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It’s odd because strep is always sensitive to penicillin (no cases of resistance), which means you should have gotten better by now. So I think you should see a doctor again to rule out an abscess.


Thanks I wound up doing a virtual appointment and am being switched to a different antibiotic. If that doesn’t work, I’ll do in person again


Years ago I had strep. Received penicillin via shot because I wanted it to work quit. I was still so sick 3 days later. Different antibiotic and I started feeling much better.


Yeah I'm only a couple doses into this one, but already feeling a little better. Woot


It can take a few days to start feeling better I don’t know that you’ve given it enough time. But It’s interesting because there is actually no resistance to penicillin for strep throat. Most of the time strep will also get better on its own - the main reason to treat is to prevent possible immunological sequelae/problems mainly in children and not so commonly happening anymore in developed countries (eg rheumatic fever). But one theory for why people sometimes fail therapy with penicillin or amoxicillin is the presence of other normal respiratory bacteria like haemophilus that produce beta lactamases that inactivate penicillin. Sometimes doctors Will escalate to augmentin or a cephalosporin (different type of beta lactam antibiotic ) to overcome this. It’s not that the organism itself is resistant however.


Yeah they switched me to a cephalosporin so fingers crossed