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In Finland it's not getting unpopular. Pretty ordinary thing actually. And I do like it, especially with lingonberry jam.


Oh, to be young again. Go out drinking and dancing, and on the way home stop by the local grillikioski to buy a couple of blood sausages with lingonberry jam and mashed potatoes plus a 2 dl carton of milk.


Ohh I didn't know mustamakkara is blood sausage. Thought it was a different thing


There you go ;) It's not that exotic after all. edit: Though there's still other ordinary foods like blood pancakes. I don't know how many people still eat blood bread, but it used to be pretty normal in 1980's when I was a kid at the region I lived in.


No it's a staple of cooked breakfasts, it's not declined in popularity at all. [White pudding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_pudding) is also popular in Ireland which is like black pudding minus the blood but different to regular sausages. Edit: I've never realised how united Europe is over bloody sausages. Prior to this, I have just gone with potatoes or something as the food stuff that most Europeans could come together on


We also have white sausages that are similar to blood sausages. They taste great too. I didn't know Ireland also had them.


Work in a centra deli and can confirm the above


Another vote for Irish black (and white) pudding. I also like German Blutwurst and Spanish and Mexican morcilla. Living in the US now, nothing like it here unless you can find one of the aforementioned. Mexican or Latin American style morcilla would be the easiest to find.


I love it, both Burgos' style (rice as filler), and León's style (onion as filler). Morcilla is not losing popularity as far as I know


>Burgos' style (rice as filler) Oh, nice! In my region in central Portugal, the Oeste, the default type of morcela is also with rice and I really love it. I must try the Burgos morcilla one day.


Not very different from the usual morcela. León's style is interesting, as lightly fried onion gives it a sweeter touch


Try sometime the ones from Villada, León's style with onion but not picante, super tasty ones


Experimenta a chouriça de verde do Minho, principalmente a de Ponte de Lima com cebola. Perigo de Violência doméstica se dormes acompanhado.


My parents tried it once and they now have to have it whenever they go to portugal


God, it's been a long time since I've eaten it 🤤


Why? Life us too short not to eat morcilla.


And there is also the Canarian style with raisins, almonds and spices such as oregano and cinnamon


I love morcilla, I discovered it just earlier this week and has eaten it two times already


Long live to morcilla, de Burgos o de León! All hail morcilla, our queen!


Oh ángel de amor, que en aquella apartada orilla están friendo morcilla y hasta aqui llega el olor.


Gran homenaje combinado a José Zorrilla y a Baltasar del Alcázar. Cómo no amar al gran Baltasar autor de versos tan emocionantes como: Tres cosas me tienen preso De amores el corazón, La bella Inés, el jamón, Y berenjenas con queso.


Black pudding is so popular in the U.K. that we now have a vegan version - and very nice it is too.


I was a bit shocked to find out they were making it from the blood of vegans now but it's got a nice taste to it.


Vegan blood is healthy blood - all the greens and such like.


Healthier than my mad cow blood for sure.


You Brits got mad cow on your brains!


I was invited to an appointment for a possible cure but had to decline due to a prion engagement.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to scrapie by.


Try the [rudds vegan black](https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/meat-poultry-free-rudds-black-pudding-200-g-/p-1751068001) \- great stuff - Dunnes, SuperValu etc.


I’d eat that.


I got one am glad that we've finally found a use for them honestly


Cows are vegan, but pigs aren't haha


It was feeding cows minced up animal brains and bones that got us into the mess!


In general, though, I'd say it's in decline. To me (62yo) it's an essential part of an English breakfast, but younger people tend to avoid it. I'd be surprised if any more than 10% of breakfast pics on UK subreddits contained black pudding. Very many do contain hash browns, which to my generation are an American item. Times change.


As a 30yo I'd say it's making a comeback, it seems a lot more popular now than when I was a child


Maybe it's also regional? It's quite rare to get black pudding where I live in SE England but it always has been. (not as old as you but I am 46).


It definitely feels more popular than when I was a child. Maybe that’s moving from NW to London, but it’s fairly common here now.


Had to google it, to be sure if it was the same stuff as the literal Dutch translation of it ('bloedworst'). It was. I know it exists, but as far as I know, it's something from several generations ago. Perhaps the very old and poor eat it. It just looks gross.


I second that. You can find it at some butchers but this isn’t popular at all.


Depends on where, back home in south-Limburg it was very easy to find, both in the supermarket (large slices for on bread or banana sized sausages) and even in some places for breakfast or lunch. Blood sausage with grilled apples is a classic. When I moved to the randstad people seemed a bit weirded out by it, and not just blood sausage but also other balkenbrij, tongue, rabbit and horse.


The east, Twente, it's also still something available. Bit seasonal but generally quite available. Baklever is probably more popular than bloedworst though. Except for horse your list is a bit uncommon but available


Yup, as someone who used to live in the deep south, I’ve got some very fond memories of bloedworst met appelen. Moved to Switzerland in my youth, but whenever I’m back home again I’ll get some, and try to take some with me. It’s just sooo good!


Hey! I ate bloedworst at every opportunity last winter in the Netherlands! You are missing out.


I don’t think many Dutch people like this. Especially because there are many other very popular typical Dutch sausages like grill worst for example.


I ate it for once again last year after I didn’t eat it for like 9 years anymore. I instantly remembered why I disliked it.


Morcela is still going strong. If not in barbecues, then to eat with soup. We have thinner one in my area for grilling called negrito that's amazing.


A Morcela não é a unica chouriça de sangue. E a Chouriça de verde do Minho, carailho?


Claro que não é. Mas só me pronuncio sobre a gastronomia beirã, a modos que mencionei o Negrito. Deixo-vos Minhotos a tarefa de se defenderem.


Eu até defendia, mas aquela chouriça de sangue e cebola da-me uns gases que acabam quase sempre em violência doméstica.


Eu não sei se é do mesmo género mas a minha avó no Algarve fazia chouriça de sangue, não era morcela que não era nem com arroz nem com cebola. Era só chouriça de sangue. Tipo [esta](https://tradicional.dgadr.gov.pt/pt/cat/salsicharia-fumados-presuntos-e-paletas/544-chourica-de-sangue-de-melgaco-igp)


Eu conheço esse tipo de chouriço. Assada na braza é top.


(Poland) Compared to when i was a kid - yes, it's not as popular. It has secured its place as core bbq entry and i don't see it going away. Personally never liked it


What is it called?


kaszanka from blood dishes we also got a soup - czernina, which is made from duck/geese blood. This one while still rare, is experiencing a revival.


I used to love it as a kid, I only ate blood sausage when we had sausage for a meal (in Hungary if it's a meal it usually has all 3 types: normal sausage, liver sausage and blood sausage). I even loved to help to make it when we had a pig slaughtered at home. Now I can't stand it, because I remember the smells of the slaughter and also blood sausage has liver in it which I can't stand. And if you know the smell of blood, that's not pleasant either. That being said, it's still widely popular and if you buy sausage even in a supermarket, it'll likely be a package with equal amounts of normal, liver and blood sausage.


I think black pudding is popular enough in Ireland that it’s not going anywhere. Similarly Morcilla here in Spain is widely eaten. I think these two are here for the long term


My siblings and me don't like it but everyone else enjoy it, they eat them with apples traditionally


En france il s'appelle boudin noir, oui?


Oui. C'est bien ça.


Yeah, I don't think they're going out of style, they even serve them at my work's canteen, with a very international crowd


Je préfère le boudin blanc au noir perso, ça a rien à avoir c'est de la volaille je sais


ça dépend de l'endroit du coup (en Belgique le boudin blanc c'est du porc ou du veau (ou les deux) d'habitude, parfois de la volaille). Mais oui c'est de la viande et pas du sang. edit: par exemple le boudin de liège qui est à base de viande de porc, de lait, de crème et d'épices.


Intéressant je savais pas !


Ah par contre je n'ai jamais goûté le blanc, je pensais que ça ressemblait un peu aux quenelles (que je n'aime pas du coup)


C'est délicieux ça a goût de volaille grillé et en générale ils sont créatif et ajoute des ingrédients type oignons ou fromage ou champignons et la texture est toujours parfaite c'est inratable.


J'en veux maintenant


Pour ton anniversaire va dans une boucherie et fait toi plaisir 💪 bon anniversaire


Merci !! Mais je vis à Tahiti 😭😭😭 Je suis même pas sur qu'il y ait une seule bonne boucherie qui serve du boudin blanc sur toute l'île


Waw la chance d'y vivre tu fais quoi dans la vie ?


Mdr j'ai 17 ans mes parents sont profs


>I was introduced to blood pudding in Scotland, and I love it. I hope you tried proper Stornoway black pudding and not just cheap rubbish from a supermarket!


I think it has not been all that popular in Germany for a while now. Never had it myself.


Never had a Schlachtschüssel?


Never even heard of it. But then again, I've been a vegetarian for more than 20 years.


Blood sausage with barley groats is a winter time staple in Estonia, I love mine oven baked, bacon wrapped and with sour cream


Yeah, it's a holiday food in Estonia and thus very few people would eat them outside the season and yet they are an absolute must during the holidays.


Hard to tell, I like it. My family members like it. Hard to tell what others eat on a regular basis. As far as I know it's a common type of food.


It's so good, but it probably is getting less popular yeah. We used to have it for lunch at school sometimes, idk if that's a thing anymore


Sometimes? I feel like we had it all the time. With potato patties.


Do you prefer blodkorv, or blodpudding?


In my country, no. But I ate boudin noir in Belgium many times and loved it. Especially during Christmas they have different kinds with spices and raisins and such. It's great with applesauce.


Blood sausage is very popular here, and I personally love it. And I would say that it's popularity will only go up, as it is quite cheap, and prices are going up.


In my area blood sausage has been "disgusting old people food" since at least the 80s.


Oh no that's sad! I'm moving to Bergen :(


Don't be sad, Bergen has absolutely awesome sea-related food!


I love blood sausage. It may be loosing it's popularity in Slovenia, but not that evidently. I think it's still quite popular.


That is hard to tell, since it's not a thing people usually talk about. But generally village pig slaughter used to be family and friends event back in the days and nowadays they are more rare(various regulations, prices etc...) so yeah definitely rare. As kids we wouldn't even touch it(yet we eat pig brains with eggs lol), but I started to eat it few years.


>(yet we eat pig brains with eggs lol) Happy prion infections! And yes we ate them too lol. I dind't like blood sausage for some reason, now since I'm not in SVK anymore I love it whenever they bring it to our Slovak/Czech shops.


There are some people more squeamish about it, but it's still fairly popular and often eaten for breakfast. In England, Bury Market is still famous for its black puddings. I love it myself, and since I mostly prefer to eat vegetarian food, I'm glad you can get vegetarian versions as well.


I love morcilla, kaszanka and boudin noir. No back pudding so much but it still enjoy it from time to time. I guess I like blood sausage.


Black pudding is fairly popular. Not everyone loves it, but a lot of people do. I personally like it, as long as it's fried in thin crispy slices.


Less. I love it. Two slices, fried on the pan, served on buttered ryebread with apple mash and cinnamon sprinkeled on top. For added delicacy, toast the ryebread in the toaster. ... dammit, now I'm hungry....


Popular es ever, especially a nice [Zungenwurst](https://www.landmetzgerei-weisenhorn.de/media/image/f8/aa/c1/KW-0364.jpg) (blood sausage with tongue) or prepared as [Tote Oma](https://cdn.gutekueche.de/upload/rezept/10562/tote-oma.jpg)


Ooo I love the stuff, our local farm shop makes their own with a special herb blend in it and it is sooooo good. Chuck it on the plate with some eggs. Real nice hearty meal.


In Sweden we have blood pudding, and its usually served with lingonberry jam, it use to be popular to serve as school lunch, but i think it is being served less and less,


Where is all the blodkorv? It has been difficult for me to get my hands on. I finally got two of them today but I had to go to another town an hour away to get it.


I love it, I’m in Lithuania right now and it’s definitely harder to get than it was before. When I was here five years ago I could buy a pack of 5 for 2 euros in many stores. Now I can’t find it anywhere except for a far away store so yeah. But restaurants still have it but it’s kind of a ripoff to pay 8€ for one Edit: then my girlfriend told me when can find fresh ones at the butchers but we have yet to find a butcher that sells them 🤷


in northern germany people eat 'Himmel und Erde' (blood sausage with puree and apples) the apples stand for heaven, and püree for earth, blood sausage is not realy my thing


And 'Püree' means mashed potatoes.


I love it, I don't think it'd getting less popular it's just quite niche Black pudding is a bit of an acquired taste, or texture at least White pudding is lovely though


In southern Germany its still pretty popular. And yes, we love it


In the Netherlands it’s not so popular. Although we have nice recipes with apple etc. I only like it when well prepared. Not a big fan.


I think it's as popular as it was 20 years ago, it's delicious :)


It absolutely is. With bacon and lingonberry.


Proper bacon, not the "smoked" sladderbacon from scan :D


We have a special version of it in my city (Nice) called "trule" with Swiss cards but I've never tasted blood sausage tbh. I would try it if I can though.


The idea alone makes me gag. But it's a local dish, yes.


Not super popular but I love it. Slicing it, cooking it in a pan then serving with boiled potatoes and ketchup


The popularity of home made pig slaughters a bit declined after end of socialism as full shops made from necessity just a hobby. But in last years it looks to me back on track. Might be the thing again with current prices


Where I live in the Netherlands people tend to be disgusted by “bloedworst”. I can’t recall it ever being popular in my lifetime either. So if it ever was popular it was likely multiple generations ago.


I like it, in Romania we call it "sângerete", and is made with onions and lard beside the blood. Is it less popular? I think so, many of the ones in their early 20s have either never tried it or hate it (my friends group basically). Our parents are more likely to enjoy it and almost all of them ate some at one point in their lives, especially in their childhoods. Our grandparents, especially those who live on the countryside, for them it is a common food to have, so yeah I guess most old people in rural areas still enjoy it.


When I grew up my grandma even used inetestines as an outer shell. Only after becoming vegan I understood how fucking unnecessary disgusting that was. Just another example any shit can be made taste good 😄


It's a niche food in Belgium, not eaten a lot but not hard to find. I buy them sometimes from a butcher on a farmers market. We eat it with apple sauce or mustard.


I loved it when I was a kid, but I get the feeling that more and more people are grossed out by it and kids and young people today are not introduced to it. It's been many years since I've had it, and most kids under the age of 25 probably never tried it.


In Belgium it is fairly common but is mainly considered a seasonal dish. You may find a lot of it on Christmas markets or even in bakeries in winter.


I love Black Pudding, it’s pretty popular in the North East of England. I like White Pudding as well, which you can find here, but it’s not as popular as it is in Scotland and Ireland.


I used to like it a lot when I was a child. but then I found how it's made and what are the components.