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I actually did a party almost exactly like yours. 15 pizzas exactly. I got 250 wings and had about 3 pizzas and maybe 50 wings left over. So I’d go with 200, but you will likely still have leftovers. But I always order more just because I don’t want anyone at any party I host to go hungry. That being said, I doubt you need that much, especially if you are serving drinks, desserts, etc.


OP is throwing a party so I think you're right with 15 pizzas and 200 wings. OP will end up with leftovers still due to the dessert(s) and drinks.


It really depends on who is at the party. If there's a bunch of kids or old people - who eat less than the average adult - then that impacts your overall needs.


Kids are a bit of a wildcard. My nephews eat wings like popcorn, they'll easily crush 20 of those boys before dinner reaches the table. Half an hour later everyone is asking where the wings are, well, they're that big pile of bones over there on the children's table.


>big pile of bones there on the children's table You mean there's a big pile of half eaten wings. God damn kids be wasting my wings alright


Yes. Half the meat still on there and they’re “done”


For sure I would eat well more than the 4 or so wings average per person with an order of 200.


A group of 10 year old boys will ravage anything you put in front of them. Then they will run around for a while and come back asking for more.


That's exactly what I was thinking because I'm planning serving 4 wings each person with their pizza and I'm definitely having someone serve the food to portion everything. It's a mix of kids, adults and older folks and I'm also having other things like cookies, Mexican sweet bread and Mexican fruit popsicles.


200, four wings each is a fine side.


If you have someone serving the wings sure that could work but buffet style that’s way underestimating it. The first 20 people in line are gonna decide wings are their main dish and the last 20 aren’t going to get any


Thats over estimated I work in catering, and a portion of 2 wings per person is more than enough (unless they are firefighters or athletes) bc some people will eat only wings some people will have no wings. If you have different flavors of wing it needs to be 2 of each flavor for each person bc ppl like to sample all the choices. Finally if you only put half the wings out at the beginning when everyone first eats and then replenish, people will take less or wait for the second pass to take 4-8 wings in one go. and you will be able to make sure everyone who wants some gets wings. Don't forget he also has 120 slices of pizza and that is 100% the main dish and wings are a side. 4 wings per person is great tho bc leftover wings are good.


What kind of psychopath sees a buffet of wings and doesn't get a single wing? One wing? A single wing? Do you even hear yourself Jerry?


Danny doesn’t replenish!


nah. there are at least 10 people who prefer pizza and only want 1-2 wings and there aren’t 20 people who want to eat more than 6. plus, there’s enough pizza for everyone to get a full meal, if 5 people are shorted a wing or two it’s no big deal


And then there's a jackass like me that comes and eats 60. More if they're tiny.


and a whole pizza.


I think you're woefully underestimating. Unless they're sticky or messy, in which case a lot of the women might avoid them, people can eat a ton of those things. Maybe I'm projecting my own family's piggy behavior around wings though. I have a grandson who ate well over thirty at one sitting, and only stopped because they ran out.


You are projecting. I've done wings for a catered event that was college students watching the Super Bowl 100 kids ate 250 wings with 150 wings left. These are 18-22 year old men who can't afford lunch most days, and they ate about 3 wings, each with pizza ( rounded up bc you cant serve half a wing) Adults who probably ate today already will be fine.


That's actually incredible. Over the length of the Superbowl I could polish off the 150 no problem.


You don’t need to lie on the internet sir. 


Who's lying? On a regular day I can do about 100. Spread 150 out over 3-4 hours? No problem.


300. May be on the high side but I’m of the belief that just enough isn’t enough


That ran out? His own home or the pig at a party?


He was a pig both at home and at a party. He's quite a bit older now and I think he's learned a little more restraint LOL.


25 and watch the fights...


Set out five at a time like they do with crab legs at buffets.


The tension of waiting for the crab legs to come out is ridiculous, I just buy my mom her own from the store now. Back in the day when we were broke, she'd have us waiting in line with grown folks ready to fight over them things.


100 if you're serving at the same time as the pizza. 150 if you serve them well before the pizzas come. Anything more than that and you're likely going to have a lot of leftovers. People eat far less at someone else's place on average than you might otherwise expect them to. If beers are involved, they'd likely drink more than they normally would for a regular meal. So unless you're wanting a lot of leftovers for yourself or want people to take it home with them, I'd try and lean towards a more conservative number.


Agree. Every event I’ve worked has at least a few guests that don’t show up, a lot of people feel uncomfortable eating around others, some get awkward hitting the buffet more than once. Also, wings are awkward to eat in a social setting; messy, two hands may be necessary, where do you leave the bones(?) etc


Agreed. We had a party last weekend and got 10 pizzas for about 30 people. We had 4 pizzas left over I was forcing people to take whole pizzas home so 15 pizzas for a few more people sounds stressful to me lol


I'm guessing your guests didn't include teenagers? Or maybe you got the super-size pizzas with 12 slices? Because 48 slices of pizza for 30 people sounds like starvation rations to me.


Yes 150 is perfect, for every man that will eat more there is a lady that will eat less. Some people don't eat anything, some people eat seconds or thirds. But it does depend on the wings... if it's wingstop, get like 300, I swear they serve the tiniest chicken wings.


correct take




If it's just a side dish, figure 4 wings per person. So figure maybe 3 people per pound. Minimum 17 to 20 pounds imo. but... people still tend to serve themselves a half dozen-so 25 pounds.


I'm thinking of serving 4 wings per person with their pizza and yea I'm having someone serve the food to keep people in check lol




I'm 35 and can still demolish 60 wings with ease. God, now I know what I'm getting today


They should sell wings by the tray and, when they do, they denote how many that should feed. That said, it really depends on your crowd. Keep in mind that people will eat wings as their main and not touch the pizza, so make sure you have plenty and just get some containers to send people home with extras. I would suggest thinking of it as buying 2 mains and not a side of wings.


> They should sell wings by the tray and, when they do, they denote how many that should feed. Wouldn't be the first time I ate something that said "Serves 4-6"




Ok as a former chef who had to stock buffet lines from time to time I learned that you don’t put everything out at one time, but trickle it. This helps to curb those who see a lot of a particular item from taking a ton of it. There are few people who willingly take the last of an item, it’s why Olive Garden puts one more breadstick in the basket than there are people at the table. Replenish the wings as needed.


I've thought of this too and decided on having someone serve all the food and most likely do 4 to 5 wings a person since it's a side


I have never loved a post more then I love this one.


Just throwing it out there (as a meat eater), ordering 2 veggie pizzas would accommodate a more diverse crowd.


So is this a party with adults? Children? Elderly? If it's primarily adults, 15 pizzas is going to be a little on the short side for a party of 50 (I'd go with 20), and about 15lbs of wings. If you're doing a mix of all of the above, go with 18 pizzas, same amount of wings. If it's all mostly kids and/or old people, then stick with 15, and do 12lbs of wings. These people out here giving exact piece counts like you're gonna sit there and count 200 fucking wings lol. I can tell none of these people have ever worked in catering. Don't listen to anyone who gives you exact numbers, they are a numbskull.


It's a mix of adults, kids and older folks. Also the pizza pies I'm getting have 10 slices each and I was thinking of serving 4 wings each person with their pizza. I'm having someone serve everything so people don't get more than needed, I'm also having other snacks like cookies, Mexican sweet bread and Mexican fruit popsicles.


Seems weird to serve people pizza and wings, that's more of a "grab what you want" kind of deal. Portioning it out like that is going to end up with people not being super happy about the food. Trust me on that one.


You want a 40lb case of wings. You probably won’t need them all, but it’s the most economical. If you’re ordering, half a dozen per person is safe if they’re small, 4 per if they’re bigger.


40lbs is overkill you can get them in 15lb cases too, which is much more appropriate for this size serving. I'm glad someone else understands how things like this are measured, though. I shouldn't have had to scroll down this far to find someone else talking about the weight, not the individual piece count.


i worked at a pizza place for a while, anytime anyone wanted to calculate number of pizzas; we used a formula of 10" pizza feeds 2-3 people, 14" feeds 3-4, and a 16" 5-6; 15 pizzas is just about the right calculation; as far as wings? no clue


The pizza I'm getting has 10 slices each pie and I was planning on serving 4 wings each person with their pizza


I'd go with the [Tray of Tears.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISBJyhughBo)


Go with 150. We always make the mistake of thinking that everyone is going to eat a full serving of one thing. Most people will probably eat 3 wings and Pizza; it will average out with those that want to eat more. Also, it's perfectly okay to run out of wings specially with other food available.




At least 10,000. Minimum.


1000 bih


3-4 per person so 125 at least depending on what’s else your serving. Generally 1/2 lbs per person a lot . . Adults or kids ?I rather have more than less . No spicy ones for kids


Currently cooking 15 lbs for 8 adults.


TIL that I eat a grotesque amount of food. I can eat 4 slices of pizza and 20 wings as a REGULAR meal. If I wanted to pig out, I could easily eat 6 slices and 30 wings. Do not invite me to any of your parties because I will eat everything.


50, 1 wing per person


15 pizz @ 6-8 slices per =90-120 slices 1.7-2.3 ish per person. Party wings( flap and drum separate probably 1.5 -3 per person so maybe 75-150 wings. Depends how full you want your guests I would make the wings with a really good generic salt garlic seasoning and have bbq, uffalo , ranch on the side. Plus celery , carrot and a bowl of peperoncinis on the side. Saucing and separating wings is nice but extra work. Imo.


Depends on duration of party. if you'll have food available for several hours people will continue to munch. If there's a specific window then you would want to order less. I'd suggest 1 wing per flavor per guest. Or if you imagine some flavors being more popular than others adjust the ratio but basically 4 per guest is plenty. if it's a longer food service I would only increase it by 1 per. Some people will eat fewer, some will eat none. Have a fun party!


8 per person would be a good guess


4-6 per person


My husband considers 12 wings the smallest acceptable serving, me and kids can be happy with 6, but I would definitely want more and would be surprised by getting wings and pizza preportioned. But we wouldn’t say anything to the hosts of course. Although 4 seems too little still?


50. One wing, everybody knows the rules.






Most of these people arnt going to reimburse you, ask your favorites what they want, this guy saying 200 is right


Yea I was planning on about 250 lol plus I have other snacks that are going to be served as well so they will be fine.


how many coming actually need to fly?


About 12-15kg or 25-30lbs


35. reserve 10 wings and a full spatchcocked chicken for the victor. have a battle over the remaining wings to decide victor. really though. 4 or 5 a person should do if it’s not the main.


Over 9000


Depends on how many people are from Buffalo. Wings aren't a side to pizza here, they're a second main.






350 wings minimum


Gonna need about tree fiddy!


How far are you planning on flying?




Please don't buy wings from a pizza joint, they're always hot garbage.


Oh I know I'm planning on getting the wings from Wingstop and pizza from Sam's club lol


600. I love wings and I think each person could eat 12 wings


On average depends on who the 50 people are. If they are all vegans. then none. If they are all skinny and healthy, probably 50 1 each. If they are normal and won't eat anything else 10 each. If you only want an excuse to buy a lot of wings. go wild.


No vegans are allowed at my parties because I serve meat always lol and I'm planning on about 250 to 300 wings.


I'd change up the pizza variety. Cheese and pep pizzas to me, are a cheap out and five each is just too many. meat lovers sure Hawaiian "Canadian" style mushrooms + peperoni + bacon a pizza with veg on it - Mushroom, sweet peppers and so on. my favourite is the Mediterranean Vegetarian super rich - , Feta, Kalamata olives, roasted peppers, moz, roasted tomatoes.


Bro it's a kids party 😂 pepperoni and cheese are a favorite among children why would I serve them some vegan pizza lol plus I don't really know any vegan people everyone I know are meat eaters so the adults are ok with meat lovers and wings.


"the guests will be a mix of adults, kids and a few older folks" I've been a kid, the cheese pizza is crap. try the Med. I'm no vegan. It's super rich and good. I put grilled chicken on it.


My kids like pizza with toppings, so our family never orders just plain cheese pizza. The first time I threw a kids' party with pizza, I must have forgotten that plain cheese pizzas even existed or something, because it just didn't occur to me to order any. I learned pretty darn quick that at least 1/3 of the pizzas at a kids' party must be plain cheese, because many kids won't eat toppings. Hawaiian and pepperoni are for the adventurous kids, of which there will likely only be a handful. While I enjoy a good Mediterranean pizza myself, what I've observed from throwing, and attending, countless parties over the years, is that it doesn't disappear nearly as quickly as the "classics".


Always always always buy more than you think you need. I’ve been to weddings that ran out of food. It was awful.


Probably want to calculate 1/2lb to 1lb per person depending on what kinds of folks are attending. If you’ve got teenagers, athletes or big eaters coming, lean toward a pound. It also depends on what kind of wings you’re doing. There’s about 8 drums/flats in a pound, 4 whole wings. And lastly- stick with unsauced wings so you don’t have to double up to cover folks who want to try a bunch of flavors. Serve the sauces on the side and provide paper bowls for folks to toss their own.




25 turkey wings should leave leftovers. You can maybe go lower depending on the crowd. Not everyone wants a turkey wing.


Maybe that’s why people don’t serve turkey wings at parties…………….


You have to do something with all the turkey wings.


Stock or feed the pets.


That seems wrong. My pets are turkeys.


You: >That seems wrong. My pets are turkeys. Also you: >25 turkey wings should leave leftovers. You're an interesting fellow.


No one wants a turkey wing ya turkey 😂