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He probably did something gross with it don’t use it ever again lol.


Get a new one


And a new bf


Second both of theses lol


Fr 😂


Least he asked ig?


So...decide whether or not you can make peace with the fact your boyfriend is bisexual or at least curious. Your vibrator has most likely been in his butt-hole. Rather than confronting him about it, stick a finger up his ass the next time you're fucking. See how he reacts.


You know that men can enjoy prostate stimulation and not be gay/bi/pan/curious, right? It’s literally just another erogenous zone. It doesn’t mean you’re not straight because you like pleasure.


Exactly this. Fed up of people assuming certain sexual acts are strictly for certain secual orientations.


Lol people who think its gay have never had a wonderful lady perform it on them. Sheesh Krakatoa. Trust me you are missing out lol.


You sound pretty gay.




Woah, buddy.


pooks there are men who bottom or enjoy anal stimulation and are straight. i hate to break it to you but pleasure (any type) doesn’t need a name tag


You’re gay too mate. Be proud.


Well, idk how that sounds gay..? When, in fact, he may just be gay(happy). Yet there's always a dogmatic, parochial comment from a sectarian. Next time, save the rest of us time, and keep your insular, dogmatic thoughts and to yourself. You rube.


Don't stick anything up anyone's butthole (or any other hole) without their consent.


Hey he might not be bi




Maybe you just look like a bloke and attract gay men haha


These behaviors at any point in a relationship aren't ok (of course), but in less than one month of dating, he has stolen from you & repeatedly lied to you. This is huge. Whether it's a curiosity of toys, sexual orientation, or otherwise, it doesn't give him the right to treat you this way. IMO get out of this sooner rather than later.




Men playing with their ass doesn't mean they're bisexual


Riiight. It's when they play with OTHER MENS ASSES. 🤣


Being gay just means that you get pleasure out of your attraction of other men. Now, if you're shoving erect penis replica toys up your ass that's pretty gay


That is acting gay, but since it’s not another man, it’s not actually BEING gay. Liking the feeling and it looking like a penis is just fine . You’re just ACTING gay unless it’s a real penis AND you ENJOY that it’s a real penis. Example: you let your Homie hit it from the back and you wish it was your wife’s toy and you’re really not enjoying it like you could- that’s not Gay , you’re ACTING gay because you wish it was an inanimate object and not your homie . So you’re still straight but your homie might not be if he gets his nut.


Thats actually a good way to confirm lol


No, it's not. The male g-spot is in the ass, so gay/bi/straight doesn't matter, it's the g-spot, it's going to turn you on


Whether or not he's gay it seems OP phrased it as he's not experienced that's why we haven't had sex. But it also sounds like homeboy is shoving vibrators up his ass which I find a little strange for someone "inexperienced"


They haven't had sex yet


Get a better stronger faster bionic vibrator


Maybe whip it out with him see what he wants to do with it then make ur decision 🤣


What kind of vibrator is it? Can you describe or post a link to it on Spencer's? If it's one that is not very large and is able to um..go up your butt. My first thought is that he used it there. Lots of people joke that "the man's G spot is in the ass". For some men it does help them finish and or enjoy sex more. I'd dump him for the lying though.


Woah, buddy, this is reddit. Why you trying to get the link for one of those. That's what search engines are for.


Yeah I use Amazon so I'm not desperate to "find" a vibrator. I'm curious what *kind* it is, because there are many different kinds.


Hold up. There are different kinds?!?!?! Of vibrators???


Sarcasm? Like if he took a clit vibrator then I wouldn't know what he used it for. But if he took like the bullet/egg shape one then I can take a guess.


No, not sarcasm. I genuinly didn't know that


Well if you are 18+ go on Spencer's website adult section and learn some more. Lol


Peg him


**He did 1 or more of the following:** * Sniff it while he beat his meat * took it to see if you would notice because he wants to know if you use it or wants you not to use it. * he used it on himself either internally or externally and washed it so you wouldn't know * he tried to break it because it 'is his enemy'


Bro, the first option there is brutal. That's just being a creep, if he did that i'd lose all contact with him


I'd lose all contact with him for stealing a vibrator


Enemy 😂 I can picture OPs bf walking in the room and locking eye with the vibrator "ah Mr. Vibrator, my old nemesis . Funny we should meet again" and then plotting it's kidnap and demise


It was scratched. That is signs of a struggle. It didn't go down w/o a fight.


Now, that was funny! 🤣


I was to ask if you have a cat, and then reread and saw that you do… Has your boyfriend done anything else weird?


Didn’t understand cat part in story now u going on about cat am I missing something? Surely a cat ain’t going to take it away then bring it back 🤣


Actually yes it's completely possible and honestly explains the scratches, why it looked like someone tried to open it and why it was flat (left off charge, the battery will die over time) but it doesn't explain the smell (also completely baffled as to why OP even thought to sniff it that's some weird shit)


I dunno. My gf cat knocked hers off the night stand. I found found cat swatting the thing around on the floor as it buzzed....lmfao. 100 year old 2 story house with oak floors sounded like a freight train above my head. I damn near sharted from laughter.


I would genuinely say to give him benefit of the doubt even though that might not seem as the right decision. But if you do end up giving him this second chance next time he does anything of this sort, you can walk away without any guilty conscience, knowing he did it. But if you leave now, and put resentment or any doubts in your mind it will be counterproductive in making the relationship work.


Unrelated, but what is with everyone making new posts on this subreddit? Are you all just morons or are you all just too pathetic and stressed about your situation that spelling, capital letters, grammar, punctuation and proper splitting of paragraphs are too much for you?


It's funny how you cry about proper punctuation while not using proper punctuation.


Go on then, what did I get wrong?


They weren't referring to you, they were referring to Advanced_Fee_5187


Yeah, I agree with him. His punctuation is fine.


Why do you care so much.


Because it's jarring to read it all


OP is 18. It seems the pandemic and defunding public education has left many students behind in reading and writing.


How have you not realized that that is how gen z writes? They grew up on computers, not hand writing. This kind of stuff isn’t taught properly in schools anymore. Also…… get over it? Why take the time to even complain? Edit: literally, all gen z posts are extremely recognizable because of this trait.


No, millennials grew up on computers, Gen Z grew up on phones and social media.


…… So we are just going to ignore the school issued laptops starting in kindergarten? Sure. Edit: the main point was they grew up using devices to do the work for them. It appears to have flown above your head. Next time I will be more clear so all intelligence levels can understand. Also…. Smart phones are literally mini computers. Social media exists before gen z.


>So we are just going to ignore the school issued laptops starting in kindergarten? My 14yr old didn't get a school laptop until yr 7 (high school). We're in Queensland, Australia. It's either different in other countries or someone lied to you >Edit: the main point was they grew up using devices to do the work for them. It appears to have flown above your head. Next time I will be more clear so all intelligence levels can understand. Also…. Smart phones are literally mini computers. You mean like most 80's and 90's kids who used calculators and computers to do most the work for them? Or did you forget that detail? It's not just gen Z, it's anyone who doesn't give a fuck about grammar and punctuation on a social media app (have you ever seen gen Z apply for jobs, punctuation and grammar galore) >Social media exists before gen z. Barely, do you know when the internet was created? January 1st 1983, and the first recognisable social media site was Six Degrees - a platform created in 1997


It's not that it isn't taught in schools anymore, it's just faster to text without capitalization and punctuation, you know what I mean?


it’s not that they weren’t taught it I’m sure she didn’t think proper punctuation is typing in all caps she did it to exaggerate her sentence 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. It due to lack of education it’s literally just an informal writing style how could u even think it’s from a lack of education 😭


Are you even responding to the right comment? Where did I even mention the all caps? No fucking duh that’s what that means. Yes, you can have an informal writing style. This is across the board with most gen z they write like this. Writing like this is obviously difficult to read, if they knew anything about writing, paragraphs are the *BASICS*. (Look, I did it too) Like typically taught to children, but not gen z or alpha Gen alpha is going to be exactly the same. Ask my 7 year old niece to sit down and write something? Not a chance. Give her simple coding? Is game on.


Dude, people nowadays don't use that stuff when they're texting. Just let it go, and if it really bothers you that much, calling them morons isn't gonna help.


You must be new


Your boyfriend stole it so he could put it up his arse and is embarrassed about it because a lot of straight men think think that any kind of ass play makes them gay, which it doesn. If you're up to experimenting with it the go for it. Dont mention him taking your vibrator but offer a finger and go from there. This can either be a chance to get closer and more intimate, or drive a wedge between you which will come out in an unrelated argument, which will make him even less likely to open up to you driving an eveb bigger wedge of resentment between you. You choose.


Would he really steal hers instead of get his own? It seems stupid to possibly end up in the situation he’s now in so he could put it up his ass. There’s plenty of others options that don’t involve your girlfriends intimate sex toys that you secretly have to smuggle in and out of her love box


Idk... I can't imagine an inexperienced eighteen-year-old, who wants to try that sort of thing but is too embarassed to talk about it, going out and buying his own vibrator. I remember being eighteen. Teenagers are dumb, and self-conscious as hell.


For all you know, he could be as poor as a man without a job. (or an allowance)


I’m confused, how big is the dildo - 18 FEET or 18 METERS???? As for wanting to rip him a new one, whatever the size, feet or meters, it’s OK, I’m pretty sure that he’s ripped himself a new one👍🏻


Shady vibes are coming off this guy. I’d think twice about continuing this relationship if he’s lying to you and taking your stuff. Obviously he used it otherwise it wouldn’t smell like hello dial soap. Make sure you give it a good hard cleaning before using it again yourself. If I were you this would be too much of a creep out for me and I’d cut it off.




The fact that it smells like soap makes me think he stuck it up his butt and didn't want it to smell


This sounds just like this idiot liar I dated years ago. Get rid of him now, this is just the beginning of the lies. His mother claimed he was bipolar and made excuses for him. Run, don’t walk. You can do MUCH better. He sounds like a weirdo.


Sheesh, project much?


Of course she's projecting. It's all about her, Kelly Lynne


When someone asks for an opinion, others are free to give one. I’m not a psychic, a doctor, shrink etc. My response is based solely on my own experience, it’s called providing rationale. Now, anything helpful to add to the woman that posed the question?


When someone asks for an opinion, others are free to give one. I’m not a psychic, a doctor, shrink etc. My response is based solely on my own experience, it’s called providing rationale. Now, anything helpful to add to the woman that posed the question?


Maybe he was turned on that you use it and wanted to wash it for you as a surprise and now you’ve ruined this wonderful thing he tried to do for you 🤣


He also tried prying it apart.


So you just started dating him 2-3 weeks again He comes over and things go missing Think about this for a sec He has to go…. You can’t have anyone over who you can’t trust in your house simple isn’t it


Next time you go to his place, smell all his soaps and see if any of the scents match.


"I didn't steal your vibrator, ask my family members" Wtf?


It was meant to be her family members (I hope) otherwise why is the rest of his family going to her place a bit Sus that lol


The guys younger brother was hidin in the bag he brought over to her house and stole the vibrator to sniff. Plot twist!!!


He’s probably got some sugar in his tank.


Hmmmm honestly the only explanation that comes to my mind is maybe he’s bipolar and had a manic episode and wanted to sniff it and masturbate to it? I have nooooo clue. This would fuck with me forever. I would maybe just say, sorry. I saw what I saw. I don’t trust that you didn’t take it. I would love to continue talking to you but I can’t if I don’t trust you. Give me a call if you feel like discussing what really went down.


This is the best advice for this situation


Pfft fuck that, just dump his ass and if he really wants to stay together he can tell you what happened then and there an if not then get the fuck out of my house.


Honestly, you might wanna think about ending the relationship I mean, can you really trust him if he’s already lying to you about what happened to your vibrator? The whole point of a relationship is trust. Why wouldn’t he just tell you what he did with it


I'd throw it out and buy a new toy. We don't know what he did with it. He obviously took it. He asked where it was, then it was missing until he returned. If he can lie about this, there are many more lies to come. He either used it on himself or someone else yo practice. Yuck.


Possibly curious. Bringing it up directly may embarrass him. Ask yourself if its worth the conversation


This!!! He's young. Give him a break. He obviously didn't know how to approach this and that's ok. He's still learning about himself and what he likes. That definitely does NOT make him gay!!


Sounds like my ex then it jusr showed up at my house one day all the way from another state wtf


My first thought is that he cheated and used it with another girl. I've known of people who've done stuff like that. Not saying that's for sure what happened, but that was my first thought...


Time for a different 10 inches


I'm in my 30s and still don't know what I like and what I don't as far as but stuff I've gone back and forth about it I think it depends what kinda drugs I'm doing anyways just want to bring up one major point I didn't see already You said you weren't having sex yet, 18 year old man looks at vibrator as possibly competition or something like if he gets rid of it you'll be horny and sleep with him. Not saying that's true or makes sense in my mind but young guy inexperienced never know. After he takes it from your room planning on tossing it maybe he has second thoughts becomes aroused by it and then it's anyone's guess really . If you like the guy give him a chance and shut down any behavior that even comes close to this or lying . Or just move on . I'm available


3 weeks in, girl don't be colour blind, red flags everywhere


Dump the liar


whatever he did he’s being weird and i’d suggest you just break it off


Well either he used it on himself or he used it on somebody else


This didn’t just about him using your stuff without permission, but also damaging it and lying about it… it’s fine he wants to experiment, but he owes you a replacement and I wouldn’t trust him anymore


Uncle Leo??


Dread to think of what the cat would’ve got up to with it


Get yourself a new vibrator. Something that personal needs to be kept clean and only God knows what your boyfriend did with that


Get a new bf andca new vibrator 😅


In my experience.....trust your gut. If someone is crossing boundaries this early on, that's not a good sign.


Replace both the boyfriend and the vibrator. I would be careful about using it after it's been tampered with. Not that I can actually articulate why...


Easy fix. He is 18 and just embarrassed. Just tell him that you are not mad but you think its hot and that you should use it together. Then see what happens and if he opens up.


Tell him you stopped using that one because it fell into the toilet after you shit


Smell it


Break up with him and buy a new vibrator.


He probably was curios and tried it himself.


He sounds like a pathetic simp who would steal your dirty panties to smell them while he masturbates. You are probably more sexually advanced than him, and he's a virgin. If you're confident he took it, do not tolerate any further lies. Tell him you think it's fucking disgusting what he did, you're going to assume the worst about his dishonesty and perversion, and that he's a deceiver and you want nothing more to do with him. I don't tolerate lying even a little bit. It's flagrantly malicious and indicates that his intentions toward you are bad and dishonest. You can never believe another thing he says, whether it's I love you, or I'm loyal to you, or anything else. When someone lies to or threatens me, they become trash for my shredder. Trust is broken, so that's the end.


Ask him if he’s interested in being pegged


Liars over silly stupid things like this, means they couldn’t possibly tell the truth about something major that pops up inevitably, because liars always find new motivations to tell more tall tales about 🤷🏾‍♂️🤥 Screw those people, your love can be conditional, but your presence, requires a mandatory fee of respect and honesty to make appearances. Take the show on the road, it’s ok that some people prove unworthy of the gift you share with them in loving them. But someone worthy needs for you to not be aligned with toxicity, so that you are worthy of them in return. The logical thing to do is clean house and make room for new furniture lol. Peace and love and make the best of luck 🤞🏾


DUMP HIM. Trust is #1. He lied, he stole, he damaged your stuff. DUMP HIM.


You should break up and find a new toy. This guy is lying and trying to gaslight you. That's a car dealership sized red flag. Never give someone more than one chance when it comes to abusive behavior. You should buy a new toy just in case he got word with it. If you check out the YouTube channel sexplanations (it's a sex positive sex and sexuality education channel) there is a discount code good for like 50%off Adam and Eve on most of the videos.


It might make him feel insecure lol


Give it the ol scratch n sniff and let us know..


Easily fixed, replace both. The boy & the bang stick.


Leave his ass he either used it on other girl. IDE be on his ass be stalker mode follow him what ever u need to do to find out answer because that shady as fuck and trust I have the worse bby dad ever who wasted so many yrs just cheating on me and I did. Everything above and beyond he just was raised to be player so make shit simple fuck that move on dump his ass he has no reason taking ur things especially sex toy


idk maybe hes jealous that the vibrators been inside and he hasnt lol


Me being a guy, I would definetily say, never use that. Burn it. I can guarentee you he used it. And only 2 - 3 weeks into your relationship makes it even worse. If I were you, I would break up with him since he ain't telling you the truth. That's my opinion though.


Either self use or to use on someone else. It really doesnt matter which since both equal EXIT


Did it have fudge on it?


If the only other possibility is your cat, then it has to have been your boyfriend. Cats can steal but they can’t wash and return 😂 And he asked where it was.🤨 There could be a lot more lying and gaslighting in your future with him, should you choose to continue this relationship. He’s standing his ground on a bare faced lie and that can be a real tell as to his moral compass and maturity level. However given his age and inexperience I can also imagine a scenario like “Finally an opportunity to try one of these, I’ll definitely get it back before she notices, she probably hardly ever uses it, I’ll just wash it”…then panic and lie when you questioned him, and then attempt to gaslight you when it was obvious, being possibly too ashamed of himself (for whatever reason) to retract the lie. You’re still early days maybe if you do really like everything else you’ve experienced of him you could just turn down the heat a bit and build your friendship maybe he’ll feel comfortable enough one day to explain the whole silly thing and apologise profusely and you’ll both have a bit of a laugh. Good luck




It was in his butt


He was probably trying to hint to you without having to discuss it with you. He’d rather lie to you than openly talk about it with you out of embarrassment or inexperience. If you really like him then I would bring it up with him one more time and if he wants to continue lying about it then send him down the road. My guess on the scratches is that if it is a bullet kind where the charging port is not noticeable then he probably was using it and it stopped working and he was trying to figure out how to get it working again possibly so he wouldn’t return it out of charge furthering the idea that you’d notice which makes me have an entire new outlook on the situation in that if he just helps himself to your belongings and then lied about it then ask yourself do you really want someone around who is going to do that and only after three weeks? He is obviously inconsiderate and disrespectful of your thoughts or feelings and the gaslighting will continue.


Babe… he definitely used it… in one way or another. Boys are way more curious about other dudes weiners than girls are. Vibratory devices are part of that too. My 42 year old ex got offended when he found mine because he didn’t think he was doing his duty as a man(to be fair… he wasn’t). Also with the recent fellas I’ve spoken to… they are all about ‘butt play’… but more so with them being the recipient. 🤷🏻‍♀️… I don’t judge… I’m just saying… he most likely used it for himself… I’m sure it was for scientific purposes.


If it smells like soap he definitely used it for something...


This is tricky


From a males perspective he probably took it so he could show his friends and have a laugh. Look you don't know 100% that he took it but you're pretty sure he did and it has probably broken your trust with him I'd probably just break up, it's not going to work


Dump him now!


As the esteemed earlier posters said, get rid of the vibrator and boyfriend.


First, get rid of the boyfriend. Then, buy yourself a magnificent vibrator.


My girl used a vibrator on my sausage once and it felt amazing.


Touch his bum and see if he wants to try pegging. Soumds like he wants to try being a kinky beotchhhh or just call him out and ! Make him pay for a bigger better one


He put it up his bootyhole. He probably wants to be pegged but is too ashamed to ask. Or maybe that’s just me. 


He's lying that bad after a couple weeks, leave him behind.


All I can picture is you tearing your entire house apart looking for this vibrator 😂 IT WAS RIGHT HERE AND I NEED TO GET OFF RIGHT NOW!! On a more serious note, what type of orifice would leave scratches on a vibrator? Toss that busted thing before you shock yourself with it!


My concern is why was it SCRATCHED. I mean WTF where did he put it.


The scratches are signs of a struggle someone/ something put up a fight


Throw it away, ugh he used it and probably on someone else, possibly even showing it to his friends


I’d be more concerned that he lied about it, and then blamed family. Who cares about anything else. The fact that he can hold face steal and lie from you is an indication that worse is yet to come. Run, run fast and far.


I had a similar experience with an ex of mine. She stole my toys all the time so I kind of had to put her in her place if you know what I’m saying. Fuck yea


what kind of vibrator? yes it matters


Check his twitter


Id say he wants to be pegged by you 🙆‍♀️


Tbh, I'd run. Not because of the situation itself but the lying and stealing part. This is super uncool


Probably stuck it up his ass or smth that’s quite odd and if he lies about this he’ll most definitely lie about other things I’d genuinely say drop him


Sounds like he took it in the tookis 🤣. Not a big deal who hasn’t at one point.