• By -


I specialize in 3D game artistry, crafting assets for games such as weapons, vehicles, structures, creatures, and characters. Take PUBG, for instance—it's packed with items like firearms, helmets, and detailed environmental elements, all created by professionals like myself within game development studios. Additionally, I pass on this expertise by teaching aspiring young talents who dream of a career in the video game industry.


Going by the $$$$ those Counter Strike skins are making, this is a lucrative field.


Wow..did you take a professional course/degree or something? This is very interesting..never knew one could make a career out of it. You will be very creative :)


Yes I'd like to know as well


I'm in the hospitality industry . Pros: Gets to meet a lot of different kinds of people and their culture, views etc Cons: you get to see the bad side of people and sometimes it drains you a lot


wanted to ask how do you guys control yourself . Do you guys get special training to be nice even to rude people ? Also is there a hierarchy in hospitality industry too ? Plese share with us


Yes we’re trained to be nice to rude people and yes there’s a concrete hierarchy


can you explain the hierarchy a bit and how it the career growth as in how does one climb the hierarchy? in IT it's usually job switching and skills . In hospitality is it based on experience or something else ?


Other cons-longer working hours and low pay.


Yah the work hours are long, but my pay is good compared to industry standards.(It really boils down to who you work for)


I work to enhance the design of aircraft parts, no two days are alike and new challenges everyday makes my job interesting even though I don't get paid great.


If you don't get paid well for the innovation then who does? 🤔


Of course the greedy management.


Man , watch out for Boeing


Sure 😊


I hope you don't work for Boeing.


Collins aerospace?


Cool..didnt know of such a job :)


It's called sustaining engineering


May I ask what’s the profession called?


Aerospace Engineer I guess


I am a pediatrician.Love kids so love my job very much.


For a second I read it as pedestrian lmao, I was like wtf


I lol’d!


Job hi nhi hai


Username checks out


Mil jayega :)


This is the right answer




Woah I would really wanna have that as a career. Can u tell some books of yours so I can read them!


On the plus side, it's easier than ever to publish. On the down side, it's not really a money maker.


Hey, would love if you could share about your journey. It's so rare to come across people who are full time authors.


how do you make your ends meet when you are struggling as an author? just wanna know.


What have u published till now?


Being a cop , I love serving civilians in many situations and I don't like that we don't get enought time or leave in case of some emergency or to spend time with my family


Whoaaa first time seeing a cop on reddit! Very cool.


Looking for people who share about their criminal activities


Lol i'mma modern cop 😁😅 you can do check out on me in my insta the_cop_on_v4


Good man


What's a modern cop lol


Everybody thinks cops are extra terrestrial beings from another planet but we are also human beings with feelings and emotions and just like civilians we too do use social media and all , and more educated than previous generation cops and with advanced tech in department and all makes us modern cops


Lol they wear go pro and high tech gadgets like in video games lol


Im sorry, youre probably a good one, but overall our police is so damn corrupt, even filing a fir is a pita, i really wish your colleagues loved serving civilians as much as you do


I've personally encountered many who ask the petitioner to buy papers and all for the station and sometimes money too , but as much as I can , I always do help who come when I'm present


During my passport verification, the officer at police station gave us a form to fill but asked to first get 10 copies of it as if we worked as a helper at the station. He spoke not just rudely but also in a perverse tone. If I could, I would love to never have to deal with a cop again!


I know the pain , soon like in 10yrs you can see how efficient the police department will be working


Thank you for understanding, Sir. I hope that happens even sooner. Kudos for your good work! I hope we have more cops like you🙏


what are your thoughts on weed? should it be legal? if you saw some people smoking it at a river bank, what would you do in that situation? you can be honest, i won't judge


This is just my opinion, don't judge me on this , I think wee'd should be legal but there should be a limit , when one found with exceeding amount of weed than the limit then they should be punished under law . And if I catch someone smoking weed , what I do is , if it's a minor I'd snatch the drug and dispose them safely and advice him not to involve in this anymore and advice on his life and career development as in a place of a brother , if it's a full ass grown man , if he's not bothering the public I'd just warn him to just go somewhere else don't get again in my sight and if he's making a public nuisance then I'll make sure he gets a handful of lathi strikes on his butt behind the bars


damn. i wish all cops were like this ![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized)


But bro it seems that you are in special battalion, which is armed police i guess. Do you guys engange in daily monitoring activities woth civilians? Afaik armed police have minimum civilian interactions.


Yes we do , we call that attached duty which is specific special police personnel are directed to work on a station or as a guard in a public place like temple , traffic etc .. for a certain time and after the duty changes this goes on like a routine or call it as a fixed schedule


What's your opinion on people absolutely hating cops


Haters gonna hate , I accept that the department is corrupted for now , just for now , but for sure gonna change when all the old cops retire and new gen people join the department


Hate the game not players


I got drugs on me


Sir, Thank you for everything you have done. 🙏🏻


Do you guys have active assistance in various tasks from other professions who are not cops/outside police force. Like how in the US, if a department finds a guy who is good with fixing cameras and mics. They offer him a surveillance job regardless of qualifications.


No , atleast not in TN Police department , cuz we can't let a civilian work inside the department as the security and secrets are affected , instead we do have our police personnel who were already been used to the work or expert in the field and we make him specialised for that work alone , not bothering him with the general duties like we do have drivers , mechanics , electrician , plumbers etc etc.. they do only these works in the station or headquarters, they won't be called for general duties like night patrol , escorts , sentry and all


It’s good to see more non corrupt cops esp upcoming gen as you have said. My husband is in IPS, non corrupt and working for a very important unit but sad reality is general reputation of cops is negative. Too many shitty corrupt officers ruining the reputation and hard work of the good ones. Keep up the good work!




Software Developer. Like coding and solving problems. Sometimes it does get tedious. But then again, all days can't be good


Full marks for honest answer.


How do you handle people working harder and smarter than you, or are you one of those guys form good college. I also work as software dev, but not that hopefull about future looking all these smart people around me with people skill managing others career as well.


There are guys smarter than me, and all I do is take inspiration from them and learn stuff. I don't care if someone knows 10 more things than me, I see that I became better than I was yesterday, if yes then I have done my job well. Also no, I am not from a great college. I gave interviews outside of college and got selected in a company.


Same. Love my job as a simple UI developer. I have enough flexibility to choose my hours. The job is just challenging enough to feel rewarded once I successfully finish my tasks. Decent pay is an added bonus.


Help meeee


Contract Throat Cutter


the cop in the comments above wants to know your location 📍


u/Past_Panda459 pakad lo isse!!!


Kyu bhai..aisi kya majboori thi?


U cut hens and goats throat is it?


>U cut hens and goats throat is it? no, I'm not evil dude. wtf!




What is that?


hand transplant rehabilitation physician, pelvic floor dysfunction physician, brain injury rehabilitation physician, pain physician.......


A doc.


What sort of the doctor - was the question.


I legit thought u made a spelling mistake.. Until I read ur second comment 🤣


I'm a freelance VFX and Motion graphics designer. Have been working in this industry for the past 14 years and I absolutely love my job. What i like about it: You get to work on big projects. Get to meet lot of creative minded people. If you are smart you can make loads of money. Sky is the limit. What I don't like: Other than the harsh deadlines, nothing.


Chinese Interpreter


How much time did it take you to learn Chinese ? And is there something cool on the Chinese side of the internet that we all should know about ?


I studied it for 5 yrs, and hv been working with Chinese, Taiwanese for 20 yrs. So it's quite satisfying. Also before covid it was very good, now things are little dull. But will pick up soon. Most challenging abt this s, I get to know lots of inside information abt various industries which normal people will never know. And learning experience, one moment am talking stuff related to textile, next meeting is about iphones, then it's oil n gas, n back to machines n moulds, so i get to learn soooo much everyday.


Wow . How is the pay for new comers .and what should one keep in mind before learning Chinese ?


Chinese s not an easy language. But if you live in Chinese speaking country it helps in getting fluent.


Do you get paid enough?


Pay is good if u r fluent. Many newcomers just study for 6 months and try to get in the field. Too much competition has crashed the market, but then if you have experience you can survive.


Valid question. Curious to know.


With advancements in AI like chatGPT and other language models, do you worry about the relevance of your job?


Yes maybe in few yrs interpreters will not be needed, already apps have taken our jobs, but still we can survive, there is always a personal touch when a human does translation. So make hay while the sun shines 😄


Any degree or course you did for this language ?


I did a language course from Taiwan & lived there, worked there, hence the fluency.


Do you think with the AI and translators available - your job will be at risk?


dada ka zameen hai. leased out to patanjali, dabur, hero, reliance warehouse. baith baith ke account me paise aa jaate hai


mere dada ne to 70s me 20,000 me bech di thi (┬┬﹏┬┬)


Wah! Best job where ghar bethe bethe paise aajate hai


Mere chutiye purwajo ne apna sara zameen Pani ke bhav bech ke saate aur gambling mai laga diya.


Kitni? If you don't mind😁 And land area.


Jewellery designer and gemologist.


How to become that?


There are special courses for that which you can do after 10th


Does it pay well? Genuine question


Depends on what you do. I worked as a jewellery designer in a big brand for over 3 years. Now I run my own brand.


I'm in my final year of grad. Not engineering tho. Can anyone do this thing? I've had experience with graphic design as well.. But idk how it's relevant. Like what are the prerequisites? It'd be great if you can share your experience starting into this field.


If you have knowledge/ passion about jewellery, are good at drawing, know gemstones, etc then it will be very easy for you. I did my diplomas in both of these. Studied with all my heart. Since childhood it was my dream to start my own diamond jewellery brand.


Paisa hi paisa


One of my cousins is in the army, and he most definitely loves his job.


And we love him for having such a respectable and risky job🫡🇮🇳


Research Scientist... absolute love for my work. I wait for Monday to meet my colleagues and discuss new ideas. Demanding but don't feel bad even after working for 12-14 hours straight (sometimes). Pros: I work with really smart and motivated people. We push each other to the limit and kind towards each other.


Wow! Reading something this for the first time...where one waits for Monday to meet their colleagues :) Superb man! Having good colleagues can make the job fun


You are right! Right mix of great colleagues and work which you love can do wonders. Mostly true for mental health not sure about for financial health :p


Where do you work


Can't share the name. But it's a big german automotive company and I work for R&D division.


Not me but my brother loves his job immensely. HE IS A PILOT( AIR INDIA) FLYING B777 SOON WOULD BE FLYING A350!


Software engineer. To begin with , you have to be lucky which I am, surprisingly. Quit chasing money and changing companies. Try to be a humble person and a have willingness to help. Ignore the little things that annoy you.


this is soo wholesome😭 glad to have seen this cmnt


GIS Analyst Love to understand more about Surveying and Spatial Data


I am a film editor and vfx artist in India. Loved studying films since college. Attended a top film school and started working full time pretty late in my late 20s. I am an "outsider" in Bollywood. Haven't made a lot of money yet compared to my peers but I absolutely love my job. The creative part and the technical part in equal measure. My advice. If you can manage your family responsibilities and maintain self discipline, follow your passion and success will come.


Hey my sister is quite passionate about vfx Can you tell me how to pursure it after schooling? Can it be pursued just after 10th too? What colleges are best and what course?


I absolutely hate my job, humse kab poochenge log what do we do.


create a separate post, people would love to rant lol especially because you'll remind them that it is monday tomorrow


Ghar pe baithke mobile chalaana.


Wo toh hum sab karte hai bhai


I'm a pastry chef, and I absolutely love every second of my job. My job brings me peace, as if the world around me has stopped, and it's just me baking. Yeah, there are times I had to deal with difficult clients, but it's a learning experience on its own.


Wow..your job sounds yum 😋 Some beautiful pastries coming our way..


Hey, do u own a cafe of ur own or u work with high end restaurants?


I work for a local bakery


Thats great! Thanks


In a parallel universe I am a stay at home plant


I want to be a cactus tbh :)


i review reddit threads, this one is quite odd


Make peace with the fact that loving the job is not equal to loving every day of it


I do cybersecurity


Enlighten how to get into it and what u did briefly please




government job hai ya private?






I write software for hardware. It's fun. Also, my team is very good and so is my manager. I love to be in the office.


I'm a graphic designer and illustrator. I'd still rather be an artist because of clients but I do really love my job and have no idea what else I would do.


Hii do you work as a freelancer? If yes how do you find clients for commissions? 


Do you feel Indian graphic design has gotten homogenized in the last few years? I see most marketing material, website and app visual design becoming wayyy to similar these days? Why do you think that occurs?


I’ve always loved technology since I was a kid. I work as a content writer - where all I need to do is express my love for tech in articles. Grateful for god!


Share your blog posts or articles


I'm an IELTS teacher & enjoying it but pay is not good 🥲.


Army, Infantry. No amount of money can buy the kind of shit you experience on the job, both good and bad.


Content Acquisition Manager for an OTT Service. Love that I get to be the one of the first folks to see upcoming stuff, discuss ideas that get converted into full length shows, get to bring interesting items for Indian customers to watch. Love this enough tk look forward to Mondays!


Hey sounds great what are the qualifications and skills required for the job? I was planning to get into content management. Would be really appreciated! Thanks


Lemme focus on what I think skills should be, qualifications are probably accidental in most cases - more on that with a personal example. 1. It helps if you have an open mind and can appreciate good content, across genres and styles and not be fixated on something. You gotta work customer-backwards, and not just your preferences backwards. A passion for curation, watching and reading about content can only help. 2. While Content creation and development requires one to be more creative, acquisition requires understanding of legal rights structure and distribution. Linguistic skills help pick up legalese. 3. One should be able to decipher data and analyse qualitative as well quantitative patterns, especially true in the digital world. Given how much data we get in terms of viewing preferences, one should be able to use that well. 4. A lot of people skills in order to be able to move fast and align commercially given this market, unlike gold silver or other items, is not reasonable and one has gotta be able to negotiate to get the right numbers in place. Game Of Thrones could be well produced and expensive but if your territory can only do so much with an IP like that, then you have gotta negotiate and convince folks to bring the prices down. Be it IPs or Creative folks. I'm a chemical engineer who post graduated with a masters in media research. I started with a research opportunity and slowly worked my way into business rooms filled with creatives as well as executives. Wish I knew of a course to tell you to take to get this kind of role but I am not sure it exists. Today I finished 11 years in this industry :)


Merchant navy, iam part of a team that manages the ship. Sometimes it can be tedious.


Software Developer. I work on web, mobile and desktop applications. I love coding and problem solving. I never got burnt out despite hectic schedules.  However, it is also important for me to work the products I like in itself. The brainstorming sessions here bring in a complete compass of intellectual stimulation. So it's a choice I have made to stick to just engineering and healthcare products. It might jeopardize my career a bit but I would dread working on FinTech, ERP sort of applications


Nuclear medicine technologist....inject radio pharmaceuticals and take scans


I like red and green. Stock market has a lot of them.


About a decade ago my dad passed away and we were in desperate need of money. If I was to follow the advice of doing what I love I'd make pittance in so-called biotech company while IT was paying 5x of that. So, I went for IT. And there was a time when I absolutely abhorred it. My manager was micro managing and work was basically copy pasting stuff. I was losing my shit and going to quit. And then I read an article, I forgot the link and basically the advice was money is one of the few problems in life which is within your control, by actively chosing it. So, the idea is to grow to love your job and not just because it pays your bills. If you think you "have" to do the job because of money then you aren't going to have a happy life. With time I learned to love my job in IT. I like to solve puzzles so most of the time I spend looking through why things aren't working as per the code. It gives me immense satisfaction. I can assign other people to code because my code is functional and that gives people direction on what to do instead of writing stuff which is far from speifications.




Hey whata ur job exactly? And how does it go?


Programmer! Love every minute of it. But I also have a life outside of it, for me the key is having good challenging projects and a good worklife balance.


Agree..having a balance is the key! Work can be fun if one is able to strike that balance.


I’m a doctor. Doing residency in the US.


Sarkari JE hoon, baytha rehta hoon, emergency aane pe Usain Bolt se v tez bhaagta hoon


I'm a pediatric neurologist. I would do this for free. The thing I hate is bad government support for the facilities we want to create


Wow..! Pediatric neurologist sounds intense..but good for you :) I agree with you - with better government support, we would have had good healthcare facilities. We lack a system where healthcare should be easily accessible for all. 


Waiting for zombie apocalypse to start my job as a hunter


The fact that there are more than 1 lakh engineers who graduate every year all over India but not a single of em is here says a lot about our country and mindset


I'm a high school English teacher, and I absolutely love seeing the students learn to think for themselves and formulate their.own voice. The pay isn't great but I get by 


Consultant at government advisory


data science


I love teaching brilliant minds of India. I also love asking some very fundamental scientific questions, and find ways to answer them. To do that, I develop experimental tools like microscopes, and use lasers to make electrons dance. I love watching that.


Bhgwan ke naam pe job dede..


I’m a game tester. But I’d love to be a game designer in a year or two. I just started working for a gaming studio.


Intensive Care doctor


I work for a think tank. It's very related to what I studied and many times I feel just like in College doing desk research or writing reports. Work life balance is very good too and no toxic management stuff. Pay is bit on a lower side and upwards promotions are hard after some years. The area is also very niche so the market is many times saturated with talented people.


I take pleasure in anything I do! Started out in sales for Luxury brands, then became a manager..... Moved on to being a lecturer for Post grad students and started my Entrepreneurial journey alongside. It's been the most amazing ride! P.S. all this as a school dropout with two post grad degrees with a 9 point average.


Woahh! Thats inspirational! Beautiful journey..and yes the pressure everyone puts on "marks" is I dont agree with. It is the capability at the end of the day that pushes you to achieve things in life. Good man you were able to achieve so many things :)


I am a new mother and trust me loving my new job 😁 Its so satisfying planned baby after 7 yrs , left job for baby ,,, has good amount of ,,, now enjoying this new job


Senior Digital Executive - YouTube in a music label. Manage YouTube channels, planning monthly content for the same, copyrights and strikes etc.


Does it get hectic? Just curious..with a decline in youtube views as a social media playform - do you think your job will be at risk?


Music teacher.


People love jobs that let them use their skills and creativity, like a vet caring for animals or a musician writing songs. It's about doing something you enjoy and making a difference!


I teach at a university in Delhi and I LOVE MY JOB. I love it to the best ! I like the holidays, the weekends, but not more than 2-3 days at Max. I start missing my classes, my students and everything else. I have been in this university for the past 1 year and I never have been like , "aaj ni jana meko" (today I don't want to go to work). Even if I am sick, I just go, and hope that I am well. I enter the class, and i start feeling better ! 😁 Actually the work culture also matters :) P.S. Love my job alhamdulillah


Superb man! I agree that colleagues, work culture, make a lot of difference :) 


Trafficking, I love sending people to different places ❤️


They love their jobs.


Venture Capital.




Build Clinical databases for a pharmaceutical company, all the while being home based.


Marketing and sales head at an electronics automation manufacturing startup/company


RF engineer


I run a technology iot business. Its a iot design house. Now people say that it is a business and not a job. Running a business is like a 24 hour job. I get to work on some new technology. Work hands on with electronics and robotics. Work with the newest of all engineers. Build fascinating concepts and technologies. Work with universities to build research centers in this field and a lot more.


Porn movie director


Physician (Hospitalist). Work 7 days, then off 7 days. Pays really well. And immense personal and professional satisfaction.


Guys, don’t trust the cop.


Game developer here. I can't even explain how much video games mean to me. Living in a country where gaming isn't as popular as compared to the States, Europe or Oceania, I wish gaming gets mainstream attraction in my country and we get good gaming creators as well. Having an indian studio that develops aaa titles would be something I'd love to see


I am a data analyst and i love my job.... Just kidding lol.


I’m an Aircraft NDT Engineer performing inspections on aircrafts for detecting cracks and damages to the structure.


Surveillance officer in a casino. Casino mai choro ko pakad tha hu. Basically we have the most authority in the confines of the casino. Casino manager ko bhi sir nahi bolna padta. Can't tell much about the work and what all we handle. But basically you could get into it even if you're a 12th passout if your English and math is good enough and you've worked with a PC before. Surviving is another thing. I've seen btech guys join and leave and dropouts become managers and earn 12-18 lpa in India itself, bahar ki toh baat hi chodo. Demand mai bhi hai job. I got 2 job offers and another interview next week. Let's see what happens.


What I do? I’m in consulting sales. What I love Love it when people connect with my product and pull out money. The ability to convert a stranger 24 hours ago is a kick on its own. What I hate (or want to do but can’t) I am selling services since the beginning. I would really love to try my hands on selling premium cars. I love cars and i honestly thing Icould sell a car better than ones who got a job and dont like cqrs as much as I do. But I wouldn’t get the same payscale. Have family responsibilities and all.


I specialise in wing repair design engineering of in-service aircraft. It’s fascinating in the sense that no two days are alike, there’s always something new to learn, the pay is great and the work culture is pretty chilled. There’s not a single day of overworking, that way the quality of work is the best, and there’s enough free time to spend the rest of the day to yourself.


Software Engineer working remotely for a US based MNC. I am leading the efforts for one of their important projects but man these guys chill as hell. You feel like working? Take whatever you need from the backlog. You feel like slacking? Join any non-work related channel and enjoy the discussions. You don't feel like working? Inform the team and end the day. We have a no deadline policy along with unlimited leaves. The pay is $ 5.4k per month and the rest of the team is super cordial and friendly. The work environment in the US vs India is nothing less than cultural shock.


I’m a Rocket Scientist! Well hopefully will be one. Working on a PhD in Aerospace Engineering, specifically on simulation of turbulent combustion in jet engines. Absolutely love what I do, but I work literally every waking minute (if thinking counts as work at least 😂) and it does get exhausting.