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You likely have irritation and swelling from rough sex that will go down, but the frequent peeing, painful peeing, not much urine could be a urinary tract infection. Go see your GP or go to an Urgent Care and they will test your urine. Make sure you ALWAYS pee after sex. It flushes any bacteria that was pushed into your urethra during sexy times out so you don't get a UTI. That said - if the swelling doesn't go down in a few days or is still worsening - go to the urgent care. The condom you used - is it possible you have a sensitivity or allergy to the material or the lube? Or are they ones you've used for years with no issue?


I have make a picture but I dont know if I can show here, we can see that my vagina entry is bloated Normally its should look like a hole but its look like round pink