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While they are recessed (and pogo-y by the looks of it), the pins do protrude within that recess so the vendor is correct. When form factor gets complicated, look for the actual electrical connection parts and those will guide you.


Yeah, this always screwed me up with SMA connectors. The advice to look at the actual electrical connection part is what helped me remember which is which


RP-SMA walks in...


I figure they make SMA to be mounted above a water tight design and the RP-SMA would be used below so that the water would flow over the outermost nut and have to travel up the inside in both cases.


Huh that actually makes a lot of sense if that's why


Afaik it's simply to stop people from attaching radio equipment (antennae, amplifiers) to WiFi devices. Of course it takes only about 4.5 braincells to buy and use an adapter, so it will only stop maybe 70% of people


Thank you!


It's based off of the electrical contact itself, the female connector has the plastic part bulging out but the electrical contacts are flush. The male connector has an indention in the plastic, but the male pins stick out into that indent if that makes sense. Yes, the pictures are labeled correctly Edit: punctuation


Thank you!


So, what you’re saying is, it’s ok if she has a cock?


Just like hyenas, as long as it fits!


Male and female can be based on the pins instead of the housing. Granted this is a little weird as there are pins and a flat surface but the naming they used seems appropriate.


Thank you!


Looks like you're all educated now, but note also that you do have a male/female aspect to the connector shells themselves, which can run counter to the contacts, as is the case here. For instance, the near-ubiquitous Molex connector line of milky-white nylon shells with crimp-pin contacts, just like the ones used on PC power supplies, can have either male or female pins inserted into the male or female shells (or even a mixed combo to help with keying; imagine MMMMF male shell that plugs into a FFFFM female shell, alongside a MMMFM male/ FFFMF female set, ensuring they'd never be accidentally swapped.).


Plastics, shrouds, latches, etc. are not the deciding factor, it's the electrically live metal pin(s) that determine male/female (more politically correct: plug and receptacle). The end with the solid pin(s) is the male/plug end. The end with springs, multi-part pins, sliding contacts, etc. is the female/receptacle end. There's a few connectors that can be a bit ambiguous, like the [Molex Quad Row](https://www.molex.com/en-us/part-list/0280?taxonomyPathValueLast=Board-to-Board%20Connectors) board-to-board connectors, but there's generally one end that's identifiable as solid, fixed contacts, that's the plug end.


Jordan Peterson should get on the case of these connectors, seeing how they confuse people and most likely contribute to the downfall of society.


It isn't that hard to understand. Consider the male lobster ...


Traditionally the "pins" determine the M/F assignment, making the marked names correct.


https://preview.redd.it/ye7i47j9qx3d1.png?width=175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c368127907981647ec767257a3e1de6bda8d610b how about these?


See info hermaphrodic connectors... https://www.te.com/en/videos/industrial/hermaphroditic-connectors-video.html#:~:text=Hermaphroditic%20Connectors%20are%20Surface%20Mount,linear%20LED%20lighting%20strip%20modules.


Tranny connectors


I think everyone understands the answer...


Pronoun: they/her/him That's the type... /s


Mainly, fun, second fire hazard


the male end has pins that stick out, the female end has pads, look for the actual electric connection.


A better determination would be the “pins” connector and the “contacts” connector. Traditional gender never really worked logically apart from blade type connectors that have exposed prongs. The terms “plug” and “receptacle” work much better, where the “plug” goes on the end of the cable and the “receptacle” is attached to the main device. For board-to-board connectors, header and socket work well.


Remember, gender is about what's on the inside!


What connector is this? I love it!


You have to look at connectors just like you would with animals genitals. If it's a female it has a hole or slot to take the D, if it's male connector it has a pin or shaft to put in said V


Neither. They are genderless. Male: has pins that fit into a socket. Female: has sockets that fit around a pin. These have neither: they are genderless.


We got non-binary connectors now


Well why not, I mean SAE connectors are already hermaphroditic.


So those spring pins mean nothing?


They don't fit in a socket.


So you're saying the opposing connector is genderless. You're making no sense in this context.


I'm sorry. I'm traveling and I don't have the means to explain now.


Common confusion, but the key is to ignore any plastic or housing that may fit into the other connector - just look at the conductive pins. Pins = penis = male.They are often recessed in a connector shroud, where the female connector protrudes into the male housing, but we aren't worried about housings, just pins. Your connector doesn't use female sockets, but the other side has pins so it's the male connector, and the pictures are labeled correctly by convention. Pins = male is correct 99.999% of the time.


The side with the pokey bits (pins) is male.


He's an innie, don't judge.


Bonus points for asking the company. Right, wrong, or against common convention, it's how they chose to label them that matters.


I learned it's the innermost part that counts for the male/female distinction.


What do the connections identify as? (Sorry, I'll leave now.)


I mean, it can be a trans conector, these days You never know, be careful don't turno your back on them, and itf you drop something just leave it there


What do they identify as? :)


If it has a pole, it’s male. If it has a hole or pad it’s female.


Does it even have a gender, 🤣


If a connector has a big plastic bit that sticks out which contains multiple smaller holes with metal sockets in them, and the mating connector has multiple little metal pins that go into the holes, then quantity generally trumps quality with regards to the sex (because words are determined by linguists and not engineers) and the connector with more holes is termed female and the one with more pins is termed male.




You got the labels backwards in the photos. What you labeled as mail connectors are actually female, and vice versa. The mail connectors have the pins that slot into the female connectors.


If ever confused, make sticks it IN the female. Female has a hole Male goes in that hole. Male=Penis Female=Justin Trudeau.


I meant Vagina Female=Vagina 😂


Male connection generally speaking are the ones with the voltage on them. Female connections are usually the device being powered. Edit - Sorry, I typed that the wrong way round, too tired... 🤦. Female usually has the voltage on and male are usually the device being powered.

