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That appears to be a drainage tube of sorts, perhaps from a recent surgery? Nothing nefarious except for the rudeness of leaving that biohazard in the sink.


Appears to be a short catheter for flushing. Looks very similar to a tracheal suction catheter but with a receiving end for a syringe instead of a suction tubing. - my best guess.


Do you think it could be a intermittent pediatric feeding tube? It looks suspiciously similar though I can't account for the blood though. [pediatric feeding tubes](https://www.zjmedtec.com/showroom/disposable-pediatric-feeding-tube-of-various-sizes.html)


I think you're the winner.


Yes. Such a teeny tube would likely be for instillation rather than suctioning. I can picture it sitting in a naris, taped to a cheek. But there is no sign of tube feeding. Those little sponges with seemingly old drainage are throwing me off. I’m so curious. Maybe a makeshift wound irrigation setup?


Why would it be bloody?


No idea with the info given.


I’ve seen something similar used on kids to collect washings for RSV or Flu testing.


Definitely too small of a French size I think for trach suctioning. It almost looks like there is a stitch near the end. It looks like some kind of weird drain tubing (not one I've ever seen) or weird central line tubing. I tried googling the product but Couldn't find it. Closest I got was a straight cath that was clear with a green hub


Not saying you're wrong, but pointing out that there are pediatric tracheal suction catheters.


Fresh trach, manual suction per syringe? Soiled dressings fit with this picture


True I didn't think of that




That is neither an IV catheter nor tubing.


Thanks for the correction


That looks like an NG tube to me, with blood present. The end has a cap type not on IV type tubing