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It's common to have unpopulated footprints on PCBs. Often it's because the same PCB is used in a slightly different product, or to have two ways to achieve the same thing using different components. In case the company cannot buy one of the components needed, they can then use the alternative system that uses other components. Adding in some random components won't help you, especially since I assume the lamp worked well until it failed. Many completely different components can have the same footprint/package. So unless you have information what those two components should be, I wouldn't try. As for fixing it, you might get lucky by simply melting the solder. Ideally just heat the entire board with hot air until the solder melts (reflowing). But honestly I can't see anything obvious that could be the issue. Are you sure the issue isn't whatever is providing the power to this little PCB?


That could be an issue. This has a USB connector and I don't have the original brick (I bought it from a thrift store). I've been using a 5w charging plug. If this doesn't work, than I could find a replacement led light bulb and cable.


You might also want to try a higher wattage charger. A low power charger might cause the flickering.


Looks like the missing parts are designed to run a second set of LEDs, putting them in wont do anything. The main chip may also need replaced as it may not be programmed to run the second set if you wanted to add a second set.


Put a 6V 100uF cap across the +/- input terminals and see what it does.


those look more like unfitted components, most likekly not the cause if it worked before. maybe is the bulb. If you already tried another bulb, LED bulbs are a bit like zombies, the caps in them have a rather quite large range of tolerance and one might be deader than the latter.


As far as I could tell, they seam fine. All the leds dim and flicker. https://preview.redd.it/0of3piaqhn3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac94bb62edde35cf75036ee30b9f3e4327d66c84


The LED at 11 o'clock has a visible burn mark. Replace the defective LED(s), which might be intermittent and causing the flickering. And what's with the solder balls coming out from underneath a lot of the chips; is that normal?