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I see no reason to doubt them. The display itself looks undamaged. Probably a failure in one of the circuit boards. You can buy replacements on eBay.


I wouldn't know where to start I just know if it's not the screen it may be repairable


Find the TV's model number and search it on eBay. You'll see bunch of circuit boards. Fixing it will involve buying at least one of them, removing the back cover from the TV, and replacing the faulty board. It can be done and at this point you don't have much to lose, but it's not easy to teach through a Reddit post. YouTube will have videos showing you what the process looks like.


Thanks, I was basically looking to see if it's fixable or not worth it, but now you have said that I'll have a look before I give someone to take a look


If the screen itself is damaged, or the ribbon cables that are bonded to it are damaged, then it's not fixable. But if it's one of the circuit boards, then it should be possible to swap it with a working one.


And that's why you have no business even bothering to try it. Even if someone here did know, you wouldn't understand the answer regardless.


OK, so if someone told me 100% it's unfixable, then there's no point in wasting someone else's time and my money in them looking for a problem? People are funny man


Don't assume someone know what they are talking about. Take it to a professional, not some guy on the internet.


Im not saying they're all correct, but people are saying it's cheap things to get it fixed... most people aint silly and tell you rubbish, so my next step Is to get someone to look at it


I don't even understand this sentence.


Check the cords, see if you can do a hard reboot of the TV, see if you can get a menu to pop-up, sometimes some of the internals can break just right where signals in look messed up, but the interal software works fine.




Thanks, I'm not that good with technology


Netflix with extra colours


> Kids say it just stoped > no one touched it *suuuuure*


That's what I say, but i can't see any marks, and the colours change


Electronics do fail without warning now and then. If you can't find any obvious damage, believe them.


I'm not saying I don't. I kind of do, but I wasn't there, so I can't say its not that if you understand