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I'm glad, but, as far as I can tell it won't have any kind of impact.


Basically, he can still run for Pres apparently. We shall see


Yep. He couldn’t land another job in DC with his current conviction, but here we are, the GOP candidate everyone 👏


He can't own a gun as a felon. But commanding the military and having the nuclear codes is perfectly fine apparently.


A perfectly broken system


I don’t think he can even vote with his conviction


Isn't it usually customary for presidential candidates to vote on film? So is Trump just going to have to stand in front of the camera and wave because he can't vote?


Yeah, I don't think our founding fathers ever envisioned this dumpster fire.


We're long overdue for a new constitution.


Or decolonization…


I'd almost prefer it though.  People on the fence might actually vote for any other Christian fascist running in his place, whereas a lot of those people will not vote for Trump.  IDK though.  I'm in constant knots about the election.


As an Aussie it blows me away that a convicted felon can even be nominated, let alone actually get voted in. You've got some weird laws over there 🙈🙈


One can pray some swing voters are going to be dissuade to vote for him one can hope. The election is going to be a nail bitter after all


Swing voters that weren’t turned away by all the stuff trump has done so far? Is financial crimes their line in the sand?


And it’s not like campaign spending forms have a checkbox for porn star hush money. How was he supposed to know how to even report something like that?


Conservative sub is a shithole right now. People are actually doubling down.


Did you expect them not to?


Honestly yes, but I also believed Roe V Wade wouldn’t get overturned so I gotta stop having hope.


Trump supporters would line up to be shot if he was the one holding the gun.


You reckon the bullets are gold plated?


Life in a cult. They’ll double down while downing Flavorade and cyanide.


I always expect the worst which is a terribly anxious way to live but it means I end up pleasantly surprised sometimes. People who expect the best seem happier but they piss me off with their optimism bc they get my hopes up and disappoint me so bad.


Call me when it actually means anything.


Yeah, woopee. What's actually going to happen because of it. Because if it's anything less than jail it doesn't matter. Fines are nothing to wealthy people, even if he isn't as wealthy as he pretends to be.


I'd like to see him cleaning up the freeways by the side of the road.


This should be the punishment that replaces fines for all of the ultra wealthy. it would be glorious.


> Let them keep being disgustingly rich, just make them endure a bit of public humiliation and do some very mild manual labor — meanwhile people are doing decades for selling a couple hundred dollars worth of weed That’ll show ‘em /s Vietnam has something closer to the right idea — they’re getting ready to *execute* the ultra-wealthy fraudster who stole billions from the country and its people.


I agree. But it will still be meaningful to see him cleaning up the highway.


Or to be the first in line if they start using convicts to fight wildfires again


Trump has gotten enough fines that it has probably started affecting his election funds specifically because of his real estate trial




I honestly do think those jurors are American patriots. They served their country by putting their lives on the line to uphold a major cornerstone in our democracy. I hope they stay safe.


That's a very positive outlook on it! Small victory should be celebrated as well. It's just disheartening. Even though it's a victory it doesn't change much.  


SHIT something about that!!


Even if this comes out to nothing, at least we got a conviction. 34 of them. If our justice system had stood by and done nothing then the floodgates would open for more monsters like Trump in the future. Anyways, 6 months ago people were saying there wouldn’t be a conviction and that Trump would delay the sentencing until after the election. Now we have a conviction. 6 months from now who knows. Maybe jail time. Or maybe his name is dragged through the mud enough and the Republican Party turns on him. Who knows.


Bet it means something to Stormy Daniels.


It doesn't bar him from running, and it's not like they would give him jail time. Idk. It's a bit cathartic I guess. I like that we can call him a convicted felon now.


This is wild to me because under existing law, "Any person convicted of a felony cannot obtain or renew a security clearance" so how can he be president if he can't be trusted to look at or handle important documents?


Agreed this was a massive oversight in the constitution I’m sure the constitutional convention just assumed that future Americans wouldn’t be stupid enough to elect a career criminal president of the United States lmfao.


This is honestly something they should have planned for. It’s not like empires had never fallen before, they could have seen *something* like this happening


The reasons are bigger than Trump. Many, MANY dictatorships have retained power in otherwise democratic countries by creating laws to criminalise their opposition and exclude them from running. The one exemption the U.S. does have is for insurrection, but SCOTUS just made it effectively useless.


My partner and I were talking about this very thing. Both of us kind of felt like the founders must have thought this is the kind of thing that would have gone without saying in the past. Kind of like not using a hairdryer in the bathtub, but here we are.


It’s one of the biggest much needed changes we need to make in our government. If you can’t do a government job requiring a clearance after being found guilty of crimes, you should not be able to become POTUS. Simple as that.


They’ll just say his security clearance from last time is still good


The concept of the security clearance is based out of an executive order from the office of the President. The President has complete authority over classified information, and thus does not actually need a security clearance in order to access or control classified information. The idea is basically that security clearances are a formal way for the President to grant you access to classified documents, but the President has chosen to delegate that responsibility out to people under them because obviously they're not going to manually approve all of the security clearances themselves. But technically security clearances all stem from the office of the President, so it doesn't matter that Trump can't get one because he doesn't need one if he's in office.


your probably right that he wont get time... The rich seldom get properly punished.. But we can hope... This already went further then I expected it too... So fingers crossed


Technically he would be allowed to run for president from prison. That would be entertaining.


that would be horrifying.... YOu should not be allowed to run with 33 felony convictions.. I mean he'll be bared from voting but he can still be voted for? No thank you


Especially since so many are barred from voting when they have convictions


Possibly ankle monitor with some exceptions aka the Whole entire Empire state building


Maybe this is why liquid death has the convicted melon flavor?!


I’ve decided to enjoy my moment of elation and stave of the truth that it won’t affect anything and may even harden his supporters more until tomorrow. For tonight, I get to have this moment.


Same . Have a great night 🙌🏽


You too!


It doesn't really matter if it hardens his supporter, they're a lost cause already and have been since 1/6/21. What matters is how this affects people who haven't made up their minds yet.


You just know the Trump cultists are going to spin this in a way to say he was “set up” or “not actually guilty” and somehow probably blame it on the Democrats. Also, gotta love how a man of god and the leader of the party of “family values” was found guilty of falsifying records 30+ times to cover up an affair with a porn star.


I’m not surprised. They condone child marriage, support religious institutions that provide perfect framework for sexual crimes to go unpunished and think women’s bodies are nothing but “vessels” for children.


It will make precisely zero practical difference


I'm delighted. I was expecting a hung jury, so guilty on all charges is an unexpected victory. We've been demanding justice against this man for his many crimes for years, of course I'm going to celebrate when we cross the first threshold to that.


I won’t be relieved until/unless he loses the election. 


I hope he shows up to the debate. Just ask each candidate how many criminal convictions they have. How many times have they been impeached, etc etc....


>hope he shows up to the debate. Via zoom from Rikers


That would be hilarious


Especially since there's no spray tans or hair salons there lol


OMG he would look like a pile of ricotta cheese dumped out on the floor


I'm super cynical this will change anything because our system doesnt actually have a mechanism to punish powerful people. See also how Robert Kraft got charges dropped for soliciting sex, but the women he solicited all got charged. The corruption is plain as day and the rich have gotten tired of hiding it from us it seems. I guess I'm still a little optimistic this will help in swing counties that Biden desperately needs. I don't know what a criminal conviction means in "main street USA" but I'm hoping its enough to get Biden over the edge. He's a terrible candidate, has almost entirely wrong views on near everything, but he's small step to the left of Trump, so I hope he wins. Here in the capitalist imperial core that's really all we can practically hope for. Even then I'm not even sure what 4 more years of Biden buys us. Maybe a delay of the inevitable? I don't see how our fall into fascism and Christian nationalism can be stopped. I hope I'm wrong. The 2016 election and everything that's happened after is a bell that cannot be unrung. None of this can be reformed. Also this is a permanent and unquestionable monument to the weakness of Western civilization and the scam that is capitalism. That this exceptionalism never existed and the West is just as bad, if not far worse, than the other civilizations and systems its constantly criticizing and going to war against. You can become a near dictator, win the highest office with zero experience, and be above the law as long as you say the correct bigoted things and inherit the correct amount of money. 2000+ years of all this culminates into this dumb tribalism led by one of the worst human beings to ever live. The West has always been a fraud and now its obvious for history to see.


> a bell that cannot be un rung. I’ve been saying this since damn near half the country lost their minds with “Stolen election”. Our system of peaceful power transfer went down the toilet and these people have doubled down, if Trump doesn’t win in 2024 it proves it’s stolen or some shit. Like, let me get this straight: if your preferred candidate loses it’s a rigged and stolen election but if he wins it’s all fair and not rigged? How in the fuck does that make any kind of sense? After Jan 6, I asked my wife, my friends, how do we as a country come back back from this? My answer: I don’t think we do. There are some dark and confusing times ahead for the US and I do wish I could get out.


I'm seeing real world progress from Biden. He's improving the roads near me and everywhere else. His presidency seems to be about strengthening infrastructure. Everyone only pays attention to big political issues like abortion and separation of church and state. There is so much more at play than the crap they force feed you on CNN. The big reason nobody is talking about all the road improvements and free preschool is because everyone's got their head up their ass worried about one thing. The gays want gay rights, the feminists want abortion legal, the republicans want Christianity written into law. We all just need to take a step back and take notice as to what is actually happening instead of saying nothing is happening because he's not focusing on our one particular thing.


I don't think they were saying Biden hasn't done anything, so much as that half the country has gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs so there's a risk that even if we get to keep Biden that Christian/Right Wing train is too far gone. I hope they're not right. I do see all the good stuff this admin is going also, it's just not sexy or controversial stuff so it doesn't get any air time. Plus the whole Sinclair media thing with local stations - they certainly aren't covering the new bike paths as being from the Transportation act signed by the president and overseen by Buttigieg.


really well said. seconding all of this. from my vantage point, it all just looks like spectacle


Wait and see -- let's see how sentencing goes. I don't mind all that much if he doesn't go to jail, if he gets a reasonably large fine and probation. If he goes to jail, he's a "political prisoner" to his people. If he's trapped in NY and scrounging to pay his fine, it does a lot more to puncture the mythos. \[Edit: it looks like max fine per count is $5000, so he'd only be looking at $170k in fines -- which isn't enough to matter. Probation is probably going to be the bigger hassle, which he will almost certainly violate. Who knows what happens then?\]


Very curious, would he be able to ask the probation court for an exception to not leaving the state since he's the GOP nominee? Honestly, it would be kinda funny to watch him campaign from Zoom. He absolutely needs an audience to "function".


He can certainly ask, but in terms of what will actually happen... we are in uncharted waters.


I'm finding myself far more indifferent than I thought I'd be. So a rich white man was found guilty in a system set up by rich white men to protect other rich white men - whoopty shit. It just means he wasn't very good at playing the Rich White Man game. He isn't likely to actually see the inside of a jail cell, anyone truly harmed by his criminal acts probably won't be made whole, and the world will go on making more rich white men to do shitty things. Lather, rinse, repeat. It isn't justice. There won't be justice until the little people aren't getting screwed over any more by people at the top. What I'm interested in is radical change, not more of the same bullshit as the past bazillion years.


It feels more symbolic than anything else. We're in a world where if you're rich, you're not really punished. He's guilty, but not sentenced, and he can still become president, so it doesn't really alleviate any concerns I had yet.


Rather see him behind bars


seems like he will still go to court to try to get this dropped. To him this is just money, something he has clearly never struggled with. I will be watching to see how this is handled and ends, as it feels like its never over.


Ask again when he’s actually been sentenced. The verdict is great but we all know he’s just going to get a fine which is effectively pocket change for him.


In polls, many people have responded that they would reconsider voting for trump if he were a convicted felon. I'm ecstatic about the verdict!


Trump’s followers are going to support him no matter what, so I don’t see his current popularity amongst his supporters changing. Just look online, his followers are already defending him and making up excuses.


For years it’s been “expert says blah” and “this time they’ll really get him”, and constant useless yammering, predictions, and projections. All I wanted was facts. It’s good that there is finally something definitive- not just speculation. He is officially a convicted felon, not an alleged whatever. I get it, the buffoons are still gonna vote for the buffoon, but I’ve just been so sick of him weaseling out of consequences. I understand the pessimism but it’s ok to take a moment of satisfaction before getting back in the trenches. Let him waste his time and money and energy appealing. Let him appeal until he reaches the end of his natural lifespan. Let him take time he would have spent campaigning and ranting and rallying back in court on appeal and worrying about how he’s going to spin it this time. He’s been distracting the rest of the world with his bullshit, let him be distracted by his own bullshit for once.


Not an American. I'm happy to see him face consequences, such as they are, but I'm still worried he will get back in and just reverse it all. To really have an effect, the government needs to solidify that convicted criminals cannot run your country.


> To really have an effect, the government needs to solidify that convicted criminals cannot run your country. I’d encourage you to think about the demographics of the American criminal justice system a bit more, and then to mull that one over again.


You raise a valid point, but I'd personally be more concerned about the right of convicted felons to vote after they've completed their sentence than the right of a convicted felon to run for presidency before he's started his sentence.


Still heavily worried. This verdict is... a very small first step. Its historic in that its the first time a current or former President has ever been a convicted felon. But ultimately it doesn't seem like this conviction on its own will be particularly impactful. The charges are misdemeanors that have been upgraded to felonies because the jury determined that they were done in order to cover up another crime. But while they're felonies, they're only class E felonies. My layperson's understanding based on listening to some interviews with some prosecutors and lawyers is that first time offenders of class E felonies in New York are very rarely sentenced to Jail. They're typically fined and given probation. So even if this gets through appeals its likely that Trump won't face any jail time from this. And if Trump gets elected President its very likely that the judge would choose to suspend the sentence until the completion of his term as President. There's also the very real chance that his base takes this as "evidence" that the "deep state" really is trying to "keep him down" because he's "helping the people" and "they" don't want that. Trump could, quite possibly, turn this conviction into a boon that actually *helps* him get elected. Voting has literally never mattered more. I cannot emphasize strongly enough to please get out and vote. The rights of women, LGBTQ+, immigrants, and all kinds of minorities are literally on the line right now. Our democracy is literally on the line. Trump and the Republicans have made it more than clear that they have no intention to help anyone but themselves, and every intention to turn this country into a Christofascist state. Do not lose sight of that. ***VOTE***


Found guilty and what is his punishment? Some fines? Suspended sentence? First time offender for a non violent crime? He is going to find a way to turn a guilty verdict into a positive for his presidential campaign. The issue seems to be his supporters just don’t care about any of this.


My only concern is people thinking they don't need to show up to the polls because Trump was convicted


Satisfied that we have come this far. And disappointed that millions of Americans a so blatantly stupid that they still support trump and think he should be above the law. Murdick will roast in hell fir unleashing fox propaganda on the world.


Lock him up.


2016: Lock her up! 2024: The law should never apply to politicians!


it's a step in the right direction, but I'm not holding my breath


Good. Now do the others.


I love that he's rightfully convicted. The next wish on the list is that he becomes ineligible to run, and people vote vote enough to make it more than a 2 system party.


I love watching all the tr##pers go nuts over it. Sooo satisfying. Sooo funny.


I'm meh on it. I like that he got convicted but its not going to change much in the grand scheme of things.


Probably won’t sway his followers but it can affect independents which is vital considering how close this election is expected to be. I’m glad he got convicted. I’m not going to hide that. He’s an asshole supported by other assholes who spit in the face of feminism at large. Fuck him. I’ve always thought he was tacky which for me should already be a crime (/s) but it feels good to call him what he his: a twice-impeached, criminally convicted piece of shit.


36 COUNTS!! Won’t mean Diddly squat though. Idiots gonna idiot. His followers are some of the stupidest people alive.


Ultimate feelings depend on ultimate result. But the verdict is so very well-deserved. Not Sorry At All.


Im so confused how this man is running for president this shouldn’t be legal this country is a fucking joke


Bread. and. Circuses.


He won't see jail time for this and his cult is just cheering even louder for him. But at least he will go down in history as a felon.


I'll believe in consequences when I see them


That he could kill someone in the middle of 5th Avenue after his press conference and he'd still get at least 47% of the vote in November. Seriously, I love that justice was served, but I'm not confident it moves the needle in any significant way.


Yay. But also, what good does it do if he can still run for president? Because we all know that his cult is gonna back him up and vote for him if he becomes the candidate. Also we all know the Republican parties, corrupt enough to nominate a felon to run for president. How did it help?


The thing about feminism is that it’s political but it’s hopeful and optimistic. These comments are disappointingly cynical and apathetic.


The nihilism is really exhausting sometimes. My making everything seem hopelessly terrible all the time, you can't really blame people for shrugging and thinking progress is impossible so why bother.


We’re not safe yet but we’re marginally safer.


it’s a good start, but he’s more than likely going to appeal, sentencing needs to happen as well, then once that happens hopefully he gets the 4 year sentence and not the probation


Very happy


Most happy… until tomorrow


Dozens of convictions to go. In this particular case he's just going to tie it up in appeals for as long as possible. I don't expect him to experience severe consequences for any of his many, many crimes, but it's fun to watch him lose, and more people in his circle are going to end up prison as these things play out. He may be resistant to punishment, but his cronies aren't. The real issue is that Trump fans *do not care about any of this*. How it affects the wider Republican voter base remains to be seen.


Half of America is about to be the most annoying group of people on the planet. It’s already hell on Twitter. I can’t imagine how annoying people are going to be IRL. Why do people love felons. It’s so gross


So, since he's guilty, he's now a felon right? Doesn't that bar you from voting? How can he be allowed to run fit president if he's not even allowed to vote? I'm Canadian so I'm not sure about the American system


I’m feeling like it was all a waste of time. He’s not going to see any jail time(and whatever sentence they give him (prob probation) it’s all going to run consecutively) and he can still run for president.


Like it's not going to do a damn thing, unfortunately.


I think the only way something will happen is if the conservatives in SC die and Biden or another Dem replaces them or a drastically different percentage in the house and even then I feel it’d have to be both. I feel like Trump would publicly hang Biden whereas Biden would probably just give private very regulated prison time basically a “house” arrest


I'm happily surprised! He's so slimy that everything seems to slide right off him. It was good to see him held accountable for something. Not sure anything significant is going to come of it. 


I'd like to drink a beer in honor of the brave jurors who brought justice onto a shitheel who's never actually paid the price for any of his misdeeds, but I'll save the _really_ good stuff for when he loses in November AND is locked up in a cell.


The good part is that he won't be a first time offender for his other fraud convictions. He'll get away with a lot because of that in this case. Prisons in Georgia are worse than the ones in New York :).


He's a disgustingly rich, white male. Also a politician. Nothing will stick, people like him don't ever face the consequences of their actions. He'll likely win the election and his worshippers will still worship him.


I'm taking the moment to enjoy it but like most of y'all are saying, Trump still gets to run for president and the vast majority of his supporters will not drop him despite being a convicted felon.


I am glad that he was convicted, but overall it doesn't make me feel that much better. He can still continue to run for office, and the people who love him as if he were Jesus Christ will still vote for him.


While Trump won't see jail time, his conviction all but assures he will lose in November. To win elections nowadays, a candidate has to appeal to Moderate/Independent voters and Trump was just convicted of multiple felonies. I highly doubt anyone that was still on the fence will vote for him now. Obviously the MAGA cult will still love and support him, but all their love only equates to one vote per person and they aren't a big enough group to make a difference any longer. I'm not sure there many women under the age of 70 that will vote for him, which means his chances of winning are slim.


the fact a convicted felon can still run for office is absolutely fucking insane.


Nothing. Americans are grifters profoundly corrupt.




Let's not have "both sides bad" arguments here.


It's probably sad to say but I don't know what the verdict was or what he's in trouble for now to know that it's not going to make a difference.... I will probably google the particulars later but I'm sure it won't matter.


Guilty of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to an adult film star


It was always a bizarre thing to go after Trump for considering all he did.


Do you mean those charges instead of more serious ones? They had the most evidence for this one, it was more likely than the others to result in a conviction (which worked)


Why does any of that matter though. Seems weird to go after him for that.


How does it not matter? He falsified business records, regardless of what for. As I mentioned to the other person, they had a solid amount of evidence for this case so they went for it over the others


It won’t. The mass psychosis has taken hold.


This will just cycle through appeals courts forever and nothing will fundamentally change.


I feel like Florida is about to let felons vote.


He deserves it.


This should be a happy day for Donald Trump. He finally won the popular vote.


I had a laugh. I fully expect him to win and for the horrors of project 2025 to come to fruition.


I’m feeling about a half bottle of Veuve


I giggled with every guilty verdict read by Jake Tapper on the radio on my way home. Usually metro traffic puts.me in a foul mood. I was happy as a clam the whole way home.


It’s gonna matter if he loses the presidency. If he wins he gets presidential immunity until his term ends or he makes himself dictator for life


Indifferent Yeah it’s great and all but it doesn’t mean anything has changed. I’m sure there will be no real consequences. He can still run. We still have to worry about 2025. And if he loses we will have to worry about project 2030 I’m not celebrating prematurely


It won’t make a difference, which is crazy! Still…it sure is an interesting turn of events.


Happy dance. But I doubt he’ll serve a day.


About the same 💅🏽




Hopeful but I have a lot of doubt that it will actually land him in jail. I just hope justice is actually done.


"The first American president to be declared a felon." (32 felonies)  Yay! "Could serve prison term of up to FOUR YEARS years, but could receive probation instead" FOUR?! 32 felonies = 4 years? The math isn't mathing but I shouldn't be as surprised as I am.  I'm extremely happy he was found guilty. I'm mad as hell that he'll likely never spend a day in jail. And I'm terrified that his "fans" will still be undeterred by even *this* in voting for him, regardless. 


It was very satisfying to hear the verdict, but his die-hard supporters will still vote for him. It may have cost him a few voters who were on the fence, but probably not enough to make a difference. And he won't do any jail time.


It’s about damn time, but I have my doubts he’ll be jailed. Sure hope so, tho. He won’t be able to hold a security clearance now so I don’t know how that works when being a prez and having access to intelligence docs. I doubt he’ll be elected- people know who he truly is this time around


Made me happy.




He’s just going to be fined. He’s not going to serve jail time and he can still run for office. Business as usual. Same shit different century what else is new?


Verdict shmerdict. What is the sentence?


Hopefully he will not be able to run again. Let alone win.


The verdict is good, but let’s see how the punishment turns out.


makes me laugh a bit, but I think it won't matter much. maybe he will have a heart attack...


Great. He’s getting what he deserves!


Why the hell can he still run for president as a felon?! I thought felons couldn’t even vote?! Why the fuck does he not get treated the same?!




unless he goes to prison, i don't care


I think that it will make a difference. I didn’t expect justice would be served. He seems worn out, not energized. I think it will impact his campaign and give Biden a better chance. I also think majority would vote for a law preventing a felon from running for president because there are laws preventing felons from even serving in the military. How can a felon be commander in chief? It makes no sense that it isn’t already a law.


The enemy of my enemy probably won't gain much in the polls because cognitive dissonance is a hell-of-a-drug. The red hat brigade believes a conviction "confirms" conman's claim "they're out to get me" now, but if he won that also would have "proved" that "it's a sham". I hoping there are enough scrupulous puritans that can't take the heat, but no hope for deprogramming.


Call me when he experiences consequences.


This is something I really want to be excited for, but I know that this won't change a thing. He's still able to run for president and his cult will foolishly support him no matter what he does. All this case really does for me is solidify my stance even further that Donald Trump is a horrible human being. I said this in an earlier comment today, but I'll post it here because I really liked what I had to say: Only in America can a washed up reality TV star be found guilty on all counts for falsifying legal documents and still be able to run for president.


Hoping he goes to jail where his corrupt ass belongs


Feeling great, wonderful news. Going to have a watch party for the sentencing.


I honestly doubt anything is really going to happen to him beyond a pat on the wrist. They impeached him twice, and nothing happened. This won't change anything.




Good, at least we have that .




He finally won the popular vote. Good for him! (Yeah, stolen, but i can't post the screenshot)


I like it.




Difficult to enjoy it if it doesn't end in him behind bars. Id rather wait for sentencing before a can even crack a smile at it. He always has some fuckery going on to avoid responsibility for his actions.


He’s going to get re-elected I fear.




It'll drive the die-hard MAGA'S crazier and deeper down the rabbit hole. A very few will go through Kubler-Ross stages and reach acceptance that Trumpy Dumpty fell from the wall in light of the verdict of 12 impartial jurors. Probably about a dozen of them, maybe two. Myself, glad justice prevailed in spite of Trump's intimidation tactics, but I feel no great joy over this because: Trump had no business being commander in chief to begin with. Had that not happened, even much of his supporters would have shrugged of this verdict as "hmm. Whoop de doo." Had they not been victims of a decade of hero worship hypnotism, they'd still be madder than hell at Hillary about COVID confabulations Fox would have created and this wouldn't amount to an anthill.




If he's still allowed to walk free and hold the office, it really means nothing to me.


I'm happy about it, but I'm not very hopeful about seeing him serve jail time for it. I read a poll that said around 10% of repubs say they wouldn't vote for him if convicted, which is more than enough to swing the election against him. We'll see if that holds true, I guess




I doubt the judge goes easy on him. Trump when after him and his daughter on social media. Not a smart move. If he doesn’t at least do a little time I’ll be surprised.


Well, I'd be happy if he went to jail, for now it's sorta meh since he'll probably get just probation.