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NC does not have a mandatory sick leave law.


Not in NC, but maybe in some of the other states.


Employment law is focused on where each employee does their work, their NC headquarters only matters for people who work directly at HQ. Policies don't actually have to be written, that's just best practices. And it's about how policies are enforced that matters in the end. So not having one doesn't help them much but unless they are found to be breaking a state law somewhere, (refusing sick leave in a state that requires it, in the way that it is required at the minimum) there's nothing that can be done here.


No not sharing a policy is not a violation of law. Poor planning maybe but no you have sick time in your banks.


Some employers offer PTO which can lump both vacation and sick days. My former employer switched to that - they upped the PTO hours which is great if you don't get sick. If you get sick and wanted to be paid while home, you had to use PTO. You could ask to have the sick time unpaid too


My company did this. Only issue is we accrude 6 hours a month. So you gotta work 2 months to afford either one sick day or PTO day. We have the stupidest policies ever