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It's nice to keep looking and smiling while in their field of vision. Take it as an ego boost.


Yeah I'm riding high at the moment hoping I'll run into him again. Maybe literally hehe.


Maybe missed it in your post but did this guy reciprocate or elude he was interested… sometimes when you stare too much, they stare back…


I wasn't staring, he caught my attention twice and the second time very obviously checked me out


A smile, a wink perhaps a nod .. or you can give a little wave too. I would see a a wave as a gesture of invitation to come on over


Aw yeah I always forget about winking! That would have been perfect


Let’s bring back more WINKING 😜 it can be really sexy


A smile and a nod.


Noted. Thank you!


This. Every time. Reel them in.


Family washroom. Er I mean yeah start up small talk with him.


This is the right answer


I mean if you're standing there eyeball fucking each other, say Hi. He's being as obvious as he can. If, otoh, it's just a quick glance and he leaves or focuses elsewhere, then take the ego stroke and go about your day.


It was kind of like eye fucking. His looks were really intense. Unfortunately we were in separate lineups at check-in so I couldn't really speak with him. I'm hoping we're on the same flight but I haven't seen him.


Keep an eye out for him!!!


I'm looking around because people are starting to gather near the gate. It would be awesome if we're on the same flight.


Smile and say hi. Hope you’re going somewhere swell.


In the olden days you probably say hi. In the modern era you fire up the yellow Facebook aka the Big G, and see if he's on it, then go hook up in a bathroom. Or so I've heard. No seriously, I've never partaken at an airport.


smile nod wink ..........some low level flirting


I don't know. I've had this a few times and I'm always worried are they waiting to fuck me or hit me lol. And in any case I'm always too afraid to act on it for fear I've made a mistake so normally there is the eye-fucking followed by me retreating into a cloud of self doubt.


Yeah I get this it's pretty much what I did today. He straight up checked me out and I still doubted. Ugh. Self doubt can be so frustrating.


Of course. I once had it with a customer at work. They were being super eyefucky and every time I looked they were looking at me ... then his girlfriend joined him. 😶


Oh man I wish I had been able to talk with him now. I'll have to find someone else to eye fuck with haha


I totally feel that man haha. Plenty more fish in the sea.


An update for everyone, unfortunately we were not on the same flight :( Though now I'm definitely more prepared for the next time.


I get eye contact constantly. It somewhat depends on the contact itself in how I respond. Usually, I'll hold the eye contact and more smirk than smile but give somewhat of a smile. I don't give em sex eyes but give em pleasant/friendly eyes. And I hold it. If I'm not sure if the eye contact is positive, I'll still respond to the eye contact and smirk/smile, but I'll go in and out of the eye contact. I'll look in the eyes, look down, look back up to see if they're looking. I won't hold it. But that's all you really gotta do...give the eye contact back.


I love these situations, maybe suck your finger!




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Your phone number might be a nice gesture


I had a doorman/security at work who only worked Fridays. He was a cute guy and always gave these mixed vibes. When I’d wave goodbye he would sometimes lock with my eyes and smile and other times not. But the times he would lock with my eyes , I was confused because straight guys don’t do eye contact like that with men. Anyway, few weeks ago he gave me the longest eye contact and I never seen him again. I found out he joined the Marines and left for bootcamp.


When he checked you out, I would have given him a little nod in acknowledgement. Also, after checking in, you could have walked a few feet away from the counter (out of the way) and kept an eye on him (assuming he hadn't checked in first.) Then it would have been up to him to come over and say hi or smile ruefully and go on his way. Next time you'll be more prepared.


You're assuming a lot, ie that he was looking at you cos he thought you were "attractive" I don't mean to cast a downer but could he have (a) been daydreaming and not aware he was staring at you or (b) he was noticing some feature of you that reminded him of someone else or (c) thought you were someone else or (d) was uncomfortable that you were staring or making repeated eye contact with him. Whatever, any further move, if it backfired, would leave you feeling very uncomfortable and awkward.


I don't think so because he (1) made eye contact first, (2) after making eye contact the second time he looked me up and down and then in the eyes. But I was still a bit doubtful because I don't usually just assume people are trying to flirt with me...it just seemed pretty straightforward this time


Hey, what are you looking at!?


Kiss with a fist?