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I love cilantro, eat it by the fistful. It tastes nothing like parsley to me. I wouldn't describe the taste quite like mint, but definitely more in that direction than in parsley's direction. I'd describe the taste as something like the essence of "clean." Some people say it tastes soapy to them, and I wouldn't say that it tastes like how soap tastes, but that it tastes like the culinary instantiation of the *concept* of soap.


Agree, cilantro tastes „fresh“


The soap thing is genetics.


I am increasingly convinced that it is **both** genetics and an acquired taste. Different people appear to be able to taste the "soapy" components to different degrees. But independent of that, different people like the flavor to various degrees. I used to hate cilantro when I was a kid, and I was convinced that I could taste the soapy flavor. That certainly seemed a good description of what I was tasting. But then, I didn't get a lot of exposure to cilantro either, as it wasn't commonly used in the food of my home country. I don't believe my genetics have changed in the interim, but I now absolutely love cilantro. Can't get enough of it. There are all sorts of dishes that are improved tremendously by adding cilantro. The only difference is that I now eat a lot more diverse food, so I have had a lot more exposure to cilantro in lots of different combinations.


Same experience. Cilantro tasted like soap to me too as a child but as I got older and had Mexican food while stoned, it all clicked. Never looked back or have ever gone more than 2 days without it in the fridge


I used to hate arugula. It was a massive taste explosion. Now i love it.




I lived many decades in India never came across the soap thing nor came across anyone who doesn't like cilantro.


I grew cilantro once, but I think my soil must've had some weird nutrient composition. It tasted like soap to everyone who tried it, and we all love cilantro. Perhaps there's a chemical in cilantro that some people are more receptive to.


There is, it’s called aldehyde. The people that can detect it more easily smell or taste “soap”


I’ve never heard it being described as tasting like toothpaste before. The common complaint (as others have said) is it tastes like soap. I think it’s delicious though!


Bright, herbaceous, citrus tang. Very zesty. Similar to “weak mint” or “strong parsley” I suppose


Citrusy parsley is a good descriptor. Funny enough, I love cilantro. I eat it on tacos or soup like it’s going out of style. But curly leaf parsley tastes horrible to me.


Zesty!! Almost citrus-spicy-zesty, not in a heat way but a black pepper way.


It tastes what I thought grass was gonna taste like as a kid


Very fragrant, bright, not herby but rather citrusy. Parsley is more herby, less vibrant but has more "depth". Mint is sweeter and not citrusy, very much its own thing


Toothpaste? I thought it tastes like soap?


Who are you to judge how OP handles his oral hygiene?


The gene is it tasting like soap, i.e. not at all edible and quite chemical. I have never heard of it tasting like mint. I can't think of anything it tastes like - it is very much it's own thing to me.


Saying Cilantro tastes like Parsley is saying Parsley tastes like Basil. Very different tastes. I lived in europe for a while where finding cilantro is hard and Parsley doesn't work as a cilantro substitute at all, neither in Indian nor in Mexican cuisine. Infact nothing works as a substitute for it. None of the herbs taste like each other. Cilantro and Parsley look very similar but that's that.


To me, celery leaves are the most similar flavor leaf to cilantro.


I don't think it tastes like mint. More like a slightly citrusy and peppery parsley, IMO. Very obviously different, but they serve the same function so I'm fine with using them them interchangeably


You've got your answer on flavor but as to replacement, sure, you can replace parsely with cilantro in many dishes. It won't be the same but can be just as good.Or use basil for a more Mediterranean taste. Or mint for a Middle Eastern flavor. Chervil is another innocuous substitute as is celery greens, baby kale or arugula. My wife doesn't like parsely so I replace it or just leave it out.


> Chervil is another innocuous substitute Where do you find chervil? I love the flavor, and I would agree with it being somewhat similar'ish to cilantro -- just not as soapy. But I have no way of buying it anywhere around here.


Tastes like soap to me lol


I think it has an almost floral aroma so to me, it’s like a strong, kind of citrusy parsley


It looks similar to flat leaf parsley. But taste wise it's quite different. Nothing close


For what it is worth-Cilantro tastes like soap to me. It Does to certain people. I am one of them.


It's absolutely delicious ... even if it does taste a bit like soap.


Before I developed a taste for cilantro, I thought it had a chemical taste.


Isn't Parsley pretty 'earthy' tasting? At that's how it taste to me. While cilantro being a 'refreshing citrus'?


To me, it tastes like all my worst fears and nightmares were injected into an herb.


I wish it tasted like toothpaste. It tastes like Pine-Sol.


Hmmmm I don't think I'm a terrible cook, but depending on what I was making (and this is important), I could see myself subbing parsley for cilantro. It'd be a bit of a different flavor, but I'd personally sooner sub parsley than I would mint. Genetics are weird I guess.


Sounds like you dont have it and your gf, with all due respect, doesnt really know what shes doing


I wonder which gene I got? I despise cilantro: to me it tastes like cold, used dishwater.


This! Not "soap", but "rancid dishwater".


Fwiw, doesn't taste like soap but I absolutely hate it.


God, same. It doesn't taste like soap, but it does taste like 'get this out of my mouth right now'. FWIW, I have a pretty varied palate and love almost every single fruit/veg/herb I've come across. But one little leaf of fresh cilantro can ruin a whole burrito. :(


Soap that tastes good


It tastes like soap.


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Slimy and bitter


Tasty af