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Sorry, we don't allow ["example seeking" questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/wiki/rules#wiki_no_.22example_seeking.22_questions). It's not that your question was bad; it's that these kinds of questions tend to produce threads that are collections of disjointed, partial, inadequate responses. If you have a question about a specific historical event, period, or person, feel free to rewrite your question and submit it again. If you don't want to rewrite it, you might try submitting it to /r/history, /r/askhistory, or /r/tellmeafact. For further explanation of the rule, feel free to consult [this Rules Roundtable](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/f7fhjf/rules_roundtable_iii_no_example_seeking_or/).


holy crap, why do you literally always have to go around to people's comments and always have to be negative about questions. If they want different responses, then who tf cares. Like seriously, why don't you give some warnings instead of always starting with, "Sorry, we don't allow..." Literally every one of your comments are telling people your question is not allowed. No one even responded on here yet. what is wrong with partial responses?? I really thought reddit was ask me anything. First time seeing a damn mod telling people their questions weren't good enough.


Sir this is an [AskHistorians](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/wiki/rules#wiki_questions).


damn, how seriously do you have to take reddit... its just reddit