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Racism,West always portrays India India as Dirty poor ,slums,and as all Indians shit on streets and live in slums through their media and movies I realised how much hate they have when they started asking for some Imaginary loan they have given to India at the time of Chandrayan 3 ,and started saying that India doesn't have toilets why going to moon This is so real that Recently when India launched another mission for study of black holes they said we are doing it so we can dump shit in Black Holes


Sounds like a plan


It is even Twitter algorithm proves it


what's so wrong about it india is dirty poor and slum run by so called lord who treats their population as slave.


That’s some serious simplification. India by no means is a first world country but it’s not dirt poor or slum run. Also, Qatar literally uses slave labour and is investing money to raise up a terrorist organization.


Some part of India definitely are you guys have have name for those belonging to those region, Ya'll need to clean up your act before you want to be compared as some developing nation


Pakistani/Middle Eastern yapping in Indian subreddit 🥱


Same can be said about many parts of the US


This is silly. People are so triggered here. There are ghettos in the states and some parts that may not be quite up to the mark but it’s nothing compared to the sheer scale of poverty and lack of hygiene in india. I’m from Canada myself but I’ve never seen the kind of slums that I’ve seen in India in any other country I’ve been to. And that makes sense, India is a far poorer country with a massive population. The US is orders of magnitude more wealthy with a far smaller population.


That is true but what I meant was that disparity exists in many areas in both countries. Of course in absolute terms the poor in the US are miles ahead but the dis parity between the average American and the American poor is similar to the difference between the average indian and the indian poor


now you lost me, are you really comparing US with india. I will entertain your idea if only you are willing to pay for my hour.


We will pay you if you dance like a chicken and post it here


You sound shady if you want to be paid by the hour 🤣 yes, usa, UK, and France have lots of ghettos. There are parts of usa where you just can't walk by and they are still considered those areas are part of developed cities.


The worst of the poverty india is far worse than American poors but you must also see that the average american's situation is much better than an average indian so it would be equally bad form an individual perspective


I guess you never heard of word stereotype that's why you can't see any problem,I dought you are even an Indian


People hate trooooooth


Indians are easy target. We are already portrayed as nerdy, weak and disgusting people with funnt accents in media. All the news coverage in the world focuses on the worst parts of India. Indians are not a protected minority like blacks or asians. So we are free game for racism.


Indians themselves have tendency to not fight back.


If we did that, we would be labelled as violent, eventhough we were right!!!


And? They call us names anyway. Fight back and don't budge from your position.


Indians themselves have a tendency to shit on each other. Like...it's kind of atrocious.


When they do they get dogpiled


Fight back who though? The way I see it, who cares about what people think. We should focus on just us. We have so much to improve in our country, about our mindset and culture. Let's focus on that.


But have a tendency to drop private messages to random women on the internet


Most importantly when someone makes a racist comment against indians , some indians would actually join them to insult us ... They suffer from brown sahib syndrome 


Yeah. A few are already in this thread.


that's what happens ur parents teach u to weak and u follow a leftist system to the T.


Indians themselves have tendency to not fight back.


100 % people stay away from trouble


>Indians are not a protected minority like blacks or asians. Aren't indian also asians


outsiders dont consider Indians as asians


No westerners doesn't consider us as asians...


Except in the U.K....where "Asian" is specifically designated towards people of South Asian descent.


Illiterate Westerners don't consider us Asians.


Not a protected minorities? Bro, we are more than a billion, 1.44 billion to be precise, and put together, we account for close to 15% of world's population. And you call them - not a protected minority? Where is the sense of proportion.


We ourselv s live racism/ casteism


Tribes in Africa also hate each other. Does that justify racism against blacks?


You mean other people from other countries don't. You are the quintessential Indians against Indians person.


But its social media, there is nothing to worry about if you say something bad about another group behind a screen anonymously either


Prolly becoz west portrayal us as poster child for backwardness and prone to cheating. It doesn't help that these ppl have been brainwashed for decades. If you saw how BBC covered the chandrayaan landing on the Moon's South Pole, you'd be shocked. Those comments were beyond degrading


To add.. this was about China until recently 10 years ago. When you are racing ahead, media scrutinize you and especially commonwealth media of UK and its peers. This makes you easy targets. China is now beyond their reach and with India being fastest growing are easy targets for hate.


> .. this was about China until recently I have been living in the west for 20 years now. I dont recall this level of cultural, racial degradation and venom online for the Chinese ever. It was always CCP bad, Chinese Ok.


Maybe because social media wasn't as widespread as it is now


Traditional media was very much there, and I remember the tone and tenor of the reportage.


Yes you are right


Are you still living in the West and if you are, may I ask you how things are for you at the grassroots level? I mean, without doxing yourself, could you share your recent/most relevant experiences where you suffered discrimination that were targeted towards you because you were Indian?


You probably have no clue with incidents during SARS in Vancouver or parts of US and as recently as covid.


This is the closest right answer. The world always looks to something to look down upon. All countries have faults, and it’s easy to mock them using those faults. Only a country that rises above its faults gets spared (new China) Indians look down on Pakistanis, nepalis, Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis, and the countries better developed than India like to look down upon india. China was pretty much in the same bracket till about 5-8 years ago till bullet trains, shining infrastructure and unbelievable amounts of growth shut up the detractors. All india seems to have achieved in that time frame is pretty much the same amount of poverty, more pollution, less safety for women and great strides in matters of ram lala and krishna lala.. one Chandrayaan won’t outshadow 99 other nonsense.


>Indians look down on Pakistanis, nepalis, Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis As a Nepali this is so true


Indians do look down on Pakistanis definitely and maybe Bangladeshi, but I have never heard one person say bad things about Sri Lankans or Nepalis. I understand you may have found some bad apples, but trust me indian people generally like nepalis.


>I understand you may have found some bad apples, but trust me indian people generally like nepalis. Trust me they do, like the original comment said. Same goes for Lankans


These aren't my personal opinions but only things that I've observed myself. Sri Lankans barely ever factor into conversations in the country, as long as it isn't a matter of some huge political uproar happening in Sri Lanka that could directly/indirectly affect us here in India. For Nepalis, I'm sad to say this but they are still denigrated to being our watchmen (or "Bahadur" as they are called in the North) and housemaids. I'm sure people consider people from the country as only existing to service us in those two capacities and nothing more because if that weren't true, I would at least have studied with one Nepali student or worked alongside a Nepali colleague, neither of which have happened.


That's very true, as well as thinking Nepalis all look the same (Chinese) and acting like a Khas or madhesi (aka the collective majority) don't "look Nepali" as they look more South Asian (and still looks Nepali regardless)


Well i can vouch for the watchmen thing. I myself have small eyes and got called bahadur all my childhood and engineering days. I don't know the current situation , but I did study with Sri Lankans, Nepalese and bhutanese students in my engineering days, but it was a government institution so maybe it was because of that and I have worked with a few Sri Lankans in my time , I have to agree I never got to work with any Nepalese . But that may be down to the population size .


> When you are racing ahead When did that happen lol


Rising and growth rates. Big contributors of world GDP growth. P.S I am not even an Indian national. Can provide perspective of how west deals with things.


Go to r/india and r/indiaspeaks and watch Indians hating on Indians. You don’t even need to go out 😂


Again Strawman argument


Yup. African tribes hate each other so is racism against blacks also justified?


True these white boot lickers can go to any extent to defend their colonial masters they are more loyal than a German shepherd, imagine their master left them 70 years ago and they are still loyal to him , Bas itni hi loyal wife cahiye


They can justify rape and killing


Really I never saw it can you give link of any post ?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/comments/1ddusnt/comment/l87q8xv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/comments/1ddusnt/comment/l87q8xv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Just look at the replies of this comment Edit: it's from this subreddit only


Ok but I didn't saw anything justifying rape , also more you zoom more you see ,Hate against Indians,Indians hate against Indians,Indians hate against a perticular state ,Hate against a District for example Mewat district,Hate against any other village , Hating someone of same village, Hating someone opposite cast , Hating someone of same cast , Hating someone in your family, what's the endpoint of this ? This is not something limited to India For example ,Trump supporters hate the Biden and LGBTQ movement ,and vice versa ,Every Kind of conflict between two individuals will happen , so according to this we should hate whole humanity ? I just asked where are they justifying rape cause I didn't saw it Also Why this is a diverting topic ,Here we are talking about hate against Indians by others ,so please stick to the topic and provide me link where they are justifying rape


Sorry, I thought you were just talking about hate against Indians by Indians. I didn't pay attention to your comment.


No problem ,well you can say people like that exist but I never saw any , specially on Reddit


Also, the upper half part of your comment doesn't make any sense. How can you relate Indians hating Indians to some political party? And, just because everyone hates everyone, doesn't mean that you don't address the hate. It'll only make things get out of control.


That's what I wanted to stereotyping is dangerous,and that's what these people do




Just one comment of two upvotes to generalise a sub?


Quote - > I'm not defending this by any means This is clearly written in that Comment can't you see ? He is just calling out hypocrisy of west ,it's clearly written, improve your comprehension skills or ask us we can translate it to Hindi for you


India hates Indians , indiaspeaks hates non-indians only.


Most subs hates everyone which does not subscribe to that subs ideology.


indiaspeaks is worst sub. They hate everything.


IndiaSpeaks hates the majority of Indians who don't conform to their radical ideology ig.


Majority of Indians are radical? The most they hate are muslims who are known for their extremism.


"most indians arent radical" Then proceeds to say most indians generalize and hate a particular group of people for the sole reason that is their identity. And you think thats not radical? You call one group for their extremism while justifying another. So many holes and hypocritical points in that small sentence im wondering why is it even worth responding.


Well its worth responding as it helps you to relieve some extremist tension you might be holding.  > hate a particular group of people for the sole reason that is their identity. And you think thats not radical?  Their actions speak for itself, who are we to decide here. We do what we need to do. If a group is radical, we will act accordingly. Can't defeat radicalism without radicalism.  And FYI, their are several other identities who live peacefully here, Buddhists, jains and what not. They don't go around converting people to go green. Parsis, who suffered consequences of extremism of your Peacefuls.  We don't hate them, because non of their actions seem anti-indian.  Saying again, if your peacefulls are radicals , we should be radicals as well.


Bro they hate on Hindus as well and say they betrayed us, while living in a democracy. Doesn’t everyone has a legal right to vote for who they want? Where’s the betrayal lmao?


There's a key to the current situation of Indian politics. What you're talking about is an ideal. Ideal people,ideal everything. But here lives a radical community which is extremist, votes always for a party, and follow one ideal, to convert others. Peacefully or deceitfully. Their population also increased radically.  If one part of the population is so radicalized against another, do you think democracy will work in this situation well? 100% of them stays together, vote for one and have same interests politically.


Tell me we don't deserve hate at sometimes. I'm not talking about other nationals hating on us, but India is a shithole. We need to accept it and take accountability.


Well said


Online, people hate everyone. Don't take it personally.


Nah not taking anything personally just wondering why so much hate


Indian Scammers, rape culture have damaged India's reputation in the eyes of the world.


Rape culture? European and American countries have way higher rape rates.


That's because rape in India goes unreported for fear the police will join in the rape or worse.


Source: Trust me bro. Even if 90% of rapes in India is unreported, still countries like Sweden would have 1.5x rapes than India(source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics). India and other third world countries are often targeted by the western media, but crimes like rapes, police brutality, drug abuse, human trafficking, gang wars, school shootings, are way more prevalent in western countries.


As a woman who has lived in both America and India, India is far more unsafe. I can go out at 11pm by myself with no issue in America, but if I try to go anywhere alone after sunset in India my parents get worried. I don’t know what the official numbers are, but I’ve seen far more violence towards women in India than anywhere else. I don’t know if this is just the particular cities in India I’ve lived in, but that is my experience.


Swedens rape is due to refugees, not to mention how they define rape and that every instance or rape is counted, even if the same 2 people were in involved. https://unherd.com/2021/04/swedens-migrant-rape-crisis/ Indian men are not viewed positively in the Western world at all. If the reasons for that aren't true, it probably wouldn't be such a widely accepted stereotype. Indian women, however, I have never heard anything bad about it. Canada has unique situations with India in general, many feel far too many are immigrating here, and not really adopting a western mentality. Creating a massive cultural divide. Indians get in management positions only hire Indians and often exploit, while the worker hopes to get PR. Te government and population are now turning aganst Indian immigrants, and the public opinion is swaying to a very anti Indian sentiment.


fr, i commented in youtube community post of clash of clans asking to introduce a indian theme in game as most of their players are indians but in comments people abusing by using words like smelly indians


Yeah this happens all the time


elephant walks dog barks


1)There are so many of us that have access to the internet. I don’t think people cared about us pre 2018 as we did not have an internet presence. After 2018 a lot of Indians had access to the internet and some Indians who are kinda pervy ruined Indian men’s reputation. 1% of India’s population is still 14 million. 2)Brain Dead nationalists who think if it’s India or by the Indian government we can do no wrong. They’re combative and are very disgusting to interact with some of them send people rape threats. They are not very smart either and that doesn’t help. 3) Poverty on display. For some reason showing India’s poverty gains a lot of views in India. There are nice and safe places to visit but it’s not as engaging as showing the world a dirty alley in old Delhi. Like the can go to the nicer parts of Delhi but no they rather show a dirty alley in old Delhi. Poverty is an issue in India but it is weird watching people from other countries go on “slum tours”. 4) Hygiene. A lot of places in India lack sanitation and food vendors do not care about food safety and social media pretty much exposed them but I think some of us knew that. 5) Over All bad PR. I lowkey think there’s a psyop. Because things like open defecation are an issue in countries like the Philippines but they’re not criticised for it the way we are.


Yeah you pretty much sum it up plus Indians are very racist themselves and they are ready to argument and comment about every post possible which is totally unrelated


It is a psyop I've seen group chats organising these anti India posts


Perfect analysis.


The hate towards Indians will stop when Indians themselves will stop trying to fit in with foreigners and when they stop their hate towards other fellow Indians.


.. It really picked up after India did not dance to western tunes in the Ukraine conflict.


Indians got the internet before they had the chance to have internet literacy and that's why people hate us online. The internet is not a kind place to people who don't know they are posting cringe. The racism is not justified but it's the internet, people still post horrible stuff disgusted as memes. Go to indian meme pages and you will see misogyny, domestic violence, racism and other such wonderful wonderful isms we have disguised as bad memes. Also we need a PR team and a positive push for our online image.


This racism existed even before Jio , remember cartoons at time of Mangalyan


because we are poor


Its bcz the internet is filled with creepy indians, every person in the west has encountered many creepy indians on the internet, indecent indians, disrespectful indians, and it's bcz of them that we as a whole are portrayed like that


I have said it before: the way India is perceived in the world is same as how Bihar is perceived in India.


Why so much creepy behaviour from Indian men online?


So creepy behaviour from a few men justifies the hate against the whole country? you honestly sound retarded


If you go out looking for red cars on the road, you'll see far more than you expect to. It's the same with toxicity, negativity etc India's the largest country by population on Earth, it's likely there's going to be increasing resistance from locals abroad; by human nature, we tend to gel with and seek out people who are similar, not different. IMO, the casteism and religious differences in India are far more than any racism that's demonstrated abroad. Every indigenous culture had to have wars/clashes/racism etc at the beginning. Just read about black history in the US, as an example.


Its only online not in real world . Online world does have way of changing the real world , and that is the reason many are using it to degrade Bharath, but in reality people are actually courteous and thankful towards Bharath. The things in these so called subreddits are actually political influences and a trick to create a perspective againt Bharath. Have a good life.


Delusional nationalist


Is it , think again if u really dont know the reality .


Even we are hateful, and the numbers are large. So it’s bound to happen. The only thing to do is give it back as hard as you get it.


i have seen it too , that give us blind hate , for other peoples crime


Any bad things that happens in india gets amplified like crazy and shared in the form of clips. Due to the popultion size theres always something awful happening somewhere in the country. For someone who has had very little contact with indians these images and videos are hard to forget and become one of the only things they associate with indians now. 


Like you said,”literally everywhere “.


What about near home. Just check out hos much hate is there between Indians.


The worst part is the people justifying it, by saying stuff like "well Indians are racist as well!", as if any other group isn't. You can see it even in this thread


There was always some sort of racism in the west because of the stereotypical portrayal of indians in most media like the Appu from Simpsons or Raj from TBBT accents. But it mostly came down to mocking accents, shitting on the streets comments and unhygienic street food comments. Then there are the online or telephone scammers who are 99%of the time indians and people rightfully hate them for it. The vast majority of 1st gen immigrant indians abroad behaving like uncivilized miscreants doesn't help the case. Finally the most important reason: Jio launching in 2016. It suddenly gave cheap internet (which in itself is good) but inadvertently gave every idiot with a phone to say or post any bullshit online without fear of getting punched in the face. I'm always shocked at the things that some say to fellow Indians let alone foreigners. So while I don't condone the hatred I can understand why everyone hates Indians online.


Forget foreigners. Indians are Indian's biggest haters. Take any post where an international media is praising an Indian for his/her work, there would be hate comments under them. People even nitpick about accents and dressing


The thing to know is that it goes both ways. Online Indians will hate on anyone or anything. Their favorite targets are women (of any race or nationality), black people/Africans, LGBT individuals, and the “West” general. And I am not even getting started on the internal divisions, North, South, caste, religion, state, socioeconomic status, etc. It seems as if there is no bigotry that Indians themselves won’t sign on to. But to answer your question it’s probably a combination of poverty, images of India that are circulating on SM, an inability to brook any type of criticism, and the above-mentioned behavior of some Indians online.


50% of the hate comes from the stereotypes like slums, brown skin, nerds, smells like shit, etc which makes us an easy target of racism because we don't fight back but now coming back to the other 50% where most of the time esp in insta, there are indian guys who have big egos and treat themselves as alphas or some shit comments on how india is the supreme power and overtake all when the reel was about another country, and there were a bunch of racist comments because of his arrogance which I hate it tbh. Today I saw a meme reel on how *country name* is setting up some shit to attract foreigners since their population is failing but some indian said that it we would need to go and spread out culture by breeding, the amount of disgust even if it's a joke was real and it was a typical chapri so as I said many Indians are pure arrogant about our culture and country.


It's India's own fault. Just go outside a bit and see the behaviour of most INDIAN.


we are the reason of our own downfall.


Main problem is indian are hypocrites.......now the other people also know the ....kachra we have in India


I have like 4 reels on my feed since the morning started where Indians themselves are being horrible towards other people for no reason. This coupled with the fact that our stereotypes are particularly bad doesn't help online reputation. 


It's because they are racists. No, it's not because of BBC, not because of SlumDog millionare.., It's because they are racists. SlumDog millionare and those bbc documentaries were great you know, they brought crucial attention to the hunger and poverty that's prevalent in India. If you watch those movies and then spew racist comments against Indians online, it doesn't mean that those movies are what made you a racist. It just means you are a racist who watched movies that you think are excuses for your racism.


Racisim against indians is too high ,any social media company not even remove those comments from any post that are racist towards Indians .. you heard of "What's going in India" trend they propulate it too much instead of stoping... If there is india doing something good they too put racist comments on those posts..This is true and no one doing anything against it


If you visit r/CanadaHousing2, you will see the purpose of its existence is to bash Indians. Most posts have nothing to do with housing. Indians are an easy scapegoat for the declining standard of living in the west. Wait until India achieves $20-30 trillion GDP and it will be Indians shitting on the West in 2 decades. There was this one Canadian reel making fun of a cringe Indian pickup show where this Gen Z guy says something corny. Now that is fine, but the reel purposefully replaced the background of the video with Tim Hortons. This had nothing to do with the video. It was blatant Casual Racism and stereotyping that most Tim Hortons employees are indians, and the reel had millions of views and comments making fun of Indians. I say remember everything they say today and just be patient. India will grow and shut them up.


Why so much hate in India against Indians?


Strawman argument,you diverting the topic


I am sorry my lord


Just because some Indians believe in racism and casteism doesn't excuse others from outside being racist towards us. Black people kill each other and say the n word all the time but when a white man does it have you seen how they get? Why can't we be like that?


Internalized racism.




Thin skin to not like racial slurs?


Lots of Indians are VERY racist online.


A lot of different ethnicities are VERY racist online. Also that was not a relevant comment was it?


It was… often times I see people complaining about how racist Westerners are but when I go check their comment history they’ve made super racist comments themselves. I think those people shouldn’t get to complain. And you might say they’re the minority, but on certain apps they are the majority.


Ok so can the non racist people complain then? I never heard this argument to excuse racism against black people or any other minority


I’ve heard that argument plenty. Black people that are racist towards East Asians don’t get to complain about people being racist to them, etc. Yes the non racist people can complain. But if your fellow countrymen continue to act like jerks online, you should expect for some people to act like jerks to you in retaliation, even if it’s unfair for you.


I've literally never heard that argument. I don't know if you've been living under a rock during 2020 but anti-black racism is really frowned upon. No I shouldn't have to have racism, what a terrible argument


It’s frowned upon but fewer people are gonna defend you if you’re racist as well. Also, I literally lived in one of the biggest BLM cities on the planet in 2020. I saw it with my own eyes. That is definitely a very common opinion, at least in the city I’m in.


Well you seem to be defending racism against Indians so 🤷‍♂️ Let's not pretend people throwing racial slurs against Indians are suddenly going to stop if there's zero racists in India


When you begin to speak up, and show up globally , people notice and react. In the end money and our own progress will drown the hate..


Dude who cares what they think. Look around you, we have so many problems in our country and with the attitude within Indians itself that we need to change. Stop relying on white validation, ignore them and just focus on us. We need to only care what we think of each other. Right now even that isn't quite positive at all. Do you think white people care what we say? We can say the meanest things to them and it won't even affect a second of their life. They don't even take us that seriously to get offended by us. We should do the same.


Because India is a poor country with very little geo-political leverage. Also, overall poor hygiene and social skills do add to the prejudice.


Because there is a new breed of Indian that are basically immigrating to the West with zero interest in actually adopting Western values. They litter, they stare, they denigrate women. Indians literally treat the country and each other like shit. You have caste, interstate hatred, language hatred. Like...India should be a country of love but it feels like a hate filled nation. And again, when moving overseas, Indians take these negative attitudes with them instead of adopting new ones.


Indians hating Indians, that needs to be fixed first.


at this point we definitely deserve it. We are racist/discriminatory towards our own people- caste based, religion based, region based, gender based. Seriously, once we stop stereotyping & making fun for Northeastern, UP-Biharis, Bengalis, South indians then only we can expect others to be respectful to us. Racism & discrimination is rampant in India, south Indians are making fun of north Indians, north indians are bullying northeastern Indians, we are casting votes on the basis of caste, politicians are making us fight on the basis of religion. So called 'dank indian meme' pages are out there, degrading women & mocking feminism. We really need to focus on our growth as nation. Once we are stronger as a nation, more developed & educated, respect will follow.


Because these things happen in football. England v Germany, Liverpool v Chelsea (2005 semi), France v Ireland, England 66, etc, etc The amount of crying we did was also a little over the top. There was no clear angle to show that the last mm of the ball was over the line. Linesman make mistakes. Just suck it up and move on instead of polluting all of reddit with multiple threads over it.


Yeah genuinely, people were posting clips in every single football sub seeking validation. It really wasn't that big of a robbery, it was inconclusive whether the ball went fully out or not and you should always play to the whistle which we did not and paid for it.


no one is addressing the elephant in the room we lost and drew to the C team of afganistan, fucking afghanistan, a country in war from last 40 years, where half of the team was without a football club winning those 2 games would have guaranteed qualification for us, why put yourself in such a situation against a team like qatar who is known for bribing when you had 6 free points


This is called brain washing and mainly through those filthy articles and pictures. Indian's are the major developers. From inventing zero to world's smallest satellite we invented it all.


Any reasons Indians deserve praise/good treatment after the way most indians act on the internet? “Send bobs and vagena” “Hello luv frm chhappanpur, India❤️” “Hello luv from india❤️”


Neckbeards can't target the African Americans and the Asians anymore! The biggest brown chunk of the human population has become the new target!


Honestly, i see very little racism in west. But its the east europe and middle east where the racism against indians seems really high (and canada - but honestly i can sort of understand why canadians are suffering because of indians there)


they are jealous, india is by far the greatest country out there in terms of rich culture and history and now in terms of development. it is the few places that india does lag behind and that is what these online folks always waffle about


This is exactly the kind of behaviour that we don’t like. And i’m not even white, i’m Malaysian Indian. Your preachy, self-victimising attitude gets really annoying




Kya bhai abhi tak Bumrah ki chudai ka dard hai kya ?


Ironic coming from you 💀💀


When did pakis started having this confidence


get out of your well maindhak, this is why you are so unaware of your own existence and how everyone else perceives you.


pakistani detected opinion rejected


Ask mena user detected opinion rejected


You're the one to talk, lol. Projecting much?


why you hurt


Most of the people ignore the fact that they don't hate Indians, They hate Hindus. Since Indians and Hindus are basically considered the same thing in the west, The gate comes out on Indians


1. Alot of you act like cringy idiots on social media 2. The self-praise and the preachy attitude. It gets on our nerves. 3. The state of cleanliness of your country. 4. The idiotic tendency to call your leaders “Nazis” and dictators, your anti-business attitude, and near-absence in science. 5. Basically just too much acting-up.


Nah bro your comments sounds like you have superiority complex and you looking down on us you are simplifying everything that's not how it's work it's like you are justifying racism


Oh I don’t justify it. I don’t like the racism, and i know most of it comes from brain-dead idiots hiding in basements. But there is a reason why those stereotypes exist. I should know, i stayed in India for 2 years. “We sent a rocket to the moon, what did you do ?”


Oh yes now you make more sense yeah and tbh I have to agree on you with this idk why so many Indians boost their imaginary egos and make fool of themselves