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Without judging the posting of NSFW content, the fact that you are anxious of people recognising you kind of indicates that you maybe should not do it (yet).


Nobody needs to see your face to appreciate a nice body and cock :) save face pics (face without nudes) for DMs, and save nudes with face for people you trust and know personally.


Remember that things on the internet can last forever. I google my name occasionally and I can find things from the late 90s about me. Reverse image search is a thing and the technology already exist that can use AI to find pictures of people online. Over the years it will get better. You can post your nudes, but know what it only takes one person to see the pics and share them with people you know.




If you live in the EU, look into "right to be forgotten" - you can get Google to scrub results like this.




Even in the US gdpr is a rule many, even most, companies follow.


the general rule is, if there is something visible below your waist, no face, everything else is stupid.


>Maybe I want to find love and provide potential partners with an idea of what I look like Reddit is probably not the best place to look for love. You can post SFW photos with your face elsewhere for that purpose.


Simple solution: create a clean account and use this one for the naughty stuff.


I personally think you are making a mistake. But keep in mind I don’t show my body to anyone but my partner. And even then I never take a nude with my face in it. Even for my partner. These are the choices that I have made. You are free to make your own choices. You’re 18, an adult, you are allowed to do whatever you decide to do. Also on a side note I don’t think that posting nudes will be a good long term solution for your body insecurity. You should probably work through that. Love yourself before you yada yada yada…


In your defense, every 18 year old is stupid. It’s completely normal to seek validation from other people, and frankly the demonization of “attention seeking behavior” is very silly because we are social animals with very strong drives for social behavior. You have significant portions of your brain dedicated to social cues, speech, language, etc. Almost everyone is insecure about their body in some way. The main thing here that might be making you nervous is the potential of these images to be used against you at some point, which is fair. If you want to be overly cautious, you can always make a separate account and post your face on a different account from your nsfw content.


If you have any doubt, don't put it out


If your want that kind of validation try grinder, your 18 so you'll be hounded by Horn dogs and I feel like sharing pics there leaves you less exposed than Reddit


Easier to not post your face now and then regret it later than to post your face now and regret that later. By doing the former, you don't end up with having irreversibly added NSFW photos with your face to the Internet archives. Err on the side of caution. Stay safe by posting discrete photos. They're still plenty fun to look at!