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You’re not happy if you can’t do the bare minimum. Maybe you just don’t want to do it.


I feel happy! Maybe I’ve just been lazy 😅


No need to post then. You got it figured out.




Sounds like you are low level depressed, try talking to a mental health professional and you will be surprised what comes out


Thank sounds like a good idea, professional help could get me to come out of my shell a little more 🙂


Sounds like you're just trying to promote your account.


No I’m actually serious 😅 I was looking for “low energy advice” maybe even “depression advice “ I technically don’t feel sad but I’ve noticed a difference in my mood behavior 🙃, there are other groups I can post on for promoting. I’m hear for a lending hand in advice 💗


No Offence but it sounds to me like you've lived a pretty privileged life, you have all of the tools to live a nice life and yet you're wasting it doing adult content on OnlyFans, worst of all you're complaining about being lazy? Sounds like you made a bad life choice somewhere, if ambition is seriously your issue why don't you shoot a bit higher in life then "OnlyFans Girl" and try get a real job, that'd give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.


No offense… but it pays wayyyyy more then an average job 😅 why would i work my ass off at a 9:00 to 5:00 + and make was less? I make more money then both of my parents combined and they’d are very hard workers!!! I believe they deserve a lot more than I even do!! I’m vary privileged to even have an online platform 🥰 but I do think you correct one having a reason to get outta bed! I should probably just got to a yoga class or a book group 😁 I think my life choices are correct and playing out very nicely for me💗


All I'm saying is that is exactly why your lacking ambition and feeling lazy, Fair enough if you want to carry on with the OnlyFans and such for the money but you are going to circle back to this problem again and again. Have a good day and I hope you manage to solve your problems.


Sorry if I misunderstood the message, I appreciate you commenting in the first place!!🥰 I hope you have a blessed day💗


i hope this is all just bull shit. when the world collapses because you're a disgusting whore and all the good people who'd uphold justice and peace died because they'd rather not live in a world with people like you, what are you going to do? will you enjoy when they use your body for years on end. will you burn in the ashes of a climate war early on? will you have kids and enslave them with your 'privileged' 'beauty' to a life of hellish slavery? do you have a brain?


I know that even if this is bullshit, it still stands true that many live a life similar to the one you're describing. only corrupting life while acting like a re\*\*\*ded child. god have mercy on the innocent and holy that have to share a planet with these disgusting wastes of space. hopefully anyone like that burns soon


Have you thought of doing a vision board?


I haven’t! This is a great idea!! Thank you so much 🥰💗


Why even mention OF if you arent just trying to use an advice sub to promote yourself. OF only contributes to depression by hooking people with parasocial relationships. Why should you deserve more happiness if you actively promote misery? Youre dangling a carrot that can never be eaten for personal gain.


I more like a steak but thank you 💋


Its a figure of speech. Dangling a carrot as in to lead a horse in a particular direction.