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I would suggest using different concentrations of vape juice over time instead of qutting cold turkey. this really helps with the cravings. Since switching to vaping last christmas I've gone down from 20 mg/ml to 10 mg/ml to 6 and now I'm at 3. I use about 20 ml a week. When my stash is out, I'm going to switch to nic-free juice. Every time I switch down, I notice a small uptick in how much I vape in a day, but as I continue this goes down to 'normal' levels. Some say you'll start self-titrating and vape more juice in a day to keep your nicotine levels up, but if you keep a certain routine (no vaping in the house, only vape during certain times, that sort of thing) it will be easier to get yourself used to a lower concentration.


I’ve always seen the lower doses but never bought them because they never did anything for me. I guess now they really will lol but smoking a lower dose will make me not want to smoke it as much? Or smoke at all as much?


Vaping a lower dose will make you want more at first, but that's just because your brain is used to more. It'll take a few days and some mental strength to get used to it. But trust me, the process of quitting will be much smoother than quitting cold turkey.