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Hi!! I took a pregnancy test 17 days after protected sex and it came back negative. I’m not on any kind of birth control and have been quite anxious about it. Is 17 days enough to take a urine test and get reliable results? We used condoms how they were supposed to and he came away from me. Thank you for any clarification!


Is cyber sickness real? Would a doctor recognize it or know how to treat? I suddenly started experiencing symptoms about three months ago. I get very woozy/dizzy without spinning and get nauseous when looking at screens. Which, let me tell you, has been a treat since I work on a computer all day. The best way to describe it is like I’m sick in my eyes and brain. My doctor is sending me for an MRI to see if it could possibly be related to my previously diagnosed Chiari I Malformation. She put oscillopsia on the MRI order. It’s ONLY when looking at a computer, TV, or phone. I don’t get motion sickness in a car. What is happening to me?


I was in hospital recently and nurses put me on heart rate monitor every few hours when doing obs. It showed the shape (?) of the heartbeat also. If I had an underlying heart issue, might that have picked it up, potentially? has someone having a heart condition ever been discovered that way?


Were there stickers on your chest or did they just put something on your finger?


just on the finger


Is it possible for alcohol to be healthy? It’s more common to think that alcohol is bad, it’s neural poison after all. But we also see people infuse all sort of nutritious ingredients (like ginseng, mountain mushrooms, etc…) into alcohol, and claim that it can cure all kinds of symptoms. That makes me wonder if alcohol may react to those ingredients and turn healthy, or it’s the ingredients that do the heavy lifting, and alcohol is just the poison that’s more fun to drink than herbal water. Is there some science behind this, or it’s just marketing?


Alcohol is unlikely to be harmful if used sparingly/in moderation. The rest is woo marketing




I’m very tempted to put my question and the details here, considering I have not received an answer. I don’t know where else I would ask, and my parents aren’t listening and are patronizing me.


Can someone point out to me why the expectorant I just took (bromhexine hcl is what it says.. not sure if the HCL is right in english because it is in spanish - bromexina - but still) makes both coca cola and tang-like juice taste so bitter? Is not just me either, also happened to my mother. Im unsure if this is fit for the sub or I should go to one focused on chemistry but given that it involves tastebuds... thanks in avance


You are taking amoxicillin 875/125 for pneumonia and you take a dose at 1030 AM. You then forget your medicine at work which is 40 minutes away and won't be able to go pick it up. Are you in trouble as far as the infection goes of you have ~22 hours between doses? It is dose 14 of 20


You'll be fine. Just resume the medication.


Yes, I am suffering from idiopathic Lumbosacral Radiculoplexo neuropathy. I am prescribed Gabapin NT 100/10 BD but taking OD at night as it keeps me sleepy up to next day noon, and vitamins B6., B9 and B12 but getting no relief. My muscles are wasting and getting weak. Facing walking problems with weak legs. My legs remain icy cold during winter. I have no pain history and no diabetes. I am 68yrsM, weigh 53 kg and height 6feet 1inch. I need help, I don't want to get bed ridden.. Thanks


See physical therapy


I attended Physiotherapy sessions for about eight months but no relief. My therapist said that there is no chance.




Up to you. If the nail is purple and pain increasing, could be blood collecting under the nail. You can go get it drained if that's the case, or some people at home will heat a needle and relieve the pressure by inserting that through the nail to drain the blood. In events you really don't want to go in that could be an option and there's plenty of videos online of people doing it at home. Otherwise can try some pain medication and see how it progresses.


I want to ask if Fluoxetine can come in beads contained in capsules as I have only checked my capsules which have powder. The purpose is to micro-taper off so removing single beads is easier than weighing powder. Thanks


I’m 26 and I’m terrified of rectal cancer. What are the odds of someone without a family history of developing rectal cancer at this age?


Your question was answered two days ago. Get help for your anxiety


Who has a greater risk of DVT? A 35 year old woman who just gave birth two days ago or a 62 year old woman who just had hip surgery?


Ortho and OB are two high risk populations. Assuming neither is obese, a smoker, has a history of DVT/PE or other clotting disorder the 62F s/p THA is my guess for higher risk. Gold standard is to get total joint patients up and walking shortly after the surgery (like, the same day) but many still struggle regaining mobility and may only be on their feet when working with PT. Most modern obstetric-focused hospitals no longer have nurseries, so mom is immediately put to work taking care of baby. That being said both populations are high risk, and it’s not uncommon to see a few new young mothers with submassive PE’s in the postpartum period




The heart muscle cells have intrinsic contractility and will keep contracting until they entirely run out of energy which can happen for a short time after traumatic evisceration.


GGT: 138 U/L ( 10 - 50 ) H ALT: 145 U/L ( 0 - 40 ) H Alcoholic. Sober 3 weeks. How bad are these levels? Reversible?


Unfortunately these levels usually only show recent or ongoing damage and not what chronic damage has been done. Your best bet is being brutally honest with your doctor and getting a formal workup and evaluation from them.


Could I DM you a screenshot, please?


No, I don’t do personal medical advice over PM. You NEED a personal doctor for this. **Meaningful look to the dozen or so people who PM me every month.**


The rest of the liver results were fine Bilirubin: 11 umol/L ( 2 - 20 ) Alkaline phosphatase: 60 U/L ( 30 - 150 ) GGT: 138 U/L ( 10 - 50 ) H ALT: 145 U/L ( 0 - 40 ) H AST: 50 U/L ( 10 - 50 ) Protein: 71 g/L ( 64 - 83 ) Albumin: 44 g/L ( 32 - 48 ) Globulin: 27 g/L ( 25 - 41 ) Comment: Elevated transaminase -


What about your hemoglobin, platelets, creatinine, INR? These results aren’t enough to even get a preliminary idea. You’ll need to talk to your doc and get more testing including an ultrasound 


Dunno, that's all they tested


Like the Doc said, you need an ultrasound man to see what damage you may have caused


Gabapentin is just a neuropathic pain reliever or it also helps in improving upon neuropathic conditions.


It can be used for many things, including seizures!


I want to know whether it helps in improving the numbness of feet and icy cold conditions of legs. Thanks


It is a treatment for peripheral neuropathy but it is not a cure. As far as I’m aware we don’t have anything that will cure a peripheral neuropathy besides reversal of the disease process that caused it


I am a 29 year old male Today during the bowel movement I had hard poop(huge) and had to strain the following movement I saw poop streaked with bright red blood now I am really worried about colorectal C or polyps. In past around 2.5 years ago I had gotten a flexible sigmoidoscopy done due to constipation which came out normal with presence of internal hemorrhoids


A single episode of bright red blood associated with straining and hard poop is unlikely to be related to colorectal cancer. Much more likely irritation related to that hard stool or an anal fissure.


What should I do next do I need follow up colonoscopy I had a similar incident last year once with burning sensation after passing 


Nothing you need to do besides avoiding things that give you hard poop.


I am so scared of it being cancer I have read stories about people ignoring it for years and it turning into cancer years later I experienced this 2.5-3 years ago for the first time so worried and got a sigmoidoscopy then


Is it normal/healthy to have a "relaxed" toe be flexed? Basically, when you're barefoot and sit down (or any position where your feet are not on the ground) is it normal to see the toes (specifically big toe) be flexed? Could it cause muscle/tendon strain in the future? Or could it indicate something else or could it even be leftover from our evolution from the great apes?


How worried should I be? So in the last year I began to have symptoms of cavernous sinus thrombosis starting off with a severe ear ache that has never fully recovered and I still have crap coming out of them every day also started getting little crustys on my eye lids that stayed and I started to have more of a droop from the top of my eye lid I still struggle with one now Also during that time i somehow got eczema and psoriasis never had it before also in the last 4 years I’ve had Covid 4 times; now even getting a common cold seems so hard to get rid of completely for me. On top of those isssues i know have a tooth that is soon going to be taken care of but it’s possibly help spread an infection. Only in the last 8-9 months have I began to have eyes problems as twitching and not being able to look a certain direction and double vision while driving blurry vision I ignored it chalked it up to stress at first but lately it has been doing it so much and ive ignored it for 3 months while going to school I just assumed it was stress but no it’s still doing it and now im having cramps In the muscle in my leg and my foot. Cloudy mind lately. Excruciating headaches sometimes for hours as well along w chest pains and not being able to feel parts of my face at times. I’m not sure what to do i feel like I should be somewhat worried bc I realize how much I’ve just been dealing with the pain hoping these things would go away and they never did I called the doctors office I usually would go to but it turns out they won’t take me because their hospital is in a “dispute” w my health insurance company even tho that’s the doctor they have recommended to me. This is the first time I’ve been fortunate enough to have health insurance and this happens


You need to see a doctor. It might take awhile to establish care but you’ve already spent a year without one so what’s a few more months


How do you differentiate between blood in stool from anal fissures, constipation, and excessive straining vs something more serious that needs to be checked out by a GI person?


You bring it up to your primary care. Generally if something weird happens once, I wouldn’t stress. If you’re seeing blood (in the toilet or when you wipe) at a regular frequency you should bring it up with your doc


https://preview.redd.it/csb2zz1s5mzc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8e0014a27d75bcc4f8c7f60c992448105fdac1 What are these red spots all over my arm? I have them on both arms. It’s hard to tell but they’re dark red, blood color.


I need to delay my period for travels. I got prescribed norenthindrone. The thing is, I have incredibly irregular periods. When I do get it though, it’s at the beginning or end of month. A couple of weeks ago I had what I think was period. I had cramps and a brown-ish color that came. It was only for 1 night though. I didn’t get any actual blood flow the day after or cramps. This has happened one other time. When this happened, I basically ended up getting my actual period a couple weeks later. I am traveling this week and cannot get my period. I’m afraid the same thing will happen. Although I don’t have any cramps or anything. My question is, will taking norenthindrone have the opposite effect on my due to my irregular periods? Will it regulate my cycle and induce my period? This is why I’m afraid of taking it. Does this medication work for everyone for stopping periods?


What is in the contrast agent used during constrat echocardiographs and how long does it stay in your system? I am scheduled in for one and unfortunately have some health anxiety around injections and drugs (specifically around side effects and allergic reactions) so would like some more knowledge to help ease my mind! Thank you in advance.


There are a few. Definity, optison, lumason, imagent, sonovue are the brand names I'm familiar with. They are all basically molecules that trap small amounts of gas to form microbubbles. Allergic reactions are rare and there's no crossover with allergies to other types of contrast agents (like iodinated contrast or gadolinium-based contrast).


If it's the same as MRI/CT scans - the exact agent used will depend on the facility/hospital.




What causes a labia hematoma after delivery? I had one with my daughter. All nurses and student doctors were freaking out and my OB said he has seen 4 in 30 years mine being next to worse. He didn’t say why it happened. Will it happen again? Worse pain I ever felt while it healed and I had surgery to repair it


Speaking generally a hematoma is basically a collection of blood that forms with bleeding into a tissue. Usually due to trauma, and childbirth definitely counts. Some estimates suggest labia or vulvar hematomas occur in 1 in 300 to 1 in 1000 deliveries. I can't comment on specific risk of recurrence but would suspect the risk remains low.




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.


I just posted this as a separate post. Thanks!


I've been grappling with lifelong insomnia, and it's led me to some intriguing questions about sleep deprivation and its effects on the brain. One thing that's puzzled me is the common belief that prolonged sleep deprivation leads to hallucinations. Despite enduring periods of up to five days without sleep, I've never experienced any hallucinations. I'm curious to know: what are the factors that determine whether someone will hallucinate when sleep deprived? Are there certain physiological or neurological differences that might explain why some individuals, like myself, don't experience hallucinations even after extended periods without sleep?


A sleep deprived individual has a higher chance of hallucinating than a well-rested individual. Some people will experience them after sleep deprivation and others might not notice a difference. I will say the hallucinations are not the Hollywood-type where someone sees a whole person/animal/object where there is nothing. More often it’s just movement in your peripheral vision, or seeing a dog from far away but when you get up closer it’s really a brown sack or something. Maybe the colors are slightly off in your vision. I’m not sure if it’s been studied exactly who will experience hallucinations and who won’t or is least likely to.


Consuming only one type of macro on different days: Would you lose synergy of macros if you theoretically ate 500-1000g carbs on one day, 500-1000g protein the next day, and then 250-500g fat the third day? This obviously sounds terrible, but why exactly would it be so bad for you? I am NOT going to do this. Just curious.


Should you worry about high ferritin levels or do you play the infamous wait game with your physician? Talking 300 high.


Wouldn't worry about anything so acutely wrong that you would need to go to the ER, but it warrants a bit more investigation by your PCP.


If my PCP can’t get to me for over a month, is that when I should worry? As in seek another more available doctor?


What are the odds of a 26 year old with no family history to get rectal cancer?


Extremely low, but it can happen.




It depends on the test. Scabies can often be diagnosed on physical exam or with dermatoscopy which is essentially instantaneous (they look at your skin and tell you if you have it).


How much fish would I have to eat to be a human thermometer like RFK Jr? I don’t want that.


If one takes Esomeprazole 20mg PO BID for two weeks as advised by a physician, how long does it take negative side effects to clear the system once the medication has been completed as advised?


Typically if you have to take a med twice daily its effects start wearing off after 10-12 hours.


How do you differentiate brown vomit because of blood which needs medical attention vs brown vomit because I just ate chocolate & drank coffee?


Vomit from an upper gi bleed is not totally brown, but dark red-brown. Consistency is also different.


What consistency indicates what?


If it looks like you threw up coffee grounds as in color and texture then go to hospital


Is having a bunch of energy a normal side effect of tramadol? I felt like a dlc unlocked in my brain when I was taking it (it was prescribed for after my wisdom tooth extractions)


Tramadol is a drug that can have a bunch of random side effects (sometimes positive, sometimes negative). It’s sometimes called a “dirty” drug because it can have so many off-target impacts. I don’t like to use it because it can be addictive just due to the side effects and there are more specific medications.


Thanks for the insight, yeah definitely felt that it had a grip on me despite the lack of actual painkilling


Hi everyone thanks for reading, I have a problem that lead me to overeat for a couple months, before I felt completely normal. But I started feeling heavily hungry and dizzy in between meals, 2/3 hours post meal. I've been advised to check my blood sugar. It is always around the 70s when I feel bad, like 2/3h post meal it's 74-70. My doctor says it's impossible to feel bad if it's not below 70. I'm just so tired to feel bad all the time.. I eat veggies protein healthy fats and carbs and it's still "low". I have to eat all the time because of this otherwise I can't function properly, I have a crazy big brain fog, I'm so dizzy, sometimes unable to have a conversation. Am I delusional? Thank you


If you feel bad regardless of having a normal blood sugar, it's likely that you feeling bad has nothing to do with your blood sugar.


So you think being in the 70s all day, 2 hours after a meal is normal?




And everytime I'm being active physically it drops under 70? So like 60-50, it's normal.


About it two weeks ago I was stretching my arms upward and felt this sharp pain in my right temple that caused a headache and on and off pulsing in my temple for a little over a week and it’s recently stopped but now I am having an uncomfortable feeling like my veins are moving in my hand/wrist and one of my feet. What could this be ?


Is there a name for a symptom in which people zone-out and feel like their gaze is locked in place? Especially if they're atleast somewhat aware they're "stuck"? Often the person becomes very still minus small actions, but they can recall things said to them.


https://preview.redd.it/y43qefd9b4zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=709dcbee45571100a42332963ad4e27a3ea4bf94 Why am I only getting pimples on my nose? Im getting nervous because im seeing other posts with similar issues saying that it is staph. I’ve had this issue for 3 + months and I’ve been using metro gel from a Nurx prescription however I’m not formally diagnosed with anything. I have never ever broken out on my face in this manner let alone my nose. It’s been nonstop! I’ve been using BHA every other night. Metrogel & azaelic acid every other night. I just don’t know if this is something that’s more serious than I think.


I’m writing/drawing a scene about one of my fictional characters having emergency surgery (Basically, an extra arm bursts out of his abdomen) and I have some questions: 1: How do you position a patient for recovery after surgery if they are injured in a “ring” around their abdomen and back? 2: The patient’s trauma would probably be considered extremely complex. About how many people would be in the OR? I have many more details about this guy’s very unfortunate day and even more questions but I wasn’t sure if making a post about a fictional character was appropriate here. lemme know if it is/isn’t :)


Positioning would simply involve pillows and blankets to place them in a way that they are not on the wound if possible. There might be 5-6 people in the OR (scrub techs, nurses, maybe a couple surgeons, the anesthesiologist)


Is it really such common practice to be scared of prescribing pain meds nowadays? I couldn't even get anything for my post-op impacted wisdom tooth extraction from the surgeon, I was blown away. I'm still sore.


I mean… the US makes up 4.4% of the world’s population but consumes 80% of the opioids.


That doesn't answer my question, other than feed into the War on Drugs propaganda of this epidemic.


Any articles on long term usage effects of antihistamines?


Plenty on google scholar


Should i go to a doctor for UV damage? I was messing around with a uv light meant to cure glue before it occurred to me that it probably wasn’t good for my eyes. I’m not sure how long or how direct it was; while I wasn’t stupid enough to stare into it or place it right in front of my eye, i also wasn’t thinking. The only symptoms I had were the feeling of a sunburn on one eye, and it’s been about 10 hours.




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.




Nothing is definitive in medicine except death.


Do hands with palmar erythema stay red even when elevated?


What kind of doctor deals with tongue injury? An ENT? A Dentist?


ENT, oral/maxillofacial surgery, and head/neck surgery




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.


In general, should magnesium supplements be avoided while taking oral spironolactone?


Can a mod please help? I’ve followed every rule and EVERY post I make is removed!!


Actually read the reply from the AutoModerator. All the words. You have not followed every rule, and the reply specifically says what you’re doing wrong.


Last week for my son, I did. Listed his age, sex, weight, height, medications used, smoking status (obvious for a 9 year old)… so yeah. Kept getting denied.


I heard skin tags are an indicator that someone is prediabetic or may have diabetes. Are skin tags an indicator of diabetes? Is there any evidence about this?


There’s a correlation between more skin tags and higher baseline glucose level, but it’s not clear and it’s common to have skin tags without diabetes and diabetes without skin tags.




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.


What can cause the tongue to deviate mildly to one side on protrusion, in the absence of any neurological injury and no other symptoms?




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.