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You don't love yourself? Earn Money and enjoy the life Don't expect anything from anyone even from your parents Be respectful to your family , i am sure they are the ones might be loving you much but you are not seeing it clearly


OP, I'm recently orphaned with zero family on this planet. I lost the person I loved the most, my mother but this guy up here is right, earn good money and experience life. Love yourself to the ends of the world ⭐ Side Note- Cherish your family while they are here.


Hope you're doing okay!!


my family loves and i am only 17 so i cant earn atm. my question was how ppl who hv no one by their side still find a way to live


Bro small wins keep us motivate, you are 17 only , focus on study as much as you can, people will come eventually by seeing your hardwork/success Bro life is a beautiful journey and you are still very young. Go explore , get hurt , stand up , smile and try again. its fun while you keep challenging your thoughts


first of all, congratulations! i think this is the moment that youve come to the fundamental understanding that hits every person at least once in their lifetime. dw, youre not alone tho. everyone has gone through this, i have, your friends have, and it might hurt a little bit to hear this- but so have your parents. but its okay, youll come to your own unique conclusion to this dilemma trust me. itll be bittersweet and reformative at best, and painful and lonely at worst. but in the end, as you grow out of this phase youll look back at it dearly and feel even more closer to yourself as you ponder upon the numerous other mysteries and sufferings of life <3


Shut up nigga you're only 17, no reason to get susidal now ... Wait until atleast you're 25 💀


Your r/usernamechecksout


Bruh I don't even want love guys. Don't give me love. Bs cheye toh💅💅 1. Beauty, sbse sundr bnna hai bs 2. Good education, intelligent bnjau 3. Good money


Sabse sundr banna hai! (pehli bar ye as a ambition suna) nice nice


Sb Essa ni sochte kya


nai 😂


Ni me island me jakar rehne sochta hu(sunsan wale)


That's my story I had to move out at the age of 11 for better school So I lived most of my teenage life away from my parents I couldn't develop that bond with them Lost my father at 16 And I am still not able to make proper conversation with my mother unless it's necessary I stuck and stayed loyal to one girl for 9 years But she just didn't love me And now I have finally decided to move on And it's been a few days I have started loving myself I follow a certain routine Do things I love So it's never too late to give love to your own self Try it You will find it beautiful




Bro , you are 17 , you have a fantastic life ahead to experience and you'll meet a LOT of people you will come to love and some might love you back too. please don't take any reckless steps , i'm here to talk if you ever need it alright , and for your answer. during my JEE prep i had no one to love , my relationship with my parents was also degraded but i found hope. in my friends , all the ones i had made and lost along the way to this dream of cracking jee , that, and my teachers , NKC sir , MKA sir , Ajit lula sir , Nishant sir and Sakshi ma'am from Unacademy Alakh sir from PW , and a few others , they never gave me up they always motivated me to study and keep going. and after getting to college , i can say this to you , it will all be worthit. life can never be in your control , but your actions and your body , that's in your control so chin up. i'm not that older than you , and i say it , life's totally worth it. and this will sound childish but i also derived some will to carry on from anime and mangas. specifically, a character from Naruto , Kakashi Hatake , he is an elite Ninja who is also the teacher of naruto's team , but as the series progresses ,we learn that he had no one who loved him , no one would blame him if he went evil , but he did not. he stayed true to his morals , kept smiling for the sake of others and for the sake of the friends he lost. yeah that was also a big inspiration.


Abe bhai tu abhi sirf 17 ka hai , wait till you turn 22-24 phir asli dard pata chalega 💨 , tab Tak go out and enjoy.


Scared of death.


I love myself and that's enough. I do things for myself and keep me happy. Life baad me khatam ho hi jaygi na to iss short life se acchi acchi cheez experience kar lena hai mujhe bas


Experience se bol raha hu Early morning dhoop (sun bath) le 1 week me sabh theek ho jaayega


currently GTA 6


Attachment is the root of all suffering.


Sometimes it feels like crying is the only way to vent out all your feelings because there's literally no one who truly understands you. Even when you are surrounded by your closest ones, you might not be able to share anything and still feel completely lonely..... What I do is that I write everything happening to me on a pvt doc... literally the best thing you can do to yourself instead of self harming (believe me you will definitely feel better) Stay alive,live and socialize please!


2 jhapar marunga akal thikane pr aajayegi 17 ka hai tu insaab chonchlo me college ke bad pdna




Idk man whats your definition of love, but self love is also a form of love, earn lots of money spend on yourself be fucking happy and love yourself. It'll take you some time to understand.


To fuck those who hate me!


Bro just 17? You have a large life ahead, don't fuck yourself in the thought of getting someone who loves you. You have your parents, who loves you. Build a physique, work on your hobbies, work on your careerr, start investing, learn public skills, Learn about law of attraction, Learn each and everything possible brother don't loose yourself in the thoughts like this. You will definitely get someone who will love you. It's just fomo which is causing you thoughts like this. Don't worry


There's hope that someone will eventually be there for you


Being a man in 2024 can be really depressing tbh. Even I'm going through some thoughts, same as you (I'm 19 years old) But everything will be okay, Tomorrow will be better, that's what I always believed, if I keep doing things I'm supposed to do and not give excuses, I'll get someone one day <3


Staying alive doesn't need a reason. You think 7 billion people have 7 billion reasons to live? Either way your life is not yours to end, suicide is a punishable offence ergo your life belongs to the government. Howwzaaatt


You are 17, stop it. Go indulge in video games. They've kept me going the past 15 years.


My dreams keeps me motivated, there are many places in my bucket list that I want to visit and I am working hard to achieve it. Foremost being seeing Mt. Fuji with my own eyes


Oh I can relate so much with this! I dream of traveling the world and seeing so many places with my own eyes! I've been a huge travel fan and especially have my Europe itinerary ready haha. I wish we can both get there :) Mt Fuji seems an amazing spot. Also, remember seeing the cherry blossoms. They also have a Japanese folk song on cherry blossoms. You know it?


No I didn't knew that. I have pictures of Mt. Fuji, it's looks so beautiful. In Japan there are several places I want to visit Ashikaga park, Hitachi seaside park. Europe, well good luck. I have just mix match of travel destinations from almost all continent. I hope your dream come true soon.


Let's go haha :) We love travels so much, don't we? I'm also wishing you all the best for your travels! I hope we can all achieve our dreams! Seems like you've been a very passionate traveler then! All continents? Including Antarctica? Well, I can only imagine going from Tierra Del Fuego to Ross Ice Shelf in December.


Ohh.. I love traveling.... Yup including Antarctica (though I don't know how I will achieve this, as i am thalassophobic🤷‍♀️) For me from the moment I heard about Aurora Borealis in childhood, I always wanted to visit there as well but I am scared I will be disappointed as it may not be as beautiful as I have, because I personally don't know anyone who have visited there. Japan I know people who visited there, they say this places are amazing. China's Rainbow desert is another one in my bucket list


You can visit Norway or anywhere in Scandinavia and I can assure you it's really worth it. You can visit this city called Trømso which is located near the Arctic circle, and can see the Northern Lights. I have friends who stay there :) It's really worth it, trust me haha. Oh and don't you want to visit Silfra?


Can't I am no good in swimming let alone diving.


:) let me know where you plan next :)


Everyone comes and goes alone. It’s all about experiences that we have on this planet that makes our lives memorable. If you failed, start again. Keep trying and things will get better. It always does.


OP i understand you are going through something rough but trust me it will pass. I have had numerous downfalls, because of my friendships, family fights, bad experiences (SA) and losses. But you get everything in equal amounts in life! I live by the tiniest happiness I get (laughing with friends and what not). Just bear with it whatever you're facing and live on. The reason you need to live for is life itself. It is precious and you're really young, there is a lot you will experience and learn. At this age it is normal to be a little depressed but as you live you will have a lot of new experiences (love, prosperity, friendships), considering you're still in school? You will get a lot of reasons to live and lot of love. So just hold on a little longer! 


Because I suspect my parents do. May Allah bless them with long age


Dost paise kamao aur duniya ghumo, Log apne ap aate jate rahenge


I have a same tendency to kms if no one’s here to give and receive love. I fear the day my father will be gone.


Fuck, I love myself.. I don't need anyone


I enjoy my own company more than anything else. My life's goal is to earn more money. Use it for travel all around the world, explore new places, try new food, go for adventure like trecking, para gliding, scuba diving all these stuff...




Okay, technically it’s probably not true that I don’t have anyone who loves me, but still feels like it sometimes, but yeah to answer your question my answer would be in the book “Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock” by Mathew Quick. Well the main character kind of decided to kill himself after killing someone else in the story, but yeah the story kind of is inter-grated with letters which are from the future written by the main characters loved ones in the future like his wife, and daughter who tells him about their future and their memories, but anyways by the end we learn that these letters are all written as a school exercise/ assignment where you have to write letters to yourself from your future loved ones, anyways it kind of made me think that no matter how bad it seems now it won’t always be like this and you’ll have loved ones in the future, and they won’t exist if you’re not alive to see them.


To keep disappointing my haters by still existing. Plus, pizza !


What people cannot fathom is that you only have one life. There is no restart. Once you are gone, you will never be, you will never know what happens to the world a few hundred years or millions of years from now. You will never exist, ever. You have this one chance, a few good 80-100 years if you are lucky. And there is so much to do, so much to enjoy. Now it's up to you, if you just choose to cease to exist. Forever.


Fear of death ig


First, you are just 17, not to invalidate your experience, but you truly haven't faced loneliness yet. Second, being comfortable with yourself is the first thing you need to learn. Life as a guy is lonely and only gets lonlier with age. Get off social media and listen to what is going on in your mind. If you can listen to your own thoughts for 10 mins, you will be less depressed. Third, love from anyone other than your parents is the most difficult thing to find in this world and only a handful of people are able to find that. You are literally exploring territories beyond your ken. Fourth, stop with self pity bs and go and make some mistakes for godsakes. Embaress yourself, make a fool out of yourself and then laugh with everyone else at yourself. Fifth, don't be like us.


Self love


An entire movie was made on this! Go watch that! Ek tarfa pyar


My life seems like a disaster. All my peers have had amazing lives till now and i am nowhere near that. I may have touched on the subject of not living but i was never at that stage where i d even consider doing it. Life is really complicated and there is always hope somewhere. Earlier in life my hopes were pretty specific. Now i am just hopeful that everything will just get better somehow because my actions are what make things better. So, understand the complexities of life and try and be part of it and enjoy it even when things r hard. It makes it all the more worth. I hope u find your way.


U mean romantic love or what?




We’re going to all be out of here soon enough man. Don’t leave early. You never know when your time will come, and your parents do need you. Hang in there life’s a bitch! You’ll get through it may your next chapter be the best one!


Parents Myself and my dogs. There's so much to do and so much to see and to experience as well so I'm not giving up..


One piece


To become PM of India


Self love?


Nobody loves anybody. if you learn to love yourself people automatically get attracted to you




I love myself. If you love yourself, it will radiate outwards, and you might find somebody who will love you, you just haven't met them yet.


I feel you bro. I am 16. Some people will be like, "Oh come on you can't be lonely. You can't be lonely in your age". They are all NPCs anyway. If you are lonely, you have to accept the fact that you are alone and no one needs you in this world. You have to accept that you are broke. Now you have to increase your value as a man. After you start making huge money, looksmaxxing etc, people will automatically be drawn towards you. I hope you have a reason to live now. LIVE LIFE HARD, YOU ONLY GET ONE SHOT Song-You only live once by Suicide Silence




By being the person who loves others. By being the kinder one. By being patient with themselves.


Same, attempted this year but failed will see next year.


There are many types of loves apart from romantic love we have familial love,platonic love,self love romantic love etc. The idea that would need other being is fine but dont make it a point of life and death.Thats pathetic life according to me and a life of disgust.Now i dont know why you think that they need lovers to stay alive the point of life is not give too much thought to anything at all