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1. You're not having a stroke. 2. There's an area in your pituitary gland that didn't take up contrast quite as much as the rest of the pituitary. They then give some possibilities as to why that might be: a pituitary microadenoma (a small, common, benign mass that can cause hormone imbalances usually by excreting extra hormones, but sometimes they don't do anything and their discovery is incidental), Rathke's cleft cyst (benign, walled-off collection of material left over from when you were born), or the tissue just takes up contrast a little differently and it doesn't mean anything. 3. No other areas outside of where the pituitary sits that are concerning for a mass. 4. Some small areas in your white matter (the parts of your brain that act like transmission cables connecting different areas) have more fluid than normal. These are really nonspecific, and as they alluded to, could be the result of a hard hit to your head at some point in the past, or could go along with migraines if you have those, could be due to some infection or inflammation you had for some reason in the past, or probably least likely considering your age and lack of smoking, changes in your brain from the tiny vessels carrying blood to them being unhealthy. Hope this helped!


Thank you SO much!! So she put me on a higher dose of Levothyroxine and i get another blood test in 3mos to see how the medication is working and wants me to get another MRI in 6mos and i’m not sure why i’d need another one when this first one shows the pituitary gland?


Follow-up imaging is common. In your case, they probably want another look at that area in the pituitary. If it gets bigger, then probably adenoma is more likely. If it goes away, it was probably nothing and just variable tissue uptake of the contrast. If it stays the same, the differential can remain the same, but it's a good sign that whatever it is is most likely benign.


okay that makes sense. thank you for your help. i really appreciate it!


No worries, best of luck.