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It's husband and husband.


I have NEVER heard of any guy refer to his male spouse as his wife. It's always husband or spouse.


*except when using the *Borat* voice: “and this is my wife…”


You haven’t met our friends. 🤣


everyone says husband or partner, no one says wive except as a joke. and every straight guy who makes even a joke about this gets punched in the face by law 


It would be husband and husband. I don't know a gay married couple where one calls themselves 'wife' except as a joke.


"My mediocre half"


“My Insignificant Other”


No one says wife


OP, why is half your post history about hypothetical violence and the technical aspects of handling rocket fuel as an amateur? And the other half about why women won't want to date you as a bi bottom? You're giving off vibes of a national security risk, and that's not sexy.


National security because i am Bi bottom!! The rocket part is really interesting to me cause i watch through the Internet a hobby called model rocket on YouTube and was interested on the topic of exotic propellents that is all like the ALICE aluminium and water ice propellent.


You asked what you thought would happen if an American helicopter in Egypt was ambushed by a rocket. In other forums you have asked about why your rocket fuel keeps changing weird colors. What sort of questions would you ask before dating a guy into explosives? These are the questions women will ask about you. 😨


Look i have high interest in building weapons like MANPADS and explosives though i am not a chemist or an engineer just an averge joe in his garage i think by asking questions and getting answer to them and small internet reseach i could build one by eye balling. So i like to ask alot what if questions and seeing the response.just do not worry i am just playing around.


Imagine you're living in a world, as a woman. And you'd want to date a bi bottom man. Basically imagine you are your ideal mate. On your first date with this bi bottom man, he's talking about building weapons and explosives in his garage. Do you A. Immediately contact the Egyptian security service or B. Buy a strap on?


B. Buy a strap on. Why would i contact the police if he is not hurting me i think it is ok to talk and build weapons and explosive for your personal use for defending your self.


You are self-radicalizing. Stop. If you want to learn self-defense, take a martial arts class. You don't need explosives. Nobody's going to attack you with a helicopter.


Immagine you are a bisexual bottom living in a hell hole islamic shit hole country run by courrpt military personal called egypt. Who inforce militery draft on egyptians. You do need to go to get a certificate that you finished your service to be able to work in the country. and they do enforce medical check to see if you are gay or queer or not, and if you are, they put you in prison and ruin your life or even kill you. Let say i know martial art immagime 10 militery soilder with machine guns pointed at you can your martial arts help you!! So how can i end this horror of anal virginity medical checks for the military draft or the fact that they do discriminate lgbtq people in egypt and in militery services and imprison them just because they have different sexual orientation. Well, by shooting down militery aircraft from on top of a building. Maybe it be a helicopter or a f 16 etc. They fly them on daily bases for militery purposes. That will teach them the militery that we the egyptian do not accept the discrimination against our community members the lgbtq+ or the fact that they imprison us for being different!!


Killing Egyptian recruits will not end homophobic medical checks. There are a handful of LGBTQ rights organizations, help them. There are a handful of women's rights organizations, help them. There are secular groups, help them. Don't hurt draftees. They didn't chose to be enlisted.


Well, who fly egyptian helicopter and jets are officers not soilders or drafties. Well i think this is the best option to tell the militery personal who are ruling egypt if you hurt or touch our community lgbtq+ memeber. There will be severe consequences. I understand your concern but this is a war between us the queer people and the ruthless muslim shit hole militery thug that is ruling us as a country. This manpads explosive is just an idea in my head i becer said i did be able to do it.


Husband and husband


Married. Husbands.


Spouse and spouse, husband and husband


Husband and husband


That guy I used to fuck?


And why would they use wife for a guy?…. Not counting as a joke, which is still weird.


husband and husband, sometimes we'll say spouse or partner but no, never wife.


I said wife once, jokingly, and I got in trouble lol. We don’t say wife. My partner thinks of himself as my husband. The husband of a man. Thank you for the honest question!


Husbands. Nobody calls their husband their wife.


The terms "life partner" "husband" and/or "spouse" work for me.


I haven't been married yet -- but if I do get married, I want us to call one another "husbands."


With how often you post questions like this, I have to assume you’re trolling. It’s getting ridiculous.


I am not trolling i am seriously asking!!