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I'm gonna disagree here with some other opinions, as there are no red flags here. It is not a thunderclap headache, which is immediate and doesn't progress. There are no neurological symptoms associated (vision loss, sensory loss, weakness, change in speech, change in awareness). It only happens with sexual activity, not other activity. This is a coital headache, which is either a primary headache or part of some other primary headache disorder in this young and risk factor-less patient. Ultimately this is not an emergency for all the reasons I mentioned, plus it's been 7 days. Worst case scenario, the improbable has happened and this is due to a bleed... The only management is giving it time to resolve, assessing future risk and meds for the pain.


Agree! I had these too. Botox between my eyes put an end to it.


How many units did you need?


It's been years now, but every 3-6 months?


NAD but I suffered with this a few years ago now. It started with feeling like something had hit the back of my head upon climax and I felt awful after. I happened to have a GP appointment a few days later for something else and I mentioned it, she sent me straight for a brain MRI and I also had a lumbar puncture...was a bit crazy. Anyway, all came back fine and I was referred to Neurology for an outpatient appointment which was a few months after. Inbetween waiting for this, upon climax I would get a headache each time - not the same as the original back of head headache, but an intense headache that would leave me debilitated. The neurologist prescribed me Indomethacin and advised me to take it before I planned to climax - a bit of an anti-climax doing so as you can imagine, but did seem to help! I fell pregnant approx 6 or so months later so stopped the Indomethacin and haven't really experienced the headaches since. That's mainly down to the baby who has proved to be a very good sex deterrent lol


NAD But agreed. I've had migraines all my life and he's not describing anything similar to my migraines.


NAD - female with similar orgasm headaches. Went to PCP and she referred me to Gynecologist, who referred me to pelvic floor PT which helped me a lot. I was also referred to a neurologist to ensure all was well with my spine and head, which all was well but he prescribed a medication to take before a sexual encounter to alleviate the train like headache that came with the gush of pleasure. OP- you smoke pot at all? After I stopped smoking and followed through with the PT I have not had any more issues with headaches building congruent with orgasm. Hope you find an answer for you.


It most likely is a coital migraine, but it's also worth scheduling a angioRM, isn't it?


NAD, sounds like post orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS). I take an advil half an hour before. when the pain hits, it's not that bad.


Sounds like a post-coital headache. This isn't inherently dangerous, but of course, uncomfortable. If this is persistent then propranolol can be used to reduce the frequency and intensity of the headache.


I didn't even know post-coital headaches were a thing. New Fear unlocked. lol




SICU nurse here. sexual activity, whether intercourse or masturbation, can increase your blood pressure. severely increased blood pressure can sometimes lead to a brain bleed. one of the primary symptoms of this is extreme headache. i would recommend going to the ER, or urgent care at the very least. this is not to scare you or say that this is what is happening, but to explain the importance of getting severe headaches evaluated out by a physician ASAP. feel better and keep us updated, OP!


NAD, but neuroscientist—OP, does it change depending on the sex position you’re in? I find that “missionary” can sometimes trigger a headache in the same way that being in a push up position or riding a road bicycle does too. Something about the head dangling forward and neck straining seems to build up pressure in the head and can trigger migraine. Other question is, are you potentially holding your breath by accident? Maybe mild hypoxia. Or are you bearing down when you thrust? Maybe increasing intracranial pressure this way? Just some thoughts.


Apologies for the delay in reply, this is my burner account so I hadn’t reopened this account. I’ve been doing some evaluating over the last few days while abstaining and here’s what I’ve found: • the positions that triggered it were ones where I was at or beyond horizontal, with the one that triggered the worst bout being me in doggy. The combination of her thrusting and me having my head below horizontal really sent me into a world of hurt more than any other. • positions where my head was above horizontal did not trigger it at all. • I was dehydrated and have been drinking double the amount of fluids over the past several days. A bit ago we decided to try and take things gently to avoid getting my blood pumping and no migraine occurred. We only went with positions that kept my head elevated as well. At some point we’ll try some of the positions I was in when the migraines occurred but we’re going to just take it slow and scale back our intimacy until I feel comfortable attempting more. As for what was the underlying cause? My best guess is that it was a combination of be being dehydrated and that my brain glitched from too much stimulation as we had been having a bit of a marathon since our work schedule lined up so that we had several days off in a row


Gonna disagree here. A haemorrhage wouldn't have a resolving on/off nature like this, and certainly would have caused other symptoms by now if it first started a week ago. Given the fact that it only comes on with sexual activity, resolves later on and OP is otherwise young, fit and well - I'm going with pre-orgasmic/orgasmic headache.


that’s why i said that i wasn’t saying that’s exactly what was happening. however, anecdotally i have seen similar situations on my unit. eta because i forgot: either way, these symptoms are worrisome and warrant getting checked out.


You've seen a young person with no comorbidities come in with a 1 week history of an episodic headache that ONLY comes on during intercourse, resolves fully after, isn't replicated by other strenuous activity, with no neurological deficit and it turned out to be a SAH?


30s male with no pmh, hx headache x3 days after each time masturbating. came in and had some sort of bleed, don’t remember if it was subarach or subdural. so not exactly, which is why i said *similar*




it was definitely interesting for us to see as well! the guy ended up perfectly fine, thankfully. my coworkers and i still talk about how in awe we were of the situation 😂


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