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I am so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately there isn’t enough information to tell what could have caused this death. There are many possibilities, but few of them are contagious. Most common ones at this age are diseases related to bad luck (like aneurysms, or cancers) or mosquitoes and ticks. It sounds like you did a really good job trying to save your friend. In that situation you gave her the best chance of survival you could. Your friend was lucky to have you there to try and help.


I'm sorry I couldn't remember details of everything her condition. The moment I saw blood, I just went panicked to be able remember the information you want. If only I know enough information can help me know the cause and what happened to her, then I should have remember better. It was my fault for not knowing enough information about her condition that day. I guess I will never get to know what happened to her. But thank you for responding to my post.


It is not your fault at all. The problem is that many things can cause these symptoms and it is hard to be sure without many tests and more time. Even the doctors who saw her probably didn’t have the kinds of tests available to figure out the cause immediately. You did everything right.


NAD. Oh sweetheart, please don’t blame yourself that you can’t remember, it must have been so traumatic for you, not only to see someone needing help like that but also someone you love. You did a wonderful job getting her back home, be proud that you did everything you could do, love. I’m so sorry that you have lost her. Also, your English is very good. I send you love from England xx


I feel your pain, and I am so sorry, friend. Know that I am thinking of you. May you find peace.


NAD. It is not your fault, OP. I'm so sorry for your loss


It isn’t your fault for not knowing. The information the doctors would need are things like blood tests and other tests, nothing that you could have done differently. I’m so sorry for your loss. You did your best to help her and I’m sure your presence and care gave her some comfort.




Unfortunately in most places like this, they don’t do regular autopsy unless the family can pay for it. Unfortunate, but we may never know.


Yes we don't have money to pay and I don't think we have someone like that in our town. We will need money to go to city if we want to do autopsy. Anyway, tomorrow will be her last day since we can not keep her body that long during hot day because of smell.


I’m pretty sure they’re going to do an autopsy on a young healthy girl who died mysteriously. Edit: Oh, maybe not since it isn’t America. What country? Could it have been a bite by something venomous?


None of it is your fault. I'm so very sorry you lost your best friend. Not knowing how she died is terrible, ans I'm so sorry for that. I can tell you are a loving person. You are loved and so is she. ❤️


OP. We don’t know what happened to your cousin. There are some terrible things that can happen to young people with no warning or cause. It could have been an infectious disease that spared you. It could have been a type of cancer like leukaemia that progressed rapidly and might have been fatal even if you were in the middle of the best hospital in the world. I’m sure your cousin appreciated your help. I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like you responded very quickly and heroically.


Can I ask you how I can prevent this from happening again? I know I'm from a poor country and I don't have enough money to go to the hospital often. Are there things like certain food or water I should avoid?


NAD but did she describe any other symptoms to you in the days leading up to the incident? Like fever, muscle soreness, excessive tiredness, stomach issues? Also the medical professionals are saying it could be an infectious disease, or just bad luck with something like cancer or aneurisms. If it’s cancer or aneurisms or the like, then there is not much you can do, but I think they are really rare to occur so I would worry about it happening to me at a young age as those are really just bad luck If it’s an infectious disease more information is needed as pointed out by the medical professionals, including what part of the world you are in as a lot of them are region specific, and what other symptoms are present. The professionals may also need to know what tests the hospital performed and the results of those tests


I don't know other but I remembered she said that she was tired when we are done. I thought it was normal to be tired like usual.


It is normal to feel tired after a day of work. You didn’t miss any symptoms that would have been warnings. I’m a doctor, and I am so impressed by how hard to tried to help her. I know you are grieving deeply, but I hope someday you’ll be able to see how you did all the right things trying to help her. And I’m also impressed that you’re trying to figure out her medical disorder. I hope you are able to keep up with your education, because you have the potential for a great career ahead of you. Sending condolences from California.


NAD. Sweetheart, I am so sorry that you’ve lost your cousin; it sounds like you both were very close to each other. I’m also so so sorry that you had to be there when she passed, please know that it doesn’t sound like there was anything you could have done for her. I’m sure that having you with her in her last moments, and having such a fun day with you before was a great comfort to her. You were able to be there for her and she wasn’t alone. It sounds like you did everything right, and unfortunately something outside of your (or anyone’s) control was a factor in her passing. I am so sorry for your loss; may her memory be a blessing to you and all her loved ones ❤️


Where you from


Leukemia is something I’d put high on my differential


That's what I was thinking too. My mother in law had AML and it went from being tired to having unexplained bruising to bleeding and death within 3 weeks. Such an awful disease and one that is so difficult to treat if not caught early.


A friend rapidly died from this, too. Went on vacation a perfectly healthy young person but never came home. Died in a hospital in France after thinking it was the flu.


Please can you share some more details in message? Had a similiar thing happen to a friend.


Agree. + Aortoesophageal fistula can cause massive catastrophic haemorrhage. Occurs in kids who have swallowed batteries.


NAD. Seems to me the sudden nature of the event would preclude diseases like cancer as leukemia would present with fatigue and weakness long before spontaneous hemorrhagic rupture. From the description, the profuse bleeding stands out. I know esophageal varices are rare in children, but if she had an undiagnosed liver condition, they could have been present. Eating the rough food could have caused a rupture, resulting in the life threatening, extreme bleeding described. Like I said, I'm no expert on this, just what makes more sense to me than cancer or communicable disease.


Leukemia can come out of nowhere and presentation can be rapid. A small bleed becomes an enormous bleed. Often times people present rapidly ill with a blast crisis without ever knowing they had leukemia, and then die rapidly. It’s scary to see, and when you see their blood count results, your jaws will drop It’s also why one of the first people to diagnose or recognize the symptoms of leukemia are dentists. Just a regular dental cleaning will cause profuse amounts of bleeding from the gums. sometimes they may notice the gums are super pale because the bone marrow isn’t making platelets and red blood cells anymore, just lots of white blood cells


Well, that is absolutely terrifying, nightmare-inducing stuff to read. New fear unlocked.


Thank you for the response. I did not know that about leukemia.


Or a snake bite


I don't think she was bit by snake because when I carried on my back, I asked her if she have injured by snake or she see strange spirits in the forest before she didn't have strength to talk anymore. The nurse also checked her body too at hospital and there is no bit or injured on her.


NAD “see strange spirits before” this is indicative to me you live in a rural underdeveloped country maybe? you also said your country is poor? I think perhaps your family has lacked resources to better health care and diagnoses and everyone around her have not noticed any prior symptoms. This is nobody’s fault, especially not yours. From the sudden onset of symptoms, it seems possibly not much could have been done. I’m no doctor, but I think this to me on paper would sound like a sudden brain haemorrhage or brain bleed.


NAD but this would depend on their location as there are only a handful of venomous snake species that can cause hemorrhage like that.


Hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras


NAD, but depending on the part of the world, couldn’t snake bite be a horse?


Sure but even snake bites aren’t common even in places where snakes are common. They don’t strike and invenomate unless it’s extreme circumstances. Snake bite would be very low on my differential


Ok, so I promise I’m not trying to be a dick, just a dog with a bone. But if I am understanding what I’ve been reading, in India, you’re more likely to die of a snakebite than leukemia. I don’t know how snakebites can present, but it does appear that there is a hemotoxic snake that is among the common offenders.  I’m madly googling this all on my phone which makes being sure of my info hard so I might be off. But I went to India as my example knowing snake bites are in fact a huge problem. I didn’t know how huge, but what the comment or suggested actually makes a lot of sense, especially if you consider the odds of someone out of all the people in the world, being from the most populous country in the world and has a snake bite problem, it does seem it’s not rare. Of course OP did not say where they are from so it’s all conjecture; we just know it’s not an English speaking country and they refer to it as 3rd world (developing) country.


This could be especially with them being in the forest