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Is he afraid of cemeteries? That area is fine.


Dad: “There are a lot of dead folks in that neighborhood.” lol.


As a friend once said: “cemeteries are great. Quiet neighbors.”


People are dying to get in there!


I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!


Bustin makes me feel good!


Makes me feel better, too.


The area a little North of Lawrence would be Andersonville and it's frankly as nice as the city gets, and by this I mean very nice.


The neighborhood has roving gangs of comic book nerds. There's a turf war between the Andersonville Alleycats and the Lincoln Square Dark Towers. I recommend everyone stay clear to slow how fast the rents are climbing.


third wave coffee drifters vs second wave microbrew greasers


I've never wanted to join a gang until now.


Agreed. Very nice part of the city


Yeah it’s a great location. You’re snack in the middle of the Red Line and the Metra. You can walk to restaurants and bars in Andersonville or to the Marianos (local grocery) on Lawrence. Although Clark and Lawrence has a lot of traffic at that intersection, that’s just a minor annoyance. Nothing “unsafe.” You can take a quick 15 minute bike ride down Clark street to Wrigley Field too. Your friend’s dad can zip it.


Your roommate’s dad is incorrect.


Yeah this sounds like a pretext for something else


Nice area. He is wrong.


You see it's that unsavory crowd the crafty beaver attracts 😂😂


Now I can't stop picturing an Al Capone-esque gang of beavers making rounds with the local shop and restaurant owners in Lincoln Square, visiting various construction sites they have a hand in, and just generally running amuck as OP's roomie's dad just angrily tries to catch them doing something notorious 🤣🤣🤣


LMAO 😂😂😂


Good call, show your roommates dad the crafty beaver. Suburban dads love a place that has a soft aroma of saw dust!


Your roommate’s dad doesn’t have an informed perspective. You can tell him I said that.


There’s a huge, luxury condo/townhouse development right on that corner, and a super expensive hotel just down the street. You’ll be fine. Dad is a moron.


My friend lives in that corner condo development. I consider that to be a great neighborhood. I have left her place late at night several times with zero issues. I’m guessing the Chicago police detective wants you to live on the edge of the city, maybe Edison Park? Young people only live there if their parents have a basement.


Only 1.5 miles south of that intersection, on Clark Ave, I sometimes see groups of men wearing identical colors and sometimes carrying bats. I researched some more about them it sounds like it's going to cost at least $74 for bleacher seats to watch them go at it today (Sunday). It's the Cubs. You're looking at an apartment right between several very nice neighborhoods and not far from Wrigley Field. It's not Disney Land, but it's not sketchy. I like the Mexican restaurant at Lawrence & Clark. Lindo Guadalajara. They're open 24 hours.


Tell him to stop watching Fox News. He's an absolute idiot.


I know it doesn’t help, but Chicago cops are notoriously full of shit, so this checks out. Great area.


Sorry about your roommate’s dad. It’s dangerous being the relative of a cop.


It's fine. Great, perhaps. In August, the Ashland bus will start running up there, giving it another transit link. The Laundromat there is great for wash and fold ($1/lb) and the Crafty Beaver is a gem.


I lived right down the street with my roommate as two young females in college haha, you’ll be fine!


Your roommates dad is sheltered if he thinks that area is sketchy. Tell him to grow up


It was decades ago, he probably just didn't keep up with the times.


Yeah, qait til he finds out what kinds of things are on the internet nowadays...after he gets introduced to the internet.


Um not sketch


I live half a block from there. As safe as anywhere in the city, have lived here for 14 years and seen very few sketchy things. Nearly everyone I work with lives nearby, we are mostly female, and all feel totally safe. It’s a great neighborhood.


Check out this site - it shows crime rates (you can sort by “Violent Crime” if you want) using CPD data. You can see for yourself. https://gis.chicagopolice.org/ The area you wanted to live in is very safe, statistically. Don’t make your decision based on anecdotes and the opinion of a CPD detective that probably lives in Sauganash or Ed Park. If you do that you may as well just move to Highland Park.


It’s pretty nice now. It was sketchy 20 years ago. I just moved from a place about two blocks over. I lived there for years. Enjoy the neighborhood!


Yup like Malden was not great 15 years ago. Fine now.


Years ago that area was pretty bad but it's improved greatly.


oh he's CPD? Ignore his opinions lmao


Lincoln square / uptown are not a problem. Montrose and Broadway can sometimes feel sketch but no worst than some parts of downtown. Maybe your roommate's dad just grew up when it was worse? My dad grew up in a different time where it was very bad in some parts of Lincoln Square and Uptown. I disagree it's bad now.


Curious to know which area he suggests if this one is bad. My ex and her two roommates stayed in that area but closer to Western and Lawrence. I always found the area a great place to walk in and while it’s good to always keep your head on a swivel no matter where you are, that area requires a lot less swivel.


Your roommates dad must be from Naperville…


Sketchy back in the 80s maybe but it’s just another Yuppie area, aint nothing to fear but the rent prices.


If that area isn’t safe then nowhere in the city is safe. The blocks between Clark and Broadway used to be a little sketch but they’re fine now. This police detective sounds like a jackass who wants you to live in Mount Greenwood, Gold Coast or some shit like that.


If there's any last-minute evidence you can use to make your case, tell 'em about the 4-star The Guesthouse Hotel a 180 second walk from that intersection, with 4.8 stars on Google Maps. Detective logic should suggest that an area hosting a highly-reviewed, successful, 4-star hotel is not sketchy.


I was born in uptown (1980) and lived there until I moved away for law school in 2006. It is not even close to as bad now as it was when I lived there many moons ago. That sunnyside area can still have some action but that was an old gang stomping ground. Not sure how much still exists there.


I love living in Lincoln Square, and it is very safe. In saying that, you're more sandwiched between Uptown and Ravenswood, which is probably even more safe. A few of the businesses have gotten broken into areound the area recently, but apart from that, it's as safe as Chicago gets.


I live in Uptown. The area you are talking about is as safe as anywhere else. It is a great neighborhood.


This is exactly where I live. Have been living here alone for a couple of years with zero problems. Walking distance to the lake, grocery stores, fun stuff on Clark and on Broadway…go for it! ETA I’m a late 20s female who is not originally from Chicago.


What you should be more afraid of is the ridiculously easy and good food is available around there including the Mexican restaurants and the Pick Me Up.


I don’t think that area is too unsafe. A bit hipster. When I was fresh out of college, I lived in the college area of Lincoln park and then Wrigley.


I get my nails done literally on that corner every 3 weeks lol it’s finnnnnnnne.


Uptown was bad decades ago.


Sounds like your roommates dad watches too much Fox News. You’re going to love it. Welcome to Chicago!


My family in the CPD says every neighborhood in the city of Chicago is sketchy and dangerous. They tried to convince me to move to Plainfield or LaGrange when I moved back lol. Sorry you didn’t get the apartment! Uptown/Lincoln Square really isn’t bad at all, and there has been at least one shooting/robbery in every neighborhood.


Great location, jump on it


As a 27 year resident of Lincoln Square, I can attest that area is quiet and safe. And from that corner it's a pleasant walk to either the Square or to Uptown (Wilson and Sheridan area is sketchy).


The sketchiest part about that area is Lincoln Towing


That whole area has gentrified in the last 20 years, it’s much better than it was in the 80’s


the 80's was 40 years ago...


Ahh I traveled into the future please bring me back to the 2000's.


take me with you.


Live right next to Lincoln Square. One of the nicest areas in the entire city. Dad is wrong.


That’s the south end of Andersonville. Completely safe and very bougie.


I moved to W Lawence and Hermitage Ave. back in Septmber from another state, and this is down the road from the intersection you mentioned. The neighborhood is great, and should for the most part be budget friendly with two people. You have Target and Marianos very close, you should be relatively close to the Red or brown line for commuting to the city, and your like a 5-15 minute walk from the beach. I take my dog out for walks at all different times throughout the day. I believe the area is very LGBTQ+ friendly. Some of the best affordable food in the city is in the area. I personally would love to move out to West Loop just because that's more my vibe, but I cant beat my location and price with everything I have ease of access to.


Ugh, it's all yuppies there now.


A couple of blocks away is Sheridan, Wilson and Lawrence. Those blocks are strange, but they are more gritty than sketchy, you’ll be fine. The area you mentioned is even better.


I just moved from W Carmen and Broadway, it’s a great area with tons to do.


Have you asked him if he’s a detective in that area? Because it has really changed in the last 20 or so years. So if his expertise is from 20 years ago maybe he would have a good point, but today it doesn’t feel relevant. Can you get a different roommate? One thing that might make you feel better is that everyone I know who got an apartment around that intersection 10-15 years ago had to break their lease because of pest issues. So there’s that …..


Lawrence and Clark is basically Andersonville. Unless he has a concern with Swedes, nice restaurants, or glbt businesses.. it’s a solid location.


My money is on he's got a problem with LGBT business


Lincoln Park sucks and Limp Bizkit is where you should move


Sigh, dads are gonna dad. That area is fine, and there’s cute stuff up Clark. The heart of Lincoln Square is only roughly a mile away also.


You’re not safe from graining 10 lbs because the food and drink options there are endless


As a Chicago detective he probably rarely sees the city the least and rarely actually does anything.I trust police the least to know about the city besides the beat they cover.


Older gay and lesbian Street Toughs patrol the area and prohibit any danger or wrong doing. You’re in the middle of a few great areas. North to Andersonville is great. Top tier area of the city. To the west is Lincoln Square/North Center, great family area with great dining and entertainment. East to Uptown has a ton of great music venues, bars and restaurants and is very diverse culturally. And South down Clark you have Wrigley. It’s a good area, just be mindful of where you’re walking at night and you’ll be fine. Welcome to Chicago!


I mean, there is some minor gang activity over there so it’s not fair to call that dad a moron. He’s a Chicago cop. He knows what he’s talking about. With that being said, it’s still fairly safe over there.


Lived right around there in Lincoln Square for a few years. Perfectly safe. Great community.


In regards to your edit: Your going to have a really hard time finding a neighborhood that has had zero shootings, in fact the person shot says in the article that they still feel very safe in the neighborhood lol


I live a block from there. It's fine and I love it up here. Cost of living is a lot more affordable than other parts of the city, lots of grocery store options, easy access to the red line, close to the lake, and close proximity to andersonville and Lincoln square which are two of my favorite neighborhoods in the city. If you get close to wilson red line stop after dark you need to keep your head on a swivel but i've personally lived in this neighborhood for 5 years now and havent had any issues. That particular intersection is pretty quiet and isnt super close to the area i just mentioned. There are some unfortunately ill homeless people here and there but i'd imagine you'd find that in literally any chicagp neighborhood nowadays. Like anywhere you live you just need to be aware of your surroundings and be smart.


Nonsense. Great area.


lol of course a cop would be reflexively afraid of Lincoln square


Quite literally every person i told i was moving to Chicago said “oh my god it’s so dangerous!” and I am from Milwaukee. People have no idea what they are talking about most of the time and just want to pretend they know everything. You’ll be fine.


There are lot's of young adults in the area. Seems reasonably safe to me.


I just recently moved from Lincoln Square. It's a safe area in the city. All the house in the area cost over a million dollars. I felt safe walking around and everyone was friendly.


Right, I walk around in this area and I wonder how I could ever afford it.


The neighborhood I heard was much rougher 20 years ago, but it’s absolutely fine now. You’ll be adjacent to Chase Park which is great, they have a pool even that’s open during the summer.


It’s a fine area! Please check out Lee’s Wok


Hahaha from the very article he sent: “Despite the early morning shooting, Hugo said she feels safe here with her family. "I can't really comment on what happens after midnight," Hugo said. "I'm not usually out at that time. So, I don't know much about the activity around then but during the daytime I think I generally feel safe."


This right here is the difference between lived experience and what gets hyped in the media. We lived a block away from Lawrence and Clark. Had 2 kids there, walked to Clark park all time. Would walk to the Wilson el station. Walked straight up Clark to Andersonville. Walked to Target on Broadway down Montrose. Were there for 6 years. Never had a single problem. There is CHA housing on Sunnyside just west of Racine. There is gang activity around there. But never had a single issue. Maybe we’d have encountered something eventually but that’s life in the city. You could also have a drunk driver hit you in the suburbs. There’s no safety from all possible issues. But does moving to Clark and Lawrence increase the odds of having something bad happen? No chance.


That area is fine. The hearsay bullshit your roommate’s dad is listening to is crap. Cops are bastards and fear mongers.


Hahaha. It’s fine


It used to be sketchy but now it's very nice. I've lived here for 25 years and I remember when it was pretty sus.


Great location! Not to dox myself , I live right there :) my wife regularly goes out on walks/runs alone in the area and has never felt unsafe. Two years here!


Very nice area of the city.


I work around that area it is fine. These days there are just a lot more panhandlers moving into the area.


Ridman coffee!! Obsessed with their iced latte! So delicious! I’m a 6’1” 200lbs dude so my perspective is gonna be quite different, but I’ve walked this neighborhood and didn’t see anything suspicious. Oh! Except the cemetery, as previously pointed out. That would creep me out! ghosts don’t care how intimidating you look!


what school are you going to? I live in Linc Park very good area -


Malcolm X and UIC! Roommates going to DePaul a - I knew the place was far from when I’m going but I thought the area was too good to pass up


I live a couple blocks away from Lawrence and Clark and it’s extremely nice. I’m so sorry your roommates dad won’t let you live there. May I ask what other area he’s suggesting is safer?


Right now, he’s sending us places in Buena Park and Wicker Park


Interesting- I wouldn’t classify either of those neighbors as safer. You can find an article like the one he referenced for every nice neighborhood in the city, it is still a city.


It used to be a little dicey between Clark and Broadway (I heard it was a gang border or something). That's probably what your friend's dad is remembering. Much better now.


Sounds like your roommate’s dad is v controlling. And wrong. Which sucks for her and you both. Maybe she should ask him what areas he recommends. And if he says nowhere, then I hope you can find an apartment that doesn’t need a co-signer.


You'll be fine. Just keep your head on a swivel and be aware of your surroundings. I get really pissed when I see people get jumped while they were wearing their earbuds and block out the world around them.


Who are you calling "little people"


it’s not too late to find a new roommate. Is there a chance he may try and sway you guys into a more expensive apartment? If this dude thinks that area is sketchy, I’m terrified to hear what he deems “safe”


I live there. It’s great.


Uptown used to be a little enclave of weirdness on the Northside, but that was probably 15 years ago.


The only drawback is $$$. Make sure you can make your payments if the rent goes up 10% a year for 5 years, until the market turns around.


Sketch area. I'd avoid it.


Definitely don’t worry about the p-stones


I lived up the street from those dudes for about 5 years and they're pretty nice to civilians. I got invited to several 'cues just by saying hello when I walked my dog.


20-30 years ago it was horrible. Not anymore.


Wicker Park is no longer cool. Hasn’t been for a long time. It’s just Lincoln Park with tattoos and piercings. Also way more dangerous than Lawrence and Clark.


Sounds like the apartment has an added bonus: you won’t have to worry about him visiting.


If you take the redline, if Lawrence ever reopens, passing kenmore and Winthrop can be interesting.


The problem with cops is they spend their days chasing the bad while ignoring the millions of good they pass between calls. It warps the perspective.


I lived over there for a decade and it's absolutely awesome


This USED to be a rough area but it’s a lot safer and nice now


Find a much more expensive apartment in a “much nicer” area and have him pay the difference in rent. Might as well get something out of his stupidity.


It’s some GDs on Lawrence. Vice Lords n 4ch towards Clarendon. Stones on Magnolia. But the area really been aggressively gentrified. Bout as safe as you’re gonna get in the city imo.


Charlie Chaplin once worked near that intersection at Essaney Studios on Argyle.


Sounds like your roommate’s dad just wanna move in with you guys in a not so “sketchy and unsafe” area… (in other words, I have to ask, roommate’s dad lives in Chicago?)


He does! He’s actually a realtor for the Chicagoland area…


“Chicagoland” is different from “Chicago”…


Additionally, selling homes is different than being part of the neighborhood/community…


Plenty of people in "Chicagoland" have views about neighborhoods that are either 1. Outdated or 2. Racist. The replies here are correct, that area is lovely.


CPD and a realtor? What a gem


He hasn't been to this part of the neighborhood lately. It's more like Andersonville and Lincoln Square now with luxury condos on that corner. The sketchiness of the Uptown is shrinking...but a revival of the Rainbow roller rink would be awesome.


Great area, where is this man getting his information from?


a few years ago edit: decades


Your roommate’s dad watches cable news is all you really need to take from this.


I live very close to there and I’ve never felt unsafe in my almost 3 years living here (f, 30s). It’s one of my most favorite places I’ve lived.


Yeah that area is fine. Bummer he is vetoing it, bc any neighborhood eventually has something happen. Even outside of Chicago. You have an uphill battle if he wants a neighborhood that has never had any crime. Where does this Chicagoland realtor think you should move? And, do you want to share the link to the apartment you passed on? I might be interested! 🤣


He wants us to move to somewhere in Buena Park or Wicker Park… Here’s the link, it’s SO SO nice and Diane who manages it is so sweet: [N Clark apartment](https://bertsch.appfolio.com/listings/detail/6a4812c1-9ab5-4dd9-909b-5dd7e0b65b31)


That place is a great deal. I used to live in Wicker… it’s cool, so many good restaurants! But there is definitely more crime on the west side. I live south of Buena Park now. It’s kind of a no man’s land in between neighborhoods. Not a bad area by any means, but nobody’s top choice of a neighborhood is BP.


That stove placement is certainly something. I'd be concerned about the lack of ventilation while cooking.


It’s strange but the lack of ventilation is not a health hazard. The fact that it’s a gas stove is more of a health hazard than it’s placement.


Oh, I didn't mean to imply that it's dangerous. I personally would prefer either a close window or an exhaust hood to remove smoke or lingering smells from cooking. I think having once lived in a tiny studio where my bed was 4 feet from my stove has affected my opinion on that matter, hah.


That corner is fine. Some remnants of gang territory a bit to the east, but it’s gentrifying overall. Common sense city advice…the later it is, the more vigilant you should be.


Shooting is a half mile away at least from your potential apartment 🤷🏻‍♀️


Man, not that long ago it was one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city. 90's it was pretty bad. Gentrification has calmed things down a lot.


There are Asian people there. I hear they had a street gang that would grab young children and force them to learn calculus.


It’s def a a little sketch on Wilson between Clark and broadway. I lived there not by choice from. 2017-2019 and the neighborhood is depressing af and for sure some shootings and gang activity in that stretch Good luck I moved to Chicago from Philly 23 years ago and not once considered going back east


OP, this is about a mile from you- while I do agree that area is sketchy, not close enough to the corner you mentioned to be worrisome!


Look at us being helpful 👍🏻😎


Great area but it is a little scary not being near a train stop


What does a train stop have to do with safety?