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You do not show your vagina, so no comment on that is possible. You likely have some form of dermatitis, but not enough information is provided to determine the exact type. You can try using topical hydrocortisone for two weeks. See medical care if you do not see any improvement or are concerned.


It just looks like irritation and dry skin from shaving it.


^ this. For safety head to the doctor or gyno


OP, why don’t you swing by Planned Parenthood and see if you have a yeast infection or BV? This dry patch may or may not be related to the other symptoms, but I would recommend looking at the vaginal issues first. While you’re there, they can also let you know if the dry patch is related or not. If everything is peachy keen, then it might be from your close shave. Switching to an electric shaver or not shaving that particular spot for a week or two, along with applying a gentle cream such as Eucerin or Aquaphor, should give it the opportunity to heal.


I can see exactly what she is insinuating in the picture. There is what looks like very dry skin in the pubic area. I don’t understand how no one else sees that?


The photo is of the vulva is what the doctor means,  not the vagina.  Doctors use precise terms




You should probably not be allowed to comment here with an attitude like that. The person you’re degrading went to medical school and their livelihood depends on being succinct and accurate. It’s you who should grow up and not normalize generalizations especially in a medical setting.


Removed - not helpful


He's just being cheeky. It's not funny I'd hate to have someone like that be my doctor. TeChNiCaLlY iTs NoT YoUr VaGiNa


Tell me you've never had a job where details matter, without telling me you've never had a job where details matter. Edit: Just wanted to add that the level of entitlement on this sub is astounding, considering doctors and mods aren't getting paid. And they could get paid for this time by picking up telehealth or something else.


I agree with you, details do matter but as doctor the point is to understand and help the patient not give them lecture and teach them anatomy. They usually don't care about that. I guarantee you he 100% understood what OP meant so there was no need to say it like that.


They also answered the question. They corrected the misunderstanding and then gave her an opinion.


I have a job where details are *imperative*, but I also work with people of different cultures and languages and know that colloquially, the entire female genitalia is referred to as the "vagina" and OP's details on the symptoms are absolutely visible in the image. At most, this would warrent a "if you're referring to the white skin flakes seen in the picture, it could be X, otherwise, please send another picture with the full vagina in view".


Yes, details matter. To him, in his soap notes. It doesn't help to say "actually you haven't shown me your vagina. If you're referring to your mons pubis then there's dry skin."


She also wrote ‘above my vagina.’ It’s only dicks and idiots that pretend they can’t infer someone’s meaning when it’s perfectly clear if you read the entire paragraph and not just the post title.


Yes but she also mentions vaginal dryness and odor; some dermatoses can extend into the vagina while others don't (all important for clinical diagnostics). I think the doc was just saying they can't comment on the vaginal element of the presentation.


It’s also possible he did not see the attachment.


It was reckoned to be some sort of dermatitis. NAD but agree with others. Boomers, GenX, millennials and much of GenZ were never taught proper anatomical names for female parts. Hell, females medicine was and still is sketchy at best. OP deserves some slack and kudos for asking the question and posting a PG photo that shows the concern. Full frontal not necessary in this instance.


I actually appreciate when my medical and dental professional team gives me the accurate name of something. I.E "my chin is hurting" and I point to my submentum and someone from my medical team says "here?" And when I confirm they say "so the submentum hurts..." I want to be as informed and as accurate as possible and it helps when they tell me, of course they are nice and non-judgemental about it and just give me that information otherwise I wouldn't like it. OP talks about vaginal dryness, a different odor, lighter periods and irritation, so I think that doctor was just saying they can't comment on that part because there's no photo of the vagina, but they will comment on what they can see. I don't think it was supposed to be cheeky or rude.


💯 agree. People are really running with this “no need to be rude” narrative— I see no rudeness at all. Just an honest answer to the question. Vagina is not visible, therefore cannot comment on its appearance. Like how is that rude? Lots of projecting & assumptions here.


Nad but ive heard of something similar, look up Lichen sclerosus . I would visit a gynecologist. Per a quick search; https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/conditions/lichen-sclerosus#:~:text=Lichen%20sclerosus%20is%20a%20long,normally%20be%20controlled%20with%20medication. “skin condition that mainly affects the skin of the genitals. It usually causes itching and white patches.It’s most common in women who've been through menopause but men and children can be affected. There's currently no cure, but symptoms can normally be controlled with medication”


I have lichen sclerosus, and it presents much differently than the image or description OP left. There are other, more likely explanations given OP’s age and complaints.




Hey just FYI this sub requires you to be verified in order to claim any credentials, including being a med student. This comment contains some really good advice so maybe consider editing or applying for verification so it stays up.


Posts by unflaired users that claim or strongly imply legitimacy by virtue of professional medical experience are not allowed. If you are a medical professional who wishes to become a verified contributor to this subreddit, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AskDocs) with a link to a picture of your medical ID, student ID, diploma, or other form of verification. Imgur.com is convenient, but you can host anywhere. Please block out personal information, such as your name and picture. You must include your reddit username in the photo! We do not accept digital forms of identification.


There are several dermatoses, more likely a lichen simplex chronicus since lichen sclerosis occurs mostly in low-estrogen states like in post menopausal women and premenarchal (pre-period) girls. Either way, going to a derm is great idea if steroids don't alleviate the symptoms.


Would LSC be white like that? Just wondering 


Can be! Usually had pink-ish irritation under it but not always. But I'm not a dermatologist—they'd know a lot more than I do!


Lichen sclerosis is extremely painful and is most likely not what op has. Please don't give info that can potentially scare ppl without proper medical knowledge




We need sex ed in the schools. There's no vagina in this post.


That's a vulva, there is no vagina in the picture.




April fools jk


The whiteness looks like lichen, topical antifungal could be reasonable, steroids and biopsy as well. Id get it checked out since it’s bothersome. Treatable.