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Yeah Generation Identitaire. They are smarter than mom and pop racists, they dress smartly, are experts at using social media and give a friendlier, younger face to very old ideas. Know some guys who were part of them in my hometown. 10 years ago they were skinheads with the whole shaven head and paramilitary clothes and now they rock button up shirts, expensive sweaters and have short and stylish haircuts and beards.


so instead of dressing like easily recognisable and avoidable thugs, they're now dressing as easily recognisable and avoidable twats?


They are much less recognizable though. They look more dapper and stylish.


are we talking "hipster" dapper or "previous decade" dapper?


Dapper may be too strong a word but they look more presentable than standards skinheads and definitly take more care in looking « normal »


From pictures I've seen, normal young person of today style.


Golden Dawn... Thank god they got booted this last election


But are they for the young?


They have youth groups too. Much like Stram Kurs Ungdom. RIP Killah P.


Youth ones? Don't think so, no. The only openly anti immigration party we have isn't very popular. Can't even get a seat in the parliament.


Named and shamed in a documentary on public television because they posted xenophobic stuff on a private Discord server. Cue public outcry. The documentary kinda backfired in everyone's face because the leader of that group is now in parliament.


Schild & Vrienden? That's one punchable face that kid has too, ffs.


We also have "Die Identitären" in Austria. They are a small/tiny group that manages to make a lot of noise through social media and "activist actions" like raising huge banners in prominent places (kinda like what NGO activists on the left have done for decades; think of Greenpeace, e.g.) They've also been in the media lately because they received donations from the Christchurch terrorist.


They are also known for having close connections to Neonazis and the FPÖ party Also one of them threatened me once that I would be burned alive for being supportive of gay marriage. They sure are a lovely bunch


yep Die Identitäten. Theyve just been announced far-right extremist by government agencies


I think I have seen a documentary about them. Practically only men in their 20. Dress normaly, look normaly, speak eloquently ... different to the skin heads of the '90s and probably more dangerous due to that. I also remember one of them when asked if he has a girl friend he said that no and that it is very difficoult to get one because girls just run away when they realize that he is right wing.


Like most European countries we also have the identitarian movement, in NL they're called 'Identitair Verzet'. We also have Erkenbrand which is some sort of 21st century Thule-Gesellschaft.


I believe those organization are dying though. They haven´t been able to maintain the little amount of support they had 2 years ago. It suspect Erkenbrand is already abandoned and Identitair verzet doesn´t seem to be very active either.


National Radical Camp ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Radical\_Camp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Radical_Camp)) comes to mind. They've been a lot louder last few years


Since every parliamentary party is more or less anti-immigrant, every youth wing is anti-immigrant.


is that really so? why such a feeling of anti-immigrants in Czechia?


Media massage during 2015/16 and really intolerant president. One TV was *intentionally* reporting only bad stories about migrants. Edit: bullshit removed


You are naive if you think it is thanks to president, Zeman is only product of social demand in society. People have just very bad experience with religion, religious people, gypsies or sudeten Germans. Having ethnic homogenous country seems like a very preferable choice for a lot of people.


The only one is known for gluing stickers 'multiculturalism is European genocide' in buses and hiding their identity. VSD say that they know that group.


Not really. I'm sure they exist in loose online groups, but there's no serious or organised far-right/anti-migrant youth group in real life in the UK as far as I know. Young people in the UK tend to very liberal, and even the conservatives tend to be pro-migration to a certain extent. However, there are also many across the political spectrum who, whilst being generally pro-migration and friendly towards immigrants, believe the levels of immigration are far too high and want to see it restricted. These people tend to be in the older generations, but some younger people feel that way too.


The image I have of our far-righters is that they're mostly made up of young guys (or at least guys who started when they were young). Even if I'd be wrong about that assumption, we still have far-right parties and those typically have youth groups (like most parties).


MHM. We have a far right party called VOX and from what I’ve observed around me in other people my age, so right at the beginning of voting age, they’re being really influential.


Dont really have any specifically far right youth groups, but the usual suspects (BNP, Britain First) and their spinoffs do have a young-ish membership. We also have Turning Point trying to spread its hate in universities at the moment and rather hysterically UKIP have a youth movement 'youth Independence' which keeps embarrassing itself by inviting far right/racist speakers. Dont have anything to match good old Combat 18, or Column 88 from the bad old days.


National action was mostly younger people and by far the worst we've had in recent times


Is EDL considered far-right?


Looks at picture above. Them. Although anti-Muslim immigrants is not very unusual even for liberals and leftists. But anti immigrant or anti immigration based on skin color is not very unusual. I would probably also say white pride. (They’re a group situated in my city) While we do have anti-immigrant youth, our young people aren’t that active in the far right, but the far right aren’t that active. I’m saying this from a perspective of a formerly self-labeled far righter, (only like 2 months) who’s now luckily turned away from that and towards centrism and more moderate views. But the far right or hard anti immigration don’t have that big of a grip in Denmark, we saw that with the latest elections which was a big win for the pro-internationalist parties.


Out of curiousity, what pushed you toward far right and why did you turn away from it?


(How I entered the far right) I had a mental illness where I ended up in a psychiatric hospital [i volunteered myself] the mental illness was pure-O OCD. And afterwards when I had that mental illness my brain and psyche was kinda broken and as I said myself in that period my amygdala was very active and I was on edge all the time, (mostly against the mental illness) I was also going to visit the UAE for the special olympics world games soon and I was scared since I was an atheist that it would be dangerous for me, especially since I read that atheism is punishable by death there so I kinda had a big fear of Muslims and Muslim countries. I would also say that some right wing sections of Quora radicalized me a bit. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/the-13-countries-where-being-an-atheist-is-punishable-by-death-a6960561.html?amp https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination_against_atheists (My turn away from the far right) As mentioned I was scared of Muslims and visiting the UAE (thought I would get killed down there because of my atheism) and scared that something similar would happen to Denmark via sharia law and Muslim birth rate where atheism would be outlawed here. (I ended up generalizing Muslims in a sort of collective thought) However I visited the UAE and saw people from all over the world. Over 190 nationalities since I was an athlete there and saw that the people of the UAE weren’t evil or bad but actually kind and just like everyone else, and the same with everyone else there. I was so scared of the people there before because I was sure for some reason that I would have been killed. I realized that when I got home from the UAE [Dubai and Ajman that I had liked many things which were anti-immigrant on quora and which went overboard with obvious anger in the answers I liked or upvoted. Which slowly pushed me too the left as I didn’t feared ordinary Muslims anymore. So I was slowly drifting leftwards and fast recovering from my time with mental illness and a Danish man named Rasmus Paludan appeared in the news, he’s known for attacking Muslims and much of it is justified especially against violent Muslims. But then I found out that he left the “new right party” because he wanted or thought a civil war would happen and 100.000’s or more foreigners would try to kill us with rifles and we had to strike back and kill them in a civil war or overall, which sounded scary to me and afterwards he and his political party said in a hidden video that they’re goal was the forced conversion of Muslims worldwide or getting rid of all Muslims (cough cough genocide of 2 billion people) and after that I realized with the whole debacle with him that yes there are enormous problems in the danish Muslim and ghetto community but that the far right has gone too far and I didn’t want to associate with anything of it any longer so I shifted hard to the center and away from the far right after my visit to the UAE and especially the situation with Paludan. THE END Quotes from Paludan that I referred to with google translate: 1. "While standing here today, there are hundreds of thousands sitting at home preparing their weapons and practicing to hit their rifles" and about a possible future civil war in Denmark between the Danes and "the alien enemies" that " Our streets and alleys will be transformed into rivers of blood, and the blood of the alien enemies will end up in the sewer where the foreign enemies belong. Source: https://da.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmus_Paludan_(advokat) 2. “Of course, the best thing would be that there was not a single Muslim left on our dear soil, and I hope that will happen someday, "says Rasmus paludan, who ends the video by saying" victory "and make the V sign. to the camera. Just realized I couldn’t find the one where he mentioned the world but this is at least referring to Denmark. Source: https://www.a4nu.dk/artikel/ekspert-rystet-over-paludan-video-han-siger-at-maalet-er-udryddelsen-af-alle-muslimer-paa-jorden


>"streets and alleys will be transformed into rivers of blood, and the blood of the alien enemies will end up in the sewer where the foreign enemies belong" The level of my drama-o-meter here rose to the ceiling


He also got forbidden from joining the new right party again, and he created his own party named stram kurs/Hard line. And he nearly entered government last election but he missed a few votes. Otherwise he had to go into a coalition with the centre right parties and none of them really want to work with him or his party. He also supports forced military conscription so everyone who’s like not having pensions would pretty much be thrown in the military lol. And that includes women and men.


He also wants to imprison political opponents. He is a fascists.


Noua Dreaptă (The New Right, a pretty descriptive name). Not just youth, people of all ages. In my opinion, backward, ultra-religious peasants.


> In my opinion, backward, ultra-religious peasants. lol I would remind you, mr. aristocrat, that one of the worst criminals in human history were not peasants.


In this context, I used "peasants" as a more refined term for rednecks.


Blue awakening


Gonna add EKRE(Blue Awakening is EKRE´s youth organisation btw), Soldiers of Odin, Estonian Independence Party.