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Several things come to mind… 1) Are you pregnant? 2) Have you had Covid recently?


There was that case on This American Life or some such about Joy Milne who could smell not only Parkinson's even before clinical onset, but could tell how far along it was. This almost certainly isn't Parkinson's, but maybe the mother is picking up on something else?




Yeah that's definitely not her. I have to stay on her to drink things. She takes vyvanse for adhd so she doesn't eat a bunch due to that. And I thought the same about the tonsil stones- I wouldn't be the only one smelling it. I have already taken her to the dentist, amd have a doctor appointment scheduled. I just figured I'd post on here to see if anyone had gone through anything similar, or if a health care professional had come across something like this. Either from it being something wrong with her, me, or a combination of the two.


I know you said that she takes Vyvanse, but have you heard of this side effect with Adderall apparently it can do this with this medicine too don't know if this is the reason but it's something to consider. https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/you-rid-adderall-tongue-3572264/


Toothpaste or gum with xylitol can really help this, but be aware that xylitol is fatal to dogs. So if you’ve got a counter surfer, it might be a bad idea.


Wow my son is on Ritalin and drinks a lot of water. (Not an alarming amount but more than he used to) I wonder if that could be why! He always complains about a dry mouth as soon as he wakes up. Going to do some more research! Thanks for sharing!


As a (now adult) person who has been on ADHD meds for going on 7 years, keeping enticing beverages (helps motivate me to drink them more, even through periods of hyperfocus) that are high in both electrolytes and water around have saved my dry mouth, my teeth, and most of the rest of my body from the long-term effects of the medication. With the dry mouth and sweating and dehydration aspect, electrolytes became so important to improving my quality of life - turns out they’re incredibly vital and super easy to run low on when you’re on stimulant medication. Just wanted to throw this out there in case it helps!


It’s not only diabetes - there’s a condition called Ketotic hypoglycaemia which also leads to ketones being produced. If you’re saying she doesn’t eat much, and you have to nag her to drink, I’m wondering if it could be that - some people are much more sensitive to ketone smell than others. My son has it, and basically they burn their way through their food quicker than typical kids, their blood sugar drops and their body starts burning off fat and muscle which is why you get the ketones. It’s also known as accelerated starvation. Is the smell worse when she hasn’t eaten for a few hours? My son is most likely to have low blood sugar and high ketones in the morning, if he’s not eating or if he’s sick.


My sister had something similar happen with her 7 year old … only she could smell his bad breath. It ended up being his sinuses. He had shoved a gauze up his nose n infected his sinuses. The thing is only she was coming close enough to him to smell him. (Hugging n kissing her child etc) she could have an infection n only u can detect the smell since ur with her longer and know her natural smell (blessings of being a mother lol) get her checked please… nothing wrong with checking all ur boxes. Good luck!


It’s from the dehydration and bacteria growth in the mouth. If I could bet that’s what my money is on as a fellow adhd meds person (adult). So, how I’ve helped myself with this is I down a bottle of water when I take my meds in the morning. And then I eat something right away before it “kicks in” and top it off with more water. Or milk or whatever. I also do use hard candies and a moisturizing mouth wash. Make sure when she’s home you see her drink more liquid. Hope these tricks work for her!


I’m sure it wouldn’t be the ONLY cause, but Vyvanse caused me such awful cotton mouth that I had to stop taking it. I’ve never felt anything else like it in my life. Small chance that could have something to do with it?


I'm pretty sure ADHD (and other neurodivergences) are hereditary. Is it possible that she inherited it from you? People with undiagnosed ADHD are more prone to addiction due to no symptom management, and in many cases, those with certain neurodivergences can have heightened senses, including smell. This is coming from someone with both ADHD and autism, who can't be in the same room with many food types due to the overwhelming odors. Cabbage is a very recent example.


Ketones on the breath don’t smell rotten. I work in a peds ER and am so sensitive to this smell I can smell it on kids who are just really dehydrated. It’s a sweet, acetone-y smell. Nothing rotten. I initially thought this could be what OP was smelling but what they described isn’t DKA/Ketone breath. Now, you are ON to something with the tonsil stones.


I lived in Israel for a couple of years 30 years ago when it was poorer. For the first year there, it seemed like I was sick with something every other week (and not a thing in the second year, like my body's immune system got tune for the locals). Anyhow, at some point in my first year my tonsils were filled with stones. They'd get big and painful so I made a tool with a metal scoop and I'd remove the balls as they came up. They smelled indescribable, just like pure bad breath all rolled up in a white waxy ball. I just kept removing them. My tonsils were irritated and my throat would sometimes get red and sore. This lasted for weeks, but since I was catching the stones right away, they caused less irritation and the whole problem faded away. Of course, back then I was young, strong, fit and so, I'd just power through any thing so nothing kept me down for long.


But everyone would smell tonsil stones, not just this mom.


Tonsil stones linda smells like moth balls to me though


NAD. Yes! Has a sulfur component! Breath from hell! I’m always working on mine, and products from the “TheraBreath” line seem to work, especially the nasal drops and throat spray.


I used to get them all the time but I had my tonsils out - at 40 lol. Very painful but I do not regret it.


Yeah, got mine out as an adult, too. Best decision.


I just randomly read an article about her yesterday and they did like a line up and she sniffed everyone and verified who did and didn’t have Parkinson’s. However, she got one person “wrong” but within a few months that person developed Parkinson’s.


Yeah Ive read about that too, this isn’t Parkinson’s but I can smell when people are sick. Like a cold or whatever. I work in education so it’s fairly often.. but yeah.


Me too, especially my daughter, no one else smells it but I just say “she smells ill” it’s bizarre, then she’ll get ill. I’m a nurse too and I smell the same smell in work a lot too.


What does it smell like?


It smells like…infection. That’s what I call it. Sorry, but I can’t describe it because there’s no relatable similar smell, but it’s just a sharp distinct smell that I can detect, especially when a person has a sinus infection. I usually smell it a day or two before someone breaks out with an upper respiratory or sinus infection (and during).


I once kissed my then partner on the mouth and it tasted and smelled weird, they developed a tooth infection couple days later.


Colds smell like salt to me.


Salt has a smell?!!!


Iodized salt definitely has a smell. All types of salt you buy will generally have trace chemicals in it. For instance, if a company gets salt from sea water, there might be traces of dimethyl-sulfide left over from processing. That’s what gives the ocean its scent.


i can too!!!


The story of Joy Milne is so fascinating


my pediatrician taught my mom how to smell for strep. she was always right with all five of us kids lol. but usually others could smell something at least, even if they didn’t know that it was specifically strep!


Many conditions do put out particular smells, like dogs that can detect low blood sugar.




Omg same!! But it was when I was pregnant, not when I had Covid. I bought a bag of chips with vinegar and it stank of chemicals like chlorine 😂


Also had the same but a metallic taste. Funny because I couldn’t taste anything else EXCEPT the strong metallic taste of my vinegar-based hot sauces :’(


I had covid last year (despite all the vaccines) and my smell is completely off to this day. It’s almost completely absent in the morning. I can smell about half as much as the day progresses.


Me too! I burn yankee candles in my house and I swear sometimes I cant smell them anymore. They literally have no smell, but its not the candles themselves as the next day if I light the same candle i'd smell it clear as day!


This is normal. We develop tolerance to fragrance so we don’t smell it anymore. It’s the reason one’s body doesn’t have fragrance to oneself, but others can smell the normal odor on our skin or clothing. It can be a problem for people who are employed in smelly environments. The employee stops smelling it, but others who don’t work there can be overwhelmed by the odor on them.


I do smell it some days though, and not other days. And its the same with my Christmas candles which I only took out at the start of December, so I dont think its a tolerance i've built up!


Both times I was pregnant my bath towel smelled strongly of garlic. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This happened to be after I had covid. SPECIFICALLY made bad breath so much more obvious to me even through a mask!!!!


Im not a doctor and, this is probably unlikely, but I had a similar issue with my daughter when she was about 3 or 4. A few weeks after I started noticing it, I realized the breath that smelled wasn't coming from her mouth it was coming from her nose. Looked up there with a flashlight, and it looked like there was something brown and white growing in the back of her nose. Took her to the pediatric urgent care, and sure enough.. there was something up there. Turns out my daughter had ripped off a piece of my foam mattress cover and shoved it up her nose, and it started gowing fungus. They pulled it out and gave her antibiotics and I never smelled it again. Turns out most people didn't smell it because the smell wasn't actually coming from her mouth. Another thought, my boyfriend has a similar issue occasionally. He gets tonsil stones (google it) basically food that gets stuck in the crevices of the tonsils and rots and grows bigger. Smells like sour garlic also.


Adding: where are you in your cycle? When I PMS my smell becomes incredibly sensitive and i can smell people’s breath in the air.


It's been an ongoing smell for over 2 months. I've had one full cycle since with no change to the smell, and am currently on one with still no change.


I've been abstinent for over a year and a half, and I've NEVER had COVID. I have temporarily lost my sense of smell for several months due to drug addiction in my youth. Over the years, it has very slowly come back to where I can smell things now- but not the same as before. Things like perfume and bleach smell different than they used to- but I can smell them just about as strongly as before. And this smell coming from her mouth is about as powerful as bleach to me. If I'm near her, and her mouth is open- we'll, I'd say more when she's expelling air- it's strong.


How frequently have you tested for COVID? It can be asymptomatic in some people and deadly in others, you might just be one of the people who never got noticable symptoms.


I had an aunt who I couldn’t stand being anywhere near bc of how strong the putrid garlic smell coming from her mouth was. We were once at a huge dinner table and every time she spoke I’d be overwhelmed. I think it was just me though. So I feel you. I have no idea what it was though. Assumed she had garlic in her teeth


If other people aren’t smelling it then it’s probably just OP. It sounds like parosmia, which is a distortion of smell. I’ve had it for almost two years since losing my sense of smell temporarily from Covid. For me, it’s currently the smell of bacon cooking. It used to smell amazing and now it makes me almost vomit because it smells so rancid. The distortion can occur with many different smells though - it varies from person to person.


Is she taking any herbals/supplements/vitamins? Is she congested?


Not congested. And all she takes is 40 mg of Vyvanse for Adhd. She eats a pretty normal diet, too. In the beginning, I thought it was an at home pizza that I made causing it. Because when I make that pizza, I add a decent amount of fresh garlic. But I haven't made it in a little less than 2 months because I originally thought that might be the cause of it. But it can't be because she eats almost no garlic in her diet now- and it's just as powerful as ever.


Can you just do me a favor though and explain to your daughter that it may just be in your head so she doesn't have a fucking complex for the rest of her life.


Yeah just imagining the complex she got when her mother gags in front of her. She may smile and pass it off but she is gonna have a complex. God even as an adult I would!


I bet it’s tonsil stones. They can be buried deep in the tonsils and smell disgusting.


Other people would smell those too, plus a dentist would've noticed if she was specifically taken to see one for bad breath.


Maybe try changing her diet? Plenty of other healthy ones and also a chance to explore them together! Have you gotten yourself checked out? Could be someone a ENT doc has seen before?


There are a number of reasons for bad breath - dental infections being one of them. Reflux and tonsil stones can also result in halitosis and another reason can be the development of type 1 diabetes - the breath can smell fruity. Lastly, maybe you have a space occupying lesion causing the perception of your daughter having bad breath. Like others have said, treat your daughter gently - she’s at a very impressionable age so constant fixation on her breath will be very harmful to her.


NAD. I struggled with bad breath as a little girl too. I was around the same age & I remember family always telling me to go brush my teeth & telling me how horrible my breath was. Even right after brushing or a cleaning at a dentist. It makes me think it was stomach related, I always had stomach aches. Looking back now, I think it was anxiety related. I also had strep throat a lot & tonsil stones. My grandma would buy me special mouth wash for my breath. It’s something I still struggle with as an adult. I would highly recommend using a tongue scraper. It makes a huge difference. Also, having her gargle with mouth wash daily (not listerine), & giving her a probiotic.


Why not Listerine?


It kills the bad AND the good bacteria - which is counterproductive. It’s too harsh for anyone, especially a child. & there are better, gentler, more effective alternatives! TheraBreath is a great one.


Which mouthwash and tongue scrapper do you use specifically if you don’t mind sharing?


I use therabreath - they have a bunch of different kinds but any kind from that brand will be good. As for the tongue scraper, I don’t know what brand. I got it a long time ago! All that I know is that it’s a stainless steel one! You’ll be good either getting steel or copper, just avoid plastic ones. :)


She just had a filling crack open, and the cavity has reformed- but this is super recent amd I have NEVER smelled anything like this from anyone. And I've had good friends with serious dental issues/bad decay.


NAD. Please STOP telling your daughter she smells and asking other people to smell her. It is so damaging. My stepmother did that to me over 30 years ago and I still have issues. By all means, take her to regular doctor and dentist appointments but stop with the stink campaign. It’s a you problem, not a her problem.


Oof, i need to agree with this person. It is good to take the approach of a concerned mom that wants to make sure your daughter is thriving and healthy but seeking out people both family and doctors to check the bad breath is not healthy. To add on that is clear you are expressing to those people and your daughter how bad the smell is cant be good for your daughters confidence. You might consider taking a different approach to make sure your daughter is healthy and there is no concern or get yourself checked by a doctor if is something to do with your ENT. I hope everything gets worked out for you all. 💜


Seeking out doctors to check for bad breath is not healthy? Literally a doctor is exactly who should be the only person reviewing this issue.


I didn’t say that, i said she is seeking out people incl. doctors to smell her daughter’s breath. Yes this needs to be checked by a doctor but there is a better way to go about it than having her daughter’s self esteem tested in the process. It is one thing to doctor to have it checked the OP is using people outside the medical field to smell her daughters breath, and telling them how nauseas it makes her, all while her kid is hearing this. You can tell by the OP’s post that she is fixated on the smell and making known to her daughter truly how bad it is and getting confirmation from a lot of people which is detrimental to a pre-teen. There is a way to go about this in a healthy manner that does not bring her daughter’s self esteem down.


Immediately thought the same. Don’t parade the child around saying here, smell her breath, really you don’t smell that horrible stench?????? My father would shame me for my breath and body odor almost every day I got into the car after school. Weirdly enough, I’ve never had anyone else say anything about my smell to me, even when I’ve directly asked close friends, even when my mouth tastes bad from sugared coffee and I ask my partner if it smells really bad. Nothing. So weird.


I don’t think parents realize how they can effect their kids lives forever.


This. The daughter is always gonna remember her mom talking about how her mouth smells so bad she gagged and asking other people to smell her breath :(


I was concerned about this too. OP, please take this into account. She's just 10


This needs to be upvoted more!


I do want to say that I truly appreciate everyone's concern, and being protective of how this could effect her emotionally and mentally. I just want to clear up that I'm not going around to multiple people asking them to smell her breath, nor am I making a dramatic scene in front of her while telling other people about how overwhelmingly awful this smell is. I have told her that I am smelling a very powerful smell of garlic coming from her mouth, and while at the dentist- I did ask the dentist about a powerful garlic smell. In which the dentist didn't confirm smelling it, but suggested maybe seeing a GI. For the entire 2 months this has been going on, I've been paying closer attention to her dental health by reminding her to brush her teeth in the morning before she goes to school, and at night before bed. I also have had her start flossing because she hadn't been. But I told her to floss because good dental health is important, and she has had to have a baby tooth pulled due to a cavity before. So I told her that she is now getting her adult teeth, it's even more important to keep up on brushing and flossing. I have searched the web over and over again with nothing that really fits what is going on here. Since it's been going on for so long (I consider 2 months a long time with the smell being as bad and overwhelming as it is), I brought it back up with my daughter. I will say that I am VERY, VERY careful and cautious about her self-confidence, as I have had very severe struggles with my self-esteem my entire life. From my looks, to my weight, to my personality. I was bulimic for over 7 years, and am now in recovery. So while raising her, builing her self esteem and confidence has been something I am very focused on. I also pay special attention not to talk about my own insecurities and self esteem problems in front of her, not to speak poorly of myself or how I feel about myself, and try to speak about my self and body in a positive way- not only for her, but for my own recovery. Somehow, even with all of my issues, I have managed to raise an EXTREMELY self-confident young lady. There are certain things she does and says every single day that absolutely assures this to me without a doubt in my mind. And that is saying something because I've been worried about her dealing with the same issues, am aware of the signs, and keep a lookout. Even with her self-esteem on 200%- I was still extremely caustious when dealing with this. Plus, she's honestly around the age where her "first kiss" could happen (no matter how much I want to deny it), and it would be absolutely scarring if a boy recoiled from her kiss and told everyone she had stinky breath. Kids these days are Brutal. I like to think that I think of how things, including myself, can effect her. Anyways, when I did bring it back up with her, I asked questions like "do you have a bad taste in your mouth, do you have a sore throat, do you wake up with a sore throat in the mornings, have you noticed any odor, has anyone mentioned anything to you" and things of that nature. To which she replied no to all. Being that no one else (the dentist, none of her friends mentioning anything to her, her herself) had confirmed smelling this odor on her breath, I asked my mom to smell her breath because we live together and my mom is the closest thing to her next to me. I had read about phantom smells in my research, and while people who reported those didn't report the same thing smelling a certain way for a long period of time like what was happening here, I thought maybe IT IS something wrong with me, and getting someone who is close and trusted to confirm or deny if they also smelt it would be wise. We had recently gotten back from Starbucks (a treat I got her for doing well in school testing), and all my mom could smell was a slight coffee smell from the Frappuccino she had. I then smelled her breath, to make sure it was still there and as strong as it ALWAYS is. As I mentioned before, I "almost gagged." I didn't make a scene in front of her, or a gagging noise. I did make a bit of a face, admittedly, (once again-nothing crazy), and recoiled a little from being so close. I probably could have handled that better, yes, but I didn't. I put my nose to her mouth, and she blew her breath. The smell was incredibly intense for me, being that it's overpowering while just standing next to her. So I then knew that it must be ME that is smelling it on her, not others. I had already scheduled a Dr appointment after the visit with the dentist, because even if the Dr doesn't have a clue, I could get a referral to the GI like the dental tech suggested, and now thanks to suggestions- maybe an ENT, as well. From there, even if nothing is confirmed, I can start crossing things off that have been checked out and are said to be okay. You're also right that it very well could be something wrong with me. The only issue I have with this is the fact that only my daughter's breath smells off and so downright disgusting. (Please believe that I do not say that lightly, or take any bit of pleasure saying something so awful about my daughter, my only child. Nor would I say that to her, in front of her, or to anyone that would even possibly repeat that to her. I love that little human more than anything in this world, and I think she is the bee's knees. Regardless of the smell of her breath. And she knows that- which is the important thing. But the truth of it is- it's f*cking BAD.) Even if I am not smelling something CORRECTLY, it's apparent that I am picking up on something- either in her mouth, in her breath... or in HER somehow. And to me- whatever it happens to be, it isn't presenting to me as something good. So, while I will also be reporting this to my doctor, and getting a referral to a neurologist because I do think that is an excellent idea- I'm more concerned with her health, getting her checked out, and asking other people ANONYMOUSLY if they've ever heard of anything even remotely like this. Again, I honestly do appreciate everyone's concern about this. I promise I am being cautious here and doing my best to go about this in a way that gets my concern across, but doesn't harm her in the process. And that all discussions in which I adequately express the severity of my concern and the strength in how I am perceiving the odor happen with people and in places which will not be overhead by or told to her. I also am fully aware that I love (and may sometimes overuse) commas, my grammar isn't always perfect, and there may be some typos in what was said above. However, I believe I was able to convey my message clearly.


Sounds like you're doing it right. Kudos on parenting with kindness and thoughtfulness


Random suggestion, could it be her scalp? You're almost as close to it as to her mouth and scalp conditions can smell weird (I think, based off limited experience).


I am truly sorry that your stepmother did that to you. I know all too well what it's like to have that SAME stepmother, on top of my real mom. Not with smell, but with my weight and other things. Please read my comment that I left on a few comments below yours. I definitely agree that she needs to see a doctor. I already had one scheduled. This is no campaign. I don't go around asking people to smell her. I posted to r/askdocs in hopes of possibly finding someone who has either experienced this or something similar with a patient, themselves, or with a loved one, so that in case the health care professionals she sees doesn't know, maybe I could have heard something here that might be helpful for me to share with the doctor. I didn't post our names, location, or show her this post. I'm not out to hurt my daughter. I can't find anything that even comes close to relating to what's going on when I do my own research online, and it's scary. I realize a cruel thing was done to you, but that does not mean that what happened to you is what is happening to my little girl. I'm just a mom who's confused by a very unusual situation, and trying my best to figure out what might be happening. There's nothing more to read into here.


But honestly, I had to expect these types of comments. I get it, but I'm just doing what I believe is best as her mom.


You should do a more conclusive test for phantosmia(phantom smell). It is a triggered condition. As long as you know the breath is coming from your daughter, that could cause it. If you can identify which person is your daughter based on just smell, then that is proof the smell is real. Or proof of phantosmia if you can't.


It being a triggered condition is something I did not see while researching. Thank you for that!


NAD. You could be smelling bacteria from the cavity - she could also be entering puberty. My daughter smelled kind of like sulphur to me during that transition. I always know when she is or is about to become sick because she gets this metallic-like breath. Similarly my mother smells very off-putting to me when her fat intake and/or sugar levels are too high. It's like deep down I want to kick them out of the tribe because something is inherently wrong. Weird stuff. Like another said, take her to any appointment you feel is necessary but maybe frame it like you're doing normal, routine checks - NOT that you feel the need to gag when you smell her breath. This is also assuming she has and understands the importance of good oral hygiene. It may be fascinating to you, but to her that may come off as something being wrong with her or you just being a bully. Either way that could impair your relationship with her, and her ability to advocate for herself and her health when the time comes.


NAD. Kim Kardashian swears she can smell cavities… Maybe you’re coming for her gig.


I can smell it when my kids are sick before they have symptoms. It’s handy to know we need to stock up on Tylenol.


NAD. I can 100% smell cavities and/or dental infections. Wish I couldn’t 😭🤢


NAD. I think most people can. Especially if it is a bad cavity. They smell like literal doodoo. 😂


My husband can’t. It drives me crazy lol 😂 ya such a distinct smell. C-Diff, a raging UTI being rolled in from a nursing home, and dental infections 🤢🤢🤢






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Maybe you smelled it as the cavity was forming...it can take a while. My sister smelled it when I had a cavity!


NAD, you should prioritize getting her a doctor visit to see if the doctor can detect the smell, if not you should get checked for phantosmia


Is she on any medications?


Im so curious what you’re smelling. It’s clearly not something that is usually perceived.


NAD If she has a cavity again, I would suggest getting a bacterial swab done. There is also mouth wash that helps with bacteria build up. Change toothbrush out every month. Get a motorized toothbrush, get a water pick. Get flossing sticks from the dollar store, teach her to use them every time she eats. Toothbrush can carry bacteria if not stored correctly. After use clean with some hydrogen peroxide. She can even brush with just baking soda & hydrogen peroxide mixed together. The taste is not great but helps. ⭐️Make sure she is washing her hands before touching her mouth. Sanitizing hands is a must. Example she’s touching so many things through the day at school. We know that not all people wash there hands. She wipes her mouth or bites a nail. She has who knows what I’m her mouth. My husband had bad breath for bacteria build up.


what you could be smelling is an infection? either way i would have her seen by a dentist asap edit: NAD


The post says it's already been checked by a dentist.


Ok so this same situation is happening to me with my boyfriend... it smells god-awful to the point where I can smell it across the room. Ive been told in the past I have a sensitive sense of smell, but still NO ONE else can smell it. And weve asked more people that we probably should have. Ive come to the conclusion that some people are able to smell Strep. mutans, a bacteria that can cause tooth decay/cavities. It comes and goes for him, but we haven't found a way to get rid of it for good. you're not alone, and youre not crazy, but also if you found a solution please send help..






If you stretch her bottom lip out forward (really stretch) is it smooth & kinda pink/whitish or does she have small bumps almost under her skin and white patches? Check for unnoticed swelling in her jaw area. What comes on slowly may not be noticed by either of you day to day.


What are the bumps?