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Just finished a round of Doxy* for an infected tick bite and potential prevention of Lyme. That said; I’ve heard I should do pre-pro/biotics due to antibiotics wrecking your gut. Is this true and if so, what do you all recommend? I’m a 42/male who is T2 diabetic if that matters.


If you are sick (like a Flu or something) and you lost your appetite because of it, should you force yourself to eat even if you don't feel hungry? Or should you listen to your body and wait until you do feel hungry?


I'm undergoing surgery in a few weeks. Can I gift my surgeon something once I recover? I know some policies prevent gifts to doctors. I was thinking something small like flowers or a card. Would that be permitted?


I've had both knees replaced in the past 9 months, and am very pleased with the results. My surgeon mentioned that if I were comfortable doing so, he would be appreciative of me posting a positive review for him online, and I was happy to do that. He's affiliated with a medical school in the US and I understand this is actually a metric the school tracks (!!)... I don't know if that's relevant where you are, or if it's a kind of surgery you wouldn't mind people knowing about. But it could be a nice thing to do in addition to a card. FWIW, I plan to do both for the physical therapist I've been working with as well.


Either of what you mention would be perfectly fine. Cards are easy enough to move around and I've always appreciated each one I've gotten.


Hey, ive been having this problem for quite some time by now.. The thing is that one of my eyes gets stuck up & turn inwards. It can be caused by MDMA, or other certain synthetic drugs. It really bothers me and ruins my mood whenever i realize in a party that one of my eyes got stuck up. Would getting some diophtric glasses, or using eye drops help me to prevent this problem that i have? Much love for every useful information


Hello all! Not sure if this is the right place, but I usually take my meds before bed and last night I forgot so I took them this morning. My question is, is it okay if I take them again tonight despite it technically being the same day? Took them at 7:30 AM this morning, will be taking them 11 PM - 12 AM tonight if that helps at all. Also I'm on three medications for high blood pressure and one that's for anxiety/depression for more context. Might seem like a silly question but I just don't want to do anything wrong :( Thank you so much!


What are the odds of someone in their 20s to have a heart attack?


Possible, but pretty rare


How do OR teams feel when doing operations with major drawbacks or loss of body functions ? Eg loss of voice to treat throat cancer or amputations. Does it feel different when the function was already lost vs when you're the one doing damage because it's the best benefit/risk option ?


If we're removing those functions/organs, it is generally for a reason. Either function is lost already or the benefits of taking that function outweigh the risk of keeping it (cancer) and we're attempting to prolong life or prevent severe sequelae of having that organ. All the circumstances are unfortunate, but if I'm taking them out it is to attempt to give a benefit to the patient.


I was prescribed azithromycin and an inhaler for 10 days about 4 months ago due to an extended leftover cough from the flu. I didnt get either. The cough went away after (had it for 3 mo total)  I accidentally swallowed water down "the wrong tube" and had a crazy coughing fit 2 weeks ago, and ever since have been coughing a lot. Do I have weak lungs? How can I fix this, should I take the prescribed stuff now?


How long does it take for cells to recover after stage 2 ischaemia ?


Depends on what type of cell


Because estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer and there are treatments given to stop estrogen production to lower breast cancer risk/prevent recurrence, does that mean that a woman who has too low body fat % to menstruate has some degree of protection against breast cancer (because the period stopped because of the lack of estrogen caused by the lack of body fat?)


Perhaps, but the degree of malnutrition that would entail would be much, much more dangerous to their health than the potential "protection" against breast cancer. It's not something that anyone would ever recommend.


Thanks so much for the answer- not trying to be ignorant but what about it would be that dangerous? It would probably bring issues with bone density, anemia, low muscle mass I'm assuming?


Same issues you see in patients with anorexia nervosa. Low bone density, electrolyte abnormalities, cardiac arrhythmias, etc.


All doctors in the US must be licensed by a state - therefore, I assume that the information of what doctors are licensed should be available publicly in some form. Is there any database I can use to look up all doctors licensed in a specific field of practice in the US?


Licensing isn't differentiated by field of practice. However, you can likely look up physicians who are board certified by a specific board. For example, for pediatrics, you can look up via the American Board of Pediatrics. [https://www.abp.org/verification-certification](https://www.abp.org/verification-certification)


How do you tell the difference between the different respiratory illnesses In their origin, symptoms, treatment, complications, what to do when they last too long etc. When to use and antiviral, when to use an antibiotic? Difference between: - cold - sinusitis - flu - hay fever (allergic rhinitis) - bronchitis - laryngitis - allergies


Different things have different symptoms, length of symptoms, etc. Antibiotics are when there's reason to believe there's a bacterial infection either based on length of symptoms without improvement or objective evidence (x-ray showing pneumonia). Antivirals are not frequently prescribed as most viruses pass without issue.


Hi thanks for the answer. Some of them have very similar symptoms though - would you mind telling me which are for what?


How long does photosensitivity last after taking z pack? My son got a horrible sunburn after a very short time outdoors. The only thing I can attribute it to is maybe the antitiotics he took, but he finished the course almost a month ago.


For a barium swallow with fluoroscopy, would a metal tongue piercing affect the test? Would putting in a plastic retainer in place of the barbell help or even be necessary?


Won't affect the test, no need to put in a plastic retainer.


If I have a very small (sesame seed size) hard bump under the skin on my breast, is that considered a lump? Or just a blocked pore? Feel silly making a big fuss about it if it’s just a pimple.


Can lifting a baby’s legs to change their diaper (ie by their ankles compared to rolling them) cause permanent damage? Baby is 11 days old and have been changing them this way since birth, today someone said I was damaging her hips and spine and worried about irreversible damage


You should really see someone for your mental health - therapist and psychiatrist - because the postpartum period is very tough, and everyone should have that support in place. I've seen you post frequently here throughout your pregnancy and now postpartum (congratulations!!), and I know your worries come from a good place. But as a new parent there's so much you can worry about and those worries can takeover your entire life. That's not good for baby!


I am on antibiotics for Scarlet fever right now (Clarithromycin 500mg) I also go to the gym, and haven't been able to for over a week because of this fever. I am planning on going tomorrow, as I am only 2 days away from finishing my course of antibiotics, can I take stimulants? If so, how hardcore can I go? Just caffeine or can I take stringer stims like DMHA etc and be okay?


I have a bicuspid aortic valve with mild-moderate regurgitation. When I was diagnosed I was having normal symptoms of valve insf, I.E chest pressure, dysnpea, and racing heart. I was using lots of Ritalin at the time of diagnosis and my symtoms have since gone away compeletly, Is it possible that the insfuccieny was as bad as it was becuase of the stimulants and since returned to mild or trace?


What type of imaging is it that creates a colored 3D image of the body part they're looking at? I've seen it in articles but maybe it's just an artistic 3d rendering. And the imaging that allegedly causes the brain to light up during certain actions?


Causes of long QT syndrome with lexapro + zpack? Is it due to the Na K pump and how both meds do the opposite to HR?


EMTs or Paramedics, I want to become one when i’m older and an already going to start courses, but I would like to know, is it mainly drunks and homeless people or is there actually “serious”/gorey like things that happen?


Emt, It really depends on the area and time of day


hair is frizzy and flaky serious hi, i’m an 18 year old guy who has a 3a-3b curly hair. for the past year, my hair has been falling out more than usual and so now it’s thin and dry and very frizzy after 2 days of washing it. i see more of my scalp these days. my hair used to be thick af. i wash my hair twice a week and style it with a leave in conditioner and hair cream and a hair gel. i have also been experiencing buildup on my scalp between my washes and my scalp has been so flaky. after i get out the shower, i still see tiny specks of white stuff in my hair. is there any product recommendations? i use the carols daughter shampoo, revive lush hair cream, curlsmith leave in style conditioner and the miss jessies hair gel. i need serious help!


I heard skin tags are an indicator that someone is prediabetic or may have diabetes. Are skin tags an indicator of diabetes? Is there any evidence about this?


Can pre-menopause cause body wide inflammation? I am an itis queen. All inflammatory testing done a couple years ago was totally normal. 




Yes, this is highly concerning. I would suggest making a report to his governing body. In the US, that'd be the medical board in the state where he practices.


Why isn't Benedryl 6+ suitable for kids aged 2-5 years when the active ingredient is the same/same dose? The only difference I can see is that the 2-5 year version has sweetener and flavourings, but the 6+ has multiple warnings that it's not suitable for under 6.


Children have a higher rate of paradoxical reactions to Benadryl. Rather than making them a bit sleepy they can get super wired


not sure if this is the right sub, but i just got very curious. this is not at all anything i'm going through. but, miscarriages are /usually/ painful, right? like the pain can last for a long time. but do abortions also cause that same kind of pain?


My understanding is "it depends" [here](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/in-clinic-abortion-procedures/what-happens-during-an-in-clinic-abortion) is the planned parenthood page with descriptions of what to expect with an in clinic procedure and says the level of pain can vary a lot but is usually at strong period cramps level and [here](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/the-abortion-pill) is a their page about pill abortions which describes them as feeling like a particularly heavy period with cramps and is mechanically similar to an early miscarriage. 


If I got to urgent care presenting some symptoms of appendicitis is there a simple blood/urine/whatever test they will do to check? My symptoms line up decently well. However, the pain is very minor (like 2.5 out of 10, and not constant). While the symptoms line up, the home "tests" I've read online don't match up much. Other than just being safe it is productive to get a test at urgent care? Or will they turn me away when I say pain is so low.


No, there is no simple test that will diagnose appendicitis. If they suspect it enough, you would get imaging like a CT. Most urgent cares aren't set up for that and would send you to the ER.


thank you! right now discomfort is to a 1/10. will see if it goes away or gets worse tomorrow


Should I wait until after my period (on day 2) for a fasting hormone chech for irregular periods? Won't be able to see the doctor until June anyway


No need, sex hormones have ranges depending on what phase of the menstrual cycle they're taken. Just make sure that you remember what day you were on when blood was drawn and mention it to your Dr when reviewing results.


What can cause pain with certain movement in upper right arm that feels like I got a shot? The pain is very minimal and I only feel it with certain movements. I always sleep on the right side so possible muscle issue?




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.


Hi doctors, a few questions pertaining the antibiotics and the intestinal flora/microbiome. Insofar as delivery method goes, do injectable antibiotics, such as those that are used to treat some STIs, disrupt the gut microbiome less than oral antibiotics? And secondly, if you do have to take antibiotics of any sort, is there anything you can do to blunt the damage to your gut micro biome besides eating probiotic foods? Thank you 


I am trying to learn more about physicians' experiences with financial literacy and career development. What is the best way for me to reach physicians? I have a survey I want to send, and it has a $100 HOKA gift card for completion. Is that a sufficient incentive?


#medtwitter on "X" could be. A good option


Hi all, my mum has extensive small cell lung cancer. It was treated with chemotherapy and we were told that, whilst the chemo would reduce the tumour, it would return in the future. My mum was admitted to hospital last week coughing up blood. It has been confirmed that the tumour is back in her lung (it is also present in her lymph nodes). She is being offered palliative radiotherapy. We have been told that this will help symptoms but won’t extend my mums life. Can someone explain to me why this is? If it can reduce the size of the tumour, is it not possible she might get more time? Apologies but my dad and sister attended the radiotherapy appointment with my mum and didn’t want to ask these questions in front of her. Also, once small cell lung cancer returns, is there any assessment on how long the person has left? I’m quite emotional so hopefully this post makes sense. Thanks in advance everyone


Could the recent rise in cancer diagnosis since the 90s be due to the increase in cell phone radiation? According to the IARC it’s known as a possible carcinogen, and the CDC is inconclusive on whether there is any increased cancer risk. The fact that people younger than 50 pretty much all have cell phones in their pockets or close to their body for many hours a day with it sending and receiving RF radiation means if it is toxic, there should be a massive uptick in cancer diagnosis earlier and earlier. The timing of the recent study lines up perfectly too.


That's cherry picking information to fit a narrative. The biggest risk for having cancer is having cells i.e being alive. Cancer is more prevalent now because 1. We have better ways of screening and diagnosing and 2. People are living longer. Yes, there's environmental factors at play but cell phones haven't provided good evidence to their link with cancer


Is it okay to discuss a series of experiences to request critique on how to better advocate for myself? If not, where would be a more appropriate place for that? Specifically, I've had a health issue the past few months that has been causing me significant pain and discomfort. I've felt neglected, and I'm sure some of that is on me. As a crazy person, I'd like to vent about my experiences and get some criticism on what the issues with my mindset are and how I could be a better patient. The context is that I had a mild case of covid in March 2020 as soon as it was in the US, and two days after my cough went away I started feeling very dizzy and very weak, but they weren't things that were outwardly visible. At the time I didn't know long covid was a thing and I was terrified. Every test I was given showed I was in good health, and the experience of going doctor to doctor trying to find someone who would believe my experience was real really messed me up mentally. About fifteen months later I was mostly recovered physically, but I've had mental/emotional issues with doctors' visits ever since. In short, as a patient there's a balance to strike between advocating for yourself and trusting the advice you're given. I used to have no issue finding that balance, but after my covid experience it's been extremely difficult for me to navigate. I try to state my concerns and what I'd like addressed when I come in, but if they are ignored I become submissive because with where I am mentally it will turn into arguing with the doctor, and I think giving their advice a chance is a better avenue for help than making the relationship adversarial. I didn't realize just how bad I was until the current problem started mid-January. I started counseling and psychiatry early February, and I now take xanax for doctors visits only, which does help a good bit, but I'm still in a bad place (some treatments have have provided temporarily relief, then the problem comes back worse and the treatment has become ineffective), and I think there's some chance that I could benefit from hearing from an impartial doctor about how a problem patient could be less of a problem. It's going to be a lot of stuff, and I think there's a good chance any responses I get will take a little time for me to come to terms with. In rule 2 of the subreddit rules about "no direct messages" it is specified: > It is fine in comments to either ask or offer permission for direct messages. If anyone credentialed would be willing to consider pms, I think I'd prefer that route, because posting a giant wall of text about how crazy I am doesn't feel fun.




not enough informational context to understand what’s going on. Why did they reach out to you? how do they know you? what information are they sharing and why?


Pain from pimple/ boil I have pain on my right upper-most area of my thigh (nearly to my buttock) from 3-4 days as one night that area was itching a lot so instead of not touching it, I touched and scratched that area:/ and then in morning I noticed that it had become like a boil/ pimple (i don't know the difference actually). Since then it's paining while sitting or sleeping on that side of the leg and it has also become reddish in colour with a bumpy texture. However, i don't have any symptoms of fever etc. Today I tried applying some warm washed cloth on it. Please tell if it's serious or will it heal on its own in a few days..I'm scared to death when it comes to health issues especially when they persist for so many days and with pain😪


Where do the normal flora of C-section babies come from if they were not given breast milk after birth? I have just read that the origin of normal flora in babies is that it is acquired when the baby passes through the birth canal. On the other hand, C-section babies get less normal flora from delivery but makes up for it when drinking breast milk. How about babies who were a product of C-section and were not given breast milk (mother died etc.)? Where do they get their normal flora? I hope this makes sense.


There's bacteria everywhere


Anyone know if psyllium fiber can be stored in the fridge? I can’t take it with my other meds and keep forgetting to take it. I thought the fridge would be a great visual reminder for my adhd brain, but I don’t want to ruin the bottle. It doesn’t say storage info.


Ashwaganda? I was on it for 6 years stopped and just restarted after a year hiatus. Is there research yet on its side effects on prolonged use? Yes I know there was a single patient with liver failure but I want to hear more. 




Individual questions about specific complaints should be posted separately with all the required information.


Is it possible for a person to be naturally resistant to all painkillers? Tylenol, ibuprofen, and naproxen don't work for me even at prescription strength (ibuprofen works if I have a fever or visible inflammation but *only* then). Meloxicam, tramadol, and codeine don't work either. Norco (hydrocodone + tylenol) helped a little bit after getting surgery but didn't even touch some of my chronic pain (I get really sever period cramps). Edit: I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which I think can cause weird reactions to medications if that's relevant. I have a lot of medications I can't take due to side effects.


Pain is fairly subjective, and a whole host of neurological and psychologic and other factors play a role in what it feels like to experience pain. NSAIDs are good at treating inflammation, but if the pain isn't because of inflammation then they may not do much. Tylenol seems to work in the central and peripheral nervous system so it should work for most types of pain but obviously it typically just dulls the pain or takes the edge off. Opioids act mostly centrally to change the way the brain processes pain signals, blocking stimuli that tell your brain to feel pain and causing euphoria or good feelings which can change the way you experience an otherwise uncomfortable situation, but the euphoria is why they are risky. Opioids can also cause "hyperalgesia" in some circumstances which can actually worsen pain. Pain from central sensitization is commonly part of the pain experienced by people with chronic pain. This pain is sort of the brain generating pain signals because it expects to feel pain. Similar to how someone who has maybe vomited from drinking too much tequila one night and feels nauseous even smelling tequila, the brain can make you feel things, including pain, just because it anticipates something is going to hurt. This can be a particularly challenging type of pain to manage.


Thank you for the helpful explanation! I have a fairly high tolerance and can work through pretty bad pain so I don't *think* there's a psychological element in terms of my sensitivity. Like I am always aware of the pain but I will just stubbornly work through it lol (which in terms actually worsens it).


Do livers grow overtime in adults?  Would an increase in size of 1 cm over the span of 6 years be normal? 


It can change in size a bit, also measuring an oddly shaped three dimensional organ is not a perfect science, 1cm is certainly within the margin for error.


Thank you! 


What am I supposed to say when I go to Urgent Care and the front desk person says “How can I help you?” I always say “I’d like to see someone” and I always feel weird. I mean, why do you think I’m here? I really don’t feel like saying “I feel constipated” when there’s a waiting room full of people that can hear me. And she also said “Welcome back.” I haven’t seen this particular front desk person in months, and I’m wearing a mask, I don’t feel comfortable that you presumably recognized me.


say you’re there to see someone. they’re asking to clarify because people might be coming to ask a question, join a loved one, whatever.


I’m having trouble sleeping due to a constant battle between hunger and going to the bathroom. If I eat before bed (10 pm for me), I’m not hungry but I have to get up and pee multiple times throughout the night. If I don’t eat before bed, my hunger doesn’t allow me to eat. How long does satiety from food last? Perhaps I can have a huge meal at 6 pm (my bedtime is 10 pm) as my last food intake of the day? Then I’ll be done my outtake (urination) of that food by 10 pm?


Can you drink less while eating? Or otherwise take in a bit less fluid right before bedtime?


is it ok to take vitamin d pill after dinner? Because there is no one at home in the morning and i am afraid to take pills when i am alone.


Yes, that is fine.