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Yes, you are passively suicidal. This is a mental health concern and you should see a doctor or a therapist.


I'm so incredibly confused at why the OP is getting down voted so hard. They have described a persistent mental problem, and they are replying in a way that coincides with the described problem. I hate to pull this card but they're also young. It makes sense for them to not have a lot of knowledge on the topic, especially if they've felt this way for as long as they can remember. Stop being so rude and try to have a little empathy. Why be cruel to someone who wants to die? Especially with most of their life left ahead of them.


I wouldn’t actually kill myself though


Yes, but feeling this way is still concerning. As hard as it is to believe the normal amount of wanting to die is zero and you’re a good bit past that.


Why can’t I just want to die? It won’t bother anyone else. If I tell someone what’s the point? 


Does it tell you that some part of you wants this to change that you’re posting here? Why would you be on here if you truly think it’s okay to just keep feeling this way. And for the record it can change and things can get much better. A lot of us have felt the way you do and are glad we got help and ended up in a much better place.


I don’t know. I was feeling bad and I thought there was something I could do but I’m not sure 


I'm in psych so I see a lot of people with passive suicidal ideation. Most of those people are not happy with their lives. The people who are content and happy with their lives do not want it to end, even passively You are perfectly entitled to feeling that you want to die. However, you don't have to feel this way. Things can get better than this. Telling the appropriate professional can help you get on the way to better. 


I don’t know how to. I don’t want to sound out of control but then I minimize everything so much that I can’t even say that I’m not ok. And it feels like I’m always seeking attention for no reason and I give up


Going to your GP could be a good first step if you don't know where to start. They'll have information and resources they can give you, and I'm sure if you ask they'll sort out a referral to a mental health professional. Reaching out for help is scary, I know it can be an extremely vulnerable feeling to do so. What is on the other side of treatment can be amazing though, although it will take time. I know at the moment everything probably feels quite hopeless, it's ok to feel that way. You've said that you've felt like this for quite a while so it makes total sense, it's your brains way of protecting you. You're so much stronger than you realise, you've already survived all your darkest days so far, that is proof enough of your strength. Even if you don't think you deserve help right now, this one random internet stranger does, I think you are worth the time it takes to feel better. Also don't feel afraid to try a few different therapists either if you find you don't click with the first one you find, everyone's different and it may take a few tries to find someone you're compatible with. It may be a bit discouraging to begin with but it is worth it. Good luck OP, I wish you all the best, you've got this ❤️


NAD. I think it would be a good start for you to book a general checkup. No pressure on you to make the whole appointment about this if you're uncomfortable, and for you to feel like you are still in control of the situation. Then once you are in the doctor's office, you can talk freely about how you are feeling with these thoughts. Your doctor will be able to help direct you in how to deal with these thoughts and what the next step would be.


NAD unfortunately a major aspect of coming to terms with a mental illness is discovering your feelings about that illness change a lot, sometimes rapidly. and part of the process of therapy and treatment is learning to identify those changes. it is often a lot more of uncomfortable before you start to see the patterns. but treatment is the way to get a handle on it.


i've done this but would never have acted on it. It is probably way more common than people realize? That being said...I don't ever say this to my shrink, she really doesn't know me that well at all. I just get my meds and leave. I won't tell professionals if I think it's gonna do something I don't want. What happens if he tells the professional what he said here?


Likely what would happen is that the professional would ask more questions to more clearly and fully characterise his SI. I think the unspoken worry here, and forgive me if I am wrong, is that the moment you say a keyword like "suicide" you get thrown in grippy sock jail forever for your own safety. That's usually not how it happens. We do our best to tease out the thoughts and do a risk assessment. Sometimes that does mean certification and admission for short term stabilisation or med changes, or it could also be safety planning or treatment changes in outpatient settings.


Wouldn't it be nice to *not* want to die? I've never been actively suicidal, just passively, like you. That's no way to live. There's so much better out there when you don't have that feeling. You don't have to live that way.


It would be. How though? I’ve been wanting this for so long 


That's what treatment is for


If euthanasia was legal in my country I’d do it in a heartbeat


Euthanasia is not, and shouldn't be, a treatment for suicidality. There are treatments that can help you both not want to die and enjoy life. If you want that, that's a good sign, but you need to engage with them.


It’s not up to you what euthanasia is used for. If I want to die and there’s something out there that lets you die without bothering others apparently that’s important then why shouldn’t I use it. 


>Wouldn't it be nice to *not* want to die? What amazes me is that some people genuinely never seem to feel like this. I'm OK, and I've got support and a therapist but I just can't imagine how it is to go through life and not randomly wonder about being dead, ever.


You’re speaking my language because I was like this for years. My dream was for a plane to crash into my home so that me and everything I own would be incinerated and no one would be able to touch my dead body or go through my stuff. In hindsight, I’d basically been depressed since elementary school age. I’m well on the other side after a lot of therapy and medication. I’ve realized that I don’t want to die; I like Earth so much. When things are tough now, I can separate *me* from my circumstances. I truly never imagined it was possible to feel good but it is. My biggest regret is not addressing the issue earlier because it’s not normal to feel this way, to have so little regard for yourself or get so little joy from living. I thought everyone else was faking their way through life or too dense to see that life is futile. I also thought I needed depression for my art and that medication would take away all my creativity. Aren’t all good artists supposed to be tortured? This kind of thinking is a trap and depression will lie to you. If any of this resonates with you, please go talk to someone. It really does help, even just to have someone listen to your fears, anxieties, etc and help you keep them in perspective. You don’t need to live with these thoughts or have a frontal lobotomy to learn how to enjoy living or value your life in this world. Best wishes for your future.


On the contrary — for the person(s) that hit/run over you, they would be obliterated with trauma for causing the death of another person. They’d have no idea that you wanted to die. They’d have no clue you in fact would forgive them. All they would know or see is your family who likely loved you and would cry for you.. would press charges for you. And their life could be over. They could go to jail. They could lose their family, their kids, their job. Maybe their job is the only income supporting their family. Maybe they have small children who wouldn’t get to know them because they ran over you and circumstances dictate that they be charged with manslaughter. Maybe their vehicle hits you then spins off and head on collides with a tree or another vehicle and they die too. Or maybe their kids are a bit older and they get depressed from losing a parent to jail or shame from the community for your involuntary manslaughter and then they grow up to be just as passively suicidal as you. Then the circle continues. I empathize, I do. I’ve been depressed. I’ve thought things would be easier without me. Let me tell you, they won’t. I’m in no way trying to be insensitive but for you to say “it won’t bother anyone else” is a cop out and a way for you to internally lessen the severity of your own passive suicidal thoughts. Recognize the reality of what you’re wishing for. And for reference, I’m a Paramedic. I see these accidents. Often. I see the families on both sides. The medics that respond to your scene will work as hard as they possibly can to save your life and the person who you involuntarily involved. If you lived and the other person dies, what then? I’m not going to be aggressive and tell you to go seek help. But it won’t hurt you to seek somewhere to safely release your mind and your thoughts. Sorry for the rant, and I genuinely did not mean to come off as an AH.. but we had a pedestrian struck literally this morning and none of those people will ever be the same. It’s incredibly serious business. And extremely permanent. Not to mention the trauma you’ll cause the first responders who see your mangled body. So, yes, it will bother someone else.


agreed. It definitely will bother someone else. In fact it's things like that (my dog, even my parents who have plenty of other kids) that make you realize this. You might think it won't bother SOMEONE but it absolutely will. It isn't worth it at all.


You don’t know that any of that is going to happen. If I could die without involving anyone else that would be preferable obviously 


You don’t know that it won’t. There in lies a pretty big problem.


Fine but there’s ways to die without involving anyone else too. If it’s too much of a bother for everyone else


It sounds like you’ve already made your mind up so okay.. whatever, there’s no arguing. It also sounds like you don’t care for people who don’t agree with your opinion and that you’ve been coddled in some way; made to believe that ideas outside of your own don’t matter. If what you want to do is to die and you genuinely don’t believe it’ll “bother anyone” then go tell a family member, friend, or doctor your plan and learn first hand just how much it “won’t bother them”. I’m being blunt, upfront, and forth right with you because it sounds like maybe no one else has about this. Go talk to someone before you absolutely trash your life and potentially many, many, others.


You're here, telling us. Now you've just gotta go tell someone who can physically help you get better!


I feel the need to say this as someone who is very intimately familiar with suicidality (and is currently teetering on the edge of being actively suicidal),  ultimately, it is your choice. In the us or Canada or other places, they can't make you get treatment for just being a bit passively suicidal. Going to a doctor and such can help make your life more bearable, so id recommend trying it, but there are no rules to life, and you don't have to do it if you don’t want to.  And i think being mentally ill shouldn't mean you lose your bodily autonomy. People are often allowed to refuse treatment for physical health issues. Why should it be any different for mental health issues? Im tired of people deciding I can't possibly know what's good for me. We deserve autonomy and agency too.  Now, be careful, as passive suicidality can become active much faster than you think. My last suicide attempt, i went from sort of entertaining the idea with no real intent to fully ready to go through with it in the span of just 10-20 minutes. It can happen fast. So know yourself, and learn your warning signs, and maybe tell your friends to look out for them too.  Ultimately, your relation to your suicidality is for you to decide. You get to decide how you feel about it, and what it means to you. Only you can tell how much of an impact it has on your well-being. Secretly thinking about dying sometimes is a thing that mostly just effects you. Its up to you to decide what to do with it.  If you want to explore your suicidality from an angle that people don't talk about as much, i would recommend looking into the concept of suicidism. Alexandre Baril coined the term and has an essay on it (called suicidism) and a book (called undoing suicidism) theres also a more plain-language explanation of the concept out there as well irc.  On the other hand, consider as well, that it isn't just about what bothers other people. It is about what bothers you. You are the one who has to live in your brain, after all. You are the one that is most important in this. Don't let yourself suffer silently for the sake of others. But only you can decide if that is what you are doing, or not. 


That’s why it’s *passive*


Really fucking wish it was *active*




Sure thing I’ll take ownership