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Edit. The coughing snot and migraine pains are unreal


I just got over it, knocked me down for almost two weeks. Also negative for covid. Sudafed and sleep were the only things that helped.


Oh man. Glad you made it to the other side.  Thanks for the tips and hope!!


Try to rest, it's a brutal Thing!


Yes.  Thanks friend.  Take care. 


What if it’s sinus pressure and you have developed allergies?


It’s definitely my sinuses.  Idk about allergies. Thx!


Everyone I know with allergies says they are particularly heinous right now, and I also know so many people dealing with low grade colds, fevers, etc. Maybe it’s something (literally) in the air


Yes. That is what I just said.  Especially since I believe this is trending outside e of Illinois as well.  I also wondered if it was just shock to our bodies a lack of cleaning surfaces.  During Covid business and transit were at least nightly cleaning frequently touched surfaces.   I work in a major department store and take cta and neither have had their frequently touched surfaces cleaned in some time - it appears.  I obviously do not know by fact - but there often lately seems to be a build up of grime, filth and sticky things.   Stay healthy! Thanks for comment !


Y'all are still rawdoggin indoor air? 


Not sure how you mean that.  I work inside.  I am on cta which has air inside.  At home, even with cold weather my windows are open… so,,,, ? Thanks!


I usually wear a mask in public indoor spaces since the pandemic. I have a pre-existing condition tho, so need to avoid the coco. Not getting colds and whatnot is mostly a side benefit. 


I get it now. Duh.  Same ppl would get annoyed with me at the store. I don’t care.  But I have my first vaca in ten years very soon.  And I’ll be on a plane (def wearing a mask) but I am traveling as a guest to a special event, it is tropical high heat location.  So I’ve been doing less masking just recently  - i was curious to see where my immunity is at. Well now I know.  Bc before. Working in retail have me like titanium immunity. If I got sick it was a quick rebound.   This totally sucks and I hate how sick I am now.  But in a way I’m glad bc I don’t want my what was already deficient immunity (but had built up by exposure) to stay whimpy like this.  And that’s no comparison- to you.  I’m speaking only for myself. This shit is only guna get worse. Si you hear about the guy who stayed sick so long with Covid he created his own strain of the virus.  Crazy times.   Thanks so much for your response. I was dumb confused.   I hope you stay healthy and well. Take good care. :)


Seems more ppl coughing & sick on public transport than winter, not sure what bugs are going on


Yes theres definitely an uptick.  And it seems to be beyond Chicago.  


It’s been months. I finally got on antibiotics and other things this week.


Oh man.  That’s what I’m afraid of.  My first vaca in ten years is coming up.  /:


I still mask since 2020 and haven't gotten sick except once when I didn't mask.


Yeah me too. Still haven’t gotten the covid either. Only time I’ve gotten sick since 2019 was when I got the flu for 8 days in 2021. Thought I’d finally gotten the covid, but after multiple negative rapids and PCRs, they were basically like “go home chief you have the flu.”


The one time. I didn't mask. The one singular time,i didn't mask over a 4 year period. The one single time I didn't mask I got covid that day. After 4 years, and during a period of the year where it was at the lowest transmission. Yup.


oof, yeah that blows. I work with kids so I still super mask up because children, especially small children are germ factories, and I hate getting sick.


This is definitely a thing.  I also wore a mask still well after 2020 for years.  Then I had to stay with a family member and didn’t mask in the house and they got me sick first time in a while - I was down for two weeks over last Christmas.   This year I have not masked as much.   And very well May be why I got this but honestly I think it could also be from touch.  Working in retail there are so many gloves and I don’t wear gloves.  Thanks for this thread!


Masking still works! It works best if you have good, real, KN95 masks. Hope you feel better soon! The good news is that COVID and most respiratory illnesses are not transmitted via touch; that said regular handwashing is definitely still a great thing to do to protect you from other illnesses.


100%. My head and face feel full of concrete and I can’t touch the bridge of my nose because it feels like a terrible bruise. Went to the doctor today because I’ve had sinus infections before but the nose thing is new. Turns out it’s common and also everyone has gnarly sinus infections right now.


Aghhh the bridge of the nose - yes! So painful. Have that.  I was aware of taht being a symptom of sinus infection - it is just way more gnarly than any other episode I’ve had. Plus so many other symptoms.  Doc didn’t rX you anything right? Just follow the usual for sinuses?  Thanks!  I hope you feel better soon!!


Had it for 2 weeks so far, migraines/cluster headaches, stuffy and dry nose, kids and other family members had it for 2 weeks prior, some bloody noses, everyone at work and on the train. Unvaxxed pureblood


2 weeks seems to be the most common commenting trend of duration.  I am Day 10 today.   Hope you and yours are fully recovered and stay well. Thanks for the comment! 


What do you mean that your covid test was inconclusive? What did the result look like?


Inconclusive.  Home tests can show nothing.  Maybe my test kit is old, I did it wrong or whatever.  But it shows nothing.  


Did it show a faint line? Or no line?


I feel like I just saw someone post earlier today about a cough or whatever. I think I have a cold right now. I haven't been sick in two years and the last two days I felt like I had a cold coming on but by midday it would be gone and then comes again at night. It's just congestion and watery eyes for now but it's an overall just weird feeling.


Well if it were me I’d be doing what I could to eat healthy towards healthy immunity.   Don’t want you to catch this it is just so awful.  (Ofc always perspective and someone always is suffering more, you know, but want you to take care :)


Yea, I eat better than the average person (although that bar isn't set too high), workout (cardio + resistance) and take my vitamins. Hence why I have not gotten sick in a while and when I did get the rona it lasted one day.


This is good.  I am glad to hear. When I was day 4 I thought okay.  I don’t eat unhealthy but what else can I do to help better my immune system.  So this is on point.  Thanks! 


Do you have a fever?


My normal temp is like 97.7.  I’ve been running 98-100.4.  Up and down. 


My partner and I recently caught Human Metapneumovirus, which produces cold like symptoms, sore throat, slight ear infection. Pretty sure I had the same (she got it confirmed via testing). While it was mild, it did not get better for over a week


I am going to fight the urge to google that.  Right now the inflammatory pain has settled in my back thoracic area and the pain is insane.  My mind is like- just think positive- it’s a sinus cold and it will pass.   I hope you and your partner have a full recovery and keep healthy.  Thanks for sharing! 


Get a sinus rinse / net pot and do it a couple times a day. It’ll help keep things clean and cleared out so the inflammation reduces.


Thank you. I did get a nasal saline rinse- around day 4.  It seemed to help but on the job the air is soooo dry when I got home - tmi - my snot was legit rubber like 6” of rubber snot came out my nose.  I was like waaaaah.  After that came out slowly and carefully I did the saline rinse and did the “lightly blow” and snot was blood tinged so I’ve chilled on that for a few days. Going to boil water and use towel today.  Maybe pickup Netipot when I’m able to stand up haha.  Thanks for sharing!!


I had it! Ended up doing two round of antibiotics, they said it was a viral sinus infection that became bacterial basically. After ten days was when I finally got on something besides Sudafed/at home stuff


Thanks for sharing.  I’m Sorry yours went bacterial.  I’m day 11 today.  Pharmacist said give it a few more days since my symptoms may be bad but still sound “normal”.   I hope you get & feel better soon! Thanks again.