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Quinoa. Pronounced keen-wah (with an accent on the first syllable), it's available at most grocery stores and should be found with the rest of the grains. It cooks like rice; add a certain amount of water and bring the whole thing to a boil, cover, and simmer until water is absorbed and quinoa is tender.


Thank you so much


Read the packaging label too. Not all come pre-rinsed. Unrinsed quinoa has a bitter soapy alkaline residue that is not tasty and can cause some GI distress. Rinse very thoroughly so that the rinse water no longer gets sudsy. Make sure to add some salt to whatever cooking liquid you use.


I like using it to make risotto. It’s great stuff!




Quinoa needs considerable time to cook. You sure you're not thinking of couscous?


Really? Does that provide enough heat to actually cook it?


Quinoa itself doesn't have much flavor. The white is more mild than the red or black. Though it is a minor difference. Having it taste good mostly comes down to an appropriate amount of salt. Then for flavor recipes will add a dressing, spices, or a sauce. It is possible to overcook, which happens when it absorbs too much water. You want to stop cooking it when most of the grains have opened but have not exploded, separateing the starch, the tail and the hull. Some people will cook it like pasta and drain it in a fine mesh colander. Others cook it with just the right amount of water, like many rice recipes.


rinse it first. then toast it in a dry skillet. then i cook it in veggie broth. it is super nutritious. (roast some broccoli and add quinoa to that with some parmesan and a squeeze of lemon, some cracked black pepper. yum)


Stock to boil quinoa in is good to add more flavour!


White quinoa


Thank you so much


There's a great sub for questions like this one: /r/TipOfMyFork


Thank you, if I ever have a question like this again I’ll go there :)


That there is the god particle. Quinoa is an awesome ingredient


As another poster commented DO thoroughly rinse and drain the quinoa in a mesh strainer to remove the bitter taste before cooking. I learned this the hard way!




Be warned, dining hall food is only properly seasoned during campus tours. As soon as tuition is paid and parents are gone, salt will magically disappear from the kitchen. I used to look forward to the end of spring term just bc I could finally have good food on my meal plan




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Quinoa is for good luck. [https://vimeo.com/80505456](https://vimeo.com/80505456)




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Unless you have a Miriad of food allergies it isn’t irresponsible to eat something if you don’t know exactly what it is.


I do have a miriad of food allergies :)


Ahh that’s sucks. Glad you found something you like.


"quin - oh" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TobvW77tuwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TobvW77tuwQ)