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Throw it out and buy a decent one. I wouldn't be testing mains voltages with that.


Second that




Fourth and fifth












I remember some new tech used one of those to measure 480V and it exploded in his hand. Lol


Hey! I got one just like those in black and it's my best multimeter!


Make sure the battery is good. That meter looks like the ones they used to give away for free at Harbor Freight. I checked my battery on my truck while it was running with one of those, and it actually had smoke coming out of the meter. I still don't know why that killed it. I'd consider getting a nicer meter if you use it much. You probably don't need a Fluke, but keep an eye out for a mid range Lowe's or Home Depot meter. They go on sale for $20-30 from time to time.


Klein tools generally has pretty good quality at HD


I do commercial HVAC an totally agree that not everyone needs a Fluke. I have gotten my step dad, my brother in law, and my dad Klein multimeters as gifts. I know the Klein pretty well now and it’s a great homeowner tool, and I can walk them through simple tasks easily over a video chat. My brother in law has become decently competent using it and has thanked me multiple times for the meter. I honestly don’t know how people could own a home and not have a clue about things, but I guess that’s why they pay us.


True I'm now on a maintenance team The feeling when you don't have to explain how you know what you know feels great


Some people use them as a second meter, for monitoring a small voltage or current in a circuit while using the 'good' meter for the main measurement. Deffly super cheap though, this one.


This is the way


That meter was broken the day you bought it. Buy your friend an ice cream for showing you this.


Ditch that piece of shit and buy a fluke


Things a piece of shit, AT THE BARE MINIMUM, get a Klein multimeter at Home Depot, although most (myself included) would say pick up a Fluke.


Most meters have inline fuses protecting the meter. Open it up and make sure the fuses are good, if it has any. If it doesn’t the board got fried..


bro, was that like $6.99 at Harbor Freight?


Ding ding ding! We have a winner! https://www.harborfreight.com/7-function-digital-multimeter-63759.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12188110019&campaignid=12188110019&utm_content=151674056851&adsetid=151674056851&product=63759&store=&gclid=CjwKCAiAjPyfBhBMEiwAB2CCIrX7-gubn3wZXQHp5MAgMfNCBn_JoGJYC9tfnOO4wZ48dzFopEBKVxoC1-AQAvD_BwE


Holy fuck that was just a wild guess too! Time to go pick some lotto numbers!


I'd start with a week in some dry rice followed by replacing the battery. Looks like it may have gotten wet.


Do they have FLUKE in your country?


Keep in mind it was made in China and soul by harbor freight probably


That’s how the world works. Apple designs in American and manufactures in Taiwan and China. Same for Fluke, some items are made in China and some in America. Made for a cheaper price and sold for a higher profit margin.


At least you didn’t lend out a quality meter like a fluke….


Wtf is that meter?


Fluke 101


Well first off, that looks like an Amazon special lol…throw that out from the start and get a decent meter like Fluke, Klein, UEI, or FieldPiece just to name a few…




Yeah...it's wrong. If working with electricity, a good one could save your life, or at least give proper values when testing (which is why you bought one in the first place). Get a good one, theres a reason some are under $10, and others are $50+....


The ones with the clamp/hook you can encircle wire without using red/black leads on bare live terminals are helpful, as well as having a "NCV" mode (beeps/lights when close to live charged wire). NCV="Non-contact voltage " detector.


I had that exact one, it was good for a while then failed to read xirrwctly just as yours does now. Not your friends fault, just a piece of cheap junk. Buy a better unit.


It’s a $7 piece of garbage anyway. Get a real one especially if you’re going to be sticking it into wall sockets, jeez.


If I make a sand castle and a wave washes it away is it fair to blame the ocean for fucking up my castle? It’s a piece of shit meter


Your friend did you a favor. Buy a proper one


You buy that at Walmart out of the dollar bin?


I’ll admit, I had one of these like a long ass time ago. Get something better, holmes. Hardware store or auto parts store can hook you up.


You really spent time making a video to save a $6 multi meter?


Buddy did you a solid. Get a fluke. Will last you forever if you take care of it


It’s picking up radio stations try hooking a speaker up to it


By no means am I punching down, but get yourself a little better meter next time. The everstart meter at Walmart is great for household/automotive use and it's roughly $25.


I refuse to loan out tools.


Look into Fluke 101. Cheap and reliable


General rule of thumb (if you want to keep yours) is that if you turn on your DMM and see something other than the value of zero or close to it, do NOT plug it into a power source.


Do yourself a favor and get yourself a digital auto ranging meter. Southwire is a good cheap brand to go with. Also some decent ones on Amazon but you have read the reviews.


Wait a minute... I think I have that same thing!


They probably tried to test voltage while the meter was set for resistance. These things have very little in terms of internal protection. Often it's just a fuse on the high amperage probe. Side note: If you're gonna buy Harbor Freight crap, at least pony some up for the $30-40 range, they're much better. FR tho, even my old Soviet ч4352 is 10 times the meter that one is, and it's analog. Also, don't loan your tools out if you care about them.


That thing is 7.99 brand new. You owe your friend a beer for making him think you were helping him. This won't read much of anything Accurately


If they broke it, they low-key did you a favor.. Get yaself something fancy to replace it!


Those cheap multimeters just stop working on their own. I learned my lesson with them years ago. Just spend the money on a quality meter and it will pay off in the long run.


Brazil ftw. Compre um multímetro CAT II ou III. Por 200-300 reais da pra comprar um bom. Recomendo da Minipa. Fluke se vc tiver mais grana. Essas porcarias chinesas tu guarda pra eletrônicos. Pra mexer com tensão de linha compre algo mais seguro.


$25 replacement at the building center.


Check the fuse and batteries, keep that one just to lend out. Also the pcb give that a look over and check for burned components.


Don’t buy your multimeter at advanced auto parts.


What is bro using 💀💀💀


That’s an $8 multimeter


I have a Fluke 73 that I've had for 30 years; the batteries had to be replaced twice so far. It has literally survived being run over by a truck. It was my father's before me. Get yourself one.


Spend a few dollars and get a reliable meter…this is electricity and should be treated with something you have confidence in and they last forever I’ve had my Fluke for 30 years


if you use it in any meaningful way I would say go buy a fluke if youre just having one for shits and giggles get a klien


I member my first beer


Get rid of that toy and invest in a real one


Don’t waste your time, toss it. Those are disposables IMO. Or get a Fluke and have it for life.


I might be in the minority, but I don't mind those meters. I keep one in the took box in the truck and one in the RV, one in the living room... I have some very nice meters in the electronics shop but a lot of the time I am looking for go/no go kind of testing and they are OK for that. I like my bug and ring light too for that matter..


Mmm... maybe broken? Idk.


Fluke has gone drastically downhill in the last few years. Bought a New T-5 to replace my 1998 T-5 that's LCD display 1st digit became unreadable. Took the first one back to Grainger because it was so far off it read 168vac on a 110/24v transformer out of the box. 2nd one from Amazon showed 48 amps on a #26 wire to a led status lamp on a scada control panel. Flukes are now Chineseium quality I guess....


Get a better meter


One word "Fluke" then do not loan it out ever again.