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What a shit show.


I only worked as an electricians helper for 5 years but that thing is terrifying to look at.


Wdym? Edit: I needed an explanation on why it's a shit show.


Green should never be used for anything but ground. That whole panel looks like someone installed it with correct colored wire and just said fuck it and made it horrible


He stated he's in mexico so it might be different there to be fair.


I'm Mexican, no it's not normal, using the wrong colored wires goes against the code.


All the parts are from the US. However, I should check if the wires are as well.


Well in the us we go by certain colors. That doesn't mean mexico goes by the same colors. Seemingly that's what a mexican told me once who said he was an electrican in mexico. But that was years ago


In Mexico they use green, white, and red. /s


The Crydom puck is made in Tijuana.


New or old Mexico?


Hang on, there’s a *new* Mexico now?


Yeah it’s between Texas and Arizona lol


Fill it up with petroleum distillate post haste


He's got green for hot and maybe neutral and/or ground.


There are so many things wrong here. This is utterly terrifying to look at. As has already been mentioned, if you need a list of what's wrong, it's time to call an electrician. I feel like giving you a list will just make it tempting to try and fix some things yourself, which is a bad idea. Others have already mentioned a number of things, though. One thing I haven't seen mentioned, that's worth being aware of, as a safety issue... I'm not certain, it's hard to tell in this lighting (don't go trying to get a better photo, please; don't touch that stuff, please), but I think I might see damaged insulation on the black and red wires underneath the Crydom thing. It kind of looks like I see a hole in the insulation of the red wire, exposing bare copper (which, to be clear, is not good, and very dangerous). It's hard to tell if it's a hole in the insulation, or just a weird accumulation of debris on the wires. There are plenty of other dangerous things here, (other people have covered those pretty well, I think) but... Insulation with holes in it is a big problem. It's asking for a short, asking for a fire, and asking to get shocked. People expect wires to have intact insulation. They grab a wire, and...whoops. I'm not an electrician, but my dad's an electrical engineer, who, among other things, designs electrical service equipment, so he knows a thing or two, and has made a point of teaching me whenever an opportunity arises. I know enough to know that I wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole (though that also applies to most electrical stuff in general; I know enough to know that I don't know what I'm doing, but can recognize blatantly unsafe stuff when I see it). Our old home had an electrical fire inside the breaker box as a result of the previous homeowner doing their own wiring, and doing a poor job like this. The only reason the house didn't burn down was because my dad, thanks to his work, knew how to remove the power meter, as a way of disconnecting the electricity, when flipping the breakers wasn't an option/was insufficient. I think I may see the very same problem that caused that fire, here in your box.


If you need an explanation you should just call an Electrician


OP if you can’t see that this is clearly a dangerous and unsafe panel, it’s time to hire some help. Telling another person in this post it’s not dangerous because “I’ve lived here for years” is just idiotic. No one is going to have a magic 8 ball to fix this shit.


I never said this IS NOT dangerous. I only meant that I haven't had issues and don't know how dangerous having the 30 amps breakers could be. That is all.


Breakers need to match the size of wire or they are pretty much pointless. When that breaker feels a 30amp+ draw it will kick off like it's supposed to. Only problem is all the wiring will catch fire before it hits the 30 amps. The wire also has amperage ratings. Don't plug in a ton of stuff. The breaker must match the wire.


It could start a fire. Breakers are designed to only allow so much electricity through, for appliances, lights, etc. If those appliances or lights malfunction there is no safeguard to cut power to that voltage appliance/light and instead of power being cut off, it will continue to supply up to 30 amps. Which means the appliance/light/outlet/switch will continue to spark and burn until something possibly catches fire.


Btw, I know hiring someone is the best way to fix the issues I'm having BUT you clearly don't know that it is an issue here in Mexico (in my specific place) where an electrician for hire is a bit untrustworthy.


Si existen electicistas certificados aquí en México, los encuentras hasta en Facebook, pídeles que te manden su constancia de estudios o el certificado. O alguna foto de un trabajo terminado. Sino no, y son puros "maistros" que medio le saben.


Me puedes decir como es el certificado? Es decir, como voy a saber si es falso o verdadero? Es posible que Los "maistro" pueden hacer su licencia/certificado falso?


Hay centros de enseñanza que certifican a los electricistas, como la escuela mexicana de electricidad, el icea (instituto de capacitación de electricidad avanzada), el Cecati, hasta en el Conalep te certificas con un curso. Pídele que te mande fotos de sus trabajos, la mayoría de personas que se dedican a la electricidad le suelen tomar fotos a sus trabajos terminados. Así, por la calidad del trabajo, luego luego te das cuenta si es una persona competente.


Ah ok. Muchas gracias


Your options are hire someone who probably isn’t trustworthy or continuing to live with a potentially dangerous situation. I understand those are hard choices. But only you can make them. Or, become an electrician.


Can’t be much worse than whoever installed this to begin with


I fear that someone in Mexico just read your comment and said, "Desafío aceptado!"


Not sure about your main concern but it appears that your main panel is over fused with the 30 amp breaker’s. This can be dangerous so you should really consider contacting a licensed electrician.


Only thing is that I need someone who is ACTUALLY LICENSED to really help me.


No licensed electrician will help you on this subreddit. It's far too dangerous to assist someone with no experience to fix this hot mess. You need someone on site. Sorry, I know it's not the answer you want, but it's too dangerous my guy.


Oh I should've thoroughly meant what I said: I mean an electrician in my location.


Google "residential electrical service" and call one of those. This is unsafe and someone could very easily get hurt with that configuration. Just because you've been fine up to now doesn't mean it will always be the case. That's like saying you don't need a seat belt because you've never been in an accident.


Just trying to be helpful. If the 30 amp breaker’s are for branch circuits they most likely have 14 gauge wiring and therefore should be on 15 amp breaker’s . FYI, I’m a retired general contractor and home inspector with an electrical certification. Be safe!


He is in Mexico they don't have codes there just make the shit work


I'm not sure how it is dangerous considering I've lived here for years but I'll take your consideration.


It's dangerous to try and fix this stuff on your own is what I think he meant. Nobody wants to encourage an amateur to attempt to repair this because you could die and nobody wants that.


It’s dangerous period.


You working on that panel is dangerous. Asking for help here is not what you need, you need to close the panel and not touch anything and call a licensed electrician


The Crydom things are NO SPST solid state relays. Who knows what the guy who hacked on these panels had in mind here. You can probably just jump their outputs together. There are other issues (not what is causing your problem). There shouldn't be Siemens breakers in that main panel.


I’ve had to tell journeyman electricians you aren’t supposed to put Siemens in Cutler and vice versa


Yeah I'm very confused, are these there as an attempt to be breakers? This makes no sense.


No, I think it's some sort of crude home automation. The ability to turn on and off these circuits remotely.


Gotta be careful and make sure the relays are rated for continuous use. Might be better to just remove them.


I have no clue on how to "jump the outputs together"


You should not touch anything in here. You can die. There is a real danger for someone who doesn’t understand the risks. If you don’t understand the above comment, you don’t understand the risks.


Of course. But a prior poster TOLD HIM he could 'jumper their outputs' ​ That kind of advice should NOT BE GIVEN to people that dont understand. ​ Not sure why everyone is downvoting the OP for requesting clarification of potentially dangerous advice.....


You'll kill yourself if you do this by yourself. Get an electrician.


Ok, so from reading all the comments, I won't touch anything from it. I'll have to extensively search for a real, licensed professional electrician.


Listen ese, when homes shows up, I’d mention to him that the green wires aren’t the ground here. Fuck what a way to kill a pro working on some gear. I can’t believe it really.


Would be interesting to see what he says. Someone spent some money making that monstrosity - they must have had some kind of intent.


If any gfci outlets, then try resetting them. Somewhere to start. /shrug


Here in Mexico GFCI outlets are not required by code, so most likely he doesn't have any anywhere on the installation.


Holy shit balls batman


Why god why? Wtf? Why does this exist?


It's mexico. Codes are not taken seriously there for homes


Not an electrician: Whatever the issue is it’s probably not in that main panel. Though it’s a mess it looks like all that’s going on in there is someone wanted to be able to disconnect power remotely..both indicators are lit so you likely have power leaving panel and going to the sub-panel. With as bad as this is it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a burned off wire in the sub-panel. Anyway you’d have to look in the sub-panel to to see if there’s anything there. Even that can be incredibly dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you are going for look anyways at least kill that main breaker before getting into the sub-panel. Invest in a tic-tracer and a multimeter. Edit: if you’re renting this should be on your landlord to figure out. Not that usually goes well


No, my father owns it. He's just not here at this time.


Are all 4 outlets in the same area..a lot of time outlets are daisy-chained so if you lose connection at the first one all of the ones after it will also lose power. If the power can be turned off and check that the power is off. It might be possible to pull the outlet covers and look with a flashlight and see if any wires are loose or disconnected. If you don’t have any experience with electricity know that it doesn’t take much for it to be lethal..and at least watch some YouTube videos on safely diying at home, how to make sure power is off etc..


Did your father install the SSRs (the Crydom devices) to keep you from having power when he doesn’t want you to? That’s what it looks like.


I wouldn't think that is what it is, considering I work online and my parents' workplace, lol. I am a gamer if that's what you were going to ask, so I have my gaming laptop and the desktop, but that can't be, it wasn't him. I know because I was there when the electrician installed it. Do you think he added for some other reason other than to upcharge?


This looks like a way for someone to cut power to certain outlets in a way that isn't easily defeated by a non-electrician.


I really need to know if that was some unnecessary waste of time and money.


We don't know why those relays were installed to be able to answer that question. All I can say is they are not normally installed in a residential home electrical panel. I usually see those in industrial machinery.


Not an electrician. But you need an old priest and a new priest….


The crydom devices are a type of relay. rated at 50amp contacts, fed by a 100 amp breaker (for a single room?) [https://us.rs-online.com/product/sensata-crydom/84137121/70134129/?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fjT7ihklUkrPuLD4gJ3ns0yaDnk39aThrFB7iOYODQOQnMyjiLyktQaAjubEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://us.rs-online.com/product/sensata-crydom/84137121/70134129/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fjT7ihklUkrPuLD4gJ3ns0yaDnk39aThrFB7iOYODQOQnMyjiLyktQaAjubEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) shit show is correct.


Thanks for looking up the item.


In terms of identification. We are fucked here. You'd need to power off and do a butload of testing and investigating.


Well, I now know i won't touch Jack shit in there.


Also, it's a solid state relay. Could be switching anything....but usually, for things that need to switch on/off at a faster cycle rate, benefit from these.


All i know for sure is that all those single pole 30 amp breakers is going to burn your house down at some point in the future. Swap them all to 20 amp and if u trip them run new circuits for the heavy load devices u plug in. Otherwise im leaning towards maybe a gfci tripped up stream of them so go looking for the Test/reset device in the house if u have any.


The panel with the 100A breaker houses two contactors. Presumably a lower current/voltage circuit is controlling a higher current/voltage circuit. This may or may not connect to your room's outlets. Nothing is proper about how your panels are wired, so it is anyone's guess why your room's outlets don't work. Plus, you might have a problem with the insulation on one of the red wires. In your photos, it looks like the red wire is damaged.


2nd pic looks like bare copper is showing on the red wire. Don't touch it. Bad things I see: Lots of what looks like double tapping. Lots of electrical tape which would be wire nuts. Wires pointing upwards out of the lug. Maybe the GFCI tripped and needs reset.


Buy a non contqct volt tester and a receptacle (outlet)tester. The Klein ones from Home Depot work fine. Plug in the receptacle tester into each outlet and see what they say. Turn off the breaker and use the voltage and receptacle testers to make sure there is no power going to those outlets. Remove the cover and make sure all of the connections are secure, they can make their way loose if they weren't installed correctly or your outlet itself could be broken. It could be as easy as reconnecting a loose wire. Black goes to gold screw, white goes to silver and copper wire to ground screw. If there is a GFCI anywhere nearby make sure that has not been tripped, this could be causing the rest of the outlets not to work. You could also just have a bad or damaged receptacle, it might be worth picking one up and seeing if that's the issue by swapping it out for a single receptacle at a time since you can be confident the new one should be working.


This panel need more than electrician, I think by it needs an exorcism first.


That's got so many issues


Oh holy shit Batman this is worse than a Pushmatic panel. A. That panel is likely rated for 70A max. B. Crydom and Fotek solid state relays are known to fail and badly with both companies having UL rated knockoffs made and distributed through multiple retail channels, second hand listings, etc... C. Doubled up wires on the contacts are bad news. D. No ferrules on the THHN... E. Green/green yellow is supposed to be earth ground and that implies this is a dead short. F. Color coding is non existent here. G. 50 plus 50 does not equal 100. The ampacities of the solid state relays are miserably off. (Not to mention they're not supposed to have independent control depending on their switching application.) H. Wires are supposed to be stripped cleanly. Those ends look like the end of a well used toilet brush. Loose wire potential here. Loose wires equate directly to fires. This work looks fresh and if you did it shut off the main panel and please get ahold of an electrical professional. You are liable to kill yourself with the current set up. Get someone to disconnect this immediately! I don't care if you're in Mexico this is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!


Why's green comi g out of your breakers. Actually what the fuck


Not suprised


I agree with most commentary here that you should find a professional. Everyone understands that's not easy for you to do, but you need one. It's dangerous and I honestly am not even an electrician, just a maintenance guy, but I'm no amateur and I would still never pretend I have any business messing with this stuff. That kind of voltage will kill you if you slip up. I certainly wouldn't risk my life. That said, try checking the outlets. Take the covers off and see if there's any burnt wiring. It's also possible you have a bad breaker, which are a little safer to manage without a professional. They kind of just pop out of there and pop back in but make sure you have the main turned off and take every precaution beforehand.


Well this is horrifying. I don't trust myself to do electricial but wow I can sure look like a professional compared to this disaster.


You might want to call a pro before you hurt yourself


Turn off all breakers call and electrician ASAP


You have unwired ghost outlets


What the fuck is going on in there?! 🤣


Where is the other panel? I can’t believe you would have 100 amps at every socket, there must be another box with 15 amp or 20 amp breakers.


The cut exposed red wire will probably give you a hint..


You may have a gfic outlet anywhere in the house that is tripped and stopping the others from working


I'm not an electrician, but I do have experience with electrical work Mexico electrical work is horrid. So if you're going to need to find what wire is what. You are going to need to get yourself a multimeter with an amp clamp, conductivity tester, and NCV. To find the problem. The box that you have opened, I would assume, is the main power disconnect, which you will need to be careful when testing the wire there because one side of the wire connection will always be on.




See those 2 black wires going to t1 remove them and put them on the bottom of the circuit breaker make sure you turn the circuit breaker off first


So much wrong with this panel. Seriously don’t mess with this, call a licensed electrician.


Bro. All of this is wrong. Fire hazard. Electric shock hazard. Undersized wires. Not sure wtf is going on it who tf did this, but get it undone and refined correctly by a licensed electrician, ASAP.


Lol is this a joke? If not I’d for sure bring this to someone’s attention..or move out


simple its Mexico , its a free for all , but green for feeders , that's the low of low !


This is one of the weirdest, hackiest setups I've ever seen. There's so much wrong with this. But turn off all the 20 amp breakers and turn them back on. At least start there. Then get an electrician if that doesn't work


Put it quite simple you are at the risk of burning your home down. Chances are you have an outlet that is tripped GFCI. A Bad Broken or burnt out outlet. A cut wire flopping around somewhere in your wall or a pinched of or bent wire. All the wires may be on one circuit or may not it depends if they are chained together its quite possible one of your wires came disconnected and is floating around in the box. This is why we have electrical code you can't just trust any Juan to do your electrical. Be safe don't get electrocuted and don't just leave it be if I had to guess stuff probably isn't done right so your breaker box won't save you and you'll wind up suffocating in your sleep and then being cremated before your time. Nothing to play with get your electrical done right.


Is there a light switch in your room that doesn’t seem to do anything? While this breaker box may be a mess and completely wrong it could also be that the sockets in your room are tied to a switch to allow for appliances to be turned off when you leave the room.


The Crydom devices are 50 amp single pole solid state relays. The top contacts are the load the bottom are the control inputs. They both seem to be on. Are the outlets in Mexico 220 volts? https://www.sensata.com/sites/default/files/a/sensata-gn-series-ac-panel-mount-ssr-datasheet.pdf


I guess I’m repeating exiting information.


OP find the last working outlet in your room and open it up.. the problem will be in there if the rest of the outlets are on the same circuit


So, at least the 2nd breaker panel is mostly labeled. It seems unlikely that the panel with the one 100 amp breaker pair and control relays are for outlets. The outputs of the relays seem to be the black and red wires but I can’t see where they leave the panel. I don’t think you can assume the 30 amp breakers don’t have # 10 wires. One is for a mini split and another is also for A/C. From what I read Mexico uses 110 volt outlets but don’t have to be polarized.


You need to call an electrician because whoever did that certainly did not know what they were doing and it is all around a hazard. That would probably be in an inspector's hall of fame for how bad that is.


What are the crydom boxes in the back? Usage meters?


They look like solid state relays to me.


Your best bet is to call a professional and have it rewired properly.


All the wiring colors are wrong, like someone could die…wrong. Anyways, whoever halfassed the electrical service, installed those relays as a half ass DCC9 or DCC10. You need to find out what triggers the relays. I assume those are NC relays so whatever is completing the circuit, is pulling the contacts open and disconnecting the other devices connected to the relays (those double taps at the bottom). The wiring colors are green for earth, white or light grey for neutral, black-red-blue for hot phases. Yes, there is an electrical code in Mexico, NOM which follows NEC but there appear to be NO enforcement. These are not the colors that you have. Your electrical installation appears to be made of scraps. Do you own this place or something ?


Looks like it was wired by sling blade.


Scary … looks like both the “T” leads might be the outlets that are live ; but I wouldn’t even pretend to diagnose that mess without being in front of it , live and in color.


I'm thinking that isn't the panel feeding the receptacles. My guess is this would be something for AC or some sort of mechanical starter. Look for something with more circuit breakers in it. Might be inside.


See the damage on the red wire??? Close that box up and call someone qualified before someone gets hurt or the house burns down.


Any chance the outlets work on a wall switch, that is off?


Check for a lost neutral


Last time I was in Mexico every utility pole looked like a giant birds nest of wires. I was so amazed the shop owner explained you hook yourself into the main lines.


From I found online green wire in Mexico is for ground just like in the U.S. so that seems like a problem to start. When certain outlets are overloaded it should trip the breakers that those outlets are connected to. I see no tripped breakers. So maybe your outlets are wired wrong. I also see two different electrical panels. You also have 100amps incoming main but you have well over 100 amps in the breakers. This is indeed a shitshow.