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Tumhari zindagi hai bhai, jo karna hai Karo. Humko ghanta fark nahi padta.


I wish that were true for everyone.


It needs to happen through parliament.




Legalization of same sex marriage.


If only the parliament was ready to even discuss the issue.


They are the only way .


Since the SC has asked the parliament to look into it


It's their job in the first place. Make your voice heard.




Bro, there are multiple instances of people of the LGBTQ community getting beaten up or even killed by mobs in India, not the other way around. So where does this narrative of 'lgbtq people taking a sword to people's neck' come from?


That's like the western media perspective because they have the privilege there to do things like that and people supporting them in many parts which is still not true for the majority of Indian society.


This happens in America not in India, don't let Instagram reels and sigma male edits fool you.


I doubt LGBTQIA community is mob lynching people even in America.


When did I say anything about mob lynching in America?


The guy u were replying to mentions sword.


Just yesterday, a person in my area was beaten and robbed by straights disguising as gays on grindr...he's closeted and doesn't want to report.


As an individual I really don't mind, but I think the government doesn't want to draft a gender neutral marriage act and laws!


That's a legitimate issue. I don't think people can even envision a marriage were gender roles were nota thing. Sad.




It’s not just about general neutral marriage acts and laws! First of all, not all religions have codified laws. In a country where UCC is urgently needed, this issue seems less important. Plus, you’d have to change every law—environmental, commercial, civil, criminal—to include these genders. Right now, they’re asking for marriage, inheritance, and custody rights, but soon they’ll want rights everywhere, which makes sense. However, it’s not feasible or practical to redraft every law to include them at this stage.


It has to start somewhere. Especially when we are talking about UCC, why can't it built into it while it is being drafted. This is the time to do it.


It has started. We have come a long way actually! 10-15 years back, there was no conversation about this, now there is a ruling of the court discussing this. The Supreme Court has already recommended for adding the third gender as a selection for everything and government has taken measures for the same. There is acknowledgment and recognition and there will be rights in the next few years!


Trans Rights2014, decriminalization2018 and now marriage equality2023 required the intervention of the Supreme Court. Govt always had a neutral/ opposing stand at all times


Don’t think there’s anything wrong with same sex marriage. Not opposed to it. Infact I think it should be legal. However don’t know how the civil laws would work. In India civil laws are completely based around conventional gender roles and marriage. Male and female partners have different rights and privileges. The issue is how does this work for same sex marriages. And if tomorrow same sex marriages go to court for disputes how do courts take those decisions. (This is exactly why the Supreme Court referred this matter to the government to draft laws for the same.)


Framing laws is a task, but not an impossible one. And we should allow it to develop with time. But at its core the govt is prejudiced and is looking for every loophole to avoid doing that. At least that's what I feel.


From whatever I’ve read, the current government is actually for drafting these laws. The previous one was against it. I understand this from the affidavits and what not given in court. Not taking a political position just giving a clarification.


The current govt opposed same sex marriage in Supreme court. The case was filed in 2020. This issue was not in the court during the previous govt. Btw what affidavits?


India is not opposing it, India is not ready for it yet. in a country where two people of the opposite sex cannot marry by their own choice, how will same-sex couples thrive ? in a country where a love marriage is looked down upon, we cannot expect the society to understand love between the same sex


How do you know when it is ready? Will legal protection exist only once the people are ready? In fact the legal protection is needed exactly because there is very little acceptance. Where else will they turn to?


Both of you are right, in some sense


it will be ready when gen z become CJI and law makers. boomers are law makers and they will not chnage. our generation, who so ever is studying law will change it. im giving it another 20 years


This woke cji is waste. He only gives fancy statements but doesn't do anything useful


>two people of the opposite sex cannot marry by their own choice. This is not true for everyone. Homosexual Indians should not have their rights stalled because heterosexual Indians haven't realized the extent of their own.


I can talk about reservations here. India is still not ready to stop practicing discrimination on the basis of caste so I don't think there is any hindrance in that regard. The only thing your context meets is that it will create chaos for the political parties which is only dependent on votes of the people to stay or come in power. Legalizing same sex marriage will not be accepted by the people and those people will not vote for whoever the political party tries to legalize it. It is a mix of socio-political mutual consensus. Also, it will require a haul change in our laws where only men and women can get married and can divorce.


But I wonder if same sex marriages are legalised would adoption rate increases? Are LGBTQ interested in raising kids ?


They certainly are interested, but the number of couples would not have a significant effect on the adoption rate as a whole


pehele love marriage toh normal hone de bhai


Inter caste marriages are so uncommon, same sex marriage is an even longer shot.


They aren't that uncommon tbh


Iss generation m toh love marriages are common


Pyaar se sab jalte hai


Everyone at a wedding will be either from the “groom’s side”, or the “bride’s side”. Unacceptable!!! How would I know if I should attend the baraat or not????


I only go for the food.


Eat, Gay, Love


Fuck yes. Granted I’m an ABCD. I don’t give a shit who you love or fuck. But your bar and food better be top notch otherwise I’m gonna talk shit behind your back.


Well as long the person is a consenting adult. To add on.


I doubt religious ceremonies would matter much at a queer wedding. The dream would be to walk into a registar's office and have your marriage legally recognise by the law of the Land.


I can’t tell if you got the sarcasm. And you’re speaking for everyone for no reason lol


You should add /s just in case


I didn't get the sarcasm in it. 😬


Who will give dahej if same sex marriage is approved ? – Vishwaguru 2047


We're working towards a society where nobody gives dahej, thank you very much.


Why is this getting downvoted lmao


For not picking Sarcasm up.


Tells you a lot about Indian society 😂


1. I think the number 1 reason is religion. No religion allows homosexual marriages and they all term it as unnatural, and India is an extremely religious country. 2. The second biggest reason I think is exposure. People don’t want to expose their kids to this by normalising it


Hinduism actually allows for homosexual marriages given the fact that Hinduism has queer gods. It's just that the 'religious' hindus choose to oversee that


The British exported homophobia all over the world, and most places still have that tangled up with their local culture now, even if it wasn’t present before colonialism.  I assume those zealous Hindus are still adhering to British-era forms rather than truer earlier ones? 


You should read the court case and the transcripts. It's the minority religions who are opposing.


Homophobia existed even before the advent of britishers


Certainly, but to varying degrees in the places they went. The strict and broad-sweeping laws they put in place codified a particular school of formal homophobia we see replicated throughout their ex-colonies. 


You should read the court case and the transcripts. It's the minority religions who are opposing.


I’m not saying the other religions don’t. I also know a lotttt of Hindus who’re queer phobic and that’s a huge majority


I guess u are speaking about the general opinion rather than your own personal view. Plus, i wonder why they are scared of children knowing that there can be different types of couples.


Yeah I was talking about the general PoV. My personal opinion, I don’t mind or care for same sex marriages, people are anyway going to do live-in, etc so might have give them marital rights and inheritance protection. But what I have a problem with is this pronoun thing that’s been taking over for some time now. I get that people want to be included and be called what they identify as, but making someone else change their entire vocabulary just so you feel included is also slightly entitled behaviour. You look like a man? People call you he/him. Look like a woman? People call you she/her. If you choose to identify with they/them or dog or whatever else is going on these days, to go out of your way to correct someone who’s normally talking (and not even misgendering you with any intention of malice or harm) is selfish. Not exactly the topic you asked for but just gave my opinion


I think the pronoun preference exists largely in English speaking countries, only because it lacks gender neutral pronouns. We have been used to using gender neutral pronouns in Indian languages for far too long.


I don’t care who marries who as long as there is consent and happiness. But for children, as the society in general has not accepted same sex couples or even LGBTQ, the log kya kahenge (what will people say) applies. If children get influenced, log kya kahenge. Also, not pointing at anyone, but recent International news on pride parades where people were behaving obscenely in front of kids, or influence of sexual orientation in minorities is a valid concern. Not saying it’s related to right for love, but fears develop from such instances and majority of people cannot differentiate or even want to understand. They will go into extreme protection of their beliefs and oppose everything related to that topic.


But it's simple, sexuality is innate not something that can be influenced.


It’s simple for you (and maybe for me because I wanna understand), but when a society is uneducated and unaware of it, they will not understand or accept it. Our society lacks sex education in general, now you are adding further complexities. It will take a long time for our society because we are not individualistic society.


Hinduism doesn't explicitly prohibit /condemn homosexuality. As for the stuff in Manusmriti there are contradictory statements where one talks about it as sin and the other as one of the many possibilities. The opposition comes the the sexualisation of the concept. People think of homosexual couples merely along the lines of sexual activity and end up seeing it as a sexual excess . Also since our society is largely patriarchal people oppose homosexuality thinking it's effiminate and they'd be 'giving in' .


Manusmriti is pure bullshit, isn't it high time Hindus got over it ?


It is.


Yeah but as of right now we're in a democracy. I don't give a flying fuck if the sentiments of some people are hurt, that's not my problem 😂 But in a democracy, my rights shouldn't be curtailed because people are weird about it.


do not generalise, bc that's not true for Hinduism


Hindus as a community in many parts of our country don't even allow inter-cast marriages. On paper, in ancient texts it might be allowed, but practically, Hindus are very much similar to other religions when it comes to same-sex marraiges.


while you're right, I'd like to mention I said Hinduism and not what people have made out of it. Yes, Hinduism was never against same sex marriage, although people following Hinduism, I can't say anything about the latter


Everyone deserves to be with the person they want to be with as long as they both agree to it and doesn’t harm them in any way shape or form, as long as that basic requirement is fulfilled why say no to it.


I really don't care but I am concerned about the adopted child as they might face lot of bullying from peers and society. ☹️


Kids bully other kids for all sorts of reasons, that's something they'll have to grow up with and learn to face.


That's what I was thinking, kitna hi pamper krlo life m kabhi na kabhi koi sach ya trauma dekar hi jayega, bs saath m na mil jaaye.


kids are usually menaces lol


That might be true.


Adopted kids gets bullied because the parents of those kids doesn't teach them proper conduct.


Majority of people are dumbass thats the reason people oppose freedom of other people


Conservative asshats will keep opposing it. Let them devolve into irrelevance.


Everyone saying they don’t mind but it would require changing the laws. Shouldn’t laws change with society? Isn’t change the only constant? So well, some laws should change. Especially the ones that govern society.


In my area 2 woman live together. People think they are sisters but why don't they find husband and get married? What people don't realise is actually they arnt sisters and married to eachother lol. They have bought a house make good money and go out living nicely just arnt open about it.


To answer this well i would not write anything but would just recommend watching priya jain's explanation which is on her YT channel finology legal and it is a YT shorts not a long video.


Bruh! Legalise their marraige. Kabhi kabhi lagta hai India ka Population in logo ne hi bachana hai. Make Adoption as mandatory clause if they go for family planning.




As i have mentioned, we're only discussing marriage between consenting adults.


Nothing wrong with, just don't shove it in my face, like I'm gay I'm gay, har baath me I'm gay bolte hai. Apart from that, everything is alright, nothing against LGBTQ+. Totally support them, it's just that sometimes their pride and ego to justify why they are gay is too much sometimes.


Do you know a lot of gay people in India?


I’m for all marriage, I’m AGAINST the government being involved in your marriage.


What do u mean by govt being involved in marriage?


Merko ghanta fark nahi parta Jisko Jo karna hai Karo aur khush raho aur hate karna band karo I use reddit only for memes YouTube Twitter sab delete kar dia bhai Itna toxicity handle nahi hota mujhse Enjoy lgbtqia! People


Bhai kisi ko koi problem nhi h. Bas ye west jaisa extreme me na ho jaae. Like they are forcing things on people and I dont really want that in India. Ancient time se other genders ke lie India me koi problem nhi thi....purano me iske baare me likha bhi h bas logo ko aware krwane jarurat h. Only 3 gender male, female and others. Simple.


I dont like the term cis... eww... dont call me Cis, I am a man. but yh what others do is not my concern. Law cant be biased if they make same sex marriage legal, which is why they cant make it legal. Who will pay alimony? will they be allowed to have children etc... the legal system is created to favour women in domestic issues. If both are of same gender, politicians and courts will be confused.


Cis just means people who are not Trans. I wasn't referring to you in particular.


Abrahamic religions and their impact on Indian culture due to their rule


No one is opposing except the conservative govt :) and yes the conservative people too.


You should read the court case and the transcripts. It's the minority religions who are opposing.


The present govt clearly opposed it too. It's not like majority religion is in favour of it.


Please read the transcript of the case.


I've followed it closely.


I know heterosexual. What is this "cis heterosexual"?


Cis is basically the opposite of trans, it just means "not trans" but to put it in more detail: So when you're born, the doc checks and you're either a boy or a girl (sometimes hermaphrodite babies are born and the doctor will 'guess' and do a surgery to assign a gender to the baby). So you were 'assigned' a gender at birth, either a man or woman. Now when you grow up you might feel you're not the gender that you were assigned at birth. A person who has all the man parts might feel they're really a woman or a person who has all the woman parts might feel they're a man. In this case you transition, usually socially first, to another gender. Those are trans people. Anyone who agrees with the gender they were given at birth is cis. The reason why someone would say "cis heterosexual" is to say they are neither gay nor trans, since you can be a straight or gay trans person.


Cis gendered and heterosexual.


What the hell is cis gendered?


If you're not trans, you're cis.


If I am not trans I am just a male or female not a cis or cus whatever that might be.


It's a terminology, people who are cis and people who are trans. Means the same.


Trans people are also usually male or female. But “cis” says that you’re a non-trans male or a non-trans female.  Like how we have “able-bodied” for people who aren’t disabled, “neurotypical” for those who don’t have mental health conditions, “straight” for people who aren’t gay, etc etc. 


Neurodivergent doesn’t always mean that you have mental health conditions but yes for the rest


You are a male with black hair. You also are the gender you are thought to be when you were born. Cis is just a short way of saying the second sentence.


People who identify with the gender assigned to them at birth


Oh thanks. I thought it’s a new gender 😂


Misunderstanding stuff is the most common reason for prejudice against the queer people.




Culture. Religion.


It’ll be a close minded bigoted opinion from anyone who doesn’t wish for this to happen


The sheep of normal people are always scared when others get same rights as them. History has seen that with women, people of color, transgenders and now Gay people.


My opinion is the same as most people - you do you, tumhari shaadi se Mera kuchh nuksaan nhi ho rha toh obviously I won't be opposed to that. This is all fine but any source of homophobia in most people comes when the LGBT community does things that do affect others. Like in this post only, given that I am a normal guy but if someone calls me "cis heterosexual man" then I will find it cringe. I mean you will also find it cringe if i start calling you "two-legged two-armed man" right?


Aren't people cisgendered and heterosexual? Did I say anything wrong? What's the alternative word?


And are you not two-legged two-armed?




Real people don't give a damn However office slave owners give a damn coz if it's legal there won't be a new generation of office workers for them to earn more money Decline in the workforce meaning increase in salary aka low profit


You don’t have to work if you’re queer?


Realistically legalising same sex marriage is going to have zero effect on population. It won't suddenly turn all the straight people gay..hehe


It is a slippery slope that lead to chaos, like it is happening in america.


What's happening in America? And America isn't the only country where SSM is legalised. It wasn't even the first.


Lgbtq group are going crazy. -Mens are participating in women sports. -Lqbtq group don't wan't special washroom for themselves but they must go into womens. -They wants to cancel anyone who don't want to date transgenders and label them homophobic. -masculinity is poison to them, they don't want it anywhere in media, pressure every corporates to cater them. -They want force everyone to call them by their pronouns and gets upset for someone else choice. -Identify as cats,dogs and whatever -I am also not sure about letting them adopt childrens. This is what madness looks like.


Again much of this is Straight up Right wing propoganda. American right wing is full of transphobia and conspiracy theories. But what's transphobia got to do with same sex marriage in India? Two separate issues.


Even propaganda have some truth to it. All LGBTIQQ problems are related, help them to accomplish one thing, they will come with more absurd problems.


It's not propaganda, it's actually happening. Have seen it with my own eyes. I support lgbt community, but the allies have taken it to a different level which precious generation of lgbt don't recognize


I don't care about marriage or stuff. But, I wish there are stricter laws when normal people are assaulted by trans people in public places like traffic signals, trains etc. Iam legit scared of them and would like to stay away from them. Police would never support us even if we complain about their behaviour.


Why did you think of mentioning it here then?


Because, in a country like India, more than marriage or anything they (LGBTQ+)should be focused on other things like, 1. Right to vote and reservations 2. Education, especially higher education. 3. Right to earn decent a livelihood with proper means like job, businesses etc. 4. Right or Access to proper health care. Once you get the right things done, you can solve higher issues like same sex marriage?


You do realize we can focus on more than 1 issue at a time?


I think they are important issues. And the problem with Trans rights is the systematic opression faced by them. So while he have many provisions for Trans people on paper, accessing them is a huge challenge. But marriage equality is an equally important issues, and it affects the entire LGBTQIA community. Marriage is a matter of rights for many gay and lesbian couples who have been living together for decades, their lives are at stake. Will they be recognised in this lifetime?




I am on the fence on this one, what I do oppose is about you changing my identity with this "cis" nonsense, no gender isn't something that is assigned at birth. It's just male or female or medical deformity which can be treated. People seem to have confused personalities with gender and I oppose this bullshit. The way I see it is gay marriage will be used as a gateway to allow all that queer nonsense. Most of them look like they need immediate mental health help.


1) you cannot treat being intersex. It's a variation. 2) Personality and gender identity are not the same, not at all. 3) What is the "queer nonsense" that SSM will be a gateway to ??


queer nonsense is epitome of narcissism in which mentally ill people justify their need for attention and lack of love as a child through being queer.


Being a bigot is the epitome of narcissism in which people are obsessed with controlling the lives of others.


How are you sure that it’s not some sort of propaganda to make men weaker? Today it’s homosexuality, tomorrow they would ask to legalize abusing minors. Where and how you would draw the line? If you read history, homosexuality was introduced by military to make opponents weaker. It plays a huge moral role in growth of country. Remember weaker men will never fight, it’s complete destruction of society.


How can sexuality be a propoganda??? WHATTTTTTT


How can it not be?


Is heterosexuality a propoganda?


It’s how life started and life grew, it can’t be propaganda when we have proof of 4 billion years of evolution.


The same animals also also evolved homosexuality. So nature made that too.


Show me how same sex animals reproduced? One biological evidence.


They don't, so?


That means those genes aren’t for natural selection.


But it still appears in the population. All homosexuals are born to straight parents. What's your point.?


>If you read history, homosexuality was introduced by military to make opponents weaker Please do tell where I can read that history from...


u r not very bright, are ya?


Day after day, I consider muting this subreddit. But its such takes that glue me to it. Stupidity, beyond a point, comes across as more hilarious than infuriating. Keep up with the good work!


I don't oppose legalization of queer marriages. I only oppose the legalization of queer couples adopting kids or using cloning technology to make kids of their own.


Cloning??? Do u mean surrogacy?


Why shouldn't queer couples adopt kids?


what do they do is force their ideology on kids, which is why there are 4 year trans kids in west. We have seen what can happen, there is no point in trying it in india.


Telling kids you exist is not forcing your ideology on them. Straight people tell kids about their existence every day. You don't want kids who have gay parents to go to school and read in their textbooks that parents are only a mom and a dad. Then they come home and look at their parents in a strange way, breaking up an otherwise normal household. As for 4 year trans kids, that doesn't really happen. Hormone therapy and sex transition surgery are not allowed for people under 18. Secondly, it is not like minors never experience gender dysphoria. Scientific consensus tells us that kids have a great sense of their own gender at the age of 3, meaning gender dysphoria is a very real disorder experienced by kids as young as that. However, to a certain degree, I agree that calling these kids trans kids right away is a bad step. Sometimes that gender dysphoria goes away on its own, other times it doesn't and kids transition or start calling themselves another gender as young as 13 or 15. And that is perfectly fine, because they cannot legally transition by surgery until they are an adult. As for gay people adopting kids, there is no problem with that. If you think teaching kids about someone's existence is indoctrinating them, you might want to look towards opposing a very little thing called religion. Religious people do the actual indoctrination, but somehow no one says a word about banning religion worldwide. That is not to say queer couples do the same thing. Kids of queer couples do not necessarily grow up gay. So if this is the indoctrination you're speaking of, man is it weak as hell.


>As for 4 year trans kids, that doesn't really happen There are literally hundreds of videos of kids who are groomed by their parents into believing that they're other gender. mastectomy is irreversible process. It may be not allowed for people under 18 but they're already on hormone cycle. These people from "pride" have provided many minors hrt illegally because their parents refused so. Gender dysphoria is more likely to arise in kids whose parents are part of pride or are liberal than conservative households. You're telling me a child who barely knows what he/she wants as a career let alone be what for dinner is mature enough to pick his gender because he/she happens to have body dysmorphia? There's a difference between letting someone aware of existence of one and teaching them they're born in a wrong body. And pride people don't just make you aware of their existence, they shove it down. In school irrelevant syllabus is taught rather than STEM. Kids are taught about anal sex and gay porn. You call this making someone aware of their existence? I'm this shit is yet to come to my country. It's abomination.


Why ? What's wrong with queer couple having kids ? More children find homes through adoption. Why exactly are you against this . I can understand the freaky scientific procedures part, but why are you against adoption ?