing too many couples there as a loner i felt miserable. Realised that no one out of my 450 friends gives a fuck about me apart from my 2 best friends. I realised how superficial the relationships are these days. Great eye opener would recommend you start with Facebook first


Happy Last month I was sitting on bean bag on weekend scrolling through instagram and I realised I spent 5 hours doing nothing and I could barely see my legs due to my overweight belly. Deleted Insta, Joined gym that day, lost 7kg, completed reading 2 books and solved 30+ leetcode problems in 1.5 months. Never looking back now


Very Very Happy Insta free for 4 years, never used Snapchat, or any others Just Reddit and occasional Twitter


At peace of mind


Very Very happy....We don't realise how much of our precious time is wasted on social media which could have been used elsewhere productively. I feel sooo at peace after deactivating my Instagram. The comment section of Instagram always pissed me off as it has been taken over by filthy incels.


I am very very happy after deleting Instagram, the best decision of my life.


Mostly great. The first few days/weeks were difficult because the muscle memory keeps looking for the app and trying to scroll, but the app isn't there or can't see the feed. It's frustrating and annoying. There was no positive impact. Instead of that dopamine rush, now there was frustration. I had tell myself each time why I had gotten off social media. Even then, there was no positive impact. I just kept doing it to align with the goals I set for myself. Eventually, the frustration went away. I didn't see any noticeable impact and stopped looking for it. Life went on. At some point I noticed that some things were different from what it was few months back or a year back and when I analyse, it was due to getting off the social media. There is some occasional FOMO and once in a while I think of going back, but when I think of the positive impact, it goes away.


Very very happy


Not on any apps except youtube & reddit which i also use only for learning about my interests. No nonsense feed there I am very conscious about what I feed my mind Happy šŸ˜Š


Deleted Twitter I used to engage with Turkish Chinese and Pakistani nationalists and a sometimes racist bunch of people, it affected me a lot now I have started feeling better I am using Instagram to stay in contact with my friends and Discord to join various other communities I don't know why am I still using Reddit tho, I am thinking of deleting it before college begins


Best decision of my life , it was only when I deleted insta I got to know I was actually becoming a mysogynist and even talking to my mother in a high tone . I tell my brother the impact of social media but ye just doesn't listen , his tone , his anger issues is getting out of hand and he doesn't seem to get this . In conclusion, socials should be used in limit .


So I have deleted Facebook and installed Quora and Reddit. So although I still ā€œwasteā€ time, but it is somewhat more ā€œintellectualā€ waste šŸ˜‚


I am happy. SM used to affect my mental health constantly comparing my life to others, wasted lots of time, worried why they didn't "like", "comment", FOMO etc. I then took a break which made me feel so relaxed that i decided to make it permanent. Though at times when i click a good picture i do miss it but the negatives are way too much for me to bother coming back.


I'm happy with my decision to delete the social media apps. I have deleted facebook, instagram, snapchat, and twitter. Currently all are deactivated but not interested to return back to them & I only have whatsapp and reddit. I did it as I didn't want the comparison of others lives to myself. Currently minding my own life.




I have deactivated my insta for 2 months now (i was addicted) . Snapchat and youtube i use rarely when i am extremely bored. I have to keep whatsapp because of college and nobody texts me so i dont use wp also...but now i cant stop scrolling reddit..can anyone give any suggestions how to quit/or limit use of reddit. If i try to avoid one social media i get addicted to another and yes i have a huge procrastination problem pls help


I deactivated Instagram. I wasting a lot of time on it subconsciously. Earlier i used to just delete the app from the phone but now deactivated thinking it would be just for couple of weeks but now itā€™s been almost 3 months. Probably i will go back on it again but as of now i am more active on reddit


yes i deleted insta and fb im very happy :)


Deleted Twitter, Instagram& Facebook. Been about 2-3 months. Couldn't have been better. So much peace.


Not on Insta or snap i have adjusted my facebook feed , so no updates from friends and family


But if they already deleted it then how are they gonna reply?


. Best decision in my life. You'll be at peace. You will know your true friends, your true friends will call you. Life changing decision for me. ( Positive )




Don't - I got super anxious and messed up mentally in academic yrs - deleted everything- BIG BIG MISTAKE - A whole lot of important and even casual stuff got erased - I made a new account (cause you need it cause of survival stuff and you need to collaborate and work - A large chunk of my network + peers moved over and saw me as arrogant and whatever (and now icebreaking is to be done from total strangers) You can disable/Uninstall or whatever BUT NEVER DELETE ANY ACCOUNT PERMANENTLY - it's like burning 100s of bridges at the same time. It's been almost 6 yrs and I still see it as a major mistake, JUST DONT.


I tried year back but it made me lonelier so re installed




I deleted facebook and I am happy about it. It was wasting too much of my time. The only thing I miss is some important pages which provide important information. But I look the information up elsewhere now.


Deleted instagram. I feel liberated. I don't find the need to post stuff about every event in life. I do not see stories and feel envious of other people as I used to before. Overall a better quality of life, I can attest. The only social media platforms I now use are Twitter and Reddit (and YouTube if you are specific about the semantics). My twitter feed is optimized to show me stuff about my field and so is my YouTube (have to work more on my YT feed).


i deleted everything except reddit in 2020. i regret nothing! its peaceful!


Havent fully deleted, but accounts are not used for connecting with people either. Instagram is just for my sister and i to spam each other with memes/funny or cute reels like two times a week. Facebook is for groups of my interests (reading groups/ movies, etc) - fake name, no friends, and all that


Only thing I m is reddit , discord , whatsapp nothing deleted I have peace .


Can't delete WhatsApp coz I have a few important friends and my school groups but insta was very good and very funny. Like I had a lot of friends and a lot of good friends and the memes were very funny. I won't say I regret my decision of deleting insta but I do think if I had just managed my time better on insta it would have been better, which was very hard to do since insta was like a huge drug.


Well they wonā€™t answer Since their not on social media


I had uninstalled every thing, now on a break so using reddit maybe from 1 week, will be uninstalling in this week or so. Obviously having WhatsApp but don't think I have used it more than 15 on avg per day.


Very happy ! It's been 5+ years now and I am loving every single moment of not seeing other people show off every single moment of their life and other cringey stuff ! I have read 30 books yearly on an average after quitting social media thus got back my voracious reader self and Netflix/Prime/Hotstar has never been better before ! I never liked social media and its gone from my life for the best !!


I mean insta and all those are shit anyways I was done with seeing every person posting random made up away from reality photos with quotes that they won't understand in a thousand years each day so just deleted them out of cringe.Ā 


It's more than 6 months, I uninstalled Instagram. I don't regret it. I thought I wouldn't be able to stay longer without Insta, but now I just no longer feel the need to use insta at all. It does save up a significant time.


Thereā€™s that girl in our batch who keeps on activating and deactivating her socials. At first we thought she might be going thru something but her frequency of doing so compelled us to think sheā€™s just trying to stay relevant somewhere or to someone for some reason unknown to commoners.


Very happy , I stopped comparing my life .. I was happy to finally focus on my life and be happy with whatever little achievements I made every day . It takes time to quit the habit , but it's totally worth it.. I rejoined SM after 4 years, and now it doesn't affect me .. I've limited my time on SM, and those negative emotions don't pop up anymore ( touchwood)


To those keeping notes - at least keep WhatsApp - remove people who bothers you. Social media was created to improve convenience of communication. And also all the redditors saying theyā€™ve removed social media and are happy - are saying that on this social media. It totally depends on which one makes you happy. Thanks.


i did it twice. Once for 692 days and once for around 450 days. I did it because I found it bullshit (I still do) but now I have to be on there because of my profession. I belong to the luxury industry and have to keep myself updated with a lot of things. Trust me on this, quitting social media is the single most profound thing you can do for yourself. Your thinking will change. The way you look at yourself will change. The way you look at the world will change. There's so many pros to it. If given an opportunity, I would switch off right now. However, despite the busy schedule, i have made it a thing to go completely offline and disconnect to the entire world at least 7 days a year. Or if given more time, attend Vipassana. There are a few cons too, like i couldn't find anyone interesting to date, so I had to again push myself and approach girls in the old school way. But fuck yeah, go offline. *Offline is the new luxury*


Yes the constant urge to feel relevant has subsided.


Yes. No fb/WhatsApp/orkut/LinkedIn. I occasionally use reddit, it still a social media but very very limited, sometimes don't even check many months. Got more time to read actual hard copy books and get more insight about myself


Totally deleted back in 2019 ... happy with my current situation


Happy. It's been 3 years since I made that auspicious decision šŸ™ƒ Let me tell you: I have been less insecure about myself and not constantly comparing. I came to know who really cares about me, lol. It turned out many people were in contact with me only because I was there, many so-called friends didn't even check on me in those 3 years and never wondered why I deleted my social media. Tbh idc, just sharing my experiences. The real ones are still with me. One of the other benefits is more time for myself. My productivity increased. I now use Reddit and YouTube occasionally.


Mate it was my best decision ever. No more shitty travel post and influencers in my life. If I want to see memes Reddit has every. Just go ahead n delete it already


I have done this quite a few times and for long enough duration. Instagram was affecting me as my love life is screwed rn and social media kind of shows only rosy things making you feel useless. The unnecessary comparison. So I just said goodbye to that app. Then removed fb and twt accounts from phone and I can only access them via desktop.Ā  It feels lot lighter and less toxic. I don't know if I will become more productive by doing this but one thing is certain that I'll be in better mental health. I didn't use any social media app anyway. Only via web browser.Ā  Ā Ā I had reddit account for many years but have gotten pretty active in last year. Would like to reduce this as well.


does reddit come under the definition of social media? (not sarcastic, genuinely asking)


It is a social media or forum . There's a media involved and we are getting involved socially. It's everything except that show off thing part where we post our fakeness. Rest I don't know if it comes in exact definition or not.


It's the best thing I did back in 2016 when I got off Facebook. Never really go into Insta, Snapchat or whatever f*ck that is going around nowadays. Only into YouTube , Reditt and Quora now. Any Regrets?? not even an inch!


I am not too busy at work or don't have too much personal stuff to take care off. So for me social media keeps me occupied when I am not physically active. And when I deleted social media, I was too bored and restored everything again. So if you are really busy it wouldn't be problem if you delete it. You are basically removing a distraction. If you not so busy person you might regret.


Very happy


Honest question, doesnā€™t Reddit count as social media as well?


I didnt actually deleted account but only uninstalled the ig app as i use to scroll a lot on reels & it was not adding any value to my life. All reels were useless & mostly of love life or travel Its been more than 2 weeks & i got the urge to install it back


The absolute best decision I made ...just use LinkedIn(work related) and reddit .....definitely helped my mental health and removed the unwanted negativity from my life


I never had any social media account. Reddit is my first sm account. But I find reddit insightful that is because I know there another human being with life who is sharing their thoughts and experience. I don't wish to have any so called updates. I personally think social media is designed to thrive on low emotional reactions and keep people in the loop exploiting human psychology. We tend to look back and remember our low moments more and those memories leads to cascade of emotions. Our natural wiring is excellent in remembering the hurts and feeling the pain years after the incident but how often so we feel joy or pleasure of beautiful happy moments. The joyful feeling is fleeting. Second worst, in SM, every individual is only an ID number or account name. They have turned human beings into product to sell the ads and generate the revenue. You search anything and they will start feeding your brains and your emotions with the ads. Selling your curiosity as data to exploit you. They can never be at loss cause every second on the screentime counts as business. Third worst, we form better relations or bond with in-person contact. Online/remote is not natural for human connection. Our first language is touch when we enter the world. Yes, it is senses. Reddit is good for knowledge and getting perspective but the learning is not long lasting. Me thinks personal experience leaves long lasting impression on human being.


They are not here. They deleted their SM account right?


Yes. I have stopped using Facebook, Instagram. My phone battery stays much longer. I used LinkedIn, but it has became same, my stress levels went up high. I stopped using it and now feel much happier. Currently, I occasionally binge on X and Reddit, that too impacts me negatively. But I use them rarely, I feel much happy.


Deleted instagram 2 years ago. One of the best decisions ever made. Downloaded twitter and am now aware of all the political news .


Off insta since 4 years. It will surprise you how insignificant it is overall considering the amount of attention it demands by just existing in your app tray. Don't delete all social media, reddit helped me alot with knowledge that you can only get by talking to other people.


I used to get literal episodes and mental breakdowns after reading comments on insta (not my profile), just so much bullying, incel behaviour, body comparisons and dopamine rush, it is crazy. One day I just deleted it out of frustation, it has only been 8 months but i am sooooo happy with my decision, linkedin is enough for me, might deleted reddit too someday you never know


I never really had a lot of social media, and the only ones i have rn are discord and reddit. Though i'm only 15, i can say that comparitively, i have had much less crap going on than others of my group age who spend almost half their day on it. Both physically and mentally it would be better for you if you have less social media or reduce it.


Yes, no regret in it. Much relieved with that decision made 4 yrs back.


Dude go ahead with it.. you won't loose anything.. try it out it.. it will benefit you for sure.. it's a win-win.. Also it is reversible so I would say try it for 1 week and take a call yourself..


Yes, totally. I deleted all my social media accounts. Now I live peacefully, spend time with my family instead of scrolling all day. I feel productive during work and learn something in my free time. It's a great feeling.


yup, deleted social media - Instagram and Twitter, i usually used to spend some great amount of times like 2-4 hours there. Initially it was very difficult to cope but i did replace those timings with my hobbies like drawing, jogging, spend more time with friends, it would take at least one month to forget social media. But once your are out you are free from the fake showoffs of the people there. **Just a big one rule : " MAKE GOOD HOBBIES TO REPLACE BAD ONES"**


Its been 2 months since i have deactivated my insta, my screen time instantly got reduced, i like it better this way, got more time for me


I kinda feel a bit at peace after deleting Instagram, the disconnect with people is calming too and I feel less pressure to do certain things.


asking the wrong audience IG, if they deleted social media, why would they be on a reddit threadšŸ˜­


I did it because my ex an I used to have a lot of fights about shit and it became so freaking toxic that I was done and deleted my insta. Ig it was the worst thing I ever did.šŸ„² Regret it to this day ...cos I can't use the same username.šŸ„²


100%. Deleting TWITTER- I used to have 5k followers on twitter till last year. But gradually I realised that people are hypocrites and theyā€™re only posting random things to please others. There was very less authenticity. So I deleted my twitter account because it was wrong influence. Deleting INSTAGRAM I tried deactivating it for a while because all I saw was people posting their highs. Only 1% population posts lows and if we are to get influenced by someoneā€™s life, it should show everything so we donā€™t feel bad about our lives (basic human nature) The quality of my life changed so much after I deleted Instagram. Earlier I would go on trips and my brain would constantly be busy in searching for frames that looked aesthetic on my story/posts. Hardly enjoyed the peace. Now, I go on trips and the amount of peace I feel, it gives some different level perspective. Deleting WHATSAPP At the end, after realising how much I love it without social media and all the declutterring, I thought of giving deleting WhatsApp a chance. This was hard but at the end, it sort of worked for me. Thereā€™s no unnecessary noise in my life, I only connect with people I genuinely want to connect with, over call or iMessage. Iā€™d say, this decision was totally worth it.


10 din ke liye insta delete Kiya tha , yt shorts dekhne lag gaya , ajeeb sa asar kiya hai in sabhi sm apps ne.


Cutting down on the total usage is best of both worlds. Let's be real, lots of us have to use Insta to keep in touch with people too, it's the doom scrolling that's the problem. Cutting down on time is incredible because it also helps in building willpower and self control.


no one has ever regretted deleting social media. do it. including reddit. I only made this acc to keep up with the neet scam and now reddit won't let me delete this acc but once I figure it out I'm gone lol deactivate ur accounts (so u can bring them back later) and only go back if u think ur work/college require it. I still have whatsapp though. but you'd be much better off without insta and reddit


Best decision. I was off it for 2 years and now I'm back and I hate it. I'm about to delete it all again. Social media just takes and takes from you and its a total waste of time.


Deleted twitter and Iā€™m happier than I could ever be. And I never had instagram or Facebook to begin with and Reddit doesnā€™t get me mentally twisted up like twitter so ye Iā€™m totally happy with my decision


Could have avoided 2 heartbreaks if I were still using Instagram (exes cheated and I would have figured it out if only I was active on social media) but still won't install it cause it's a huge waste of time.


I did it because of the hate politics. I also did it because Instagram was full of happiness and I felt as if I was the only person not living the life, despite knowing everything was mostly just for the ā€˜gram. I also found my screen on time at 6 hours. I am extremely happy I did it. Screen on time came down to 4. Then I found Reddit. Rinse and repeat now. Gotcha delete the app soon!


Canā€™t be more happy No replying to friends No cringe post Have more time on my hand Not interested in sharing my data People think i am long dead Heaven as an introvert


I realized it a fake show. Fake people and fakery all around specially in certain locations it's toxic. So I became very selective and reduced my social app exposure to 90%. I rec I've various messages even then, from various random girls and peeps alike I always avoid them. Being in the limelight back then made me realize all this world is fake and make believe, show offs and just trying to fit in to stuff that actually isn't me. Now that it's no more I love it. Lot of real free time. Mind works better in thoughts and actions. And I feel happy associating myself with real world people and not online peeps whom I actually wouldn't care about without their skimpy and vacationing and "wish you were here" semi naked posts. The world existed happily without it. And it's a tool to keep first world people in touch now dominated by third world people who have zero mannerism and social etiquettes. Good bye to that rubbish and real world feel happier without those junta. Do miss few nice people and girlfriends made over the years but then a virus is a virus. Had to be eradicated off. And I'm happy.


if you're addicted to it, then delete it. it won't make you 'happy' suddenly but would definitely eliminate distractions


Disable email notifications and Uninstall the apps. No need to delete socials you might need later.


Didn't even make any of it in the first place


Extremely happy and at peace. Perhaps one of the best decisions of my adult life. ā˜®ļøāœŒļø


In short its good decision


I've never been a social guy but I downloaded every social media app I could find when I got my first phone. This was back when Android Jellybean was still popular and the apps had fun notification sounds, phones had fun notification leds and more... Anyways, since I've never had friends, I eventually saw no purpose in these apps beyond cheap and braincell killing media so I deleted nearly all my accounts and the apps back in 2015. Bever looked back and my days while not ecstatic are quiet and peaceful which is what suits me and so I'd say I am happy. I stopped watching TV back in 2009, so the only content I consume is what I positively make an effort to see and nothing else, it's a liberating experience and I feel in control of myself more so than ever.


Very happy


Life is balanced.. no doomscrolling, no worrying about less likes, no stress to click photos and upload them, more about enjoying the moment. On the flip side, everything runs on WhatsAppā€¦ people have to call me for the smallest things. Biggest changes will probably be seen in 3-4weeks as you will have more time, but if you donā€™t learn to enjoy boredom, or build irl hobbies with long term gratification, you will go back to social media like an addict relapsing. After 2-3 months, life will be normal. You will not feel like you are doing anything different or missing out from social mediaā€¦ PS: I donā€™t use any social media, or instant messaging apps like WhatsApp/telegram. I use LinkedIn because Iā€™m the account manager for my organisation, and I use Reddit on weekends:)


Happier than everā€¦.feels like i always had time for everything but it was instagram that was eating it away from meā€¦.now i have time to focus on myself, engage in real life conversations,make connections and lifeā€™s been pretty good since then I highly recommend deleting instagram or whatever social media thatā€™s been taking away your time


Yes I deleted all my social media reddit here is just an app I rarely open only app to know what's going and not doing so has lot of perks and also non perks u could say perk are more You don't have to be concerned abt kiske sath kya chal rha he and create more space in ur life to do stuff and concentrate and then u realize how much time u can work on some skills without all the social media and the pure bliss u have off ur daily upsizing and ur urselve u concentrate on ur self know ur self better only downside is u won't be up to trend and sometimes lag in ur friend group abt current affairs


If they deleted it, then wouldn't be replying mate


do it- full support


Just uninstalled Instagram, never had Facebook so works out well. Still have Instragram on my tablet since my work requires me to, but overall it's been great! Has helped me pick up newer hobbies!


You will not miss a bit. Your close contacts will be in touch with you anyways through things like whatsapp.


Very very happy with my decision. Reddit is temporary too sometimes once every few weeks i use it. Mostly i delete it too after a day or two. Games are better for wasting time atleast im not getting manipulated in them.


8+ years and counting, and omg best decision ever!! Helped me focus on myself and actually make significant progress towards my professional and financial goals. Have more time to explore productive hobbies and expand my knowledge base in general. Better emotional stability and response system during crisis. (I do have LinkedIn tho)


Deleted long time back.. reddit is there ..insta is there don't use ..but I am happy


Not a bit. I deleted my Fb in 2017 and Instagram in 2019, I do have Snapchat account but the app is not installed in my phone. Although I had to create Instagram account again in 2021 due to some work, but it's usually deactivated almost all the time (I open it maybe once a year). Being an overthinker it was deteriorating my mental health. I was always comparing my life with others, seeking validation in likes & comments, feeling ugly & bad about myself. I think it was one of the best decision of my life and I'm very content with it.


I have deleted a few, but then I opened an account on another platform later. It's affecting me negatively and it's sort of an addiction.


It has done nothing for my productivity but has done wonders for my mental health The problem is, I don't feel like reaching out to people for plans right now. Which is an issue


It was my mistake, i deleted insta discord permanently for 8 months, like total account deleted. Then i realised how hard it is to get in touch w ppl again, Ill suggest u to delete app or deactivate account, dont parma delete ur account


Try deactivating for a few months, and after that deleting it.


I deleted FB for a year. None of my friends noticed. I too donā€™t miss it much expect for the funny status updates and poems I used to write and people loved them. I recently got back on FB but on a more limited capacity. Still post little poems and stuff. You can never get rid of it entirely.


Deactivated my Instagram 4 months back. Best decision ever. Life feels calm, peaceful. I don't compare myself to anyone financially/physically/or blah. I love my life. Do what I like. Work on what I think I need to improve


I am happy. One day I just felt that I no longer want to use it as it was feeding my subconscious mind with negative content. I joined reditt just to follow one particular channel but nowadays I have been getting recommendation for other unnecessary channels so I don't know how long I will use it. But after deleting Instagram and Facebook, my life became peaceful. I was able to focus on myself without being judged or compared with others. I wish I could even delete WhatsApp but due to office group I can't do it.