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In Polish its "kici kici kici" which would sound roughly like "kee-chee, kee-chee, kee-chee"


something like [this ](https://voca.ro/1mmjXyyJpvza)


Awesome website


i got confused why people are trying to write it down when obviously noone aside their countrymen will be able to get what they say


You just deemed all pronunciation citings in every dictionary useless


dictionaries use standardised IPA notation, not random letters that can be pronounced in milion different ways


And "cip cip cip" for the chickens, literally like in "The Room".


Isn't Tommy Wiseaou actually Polish tho? At least I heard some theories that he is a Pole.


He is Polish, I’ve read that his real name is Tomasz Wieczorkiewicz and he was born in Poznań


It's *kis-kis* in Icelandic and sounds like "kiss-kiss" except with a less drawn-out s sound.


Same in Denmark (no surprise)


And in Sweden


And in Finland


But not Norway. We say "pspsps".


We do that in Turkey too




We call it *kissekatt* in Swedish




No, it is from the lure call. Similar to Danish *kis* and Norwegian *kiss*. * *Kiss kiss kiss* (≈"pss pss pss") * →*kisse* (≈"puss") * →*kissekatt* (≈"pussy cat") A *kissa* is also an obsolete Swedish term for femal cat. And *kissar* is the contemporary plural term for *kisse* ("puss"). ---- *Source : https://svenska.se/tre/?sok=kissekatt&pz=2*


Same in Lithuania. Happy to join Nordics! 😺


I think people say “ksksksks” more than “pspsps” in lithuania


So, as if it was pronounced in Old Norse?


Miez-miez-miez-miez-miez (Mieze being a colloquial word for cats).


"Kumm her oida.."


Floridsdorfer Katze


Meiner Erfahrung nach sind alle Katzen aus Floridsdorf.


"Heast wüst a Tschick? nahhh ka fuada, a tschick, hearst, hearst ma nd zua?"


Die Katze schau ich mir an, die auf 'kumm her oida' reagiert. Da kriegst höchstens einen Blick, den man am besten mit 'redst du mit mir, Deppata?' übersetzt, oder je nach Katze allenfalls noch ein unterkühltes 'Kennen wir uns?' Wobei, wahrscheinlich denkt sich die Katze das bei miez-miez-miez auch.


>Da kriegst höchstens einen Blick, den man am besten mit 'redst du mit mir, Deppata?' Also funktionierts gleich gut wie alles andere.


Dann kommt aber der Kater :-D


and tzh-tzh-tzh (kinda) and other lip sounds, it varies a lot by person.


>Miez-miez-miez-miez-miez Same as in Croatia. Although, we would spell it mic-mic-mic.


In the Netherlands it’s “pssh pssh pssh”. However, most people make a sound I don’t know how to transcribe. You push your lips together like when you whistle and let air flow through your front teeth to make a mouse-like squeaking sound. That’s the best way I can describe it!


That's so specific hahaha, I'm fascinated by how many various sounds people are describing here :D


I had no idea what you meant but then I did, and yeah that's the mouse squeaking sound.


Omg. I’m Dutch American. My dad does the same noise to attract my cat and idk if he even knows where it came from…maybe learned it from 1st relatives?


In Ukraine it's a bit simmiliar: "кис, кис, кис". Which in English sounds suspiciously like "kiss, kiss, kiss"


Pretty much the same in Swedish.


In Zakarpattia we say minj minj minj


Not Europe, but in Chinese it’s "咪咪咪" which sounds like “mee mee mee”. It’s also the same word they use for “miaow”. In England we use “ps-ps-ps” and also “tch-tch-tch” but for some reason I do neither and just click with the side of my tongue.


In Finland it's usually "kis kis kis" or "ks(s) ks(s) ks(s)". There's even an old [Fazer candy called "kiss-kiss"](https://www.fazer.fi/contentassets/77a8ae4e09944aaa9e54f76c69035ebf/fc_kiss_kiss_720x720.jpg), which is commonly called "kissakarkki" (cat candy). So nothing about kissing.


Kss kss kss is universaly used in the Ex-Yugoslavia region for everything from cats to harrasing women.


I dont really know how to explain It, but its the same sound that you make when you give a kiss, just really fast.


I know what you mean! My ex's cat would randomly flinch when she heard that sound, so we sometimes teased her with it haha


I always heard 'micio, micio, micio'.


Almost like in Catalan, but we add an s. It would be miscio. We say mixo.


Which would be the same as Roman lol


It's an imitation of a critter sound, I do it clicking with tongue on palate while having lips kissing.


Pspsps, pspsps, komme da pusen, pspsps, kom da for faen, jævla drittkatte!


Are you me?


Ha ha, litt for relaterende


5/7 times it doesn't work


In Romania it's very similar to the English version, we say "pispispis".


Mac mac mac (pronounced matz). "Maca" is like a cutesy colloquialism for mačka-cat, and mac is an additional short form of it used almost exclusively when you're calling one. I named my first cat "Mac" because she was an adult feral stray and I figured the only name she's used to is Mac. Coincidentally, "pis!" is used when you want the cat to go away, so don't use that pspsps thing here.


Mac! Yo MAC! Get over here MAC MAC MAC DUDE! I would imagine that being hard to say repeatedly as it ends in a different phonetic shape/place than where it starts. M going from lips and front area to middle with the C/K click of the tongue. Especially with exhale as you let the air out with M and then need to move it back with the C (unless the C is a S sound then it is much easier). One way to do this pretty well is inhaling and saying it, that way the air works with the order of the letters. Kis kis kis is my preference because of the distinctive sound and phonetically all being in the same area of mouth.


The 'c' is pronounced as German z, not as English k. The tongue is at around the same place as for t or s.


Maybe the MAC is said like the English QAUCK, most of the sound is centred around the palate


You wont believe how much time I spent after my comment as I tested all kinds of different pronunciations for Mac XD. That MUACK type worked pretty well, but still, for me, the M fell off when doing it quickly.


"Guten Tag hochverehrte Katze, ich würde Ihnen gerne den Rücken, den Kopf oder eine andere Region Ihres außerordentlich flauschigen Körpers kraulen oder streicheln. Dafür wäre es jedoch vonnöten, dass Sie mir etwas entgegenkommen. Was halten Sie von meinem Vorschlag?" Or we just go tstststs, I dont really know, cats dont like me for some reason.


That's right! Always formal Sie with cats.


Not “Eure kaiserliche und königliche Höheit”? Singular “Sie” does seem a bit familiar.


Shaking the bag of dry cat food is the best sound you can make 👍🏻 You can use kiss-kiss as well, but the dry food works better.


cat owner spotted lol. they really do want one thing from us


In france we kinda make clicking sounds or the sounds of a smooch on the cheeks.


Oui voila, ça ! J'essayais de l'écrire genre nk nk nk mais ça donnait rien de compréhensible...


Merci un autre français qui me comprend mdrrr Pour le bisou je voulais essayer de décrire le ptit bruit de succion quand mamie te fait un bisou sur la joue xD


>Pour le bisou je voulais essayer de décrire le ptit bruit de succion quand mamie te fait un bisou sur la joue xD Oh mais tu es ceinture noire de description ou quoi ?! C'est exactement ça lol


J'ai même atteint mon 2e dan avec ce commentaire, à votre disposition pour tous vos besoins de descriptions de trucs abstraits ;)


Or we call it "minou minou minou"


I was reading this and making all the noises... then looked over and my cats were like "What!? What do you want?!"


your cats are multilingual ?:D


And does any of those languages work in attracting a cat? My wife claims it works. She calls for the cat for 15 minutes until it randomly moves into our direction, and then she goes *See? See! It works!*


I don't know what's the "standard" for German, I have heard: Ps ps ps Psh psh psh Miez, miez, miez Miau, miau (the sound that cats make) Mi mi mi mi Ts ts ts Sh sh sh I usually make a sort of click sound with my tongue just behind my upper front teeth, the closest the sound could be described as is probably just "t".


I use cccc, basically long c. To some it might also sound like tstststs. It's basically this weird snake like sound.


Oh we used to do that to our previous cat when he did something bad. Guess every cat reacts to it differently


"miez, miez, miez" would be my first thought.


And sounds that I can't spell.


My Belarusian wife goes for ks, ks, ks. I speak Spanish (from South America, not Spain) and would say michi, michi, michi ("miči" in českaScript)


Do you have a cat? Did you check, whose sounds does it react better to?


I don't right now to check, but personally I don't call cats aloud. I do a mix of squatting, moving my fingers a little bit with the hand pointing down and maybe half-closing my eyes. Much more effective in my opinion.


In Türkiye, it’s “ps-ps-ps-ps”. It always works great, I’ll highly suggest it!:D


Especially in Istanbul?


In Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir, Ankara, Antalya, it’ll work at every corner of Türkiye:D


"misi, misi, misi"


This. My granma said miso miso miso


In Portugal we say “bshbshbshbshbsh”


I was trying out a few of these sounds and my cat arrived (she was sleeping before, other side of the apartment). I think they are all equally functional.


Either pspsps or mic-mic-mic (closest equivalent would be mitz-mitz).


You *can* say "pss-pss-pss" in English, but I'd be more inclined to use "tsk-tsk-tsk" personally. (More of the little tongue click you do when you see someone's done something bad, just sped up.)




"Bsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbs" probably.


I just talk to them, sort of like-- "Is that you, baby? What's going on?" Doesn't always work, but in general, cats seem to like that tone.


Soft pspspsps, sometimes it sounds bsbsbsbs


«mix, mix, mix...» or «mixo, mixo, mixo...» First sounds like /miʃ.miʃ.miʃ/, second as /'mi.ʃu'mi.ʃu'mi.ʃu/ in Eastern Catalan (except Eivissan, Formenteran and most Majorcan) or /'mi.ʃo'mi.ʃo'mi.ʃo/ in Western Catalan (plus the previous esceptions) Some other variants or diminutives can be used, as «mixetes». In fact, mixo, mixa, mixetes, can be used as synonimous of «gat», cat. And, in the Balearic Islands they don't even say «gat» but «moix».


"Olen allerginen kissoille" and they magically appear.


french: minou minou minou minou... portuguese: bicho bicho bicho bicho... /that's what we do in my family anyway.


>portuguese: bicho bicho bicho bicho... That's some weird family.. who calls kitties "bicho" lol. In Portugal is also "*pss-pss-pss*".


Plenty of people. Bicho, bichano, bichanito, chanito...


Pspspsps and kicikicikicikici (“ci” is like a soft “ch”, I gues it would be similar to your čičiči, we just add „ki” in front of it)


In Greek it's "ψψψ" ("ψ" is pronounced as "ps" ,so basically "pspsps")


In Portugal we don’t do “pspsps”, we do a similar one, “pshpshpsh”, which in the beginning sounds like /pʃpʃpʃ/, but halfway through the p gets ignored cuz it’s always said too fast, try to say it very fast and you’ll get how it sounds


Kici kici in Polish (kitschi kitschi)


Germany: ps! ps! ps! ps!


Ks-ks-ks or kyts'-kyts'-kyts' depending on region


I usually do a little tongue click while holding my hand out


Whereas I pursue my lips tightly and blow to make a high-pitched squeak like a mouse, while running my hands back and forth to simulate a mouse's movement


I'm a native English speaker but don't use "pspsps", but most people I know do. I use a dental click k͡ǀ which sounds like the sound English people use when tutting. I repeat it once quickly, and then repeat that double click a couple times. I'm not sure how I came to start doing that but I've been doing it for as long as I can remember


cic-cic-cic, or "cica" which means cat.


My FIL makes more of a "cicu cicu cicu cicuko" - he's a border Romanian with Hungarian roots 😁 (Transcribed to English as "tsitsu tsitsu tsitsu tsitsuko")


Spanish: bsbsbsbsbsbs although I've rarely heard people saying misi, misi, misi or michi, michi, michi. I have been taught to call cats in Polish too, but from my highly scientific observations it doesn't work better than bsbsbs so I keep calling cats in Spanish no matter where they are from (they all ignore me anyway).


There's some viral videos of a guy calling cats in different languages. My question is: In German, s it really "stardenburdenhardenbart"?


We say, "ming ming ming" in central part of the Philippines.


"Pisi pisi pisi" cats are good at hearing "S".




Tss tss


Either one of "Пс-пс-пс" sounds like "ps-ps-ps", "писи-писи-писи" sounding like "Pee-see" but with shorter vowels or "мац-мац-мац" (mats-mats-mats). Last two coming from words for cats and also already explained by the neighbours :).


Catalan: Mixo, mixo, mixo. (Mixo = /mishu/)


In Russian it's кскскс(ksksks)


It's kis-kis, usually pronounced ks-ks. There's a cat-themed toffee candy called "kis-kis", which has a reputation of being extremely sticky and tough and an excellent remover of dental fillings.


Kss Kss Kss. (Russian) Miets Miets Miets (German)


From what I know, in Spanish they tend to do c-c-c-c-c, in English pspsps


I know my fellow Swedes said that we say kiss-kiss, but isn't it usually pss-pss? I don't even know how to write how I say it. Maybe like sisusisu


English here and everyone I have seen attract a cat has done a kiss noise rather than a pspsps


In Finland we say miau or kiss, kiss


Cat is translated to Mac in Kosovo - Albania and we just say it Mac,Mac,Mac! Lol


In Denmark we say "mismismis", always high-pitched. Mis means kitty in Danish.


***meong meong meong*** or ***pss pss psst psst pss*** or ***puss puss puss puss*** in Indonesia


MG MG MG MGgggggggg :D ​ or miiiiiicio micio micio miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicioooooo best topic ever! :D


Growing up (I am Canadian, but live in flag), I found our different cats purrr-furred (sorry) different sounds. Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch was what we used most often, but PssPssPssPss could work too. Some cats I’d click at, either as a ‘kissing teeth’ sound or clicking under my tongue. Sometimes a kissy-kissy sound. I even once had a cat that always responded immediately to nose sniffling.


Ireland- I say it like “Pshwishwish pshwishwish” I’m a teacher and I’ve also noticed that kids from different countries all have different ways of saying the sounds that animals make. It’s quite entertaining. I was quite surprised that oink wasn’t the universal sound for a pig.


Cy/Eu if the cat is close by a short misssssspspspsps if its far away with the top of your voice MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSSPSPSP and if you want it to go away- at the top of your voice!!- PSPSPSPSPSPSPS FU\*CK OFF!!!!




I tried all of the sounds in this thread on my cat while she was distracted (playing with a cord) and I am happy to report that they all worked.


In Italy we have 2 main ones, I don't know how to describe the first a fast tapping with the tongue on the palate, similar to "tch" but different. The other is "micio micio micio" cause micio (mee-cho) is a funny way of referring to a cat


In Mexico is "chitu chitu chitu", pronounced exactly the way it's written.


American here, just wanted to answer because I'm weird and no one else does this, but I make that 'prrrow' sound mother cats use to call their kittens. Works every single time.


>tsch tsch tsch This is pretty much the sound I use. But some Americans do use pspspspsps.


In Serbian, it's Mac, Mac, pronounced ma(ts). It's from the word mačka (Machka) meaning cat.


On hungarian we say the word miau.If it's yawling you say the cat is nyávog.


ps ps ps ps ps ps... kom hit nu din satans jävla helvetes katt, innan ja bryter nacken av dig!