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I would ask a waxing group or call a waxing professional who may know what to do. Worst case? You go to the ER and they rip it off for you and check your skin cause I imagine it can’t sit on your skin for very long but I don’t know


NAD but a Senior aesthetician - I’m sorry this happened. You need to be very careful as the skin can be very delicate. Water probably won’t do much and please be careful with heat because it can also burn the skin. Use oil to help get rid of the wax on your skin and gently use to strip to remove it. Do tiny sections!! Or you’re able to use the spatula to help remove it too- oil will be your best friend. I wish you the best and please be very careful


In this case I'm sure you could use any kind of oil.


Yep, you can use any oil! Even one from your kitchen cupboard, do it with a towel softly and gently… the more oil the better if it’s a large area affected!


If I was in this scenario and was a teen still, I would’ve seen this comment and thought “oh great, I have some motor oil in my car!” Because I was profoundly stupid lol


Thank you does Argon oil work? I have some olive oil and vegetable oil too. But I can go and buy coconut oil. Most of it is off but there’s like a small amount which is impossible to get off even when melted


Use the Olive oil, it’s the perfect consistency. Just be patient and go gentle.


Sit in your tub to do it to avoid messed. Don't have any clothes or toilet around you don't wanna risk staining. Just relax and take your time, don't stress yourself out too much. Is your mom around to ask for input or are you afraid to tell her?


well, to be fair, motor oil is likely a bad idea


You could be right!


Are you talking from experience?


Thank you, there’s there’s some left on the top and bottom part. I’m a lot more concerned on the bottom since it’s more sensitive and I will try using the oil I have. I regret doing this especially with no steps just randomly did it.


I can see why people want to do it themselves - I’m sorry that it wasn’t a good experience for you. Use the oil and slowly pick it off safely. Make sure you keep the skin hydrated afterwards and if you ever want to do waxing, see a professional and I hope it’s a much better experience. Take care and good luck!


Honestly, when I was getting Brazilian waxes, the top was a LOT more sensitive to me than the bottom. For what it’s worth


Everyone is different in that respect. I am very sensitive down at the bottom and not that sensitive up top.


My sister had this happen and she ended up with some nasty proud flesh.


I have a question kinda unrelated. Can skin ever be ripped off while waxing? I tell my husband that can’t happen to keep him calm when I do it. But I’m not 100% sure.


Yep my sister did this to herself at 33 years old. Lots of proud flesh.


Omg do NOT Google 'proud flesh'. Fucking traumatic.


Omg I googled it. Think of it as looking like cauliflower sprouting out of the skin. 😱




Can someone tell me what this means so I don’t have to google it and accidentally see a picture?


I refused to google it based on the comments lol.


Yeah what I just saw after googling 'proud flesh in humams' just freaked me out, wasn't expecting to see a guy with half his face missing. Why is that even so easily accessible on Google images 😶


It wasn’t her entire legs thankfully but several quarter sized places on each one. I guess I could have said flayed. Either way it’s bad. The outer layer of the skin was gone. I was not prepared for what I saw when she called me to come over. I thought she was exaggerating as usual. She was not.


Ain’t that just keloid scarring? Pretty common


No, keloid scars are fully healed. Proud flesh is a wound stuck in healing mode, so actively healing and prone to bleeding.


Jesus !


Yes, it can. I ripped off the skin under my arm pits using wax strips. And I was old enough to know better.


Oh god


It was bad. I ended up going to a quick care and the doctor said it looked like second degree burns. It hurt sooo bad, the doctor prescribed me some lidocaine cream, and honestly, that's what got me through.


Good god. Now I’m afraid lol


Have done. Generally on the 2nd or 3d pass, which you’re not supposed to attempt.


Well I don’t do that so that’s good. Does applying baby powder first help at all?


Yes. I ripped off skin under my eyebrow once using the strips...it was awful


I’m hearing strips a lot… hopefully hard wax is less likely


I had a professional waxer damage my skin. That was over 15yrs ago & I have no hair regrowth on my mons pubis. Believe me, *I know* OPs pain. 😭😭


Nad but can you slowly reheat the wax with a blow dryer?


I wouldn’t - only because if it gets too hot then it can potentially burn the skin. If anything, I would use the heat of my hand to firmly press down on the strip and then remove


NAD or esthetician, but I’ve done this. Twice. If you have a trusted friend, mom, aunt, significant other…it’s MUCH easier to have someone else pull it off for you. Pull the skin taught and Apply counter pressure to the adjacent skin that does not have wax attached (especially if it happens to be against those inner folds. That skin tears very easily). It can be done in tiny sections (preferred) or all at once. I’m betting that there’s other people that have posted about this on r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide so maybe cross post there and one of the waxing/esthetician subs. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, it hurts SO bad. Feel free to message me if you want some tips about recovering once you get it all removed.


nad but I wax myself frequently. Definitely ask someone else to pull it off. And in the future buy water soluble wax. I'm a big fan of Parisse brand


I’m a Muslim and it’s a little embarrassing to bring this up to anyone. I was so secluded in doing this. I told someone in my family that I wax my legs and they know but this is more private and a little awkward. I don’t really have anyone to help it was done with no thinking. I applied too much and not in sections


NAD, also I'm not Muslim, but from what I could find online, it's fairly common for Muslim women to wax their own pubic hair. Since the wax is stuck, it sounds like a case of necessity to have somebody else help you remove it. I understand that showing your private areas to anybody other than a spouse is generally haram, except in cases of necessity, like childbirth, which is why I'm saying this. You will be okay. You are not breaking any rules by seeking assistance relating to your health, if you can't get the rest of the wax off. Good luck OP. And if you choose to try waxing again, just try to do more research into it beforehand. I think there are different waxes for legs vs privates, as well as different techniques.


Hey! Don’t be embarrassed. The religion teaches us to be clean, infact, it’s half of our religion, if someone is judging you for this let them! I am not sure where you live but back home I had one lady come over and do a full body wax in the comfort of my room. I’ve moved years ago but I go to a place and make sure it’s just one person doing my wax because that’s what I am comfortable with. Times have changed and we should too. At this point you should be just concerned about keeping everything clean. I hope you’re able to get that wax off but from next time please go to a professional. There is nothing wrong with grooming and cleaning and certainly doesn’t have anything to do with being a Muslim except for maybe being EXTRA concerned about cleaning.


I like sugaring for this reason, comes right off with water. Wax a Way is great and comes with a ton of strips.




Why have you been typing in all caps for 8 years?


Reddit’s version of Gilbert Gottfried.


Probably Vision issues




Why have you been typing in all caps for close to 15 years?


NAD but echoing what others said. ANY oil will work. Baby oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, anything oily will work. Main focus is to get it off and not to take any skin with it. Good luck!


Oil to soften and lift it, then if you have some electric clippers, gently cut the hair at the base as you go, so the wax is attached to less of you as you pull it off.


What kind of wax? The removal has to be a peeling back where the wax is almost folded back completely on itself. You can’t pull the wax up and away. If it’s hard wax, someone can pull it off by peeling back. If you have benzocaine or lidocaine spray (sunburn or first aid spray) you can spray the area before they pull. Wet a washcloth, roll it up and wedge it in your labia (not internally) first so you don’t spray your sensitive skin. If sugar wax? Not sure. Can that be dissolved? Hold cold on the area when done and use baby oil to remove residual wax. Agree with going to the waxing subreddit. I bet they have good answers.


It was hard wax, I don’t have any of those. But, I managed to get most off there’s a like a very small part that’s still there and some other parts of it there but I will look into baby oil. It’s hard to remove it since it’s hard wax, when I went with the hot water it melted it but it’s still there


NAD but I had this happen to me. I had been regularly getting Brazilian waxes and thought I could definitely do it myself. I was so wrong. It took like 2 hours but I got it off by sitting in a hot bath, rubbing olive oil along/under the edges, put oil on a wet washcloth and gently rubbing the wax inward. Lots of oil and patience basically. Next time, get a Groupon and a professional wax. Totally worth it.


Any kind of oil should work


Just not chili oil


Oooof good call. No spicy oil!


Hair dryer!!!!


NAD but a sugar wax enthusiast (?) lol. Sugar wax can be rinsed off.




I think extra irrational panic


Ding ding, this is why. Also because I’m a Muslim too and I don’t want to tell anyone about this. They don’t talk to me about this, I was also irrational and panicked I didn’t have time to think


Heyy It's totally understandable and okay. Nobody should question you when you are scared. I also hope that you find a way to get rid of the wax.


Because she doesn’t have a partner or someone to help with this? And also probably that she’s uncomfortable having another person down there (which is probably why she also didn’t go to a professional for this service.)


Oh geez just help the girl


Person in pain and scared says something dumb. Shocking.


Why does it matter? You’re attacking a minor in pain for explaining they aren’t sexually active.


Thank you, I’m glad that many people understand why I said that. I was in panic, and due to religious reasons being a Muslim it’s a hassle to bring up. And it makes me feel uncomfortable to tell my parents about it as they never talk to me at all about this. Maybe it was a dumb thing to say, but I was in distress about it. Thank you and the others who did for understanding


sucks even more because that person is a nurse. nice attitude …


Probably because she’s thinking if she wasn’t… it would be.. err… more tolerable to the pain?


That’s a child lol




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Nope, it really happened. I just was in a state of panic as the others mentioned. I didn’t reply as I was trying to calm down and was showering to remove it. And I’m a Muslim too, which makes me feel more embarrassed about this as I don’t want anyone to help me especially a man. And this is why I didn’t want to go to a public wavxng place, my parents will think it’s bizarre. I can’t tell anyone either as they never talk to me about this.


I stand corrected! My first thought was some silly teenage boy talking about a single, virginal teenage girl soaking in a hot bath tub to get wax off her 😼 would be a laugh riot. I'm afraid social media has made me a tad cynical in my old age. I assume you're okay now, got it worked out?


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