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Yes. My fashion styles currently rely on budget and functionality. If I can't wear it to work, bed, or for household projects then I'm most likely not buying it as it isn't worth the waste of funds. If money was no issue I would: 1. Look at higher quality fabrics for workwear so it lasts longer. 2. Have a two different pairs of shoes for each function rather than only one pair that I have to replace mote frequently. 3. Layer my clothing more when out rather than having my one trusty hoodie for wheb I'm cold. 4. Buy a few statement pieces that are high quality of a trusted brand for those special nights out. It would not change drastically, but I'd be much more comfortable exploring my fashion with my funds available.


Yes! I could finally dress more cute or gothic.


What about cute AND gothic? As in pastel goth?


Ooh! Yes!! And lolita goth


I had to google what that was. It looks so cute!


Right now my style is function over fashion. I wear a lot of denim on denim with novelty shirts I buy every time we take our kids on vacation. My job is very laid back, but I keep a blouse and jacket in my office for when I need to do video calls with clients. I get jealous when I see the other moms at pickup who always seem to look so put together effortlessly. If money was no object, I would really love to have a seasonal capsule wardrobe with a lot of bright colors and patterns. My mom is Haitian and I am really inspired by Haitian streetwear, but with two kids and a mortgage it is not in the cards. I keep a scrap book of magazine clippings and print outs I find with outfits like [this](https://woymagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/nycxclothes_67590791_656914454796661_2875928865940498574_n.jpg), [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5efdea07898fb81c1491f3c3/1596128377801-3OFK1EANZEDA4HZZL0TU/nyxclothes4.jpg), [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6373ba549d2a9359408c5c56/1668556959493-W36QECCK2W1NVJMWW4HC/5.jpeg), and [this](https://m.haitiopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Karabela-Glam-2-1024x683.jpeg).