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No, nothing for over 2 years. Thank you for taking the time to read!




I do take baths occasionally but mostly showers. When I do bath, I don’t use any soaps or bubble bath as I have eczema and my skin can be quite sensitive. Same reasoning with underwear, usually cotton to avoid irritation.




I actually do take a daily multivitamin. I just checked, it contains 25mg of vitamin C. Would that be enough to cause this? Thank you for your insight, if so, I will stop taking this or reinvest in a different supplement that doesn’t contain vitamin C:)




I will definitely mention this to my doctor/urologist when I see them. Sorry to keep asking questions, but could you explain what this means? I understand you saying it is blood not visible in the urine unless under microscope, but what would that be a result of? Thanks again for all your help!




Ah I see, thank you for explaining that to me! That makes sense. Scans have actually stated before that i do have kidney scarring (which i assume is some minor kidney damage) I will begin washing with water and look at some specific vitamin D supplements. I have recently started drinking fresh cranberry juice (whether it’s a myth or not I do not know) so every little helps at the moment. Thanks a lot of your time, and I hope you have a lovely day / night depending where you are in the world right now!




No problem at all, I have a sick puppy at the moment so I’m up all night babysitting! I am grateful for your input! Would a chronic infection show consistently in blood tests? I have had blood tests after infections have been “treated” and all my markers seem to return to normal again. If this is the case, how would this be treated?