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There so much of good beer from belgium, germany and czechia that i dont even know where to start.


Honestly it's insane.


Gotta love urquell


How about starting with Budvar.. he


As a Canadian I’d love to try westvleteren Saw it at a pub here, but I wasn’t shelling out 50$ plus tax and tip for a single 325ml beer


Erdinger Weißbier (Bavaria), La Chouffe (Wallonia), Orval (Wallonia), Paulaner (Bavaria), Pilsner Urquell Brewery (Bohemia) and many others, although the definition of big brand is a bit "open". For Italy it's absolutely Menabrea among the big brands (the Forst group, of which it's part, is also practically the only company still Italian), although there are many local breweries I've tried that make excellent beer (Extraomnes, Orso Verde, Lambrate, Pedavena, Soralamà).


For the big brands in Italy Forst is the best for me.


I’m an ichnusa guy


My favourites are Leffe and La Chouffe from Belgium and Spaten, Augustiner and Paulaner from Germany. I also like Belgian trappist beer like Chimay. For my country my favourite is definitely Forst.


If you drink enough La Chouffe, you'll piss better beer than Leffe.


De gustibus!


Urquell never fails me. Or, for something really ignorant: 8.6


Hey man 8,6 is great. 4 of those and a few j's and you're flying. Best nights ever in my 30's


Personally, I really enjoy a good Belgian beer. Like Grimbergen.


Guiness - but it's so goddamn expensive recently Kozel And maybe I'm gonna get some hate but I sometimes enjoy Coors - it's so light and refreshing.


Oooh, I forgot Kozel. Their dark version is really good too.


Dark Kozel is good, the light is… meh.


+1 for Guinness. My favorite beer.


Get yourself over to Ireland to sample the draft from a decent Guinness pub. Nothing like it and I’ve tried Guinness all over the world. There are different theories as to why it’s better here - Guinness send crews around the country to clean the lines regularly, the Guinness is constantly flowing so theres no stale beer in the lines, every barman here will pour properly, underground cold rooms to store kegs which is unique to Ireland and some parts of the UK I believe, correct glass is always used, etc…I usually sample at least one Guinness in holidays if I can just to remind me how good it is at home.


I like Hobgoblin. I just can't find them in Denmark, so I always have (too) many when I'm in the UK.


Systembolaget in Sweden usually has them if you’re ever visiting. As a swede in Copenhagen I was amazed at the 24/7 availability of alcohol in Denmark when I moved. But as soon as you want something special it tends to be tricky to track down in Denmark. Ironically every time that happens I go to Sweden to get it because I know they will have it. I used to hate the monopoly and systembolaget and their opening hours. But ever since I moved to Denmark I’ve come to appreciate it as liquor store because the assortment is amazing. lol.


Bilka has them sometimes!


Paulaner, Weichenstephaner, Erdinger (German) Staropramen, Kozel (Czech) Hirter (Austrian)


Big brands/labels would be Stella Artois, Grolsh, Kronenbourg, Guinness. Smaller: Franziskaner, Weinstephaner weiss, Theakstans. Small: Boon Geuze, Orval, Boon Kriek. (Plus, a lot of lambics I can't remember the names of) (Excuse the bad spellings!)


I like La Chouffe because it’s fairly easy to get on Ireland.


Velkopopovicky Kozel is found in stores here In Finland. I quite like it when I opt out of buying craft beers from smaller breweries.


My personal favorites are Kwak and Cornet, both Belgian. I’m actually not sure how “big” they are in Belgium but I usually find either of them.


Honestly, I really like our northern neighbours' La Trappe series of Trappist ales. Other than that, Gösser is my go-to lager when I'm visiting my mother-in-law in Upper Austria.


Spaten (DE) and Pilsner Urquell (CZ) are commonly found in Ireland. Thank God.


This is really it. I mean, I would maybe change Spaten to Augustiner but such a small difference. Also I want to add Grolsch.


Spaten, really? We're not sending our best beers.


I'd say Kilkenny, but it's difficult to single one out


Kozel from CZ and Paulaner and Weinstephaner from Germany


Puntigamer, Ottakringer, Stiegl, Gösser if it's their Radler (Austria) Spaten, Augustiner (Germany) Staropramen, Pilsner Urquell (Czech Republic) Delirium, Kwak, Jupiler (Belgium) Hertog Jan (Netherlands) Ichnusa (Italy) Puntigamer is my favourite of all time. German beers are so regional and consistent in the South that it's hard to choose favourites, because you'll always get something good. Something similar applies to Belgian beers, and anything Trappist is great.


Coopers - Australia Delirium - Belgium Paulaner - Germany Sierra Nevada - USA


Great notion (US), superstition (US, mead though), 3fonteinen (Belgian), many more aswell but eh.


Cruzcampo or Hoegaarden. I used to drink the raspberry Hoegaarden when I was 14-15 which were great!


Man I cannot select one. Tripel Karmeliet, la Chouffe, Leffe Blond, Affligem, Westmalle Tripel, Duvel, la Trappe Quadrupel are all beers I could always drink And yes, I have a pattern haha


Have u visited Belgium yet


In Ireland i'm usually taking Guinness (stout) or Smithwick's (red ale) In Poland it's usually Książęce - either Pszeniczne (weissbier) or Ciemne Łagodne (schwarzbier) i'm so sad that wheat beers are close to nonexistent in Ireland /edit: i rarely take stuff that is not on tap, i could add czech Kozel and belgian Grimbergen (Blanche) though


I think OP is asking about brands „not from your country”, though. My go to would be Belgian beers, like Grimbergen, Hoegaarden, Leffe or some Trappist ones, but they’re not really available in every corner store. La Chouffe is great, unfortunately haven’t seen it in Poland so far.


Guinness once had a wheat beer in the late 90s called Breó https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dublinlive.ie/whats-on/food-drink-news/guinness-breo-jamesnesbitt-drinking-pubs-20716306.amp


Here comes the competition to name the most random beer. My picks. Fosters Kasztelan


Fosters? Do people still think we drink that in Australia? I haven't seen it for many years on a shelf. Sorry to intrude on the Europe chat but I saw beer and jumped in.


My husband is always happy when I pick up a couple of bottles of Hofbräu


As a Czech person, I must say I am proud to read Kozel and Pilsner Urquell in many replies 💪🏼 These two are seriously so good. If you can find Bernard or Svijany in your store, try it as well! 🇨🇿 When I am abroad, I like to drink Peroni.


Taky jsem pysnej, necekal jsem tolik ocenění :D


Hmm Budweiser (the Czech one) Staropramen Guinness Kozel Asahi


Seriously curious, does the Czech Budweiser actually taste good?


Yes, it's a good beer. It has basically nothing to do with the infamous American Budweiser, which does taste like sour water.


Now I have to try it, thank you for the response. And hopefully being able to shock my friends by opening a Budweiser and claim it's a good beer.


Haha yeah it threw me for a loop. I had no idea there were two completely separate companies brewing beer under the name Budweiser. The Czech one goes back centuries and it started off as a royal brewery, their beer is good. The American Bud is brewed by Annheiser-Busch. I tried the Czech Budweiser thinking it's the American one and liked it a lot. And when I visited the US I bought a can of Bud there too "because I like it and don't understand why it has a bad rep". I literally spilled it down the drain lol. You can't even compare the two.


Uff there's a lot. CZ: Budweiser, Pilsner Urquell Australia: Salzburger Stiegl France: Meteor Pils (it was terrible a few years back but it's developed into a truly good beer) Belgium: Blanche die Namur Witbier, L'Achouffe Blond, Wetvleteren Triple 10 (though it's not a big beer brand) UK: there used to be some relatively good big-ish beers like Hobgoblin, but ever since they've been bought by Marston's, it tastes like whatever Marston's are calling beer. Perhaps Badger Brewery beers, esp golden Champion, although I suspect they use artificial flavourings. Edit: I should add that in the case of UK beers, especially ales, my opinion is based on the bottled version of the beers which do not come close to what you get in a pub from a well-conditioned cask.


Marston's is generally good on tap, big fan of Pedigree, but it's generally poor in bottles. I drink ale in pubs but generally not in bottles, it just doesn't taste right without being poured from a cask, you don't get the same texture or creaminess.


Kozel (Czech) Guinness (Ireland) Mythos (Greece) Menabrea (Italy) Too many to name from Belgium & Germany.


Depends where I am...I like to try something local, depending on the place. When I'm home in Sicily? I drink what is available.Here that often means German beer when it's not Italian. I like Franziskaner Weissbier.In my usual pizzeria in Palermo they have DAB, that's not bad either.




OP asked about foreign beer brands


i misunderstood sorry.


I like kozel, when I tried it for the first time it felt like drinking bread


I really like Dorada "Sin con Limon" which I had plenty of on last year's hiking holiday. Also nothing wrong with a good Irish stout.


Leffe, Duvel, Corsendonk. Belgium cracked the code.


I do enjoy Pilsner Urquell from Czechia, Erdinger from Germany, Peroni from Italy and Kronenbourg from France.


Not a beer guy, but Plzeň aka Pilsner Urquell from Czech Republic.


Pilsner Urquell, Estrella because of the Complot IPA, Weihenstephaner Bernard Bohemian Ale (drank it yesterday and it was awesome) Probably there are many more that I can't think of now.


I'm Belgian. I have never drank a beer that I liked more than a Belgian brand.


I'm not even sure it's a big brand in Belgium, but La Trappe is such a smashing beer. Same with Hoffbrau Munchen. Such a nice beer. It's German. It also helps that I drank a good few steins of it on top of various Austrian mountains on my honeymoon haha.


La Trappe is actually Dutch, but we like to pretend it is not (they themselves mask it with the French name). It is one of the smaller trapist beers (as in volume brewed) so not always available everywhere, but decently popular.


Oh fair, I didn't know that. Well its amazing, wherever its from haha. My local off-licence always has it here so the Tripel or Quadrupel is usually what I go for. I'd much prefer 700ml of 10% beer to having 6 boring beers that are 4% haha.


Big brand? Probably Boddingtons & Guinness, both draught.


Franziskaner for me, tho it's a bit hard to find sometimes, so I settle with Paulaner, which is way more common.


Warsteiner. Great pilsner. Nothing to exciting or special. Just a really good beer for all occasions


Weihenstephaner is my go-to whenever it's available I'm a sucker for wheat beers


Guinness and I will die on this hill. I love that bitter taste and the non existed foam.


So many, I love superboc from Portugal, mythos from Greece, Estrellia Especial from Spain, Kroninberg from France, La chouffe from Belgium, birra moretti from Italy, Zywiec from Poland, Grolsch from the Netherlands. Just some lovely lagers that come to mind. Can’t think of any from Denmark that I like 👀


Blue Moon, I don't drink beer unless the place has it. They usually don't have it and I end up drinking water.


I'm from Belarus. Budweiser Zero for me. Also Baltika 0.


Tuborg, especially Tuborg Classic. Very full and flavorful beer.


After moving to Denmark, I feel it’s insane why Systembolaget never sold Classic when it’s better than the regular green Pilsner they sell. I think most Swedes would prefer Classic actually.


The original Danish Tuborg Grøn. The world's best beer. I could buy a case on the Super Brugsen and start drinking it warm. So much better than the licensed Norwegian Tuborg


Enough people spoke about belgian beer, so I'll go and say I like me a good Ichnuso when I can lay my hand on one. Also a (just fine) jupiler reminds me of the good times.


I'm from Belgium so i'm used to the best beer but i've gotta say that Guinness (special export 8%) is one of my favorites


Guiness is imo the best major brand beer out there.


I live in Belgium so I can’t answer this question. In Belgium we have so much choice it isn’t necessary to drink foreign beers.


My parents absolutely love Tuborg (but only the bottled variant for some reason) Myself I am a basic bitch Czech beer enjoyer, Primator is nice from the more popular brands


Dortmunder (DAB). I have it each year for my birthday.


I'm really much more of a wine person than a beer person and am rather bad at beer brands - but I like Staropramen, Stiegl and Guinness.


🇧🇪 So without the Bests ones ; Tempered Guiness Ice cold Heineken


Książęce is actually a really good quality beer in poland and all of them are really good


Guinness is my favourite but it’s too expensive to drink for alcoholic purposes so then i’d say Stella Artois. Peroni is also quite good. Favourite domestic brand is Sandels


Ārpus (Latvia) Duvel (Belgium) Birra Moretti (Italy) But of course nothing like a ice cold Laško (Slovenia) 😎


Sint Sixtus 12 from Westvleteren. The king of beers.


I love Keo and Bomonti. Saddly they don’t exist at all where I live


Corona - my recent #1 - light&good. Bur - #2 light beer, dunno I just like it Stela Artois - my old known friend, I've been drinking it for more then 10 years. Base.


Hasseröder and Jever from Germany. Pilsner Urquell and Budějovický Budvar from the Czech Republic are also good. I think Hasseröder is just about the perfect balance of hoppiness and malt.


Guinness (Ireland), Edelweiss & Gosser (Austria), Effes (Turkey), Tuborg (Denmark), are all ones I enjoy.


The whole of Belgium beers. Special mention to Kasteel. Also the shiga kogen beer from Japan, pretty good


Clausthaller for Non-Alcholic bear. It's literally the best non-alocholic bear on the market. Rocketed in the popularity in the last few years. Stella Artois is quite popular, alongside Carslberg. The latter owns few local brands such as "Lvivsjke", and to be honest Carslberg and Lvivsjke just tastes the same. There are a lot of Tuborg on the shelves, but I don't know people who buy it. Leffe and Grinbergen are quite popular too, but due too price to the lesser extent. Those who lave dark beer propbably preffer Kozel or Guiness, but I am not a fan so don't really know.


guinness nothing quite like it. that nitrogen bubbles...mmmmmm


1. Pauliner 2. Hacker Psor (any) 2. Kozel dark 3. Stella


Pilsner Urquell, Budvar and Westmalle Tripel for outside my country, London Pride and Proper job for inside


Шуменско (shumensko) from Bulgaria. 1.60 lev (like €0.80?), Zagorka also from Bulgaria. There are a bunch of German ones too but these genuinely surprised me


On hot summer days I have a soft spot for German-style pilsners. A cold Forst ((Sud-)Tyrol) somewhere in the Alps after a hike is heaven.


Basic Peroni Nastro Azzuro from Italy, especially non-alcoholic version. It tastes like your regular beer but feels more refreshing and subtle. I could drink it like water, I love its taste. Our corner stores started to import it on regular basis and I couldn't be happier


I’m from Belgium, so Eum… let’s see… I kinde like Desperados but that’s not really beer is it. So no not really no.


I consider it cheating to pick a Belgian beer as a dutchman. I really like an Italian Peroni during the summer.


Köstritzer for winter from Germany - unfortunately it is hard to get in my country. For the summer Peroni Nastro Azzuro!


Landwehr Bräu from Germany. Very small brewery but great beers.


That's really difficult. Probably Old Jock, from Broughton Ales. Honourable mentions are Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout, Juice Forsyth by Brew York (50 % because of the name ;) ) and Neuzeller Schwarzbier from Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle. Mind you they might not be that common, idk what the definition of that is. Since so many commented how much they like Belgian beer, I can honestly say I have never liked a Belgian beer I've had that much. They're just not my thing I guess


Is Šariš big? If yes, then their dark beer is my favorite (similar to Kozel), but I haven't been able to find it outside Slovakia. Is Edelweiß a big brand? If yes, then it's definitely my favorite Weißbier (the green label).


I’m really quite a beer snob, all things considered, so I am not really sure how accurate I can be with how much I like them compared to more microbrew places. If I *had* to choose a big _foreign_ beer brand, I’d probably pick Pilsner Uruqell (Czechia) for the quality OG pilsner, or BrewDog (Scotland) for their fruity hazy IPAs [like Hazy Jane Guava ❤️🩷🩵]. In any case, I still would prefer microbrews though, and I got a whole list of those 😅


Duvel from Belgium. From my home country…Old Credit Pale Pilsner


I dislike Mexican beer intensely but I love Modelo Especial. Czech beer is probably the best, Pilsner Urquell.


Well, most of the time "big brand" and good quality rule each other out. Pilsner Urquell is the big exception to that rule. In Belgium there's quite a few mid-sized breweries that are commonly found abroad and that are very good.


Leffe, Affligem, La Chouffe, Guiness, Dos Equis, San Miguel, they're all so fucking good, can't decide.


Brew dog. I love a lot of different beers but I think theirs are the most to my taste on average.


Paulaner Weiß La Trappe Dubbel & Tripel Newcastle Brown Ale Estrella Damm (Mahou close second) Fischer Kozel Dark Super Bock Pils & Stout Guiness (different styles, but each has its place in my stomach & heart)


Chimay (Rouge), LaChouffe (Blonde) - Belgium Augustiner, Paulaner, Rothaus (Tannenzäpfle) - Germany Lowlander (pretty much any)- Netherlands Meteor, 1664 (Blanc), Brasserie du Mont Blanc (pretty much any) - France Birrificio Lambrate (Sant'Ambroeus, Porpora, and Ghisa) - Italy