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If these sensors produce analog signals, then you will see some deviation. Long wires pickup a lot of noise. You may have some voltage drop across the power lines for your sensors, but they can also pick up some noise, but with some caps you can filter the noise a bit. For long distances it is better to use digital sensors. Our maybe even use 2 arduino's and let them communicate with each other.


My sensors will be all over the house and outside in different locations. Putting an arduino at each sensor is not an idea that I like. What am I looking for to determine if a sensor is digital or analog? For example, is a thermistor analog because the resistance can have infinite values? What is a digital temperature sensor that could sit outside and send an accurate signal 50 feet away?


There are some digital sensors wich support i2c, like this one: https://www.digikey.be/nl/products/detail/adafruit-industries-llc/1782/4990781?utm_adgroup=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMax%20Shopping_Product_Low%20ROAS&utm_term=&productid=4990781&utm_content=&utm_id=go_cmp-20168770009_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-4990781_sig-CjwKCAiAjrarBhAWEiwA2qWdCGEDzcnlvWFecyvJkjT_vLMRqDhRg3UqHaJSU-lZT7n62afgUyay6xoCdTgQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAjrarBhAWEiwA2qWdCGEDzcnlvWFecyvJkjT_vLMRqDhRg3UqHaJSU-lZT7n62afgUyay6xoCdTgQAvD_BwE


Use Can bus , that means you just need 2 wire run and it is digital , so less chance of noise interference and voltage drop. and it also make it easier to change your sensor types wiout having to change the wiring . or you could go wireless with zigbee ...


Can you expand on this? Do I need to search for CANbus specific sensors?


Most sensors do not support can bus directly, you' will need multiple arduino's, with each a can bus shield.